We have received word that prison activist Shaka  Shakur is slated to be transferred back to a  control unit prison. Shaka spent many years at the  Maximum Control Complex control unit prison in  Westville, Indiana where he struggled from the  inside to shut it down. Now the Indiana DOC wants  to send him back to a control unit prison--the SHU  unit [Security Housing Unit] at the Wabash Valley  Correctional Center.

We are asking for you to make calls, faxes and  letters to Commissioner Debruyn and Superintendent  Al C. Park (addresses and numbers are listed  below). Shaka has devoted much energy to seeing the  movement grow on the inside and the outside - this  is a retaliatory move the Indiana DOC that must be  stopped.

Commissioner Debruyn, 804 State Office Building,  100 N. Senate, Indianapolis, IN 46204, Phone: 317- 232-5715, FAX: 317-232-6798

Superintendent Al C. Park, Indiana State Prison,  P.O. Box 41, Michigan City, IN 46360, Phone: 219- 874-7258, FAX: 219-874-9001

Please send a copy of your letters to Shaka at:  Shaka Shakur, 28443, Indiana State Prison, P.O. Box  41, Michigan City, IN 46360


 Dear Sir,

I am writing regarding the upcoming transfer of  Shaka Shakur DOC 28443. He is currently  incarcerated at Indiana State Prison in Michigan  City and is slated to be transferred to the Wabash  Valley Correctional Center--more specifically, the  SHU. Mr. Shakur has spent the last two weeks in the  infirmary at Indiana State Prison and is in need of  direct medical attention. He has already been sent  to an outside specialist once and is scheduled for  an EMG by an outside specialist very soon. Mr.  Shakur is finally receiving treatment for his  medical situation which has been ignored for almost  a year by the staff at Indiana State Prison. Mr.  Shakur is on crutches and must be moved about the  prison via wheelchair.

It would be unconstitutional to transfer Mr. Shakur  to the SHU Unit, a high security disciplinary unit.  The SHU would not be capable of handling Mr.  Shakur's medical situation. Mr. Shakur has served  time at the Maximum Control Complex in Westville,  Indiana. The Taifa v. Bayh settlement mandates that  all inmates be placed in general population upon  release from MCC. It would seem that this transfer  is in retaliation for the filed petition about the  unhealthy conditions--leaking roofs, rats, etc.-- currently existing at Indiana State Prison that has  brought in the Indiana Department of Health.

If it is not in retaliation of prisoners trying to  keep themselves free of disease, why are they not  being transferred to other open units at Indiana  State Prison?--when the space does exist. Mr.  Shakur must not be sent to the SHU, and this  medical situation must be given highest priority.


[your name here]


 My name is Shaka Shakur. I am a 28 year old New  Afrikan Political Prisoner and member of the New  Afrikan Independence Movement (NAIM) fighting for  the liberation of the Republic of New Afrika, in  the Southeast part of the united states. At the age  of 16 I was arrested and charged with the erroneous  charge of "attempted robbery." I was  railroaded/convicted and illegally sentenced to 30  years. Despite the fact that I was charged with the  wrong crime and illegally sentenced to 30 years  (when by law I should have received no more than 8  years), I have served 12 and a half years of this  sentence.

While in prison I embarked upon a journey of self- education and politicization. I became a  politically conscious and a politically active  prisoner. A prisoner who understands the socio- economic relationship and role of my imprisonment.  A politically conscious prisoner who understands  the overall political ramifications of the u.s.  domestic genocidal policy of mass incarceration of  New Afrikan (Black) people in particular and all  oppressed working class people in general.

With the transformation of my character and sense  of political awareness, for approximately the last  ten years, I have made a conscious effort to  educate, politicize, and organize my fellow  prisoners. I have implemented numerous programs at  my own sacrifice and persecution, to help ensure  that those of Us who are released return back to  the community as assets instead of predators.

I have been active in working with both inside and  outside civil and human rights organizations,  political organizations and some progressive  attorneys. I have worked with some of these  political organizations in not only trying to  alleviate some of the third world conditions We  exist in inside these prisons, but also to expose  such blatant contradictions to the public/world, of  a hypocritical system that proclaims to be a  democracy. As a result of such actions and efforts  I have been targeted for brutalization, harassment  and torture both mentally and physically. As a  result of exercising what is supposed to be a human  right, I have been discriminated against and  politically persecuted by those who are supposed to  be sworn to uphold the "law."

The Indiana Judicial System has refused to abide by  its own colonial judicial laws, by not reversing an  illegal conviction. In at least ten other cases,  with issues identical to mine, the court has ruled  for new trials. However, in my case, the courts  have refused to apply the same principles of law.  They have chosen instead, for political reasons, to  discriminate and allow an illegal conviction to  stand. The State of Indiana has instead chosen to  deny me a new trial as dictated by their own law.  Why? Because I have chosen to pledge my allegiance  to a set of principles and politics that the  enemies of freedom fear.

Because I have chosen to dedicate my life to the  upliftment of humanity, to the betterment of my  community. I am forced to remain illegally held in  a dungeon. I am forced to be held inside an  "administrative segregation" unit under close  supervision and monitoring, under restrictive  movement. In spite of the fact that I have not had  a serious rule violation in over two years. I am  fighting for a new trial. Help me force Indiana to  abide by its own laws and discontinue its political  persecution. I have done my time and paid my dues.

In the spirit of commitment and struggle,

--Shaka Shakur, 6/24/95


 From a very reliable and confidential source inside  the Scotts Correctional Facility (SCF) in Plymouth,  Michigan, it has been reported that on July 31,  1995, in the housing unit "Essex," a woman was  found in a coma.

Sources have revealed that this woman was  sadistically beaten by seven women prisoners who've  been caught. This savage beating was supposed to be  over a $4,000 drug deal gone bad. The irony of the  story is that the woman beaten was tied up and  gagged and locked in a maximum security area where  only the officer has a key to let the prisoner into  her cell. This would suggest that the seven women  who beat this woman into a coma had to be let in in  order to carry out their deed. This would suggest  that an official knew and allowed this act to  happen.

The federal government had officials at the SCF and  was looking into this issue and past issues in  which the feds had been investigating.

We are beginning to see within the Michigan  Department of Corrections (MDOC) a build-up of  abuse and attacks against prisoners whether  directly or through indirect means. For example;  the incident at the Michigan Parole Camp where six  corrections officers strangled an inmate on July  13, 1995 because the officers thought he had  swallowed some drugs. While this prisoner was down  on the ground and handcuffed he began to choke from  the officers attempting to force him to open his  mouth. In addition the officers had lost the  handcuff keys whereby they were unable to uncuff  the prisoner's hands while he lay dying. However  the officials, very neatly had all the witnessing  inmates transferred to higher security facilities.  There has been no substantial news coverage of this  incident, which suggests that the MDOC is  attempting to 'cover this up.'

There was also an incident at the Charles Egeler  Correctional Facility (SMN) where one corrections  officer attacked and assaulted an inmate by  punching and slamming this inmate into a wall. This  officer had to be restrained by another corrections  officer. Pending the investigation of this  incident, the assaultive officer has been suspended  and the inmate who was assaulted has been  transferred from the Egeler facility.

These brutal acts by MDOC employees can only occur  if the higher officials in Lansing, Michigan turn a  blind eye to what is happening within the prison  system, which for the most part is what they have  done. The public is fed a bunch of lies and rarely  does the public show a concern about "human rights  violation" unless mass media attention is brought  on the subject. Something must be done. If these  acts continue to occur, then I fear that we will  see an explosion unlike Michigan has ever witnessed  and there will be many people dead, maimed or in  other dehumanizing conditions throughout the prison  system.

If Michigan wants a "Lucasville" to take place,  continue to be silent.

--a Michigan prisoner, 8/14/95


 MIM has received letters from nine prisoners from  the same unit in a Texas prison. They all wrote  similar letters about the oppressive conditions and  abuses they face:

 Dear Comrade,

I'm writing in regards to my and many more  prisoners' present condition. Currently myself and  about 100 to 160 more prisoners are suffering  tumult and oppression at the hands of high level  officials here on the Terrell Unit.

The administration on this unit has  unprofessionally and biasedly placed us on  "Institutional Lock-Down" for the offense of one  individual, whom they have in segregation. We have  been denied a hot meal for over a month now.  Sometimes the meat they feed us is spoiled. Many  times the chicken salad will contain bone  fragments. Sometimes the milk is spoiled and the  officers refuse to exchange it.

Don't misunderstand me, they are feeding us but  they're feeding us in paper sacks which do not  contain the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)  and it's barely enough to sustain one's appetite.  On occasion there are cases where the supervising  officials will deny a prisoner their food for any  given, apparent reason. Sergeant Owens (first  shift) and Sergeant Harris are two among several  officers who have denied meals here on Terrell  Unit. There is no reason to deny food to any living  being.

Furthermore, we suffer further tumult and  oppression at the hands of this administration in  the fact that we are denied visitations. This is in  fact a violation of TDCJ-ID regulations which say  that visitation rights will not be denied as a form  of punishment. In addition, the administration has  refused to feed us by RDA guidelines, denied us our  TDCJ-ID mandated one hour of recreation. In many  instances medical treatments either audaciously  denied or delayed for days. The most common claim  is that they do not have the appropriate staff to  escort an inmate to the infirmary, when in fact  there are an estimated 1,000 employees for the  Terrell Unit.

The administration claims that their foul prone  action are due to the violence on this side of the  building. The truth is that violence exists in all  prisons. The administration here took it upon  themselves to impose unjustified punishment upon  us. No one can bend, manipulate or go above Federal  and state laws but this administration has decided  to do just that.

This is a clear showing of the cruel and unusual  punishment that has been heavily imposed by this  foul-prone administration on Terrell unit. This is  a clear violation of the 8th and 14th amendments as  well as a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Nevertheless this is our present state and not our  first. The last lockdown lasted 11 months with no  visitations, no hot meals, no allowance of outside  recreation. We are currently in desperate need of  your help in contacting a federal agency in Texas  and the TDCJ-ID director of internal affairs, John  Mcalliffe, to investigate our situation.

Lastly, please reply to confirm that you indeed  received this letter. This insecurity is due the  fact that mail is often "lost," "misplaced," or  delayed.

Whatever help or pressure you can assist us with  will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your  time and help.

--Several Texas prisoners, 9/13/95 - 9/14/95



I received MIM Theory 8. Thanks! A couple of items  from you were censored earlier by prison officials  here. I'm not sure if you received notice of if the  materials were returned. In January 1995 the  implementation of administrative bulletin 95/i  added to the greatly expanding censorship policies  of the California Department of Corrections (CDC)  and the reducing of due process safeguards or  accountability of prison staff.

I have multiple civil actions pending in federal  court, but in the meantime Pelican Bay State Prison  (PBSP) and the state of California are the supreme  law in this corner of the land. No civil liberties  or constitutional "rights" for us here! The whole  system of judicial review is so inherently unjust I  suspect my lawsuits will be dismissed or  prejudicially ruled in the state's favor, due to  the fact that I have no lawyer, no support and no  way to publicize the blatant injustice being  perpetuated!

I am so sick of all the bullshit. 5 years of filing  writs, literally fighting prison officials and  relentless activism and it amounts to nothing. No  comrade to visit me. No local contacts to assist  from the outside. No solidarity. I read all these  prisoner rights materials. Where are these people?  Why have I never had an opportunity to participate  directly in their projects?

I have turned a 7 year robbery conviction into 30  years plus 25 to life prison term, permanently  stuck in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) 24 hour  lock down and still fighting! I have suffered the  beatings and torture of prison life, yet I'm strong  and proud!

Is there a comrade or a support group out there  that can keep in contact with me and be a source of  encouragement, maybe assist somehow with my  struggle?

In struggle,

--a California prisoner, 7/10/95

 RCG1 responds: This prisoner speaks of solidarity,  support, comrades, contacts, assistance, and  encouragement. He feels all alone and that his  struggle has amounted to nothing. Readers of UL&K,  what do you think? Do you feel that this prisoner  is alone in the struggle? Do you feel that all his  struggle against oppression has amounted to  nothing? Do you have any suggestions about how this  prisoner might build a support network at his  prison?


 While I'm here on Disciplinary Confinement (DC), I  get to see first hand how these pigs outright lie  and falsify official documents. On the other wings  most of the cats (prisoners) are busy, most notably  watching television, being quite complacent so  there's no reason for the pigs to harass them.

Here on DC you can't have tobacco or coffee, it's a  crime in the pigs' eyes, so they constantly shake  you down looking for it or anything else they deem  to be contraband on DC. Recently I had an episode  in which they took my calendar!

After a week of writing the usual grievances, I  managed to actually see the Captain. He tells me  that calendars are contraband on DC. Only the state  issue items are allowed which gives the pigs a lot  of leeway, as they'll take a few items this time  and some more next time. It's just a harassment  game with them.

I use my pen a lot against them which they do not  like at all. Using their own rules to point out  their mistakes, lets them know that I know what  they're doing and use the paperwork to help  establish a case against them.

I know the obstacles in my path and I'm well aware  of what's ahead of me. I just refuse to compromise  my beliefs or to become complacent in here.

The other night two brothers got into an argument  about nothing really, a simple misunderstanding. My  comrade tried to tell them, "Hey you should be  arguing and fighting with he pigs, not each other!"

The reply was, "That's just a fantasy, an illusion.  No one does that." What happened to others was of  no concern to him, all he cared about was himself  and getting his. Which explains the mentality of  this place and most of those inside this state.  It's sad, isn't it? When they speak of getting out  and back into it is to get theirs: the money, the  cars and whatever else they can buy. Capitalist  criminals, always thinking of how to make  themselves rich. Little do they realize that in a  few years we may have martial law in this land. You  can see how the police-state mentality is slowly  growing acceptable, all in the name of "safer"  streets.

I have found a comrade here on DC and we both enjoy  MIM Notes, as well as continue to struggle against  the fascist administration. Perhaps in a few more  months we'll be able to find other comrades besides  us. Trying to show these cats how wrong capitalism  is and how we need a revolution to fix it all, is  like trying to convince someone the glass is half  empty when they swear it is half full. It's that  early indoctrination of the importance of money and  capitalism. Breaking through all of that will take  some time.


 Double-celling is proceeding apace. Some of us  political prisoners are forced to work in Unicor. A  comrade was framed recently.

--a Kansas prisoner, 5/1/95

 I was in Vietnam, captured as a POW, and received  better treatment than that which is now being  afforded to me here.

--a Colorado Prisoner, 7/17/95

 The blowers are being turned on in our cells,  causing the temperature to drop to around 40  degrees. This started about a month ago. For the  first week the blowers remained on 24 hours  straight. Since then they are turned on at 7 a.m.  and shut off at 4 p.m.. The reason: an alleged high  level of carbon monoxide.

--a Maryland prisoner, 4/3/95

 The beatings still go on. Isolation cells are still  being used, although I hear that both the "pink- room" and the "cadre area" isolation cells are no  longer to be used due to a government  investigation, but if so, it hasn't started yet.  The physical and psychological torture is applied  constantly and the blowers I mentioned are still in  effect.

--the same Maryland prisoner, 5/7/95

 Texas no longer feeds its captives beef. Yeah  they've got a new flavor, "VitaPro" (soybean). They  are actually feeding us animal food. That and pork  (forced vegetarianism). Despite the fact that the  system raises and slaughters thousands of cows and  pigs a week. Obviously being sold for private  profit.

--a Texas prisoner, 6/2/95

 We've been facing down attacks from various  plantation "administrators" because of our  political activities. Our press has been withheld  from captives at different kamps. One brother was  put in the "hole" for a piece that he wrote on the  Oklahoma City bombing by the right-wing  reactionaries. Another brother was placed on "phone  restriction" for calling the media. So these are  some of the things that we must contend with. And  this isolation isn't helping one bit. Nevertheless,  just thought I'd "plug in". Press on and keep up  the good work.

Stand Firm

--a Michigan prisoner 9/17/95