This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

On November 1, several prisoners (about 10) created  a disturbance in the mess hall. They had been  drinking, took a case of soda from a guard and  barricaded themselves into one of the dorms. They  then proceeded to take a pipe from a floor fan and  create a cannon with a cue ball. When the riot  squad stormed the dorm, the prisoners fired the  'cannon' at them. The pool ball went through a  chicken-wire enforced window of a door. The  prisoners then soaped the floors and turned the  fire-hoses on the riot squad.

The riot squad turned off the water and tear-gassed  the ENTIRE unit. They then proceeded to beat and  drag out every prisoner from the unit, despite the  fact that only ten prisoners were involved. The  riot squad beat prisoners so badly that OVER 20  PRISONERS were sent to the hospital. One prisoner  had five teeth knocked out and had his collar bone  and arm broken. He was not one of the 10 prisoners  that started this.

After they had all of the prisoners handcuffed and  stripped naked, they had them lay on the floor for  18 hours. Men were defecating on themselves because  if they spoke they were kicked in the head. Almost  the entire unit was transferred.

After this, the warden went to all of the different  leaders of the communities in the prison and asked  them to have a meeting, amongst themselves, to try  and calm the situation down. There was talk about a  work strike, but also mainly younger prisoners were  heading towards serious violence. The leaders of  the different communities met for hours and came  out of the meeting with the decision to take back  to all of the different units to have a work  strike. The ONLY demand that they had of the prison  officials was to ensure that the prisoners that had  gotten hurt RECEIVED MEDICAL ATTENTION. That was  the only thing that they wanted out of the work  strike. It was really a compromise because many  prisoners were so angry that the threat of a  serious riot was very real.

The men at the meeting then went back to the units  and held meetings. One prisoner said that out of  200 prisoners in his unit, 190 attended that  meeting. He said that after 11 years in prison, he  had NEVER seen such unity in prison. The men met  calmly, talked about the situation and tried to  resolve it to ensure that the others who had gotten  hurt were taken care of.

What followed is a clear example of what prison  officials are capable of. The warden immediately  locked-down the entire prison. EVERY MAN who was at  the meeting (the meeting that the warden ASKED them  to have) was put in the hole and the majority of  them were already transferred. Those who led the  meetings in the units were also put in the hole and  transferred. The prison has already transferred 400  prisoners and more are being transferred daily.

The riot squad would walk up and down the units at  night with flashlights and pull people out of their  cells. The prison was CLEARLY intimidated by the  unity of these men and responded in the ONLY way  they are capable--senseless violence and  punishment.

There are several of the community leaders  (including political prisoners) that remain in the  hole in Lewisburg. Lewisburg is off of their lock- down and visits have been resumed, unless you were  placed in the hole. It is important to know what prison officials do to  these men. It is important to let the prison  officials know that we know.

WHAT TO DO: Call, fax, and write the warden at  Lewisburg. Let him know that people know what  happened there. Let him know that people know how  guards beat prisoners. Let him know that those  still in the hole should be released back into  population.

Warden J.D. Lamar  P.O. Box 1000  Lewisburg, PA 17837  phone (717) 523-1251  fax 717-524-5805 --from a prison support group, Nov. 19, 1995


Dear MIM, When I originally came to prison back in 1988, I  was a very confused young gangbanger from  Inglewood, CA. I took a deal for 12 years on a  bunch of very senseless robberies. Over the past 8  years, I've grown up tremendously. Today I feel as  though I'm a man who is ready to deal with what's  happening out there in society ... I'm 28 now and I  have less than two years to go before I get  paroled.

Over the past eight years I've been taught and  schooled by the best of convicts. So when I get out  of here in '97, I feel as though I have an  obligation to inform my young brothers of what is  really happening. I've always been a very good  talker so when I get out I'm going to focus on  those young Bloods and Crips. And try to focus all  of that negative energy that they have inside of  them, into some positive channels. I look forward  to working with MIM also in '97 ...

Constantly struggling. --a California prisoner, Nov. 4, 1995


A bill of crime, the high and  all mighty want passed by the  legislative body, against it  will be the law and the oppressed.  They say we need it to bring  crime to all time low, the  Public opinion agreeing right  along through all it is a  Propaganda Machine.  The bills that have been passed  Many times before are only  affecting the oppressed.  They say,

Build  Lock  and execute them

So society may be safe but in reality  they want to Quiet us,  for in the capitalist greedy minds  are dancing dollar bills for their  big old piggy-banks. --an Iowa prisoner, Oct. 16, 1995


The surroundings are closing  on my sane mind  Next thing i know  Paranoid to the bones  flinch at every noise  Sweating through my pores  with no remorse  though everyone's out  to get me at once  have i gone mad  to only do the dance  "Mental Maniac"?  Ponder with such delirium  only seems one way out  Aggressive technique  it felt so easy  Cutting the water of life  Whirling sensation  Nothing at last  finally finding the peace  i so much desired  from my past. --an Iowa prisoner, Oct. 16, 1995


In the late 18th century, the Walnut Street Prison  in Philadelphia, PA, became the first penitentiary  in U.S. history to experiment with the use of long- term isolation. This was based on the "Quaker  theory" that without social interaction, a prisoner  could not be influenced by fellow inmates and that  a religious conversion would occur during the years  of enforced meditation and result in the  individual's reformation.

This theory had monstrous effects upon those  incarcerated between its walls. During that time a  considerable number of prisoners fell into a  madness, even after a short confinement. Some fell  into a semifatuous condition from which it was  almost impossible to arouse them. Others became  violently insane, some to the extreme of committing  suicide. Those who underwent these isolating  conditions were generally not reformed. In most  cases individuals did not recover sufficient mental  activity to be of any service to the community.

It would seem that after such experimentation, that  this type of treatment would be eliminated by  prisoncrats. Though after two centuries, the  practice of confining prisoners to small cells for  long periods of time is still in full force.

In modern times the U.S. penitentiary at Alcatraz  became notorious for holding the most dangerous  criminals within the U.S. penal system. In reality  it became the first "control unit prison" used as a  mechanism to enforce control over prisoners and  society. In the early 1960's, three prisoners  achieved the "impossible" and escaped from the  island. At the same time, a new high-tech federal  penitentiary had just finished construction, so  Alcatraz ceased operation.

Now the super-max penitentiary in Marion, Illinois  became the new "End of the line" for both state and  federal prisoners who prisoncrats considered to be  "institutional problems" or "too dangerous" to be  housed in any other institution. Because of  appalling conditions in October, 1983, a riot broke  out and two guards were killed. This gave the  prisoncrats the excuse to lock down the entire  prison population. This meant that prisoners were  confined to their cells for 23 and a half hours a  day and all visits were suspended. Until a court  order was enforced, even attorneys were denied  access to the prison.

Eventually the lockdown eased in some areas, but  stringent and restrictive policies remained largely  in effect. Months after the riot an emerging  pattern of brutal repression against the 350  inmates became apparent. 60 additional guards were  brought in from other parts of the federal prison  system to systematically beat and brutalize scores  of prisoners.

The idea of Marionization spread rapidly throughout  the Amerikkkan prison system because prison  officials cried that their institutions were unsafe  and control over the convict in every way possible  was desperately needed. The truth behind the  reasons these control units are needed is they are  a means of political, economic and social control  of a whole class of oppressed and disenfranchised  people. These include especially African, Latino  and indigenous people who are a disproportionate  part of control unit populations.

These torture units go beyond the usual constraints  of maximum security prisons. Better defined as a  prison within a prison, these control units are  used to defeat prisoners' revolutionary attitudes,  organization, militancy, legal and administrative  challenges; and anything else the prison  administrators deem objectionable. These control  units have various names such as: Adjustment  center, security housing unit (SHU), maximum  control complex (MCC), administrative maximum (ad- max), intensive management unit, and administrative  segregation (ad-seg). Every prison possesses the  label control unit status if long-term punishment  and/or isolation are used.

While conditions vary from prison to prison, the  goal of these units is always to achieve the  spiritual, psychological and physical breakdown of  the prisoner. Once prisoners are confined to a  control unit, gross human rights violations take  place on a daily basis. With minor differences,  these control units share the following features:

Prisoners spend years of isolation in tiny cells,  usually 6 by 8 feet for 22-23.5 hours a day. The  short time that they do spend outside their cel                within a cement or chain link "dog pen"  that lacks any kind of equipment and proper space  to for physical exercise. Participation in programs  including religious services, educational/work/job  training, congregate dining and exercise are  strongly prohibited by the administration. Also  greatly limited is access to medical and  psychiatric care. In some facilities, prisoncrats  save time and money by locking up mentally ill,  AIDS, HIV positive and Tuberculosis infected  prisoners instead of treating them.

The most damaging aspect of control units is the  physical and mental torture that is imposed upon  their victims. First the methods of how physical  torture is inflicted: Forced cell extractions by  militarily attired, baton-wielding guards are  constantly used without cause or warning. These  guards violently beat, choke, and kick already- shackled prisoners. Sometimes these cell  extractions are so abusive that prisoners require  extensive medical attention. Devices such as tazer  guns, pepper spray, maces and manacles are used and  four-point restraints and hog-tying are routinely  overused, despite the fact that such instruments  have caused bodily harm and death.

Another cruel practice is "caging". This is where  scantily clad or naked prisoners are held in  outdoor cages for hours in cold and rainy weather.  The systematic use of firehosing shackled prisoners  while in their cells, with high-pressure cold  water, then leaving standing water in the cell,  usually accompanies a prisoner being put in "strip  cell status." While frigid temperatures make it  impossible to sleep or even lay down, a bright  light shines upon the cell 24 hours a day.

For those who can endure the physical cruelty, the  mental torture can surely affect one's sanity. One  example of this is sensory deprivation. This is  when the prisoncrats forbid prisoners to have  books, televisions, radios and contact visits,  including those with lawyers. In some control units  it is impossible for prisoners to communicate  amongst themselves. Verbal harassment containing  derogatory or racial statements are made by the  guards. Mail is misplaced, delayed, destroyed or  censored. Threats are made against family and  visitors. The passing of false confidential  information to foster paranoia and fights between  convicts is utilized to weaken any unionization  between prisoners.

Legal access is another area that is greatly  violated. This includes the censoring of lawyer and  court mail, guards monitoring attorney-client phone  and visit conversations, and the hindering of  access to legal books and materials. These  oppressive prisoncrat policies only amount to  cruel, barbaric and inhuman conditions that must be  ended at all cost!

Currently there are more than 38 control unit  prisons around the nation. The new control unit at  the federal prison in Florence, Colorado will join  the new breed of dungeons like the ones at Maximum  Control Complex (MCC) in Westville, Indiana and  Pelican Bay prison in Crescent City, California, as  the newest super high-tech torture chambers. They  are designed to administer the very most in sensory  deprivation and dehumanization of inmates.  Currently Iowa is building a control unit with the  same features as Florence. This writer faces the  possibility of being transferred because of my  political and rebellious attitude toward the  capitalist system. Essentially control units serve  only one purpose, and that is to control society.  All control units must be abolished, and the  victims of these dungeons treated as survivors of  torture.

--An Iowa prisoner, Oct. 18, 1995


I am a prisoner in the Lee Correctional Institution  here in South Carolina. I hope this letter will be  accepted in the degree of sincerity that it is  written in. As I am in the lock-up unit here, I  only have certain access to the proper writing  materials. It is very necessary that I write to  your movement at this moment because of the limited  mail rights we get on lock-up for those of us who  are in a financial bind. I am writing to your  movement because we share in the views of  Nationalism as a people and I hope we maybe able to  correspond with one another in view and respect ...

Here in this lock-up, I have acquired an appetite  for materials that help me better understand my  position in this prison and the societal position  of our people. You see, I am a member of the Nation  of God and Earth and since I devoted myself to  Islam and Knowledge of Self, I am constantly met by  opposition. The director of the Department of  Corrections, who is Michael Moore, who came from  Texas is now the Commissioner of South Carolina. He  has arbitrarily ordered the lock-up of all members  of the 5% Nation of Islam and the Nation of God and  Earth here in South Carolina. This happened on  April 28, 1995, I and four others are left here on  lock-up because we refuse to sell out.

--A South Carolina prisoner, Nov. 1, 1995


Khalfani Khaldon (s/n McQuay) was serving a 25-year  sentence that was given to him back in 1987. He was  scheduled to be released in September of 1997. Yet  he was charged with the murder of a colonial  officer. The guard's demise came five days after  the murder of Gregory Resnover (Ajamu) who was also  accused of the murder of an Indianapolis racist  police officer.

On December 13, 1994, Khalfani was transferred to  the Supermax at Westville, Indiana and was  eventually framed on this murder charge. The prison  investigators/Indiana State Police have been trying  to get Khalfani on something for about five years.  In August of 1994, Khalfani was run up on a bomb  plot by prisoncrat Karl Swihart and an agent named  Claud Bigsby, who was sent to Khalfani by Swihart  in hopes to set him up by getting him to agree to  help smuggle a bomb into the prison. Swihart  already had the bomb inside the prison and wanted  his agent to get Khalfani's prints on it. Knowing  Khalfani's position as a revolutionary and his  politics, he thought Khalfani would go for it.

The plan didn't work, still Swihart had Khalfani  fingerprinted. It is clear how much they wanted  Khalfani, now they pick him out of 200-some people  and say he killed this guard. Khalfani has been  wrongfully charged and we must serve notice that we  demand Khalfani's charges be dismissed and that he  be released on September 10, 1997 promptly. We must  fight back and we need your help and support to  insure this brother's freedom from these  injustices.

We demand! (1) A new investigation into the case  for brother Khalfani. (2) That all evidence from  alibi witness be weighed in the outcome of  Khalfani's case. (3) The discrediting of witnesses  that have been paid by the state to place Khalfani  at the crime scene. --Khalfani Khaldon, Oct. 30, 1995


I am just writing to tell you about an incident  that ultimately finds me on the Disciplinary  Segregation (DS) unit for 3 years and 7 years added  to my sentence.

On October 10, 1995, I was in the chow hall with  the rest of the cell house. We were waiting to go  back to the cell house and were standing by the  door, when Lt. Mace came up to the door and told  everyone to "move behind the rail." Everyone moved  back except me. I just took a few steps back and  was standing by the tray window. He asked me to  move from the tray window, so he could see the  window; and I moved away from the tray window.

Then the pig asks me if I had a problem and I said,  "Yeah, I got a lot of problems." He asked me for my  ID and started to reach over at me. I jerked back  and gave him my ID. He then started to order me  around. He told me to "get over by the tables,  behind the rail....Get over there now!" So I told  him, "Fuck that! I ain't doing shit, just because  you want me to..."

I was then escorted back to the cellhouse. About 30  minutes later I found out that the pig wrote me up  for a Class A Battery. The pig lied on me, and even  though I had witnesses saying that I didn't even  touch the pig, I got 3 years lock-up and 7 years  tagged onto my outdate!! And this is not the first  time I was sent to lock-up either, on a falsified  conduct report. It happens all the time. Especially  if you don't like to be ordered around.

--an Indiana prisoner, Nov. 12, 1995


...Remember the September 1990 death of Donald  Woods at the Waupun Correctional Institution? There  was no video, the media did not do a front page  story on the broken bones and extensive wounds  inflicted on Woods, but the fact remains, he died  as a result of the actions of the Waupun staff.

On September 8, 1990 at 6 p.m., five correction  officers forcibly removed Woods from his cell for  disturbing other inmates in his block with "bizarre  noises." This was accomplished by cornering Woods  with a plastic shield, handcuffing him and gagging  him with a towel. Woods was gagged because Woods  was tested HIV positive and allegedly spat at  officers in the past.

Once out of his cell, Woods was thrown into a  laundry cart, like a sack of dirty clothes and  transported to the "Adjustment Center," where he  frantically struggled against the officers trying  to place him in restraints. Their adrenaline  pumping from the heat of battle, the officers  lifted him on the bed and began the process of  subduing the inmate. One officer applied pressure  on the towel over his mouth to keep his head in  place, while a 200-pound officer dug his right knee  firmly into Woods' chest, preventing the manacled  inmate from arching his back. Stripped of his  clothing and placed tightly in restraints, Woods  urinated on himself and slowly drifted into  unconsciousness.... At 3:30 a.m. he was found dead.

A four-month investigation by the Dodge County  District Attorney concluded that there were no  grounds for criminal prosecution against the Waupun  staff because they did not "knowingly" contribute  to Woods' demise.

The bottom line is that Woods died of asphyxiation  brought by the restraining methods of the state,  therefore someone has to answer for his death....

Certainly this is not the Middle Ages. We don't  throw human beings into laundry carts or leave an  unconscious man unattended in a cell for seven and  a half hours. People are incarcerated to be  rehabilitated. The state had better re-evaluate  prison policies to make sure there are no more  abuses and no more deaths, so Donald Woods will not  have died in vain.

--from The Spanish Journal, April 1991, submitted  by a Wisconsin prisoner

RCG1 RESPONDS: Prisons may claim that they exist to  "rehabilitate" prisoners but pigs incarcerate  people as a means of social control.

Unfortunately, Amerikkkan society hasn't progressed  much beyond the Middle Ages when it comes to  dealing with crime. Sure they don't cut off fingers  for stealing--instead they may imprison, isolate,  abuse and even kill people for stealing. Amerikkka  does not address the real cause of petty "crimes"  like shoplifting, nor does it lock up the true  criminals: the imperialists who cause poverty and  national oppression.

A Wisconsin Prisoner adds to the article from the  Spanish Journal: This document represents the death  of a prisoner by correctional officers who were not  charged. They suffocated this prisoner, murdered  him and got away with it!!!

Pigs need to learn they have no right to take  another life--or even mistreat lives. However, a  great percentage of Pigs like their job as it is  their legal way to relieve their hate. Prisoners  are merely "Hate Rocks" for society--for those who  cannot portray hate in their personal lives. We are  the Hate Rocks, a route for their negativity to  flow!

Here in Wisconsin prisons the only things that  protect an officer is the 10 years for the crime, 6  more years for the repeater law, then another  strike towards three strikes and you're out. Surely  Pigs don't think they themselves protect one  another? They're foolish, so they likely do.

Pigs must stop their actions. Some of us just can't  keep holding back, time after time, year after  year. We don't want to hurt anyone...

--a Wisconsin prisoner, Oct. 23, 1995