A Revolutionary Alert to all prisoners held captive  in North Carolina's state prisons! I am a  revolutionary prisoner presently being held at the  Maximum Control Complex (MCC) in the state that  always smells like straight up shit, Indiana. I am  here to warn my long-distance fellow prisoners in  North Carolina that y'all are in danger, 'cuz your  state's politicians and prison administrators (i.e.  pigs) are up to their trickery.

Just about an hour ago [10:00am October 24, 1995],  I was working out on the recreation pod, and I saw  one of the most sickening sights: a crowd of pigs  in suits and ties being escorted around the pod for  about half an hour. They were being given a tour of  MCC. It just so happens that these pigs were from  North Carolina, and were here in Indiana touring  this prison camp because they now want to build a  control unit in your state and were here to get  ideas.

So all you state prisoners in North Carolina, if I  were you, I'd keep my ear close to the ground and  start organizing both prisoners and people on the  streets. Make inquiries and make a plan of action,  so when the pigs let it out about their plans,  y'all can counter them and shut them down before  they get it off the ground.


 Also, to all the prisoners presently at the MCC  here in Westville, Indiana, and to all prisoners  nation-wide, I'd like to quote Chairman Mao Zedong.

"Recently there has been a falling off in  ideological and political work among students and  intellectuals, and some unhealthy tendencies have  appeared. Some people seem to think that there is  no longer any need to concern oneself with politics  or with the future of the motherland and the ideals  of humankind. It seems as if Marxism was once all  the rage but is currently not so much in fashion.  To counter these tendencies, we must strengthen our  ideological and political work. Both students and  intellectuals should study hard. In addition, to  the study of their specialized subjects, they must  make progress both ideologically and politically,  which means that they should study Marxism, current  events and politics. Not to have a correct  political point of view is like not having a  soul."  ("Quotations From Chairman Mao Zedong",  page 142)

What I just quoted is very applicable to the  present situation here at MCC, which is very sad!  When I was first brought to MCC back in February  1994, the atmosphere on this set was one of nothing  but straight-up consciousness. Every section I was  on or around, people were unified as a whole,  people were striving to become re-educated and  progressively conscious and we were working  collectively to challenge the numerous violations  committed by the prison administrators and state  politicians.

Now it is rare, I mean very rare, to see any of  this. All I hear is people rap'n about now days is  that same old-ass penitentiary bullshit, such as  who's a fag, or who's a coward, etc. People are  walking around doing nothing but searching for  reasons to disrespect someone or assassinate  someone's character. And I could go on. Why is  this? Here people are sitting in these cement  crypts partaking in activities which are negative,  not progressive and these are counter-productive.

What ever happened to collective struggle? I'm not  saying that this is everyone, because there are a  few of us prisoners who are still struggling with  and challenging the pigs every time they violate  those who do attempt to remain actively progressive  and attempt to help people re-educate themselves.  But the majority of prisoners on this set have  become so damn pacified and negative-minded that it  makes me sick.

I do not knock people for listening to the radio,  watching television, or eating commissary, 'cuz  there is nothing wrong with that per-se. But there  is something wrong with these items when they allow  you to become lazy and blinded, to where that is  all you want to do. You dudes are pathetic; you  need to get your lazy asses out of bed and learn to  discipline yourselves. Start shedding that bullshit  "convict" mentality, and become actively  positive,  progressive and productive.

Then there are those who are in fact progressively  conscious, but who have become discouraged,  depressed and withdrawn 'cuz of the level of  unconsciousness that now infests this set. I say to  you, do not allow yourselves to lose sight of hope  and slack from your responsibilities. Stay strong,  and continue to be actively progressive and  productive, and to attempt to bring the unconscious  and negative-minded into a conscious and positive  mind-frame. Pass these words of consciousness down,  the range, so all can once again become unified and  productive.

--a Indiana prisoner, Oct. 24, 1995


 Dear Comrades,

In my last two letters, I forgot to mention that I  have been receiving your MIM Notes unhindered.  Please be aware that I will never lose interest in  your work, but as you say, policy is policy.

What do you think about the national shutdown of  nearly all federal prisons? Within this state  (South Carolina), they have moved all inmates into  a security system called "control  movement".  Instead of allowing us to go to the recreation  field, which was probably an area of one square  mile, they have placed us in an area of maybe 250  square yards behind our dormitories. One dorm alone  houses about 300 inmates.

We are not allowed to go from the A-side to the B- side of the dorm any longer. Whatever side you are  on, that's the side you stay on. They are really  making it a cattle stall now....Until next time,  may we all struggle as one against the beast!

--a South Carolina prisoner, Oct. 30, 1995



One year ago today the state of Indiana murdered a  proud New Afrikan warrior by the name of Ajamu  Nassor. Ajamu is remembered by many, especially  those who he worked with and helped guide in the  kamps of Indiana. We should not forget this  brother--we must let his death be a constant  reminder of why we continue our work.

--an Indiana prisoner, Dec. 8. 1995


It wasn't over when your first  invaded and plundered the  Mother Land

Committed your vicious acts  and made a vow to annihilate  the Afrikan man

It wasn't over when you nefariously  conspired and murdered brother  Nat, Malcolm, George & Fred

Our anger must never subside  and should be appropriately  stored within our heads

And to this day, we refuse to  allow it to be over  Even with your attempts to murder  brother Ziyon and Mumia Abu

And you foolishly thought we  forgot when you brutally murdered  brother Ajamu?

--An Indiana prisoner, Aug. 12, 1995


 The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal is bringing to light  many other situations of injustice that have been  glossed over for far too long. Sitting in two  different Indiana prisons are two men awaiting  state murder, two New Afrikan men, two soldiers.

The cases of Ziyon Yisrayah (slave name Tommie  Smith) and Khalfani Khaldun (s/n Leonard McQuay)  are tied together by a comrade of both men who was  murdered on August 8, 1995 by the State of Indiana.  His name is Ajamu Nassor (s/n Gregory Resnover).

Ajamu and Ziyon were co-defendants stemming from a  pre-down raid on their home on December 11, 1980.  The raid left Ziyon wounded and a white police  officer, Sgt. Jack Ohrberg, dead. In a stark  similarity to the August 8, 1978 raid on MOVE  headquarters in Philadelphia, Ajamu and Ziyon were  charged with killing the police officer when in  fact the officer was shot in the back while facing  Ajamu and Ziyon. The only people behind the officer  were other cops. Even the Governor of Indiana and  the prosecutors of the case have publicly  acknowledged that Sgt. Ohrberg was shot in the back  and that neither of the guns found in the house  could have fired the fatal shot.

Nevertheless, Ajamu and Ziyon were sentenced to  die. Ajamu was murdered on December 8, 1994, and  was pronounced dead at 12:13 a.m. Ajamu's family  was there and claimed the body immediately  afterward and drove it to Indianapolis where their  twelve-car procession stopped at the governor's  mansion.

Prior to his execution, the Indiana ACLU battled  for Ajamu's life. They presented evidence that in  the electric chair, one's body temperature goes  from 98.6 to 117 degrees in seconds, that third  degree burns are administered while the mind is  still conscious, and that death takes at least five  minutes.

In a manner familiar to anyone working around the  case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, this case has had a well- oiled machine pushing for Ajamu's and Ziyon's  deaths from day one--namely the Fraternal Order of  Police (FOP). The Indianapolis FOP sent a gang of  cops to the prison who carried signs and chanted  "Fry him". The police tried to physically  intimidate the people holding the prayer vigils and  the bigger anti-death rally sponsored by Amnesty  International and others. One of the signs carried  by an Indianapolis FOP demonstrator said,  "Justice  is 5,000 volts burning through a body." The  sadistic nature of the police showing its true face  once again.


 On December 13, 1994, a corrections officer,  Phillip Curry, was killed at Indiana State Prison  where Ajamu had been killed five days earlier. An  article that appeared in Prison News Service from  an anonymous prisoner had this to say, "In de  evening of December 13th, a Black kkkop was stabbed  twice and later died as a result of his wounds. De  kkkamp was placed on total lockdown while de  reality dat justice is a double edge sword settled  into de minds of other kkkops and state officials.  Inside sources stated dat immediately afterwards 17  soldiers quit, resigned." Khalfani Khaldun was  the  first prisoner that investigators came after.  Investigators told Khalfani "I'm putting this  one  on you and it's gonna stick."

Khalfani was transferred out of Indiana State  Prison to the infamous Maximum Control Complex at  Westville, Indiana. He was charged with the murder  of Officer Curry on January 31, 1995 and the state  has promised to seek his death if convicted. Prior  to these charges Khalfani was scheduled to be  released in two and a half years.

It is important to realize that all of these  brothers were/are working for the people on the  inside. They are working to transform the  colonial/criminal mentality that they observe in so  many young men coming into the prison camps. They  are freedom fighters, fighting for a better life  for all of us on the inside, and all of us out here  in the minimum security "free world".

It was the ruling class that killed Ajamu, and it's  the ruling class that wants to kill Ziyon, Khalfani  and Mumia Abu-Jamal. It's the ruling class that  wants all of us to live in a world where we toil  for their benefit. They're tired of the problems  that they created by cutting off the inner- cities,  by burning children out of their homes, by cutting  wages, by lay-offs, and many other points in their  pogrom. They are tired and their solution is mass  incarceration and mass murder. They will say it is  in the name of the people, it is up to the people  to stop it.

For more information contact:

The Human Rights Coalition of Indiana, 508 E. Corby  Blvd., South Bend, IN 46617

--by the Brew City Anti-Authoritarian Collective  (BCAC), Dec. 8,1995. BCAC can be reached at P.O.  Box 93312, Milwaukee, WI 53203.


 In the October 1995 issue of MIM Notes, we printed  a letter called "Prisoners fight oppressive  conditions" dated Jun. 20, 1995. The following  letter is a continuation of one prisoner's legal  battle against the pigs in Pennsylvania.

Dear Comrades,

...Thanks for bringing attention to my struggle. I  received a hung jury on June 30, 1995 for the  assault charge they gave me on the guard. Well, on  Dec. 4, 1995, the judge consented to my motion to  dismiss the case under rule 1100 and the  commonwealth's violation of Double Jeopardy  principles.

The judge stated that the District Attorney could  not prove his case...and that he had had 120 days  to retry me and had violated that. In addition, all  my witnesses were threatened, put in the RHU  (Restricted Housing Unit), etc. The commonwealth's  violations of my rights were too harmful to ignore.  In reality the courts did not want to waste any  more money on this case because the evidence showed  that I was defending myself against abusive guards.

So I have been sent to the SMU (Special Management  Unit) twice for cases I won in court. The first one  was in Huntingdon, on Nov. 13, 1992. I was found  not guilty, and three days later I was sent to the  SMU, where I stayed until June 1994 when the courts  got involved. I stayed locked down from March 27,  1992 until June 1994, just because they do not like  my politics. This for a bogus case in which I was  found not guilty.

This time I was given 90 days in RHU by the hearing  examiner at Rockview on Dec. 31, 1994. On Feb. 3,  1995, I was sent back to the SMU where I will sit  until 1996, 1997 or longer. Again I WON in court.  What does it matter if you win in court, when the  prison system can still violate you and retaliate  against you by locking you down for years under the  pretense of administrative custody in the SMU,  where all the conditions are disciplinary and twice  as bad as the RHU. So the 90 days the hearing  examiner gave me was immaterial.

Well Comrades, I leave you in the spirit of unity.

--A Pennsylvania prisoner, Dec. 9, 1995


 ***This letter is a response to an article printed  in the November 1995 MIM Notes called "Does  relentless activism amount to nothing?"***

Greetings MIM,

From reading MIM Notes and the information that's  being stressed is an enlightening forum for  comrades around the world to view, I trust that MIM  is acting in the best of its ability to make  comrades aware of MIM theory. I received my Nov.  issue of MIM Notes and I appreciate what you do and  did for men like myself, and other comrades that  are struggling to make a change for the better.

There was a letter from Under Lock & Key dated  July  10, 1995 from a comrade subjected to California's  pig prison plantation. I read and studied his  letter with great understanding. The conditions  he's under affect me mentally because I've been  subjected to his effect and impact.

Brother to brother

More important is that men like us, brother, learn  to deal with these unnatural conditions of life.  Brother, nothing is lost until you've given up on  self. Say Brother, I can attest from your letter  that you have a strong mind and body, soldier. You  have the strength to lead a productive group of men  at your location to deal with those pigs with a  mindframe of awareness.

Brother, you may not realize it, but you have a men  [and women] on your side. We can't hand up our guns  up because when those pigs start rollin' we have to  be ready to fight them to the grave!

--Maryland prisoners, Dec. 5, 1995


 Dear Comrades,

I received the first issue of your excellent paper  in English and Spanish dated November 1995, ...and  will see to it that the papers are read by everyone  that wants to read them. On page 6 of the current  paper under the heading "Boston-Area event in  November", you make a reference to a film that  documents abuses and brutality at the control unit  of the United States Penitentiary at Marion,  Illinois (USP- Marion) and further suggest to  "Shut  down the control units at Marion prison".

Please be advised that the Bureau of Prisons has  terminated its control unit at USP-Marion and  relocated it at the United States Penitentiary at  Florence, Colorado (ADX-Florence) where I am being  held. There are several institutions at Florence,  Colorado involving different levels of security  classification. ADX-Florence is the control unit  that officially opened on April 18,1995,  accommodating all USP- Marion control unit  prisoners. ADX-Florence control unit is a long term  segregation unit for Federal Prisoners. We do not  have access to the main library...

Political consciousness is virtually non-existent  at the present time. The majority of control unit  prisoners, although they are from the working  classes, nevertheless identify themselves either  from the west or east coast or other locations.

Although I can write fairly well in Spanish, at the  present time English would be more appropriate to  evade the ever present censor. It would take the  lazy prison guards several weeks to censor any out- going letters written in Spanish for obvious  reasons....

Luchando Siempre, [In the struggle always,]

--a Colorado prisoner, Dec 17, 1995


 ***One Massachusetts prison has been censoring MIM  Notes since May 1995. In September 1995, Under Lock  & Key printed "Massachusetts prisoner  fights  censorship" which documents one prisoner's  struggle  to receive MIM Notes. This prisoner is continuing  his legal battle to receive this paper, as the  prison continues to censor MIM Notes. The following  is the most recent censorship letter from the  prison officials.***

Dear Sir/Madam:

Please be advised in accordance with the Department  of Corrections policy, 103 CMR 481, Inmate Mail  Regulations, your publication, MIM Notes, shall be  disapproved for receipt by an inmate at Old Colony  Correctional Center for the following reasons:  poses a threat to security and good order of the  institution.

481.15 (1) (e) Depicts, describes or encourages  activities that may lead to the use of physical  violence or group disruption.

481.15 (1) (f) Encourages, facilitates or instructs  in the commission of criminal activity.

You may appeal this decision to the Superintendent,  Paul B Murphy, should you opt to do so.


Edward Ficco, Deputy Superintendent of Operations,  Oct.12,1995

Letters of Protest can be addressed to:  Edward Ficco, Deputy Superintendent of Operations,  or  Paul B. Murphy, Superintendent Executive Office of  Public Safety Department of Correction Old Colony Correctional  Center One Administration Rd. Bridgewater, MA 02324

Calls can be made to:  Massachusetts Department of Correction (617) 727- 3400 or  Old Colony Correctional Center (508) 697-3360.


We've been facing down attacks from various  plantation "administrators" because of  our  political activities. Our press has been withheld  from captives at different kamps. One brother was  put in the "hole" for a piece that he  wrote on the  Oklahoma City bombing by the right-wing  reactionaries. Another brother was placed on  "phone  restriction" for calling the media. So these  are  some of the things that we must contend with. And  this isolation isn't helping one bit. Nevertheless,  just thought I'd "plug in". Press on and  keep up  the good work.

Stand Firm

--a Michigan prisoner, Sep. 17, 1995

 The Texas prison system has gotten tougher on its  inmates.... TDCJ is taking our locks, and if we  want another we have to buy it for $10.50, at a  $5.50 increase. After 20 years of selling locks in  the Texas prisons, now they are dangerous. ...Price  Daniels Unit also makes its own policy outside of  TDCJ rules. Such as, prisoner are not allowed to  have everyday cold pills or headache pills without  a doctor's prescription. Yah right, as if the  doctor will write one. Last week the doctor took a  man's leg till he proved he needed and owned the  leg. Like we steal legs every day.

--a Texas prisoner, Nov. 25, 1995

Graterford Prison just had a major breakdown and  shakedown. Dogs were jumping on the inmates' beds  and other personal effects while the inmates stood  outside their cells, butt-naked. They were treated  like animals. Animals in a zoo are treated better,  although I don't agree with locking up animals  without a trial by jury.

--a Pennsylvania prisoner, Dec. 7, 1995


...As I have stressed to these people more than  once, my diet cannot include "meat" since  I am a  strict vegetarian. These people have deliberately  placed meat on my tray. MCC officials continue to  disrespect my religion. Due to this strange but  known tactic by officials, I have chosen not to eat  until some kind of comprehensible understanding can  be reached. I know without my medication and food,  I will be seriously damaged for a long  time....Standing Strong.

--an Indiana prisoner, Dec. 8, 1995


I am in receipt of the latest MIM Notes.... I was  contemplating whether or not I should inform you to  discontinue forwarding the paper because of the  prison's censorship policies. They have refused to  allow the last two issues of MIM Notes to come in.  However, I was blessed to receive the latest one  that is now circulating amongst the other captives  in this section. Our appreciation and solidarity  always.

--a California prisoner, Dec. 8, 1995