Dear Comrades,

I'm sending you a copy of the McCollum Report  [Campaign Newsletter for Bill McCollum, U.S.  Representative, Eighth District, Florida--MIM]. But  best of all, I've posted through the Federal  Security with evidence that Congressperson McCollum  is violating the law by using prison labor in our  print plant, a UNICOR Federal Prison Institute, to  print newsletters for his political campaign.  Friends, I am for the cause.

I cannot risk mailing this to the press myself.  Enclosed is a mail tag. The political campaign  mails tags and prints transmittal forms showing the  cost of the slave labor where federal inmates are  printing for his political campaign. He is against  Habeas Corpus and wants the death sentences carried  out.

Please see that you print this and mail copies to  CBS, NBC, or any newspaper which will print this.  Federal prisons are working for the Congressman's  political gain. This is the type of evidence the  press is crying for. I could trust no one else to  get the news out to the public. This information is  high on the list of our struggle. These documents  must get into the hands of the press.

--a Virginia prisoner, Apr. 16, 1996


 Dear MIM,

I come to you my comrades as it is my custom and  duty....I am a member of the Almighty Latin King  Queen Nation and a constant warrior of the Third  World Oppressed People....I enjoy reading your  material for as a Latin King I am faced by a  frivolous administration whose capitalism has raged  war upon all Latin people in the system.

I am presently at Southport Correctional Facility,  which is a box for all inmates who are being  punished for not adhering to prison rules and or  regulations. Seems that they have waged war on all  Latins doing time. They know the Latin Kings speak  against all injustices so they have made a rule  called 105.12 (Unauthorized organizations not  recognized by the administration).

The have used this rule to place Latinos in  solitary confinement. Actually if one [pig] is in  the yard and it so happens that four or more  Latinos are in a group, right away [the  prisoncrats] write you up for unauthorized  organization.

It is incredible how we as a Latino people have  been attacked and oppressed in society and now we  are feeling it even more in this system of  injustice....   Your comrade,

--a New York prisoner, June 10, 1996


 Greetings, Friends

I'm held in captivity in a very small rural county  jail in Petersbury, Indiana. What I've picked up  from other inmates here is that I'm the first Black  person in this jail. There are no other Black  inmates in here with me. All this makes sense to me  because I've been through some of the meanest,  cruelest, inhuman treatments a man can be put  through. Before I explain what happened keep in  mind my alleged crimes are against a white woman.

On January 2, 1996, the third day after my arrival,  the trouble started. When I came here I was put on  24 hour a day lock down because they thought I was  dangerous to other inmates. Well I was sleeping on  the floor and the jailer at the time told me to put  my mattress back on my bunk. Of course I said no,  because there's no rule against sleeping on the  floor. He was just picking me out for special  treatment.

So he told me that they were going to come take it.  So I said fine. Remember I was on 24 hour a day  lockdown. Well, an hour later, the Sheriff and ten  white cops were standing outside my cell door. (I  said nothing to these devils.) The sheriff asked me  if I wanted to get maced. Of course I said no. Then  he ordered me to lay face down and they shackled me  and dragged me at least 100 feet like I was a piece  of shit. Remember I said nothing to these devils.

I ended up in front of the rubber room laying face  down. The Sheriff left and returned with a pair of  scissors to cut my jumpsuit off. While he was doing  this he said, "If you move I will cut you!" So  there I was lying naked in the rubber room, cold as  ice, humiliated and not knowing what to expect  next, because, shit, all I did was refuse to put my  mattress on my bunk.

While I laid there, I heard all the staff laughing  and congratulating the sheriff. I look at it this  way: he did this because I'm Black, big and he was  scared of me (Blacks)! But I will get the last  laugh. I am currently trying to file charges and  lawsuits and I told it to his face. Prison will not  break this African. Black Fist and Afro-Picks!  Peace.

--an Indiana prisoner, June 11, 1996


 Dear MIM,

Enclosed is a racially discriminatory document that  was given to me on December 21, 1995, by one of  Alaska's finest, a DOC prison guard. [The document  was a racist "joke" that depicts people of the  First Nations in a demeaning manner. --MIM]

I am an American Indian (Chippewa-Cree). I am an  enrolled tribal member of the Rocky Boy's Indian  Reservation, POW Camp.

After the guard gave me this document, he stood and  laughed at me. He thought it was a very funny act.  After I filed a grievance against him, and my  attorney contacted the governor's office and the  commissioner of the Alaska Department of  Corrections, I was hauled in front of a surprise  treatment team where I was put on trial for filing  a grievance against the officer who gave me the  document. I was removed from the general population  and then transferred to a mental health unit for  four days until my attorney succeeded in getting me  out of the mental health unit.

I did not provoke the officer to give me a racially  discriminatory document. He did so of his own free  will. Instead of punishing the guard, the DOC  turned the issue on me and made me out to be the  bad guy. The only thing that happened to the guard  is a written reprimand put in his file that will  disappear after six months if he has no further  incidents. I, on the other hand, was removed form  the general population, was sent to a mental health  unit , was transferred twice, lost two boxes of  legal work, and was made out to be the malcontent.

The words in this document give clear and  convincing evidence just what the Alaska DOC thinks  of Native prisoners it has locked up within its  walls. In any other instance I would not request  the document to be printed, but due to the way this  issue was handled I think it is appropriate that it  be printed so others can see how repulsive and  discriminatory this piece of prose really is to  Native American culture. [MIM trusts that our  readers have seen or heard racist jokes before, and  will be able to get the idea here without us having  to use valuable space to spread the filth  ourselves. --MIM] I have suffered many forms of  discrimination while serving my sentence over the  past four years, but this is the first time I have  clear and convincing evidence that racial  discrimination does indeed exist in Alaska's  prisons. I think the readers of MIM, and especially  Native American people, have a right to see what in  hell is going on up here. I hope that after reading  the document, awareness is increased and that  people will become enraged enough to voice their  opinions that what happened up here is not okay and  that it will not be taken lightly. This is just one  more act of oppression against American Indian  culture by the fascist pigs who try to control us.

I have filed a lawsuit in federal court regarding  this issue; I am requesting letters of support that  I can show to a jury so that they know that this  issue is an outrage and that society will not stand  for it. I will answer anyone who writes to me.

In Total Resistance,

--a Chippewa-Cree prisoner in Alaska, June 10, 1996

Letters of support can be sent to MIM Notes, PO BOX  29670, Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670 and will be  forwarded to the above Chippewa-Cree prisoner in  Alaska.


 To My Comrades,

I would like to express my gratitude to your  organization for continuing my subscription to your  publication. I don't know if you remember, but the  institution I am incarcerated in previously  contrabanded your publication and scrutinized all  my mail afterward. I grieved this issue, preparing  to litigate in the Arizona U.S. District Court. I  had to grieve the issue to the central office of  the Arizona DOC because the grievance coordinator  and deputy warden negated my resolution to the  problem.

Apparently, central office has rescinded this  institution's decision because for the last two  months, I have been receiving MIM Notes as if  nothing happened. Central office has not responded  to my grievance appeal but I await their response.  I may submit a complaint anyway because of the  retaliatory tactics I have been subjected to  throughout the grievance process. I was a legal  clerk and legal assistant employed by this  institution as a law clerk. I was suspended as a  law clerk and had to fight to retain my status as a  legal assistant, a non-paying position. They know I  help a lot of people with their legal matters and  persevere....

In every state I went to during my incarceration,  the incarcerated thought their oppression was  unique to that state. It is not so. Incarceration  is incarceration. I do admit some prisons are  rougher than others, but there is over-zealously  implemented oppression in just about every prison.  Especially since there is a fervor prevailing the  notion to get tough on prisoners. The mass media  and politicians would have the public believe we  are living lavishly, but the average convict can  tell you otherwise.

Which brings me to my next point. The people out  there need to get involved in true and just prison  reform. To deprive a prisoner of everything is not  in the best interest of the public. Yes, it does  increase the recidivism rate because there are  people who allow this deprivation and oppression to  elicit bitterness in them and their reactions. Plus  to release a person from prison with no further  education, vocation, money, or hope is to increase  that person's chances of returning. Only with these  "two or three strikes, you're out" policies that  are sweeping the nation a lot of perpetrators will  be leaving no witnesses to decrease their chances  of being caught....

--An Arizona prisoner, Apr. 29, 1996.


 Dear MIM comrades,

Greetings in Revolution. First I would like to  express my appreciation for the MIM Notes and  Maoist Sojourners I have recently received. In such  an environment that breeds defeatism in our  mentalities it is uplifting to hear ideas that give  hope of a better condition. They have proved  invaluable to me and my comrades here in  understanding how to struggle within the confines  of these prison walls.

But we have suffered setbacks here recently. Two of  our comrades have been locked up and have had their  custody statuses changed. One in blatant measures  of retaliation for his litigation against officers'  brutality against prisoners. He was one of our  leaders and most well-informed brothers, so that  has hurt our educational resource very seriously.

Our other comrade was railroaded in a Kangaroo  Court for a fabricated assault on an officer case.  He was the instructor of our martial arts and Self- Defense class, which has been attacked and  interrupted on several occasions. We were meeting  on a "passive" rec. yard every night for hours and  the administration began passing policies to cut  off our access to them. Now only three or four of  us are allowed at a time. Christians can go and  have 20 to 30 people.

We are now attempting to gain our leader's release  from Ad-Seg (Administrative Segregation) and our  other comrade has appealed the decision of his  disciplinary case. He has witnesses in his favor,  but these pigs seem not to care.

I have a question. What is MIM's position on the  struggle to overthrow and gain control of an  institution such as this? Marx made a statement  once that "Basing a revolution on prison reform is  like basing a slave revolt on better food for the  slaves." I hope to hear from you soon. Any advice  you may have will be welcome....

Sincerely in solidarity,

--a Texas prisoner, June 11, 1996

MIM REPLIES: The answer to your question has three  parts.

First, on strategy here and now, we oppose armed  struggle in the imperialist countries until such  time as the bourgeoisie is really helpless. We  advocate the scientific approach of fighting  winnable battles one at a time, as opposed to the  idealistic, moralistic approach of fighting all  battles at once without concern for whether they  are winnable. On the other hand, prisoners face a  special dilemma: You can get killed for a  nonviolent prison takeover as was the case in the  Attica prison rebellion, but you also can't go on  increasingly repressed by fascism forever. The  Attica rebellion was repressed and the place is  still a hell-hole, but that losing struggle did  have an incredible impact. Prison conditions and  the situation of genocide are difficult to work  into a strategy of winning battles.

Second, in the medium term, we support the  revolutionizing of prisons as part of the  construction of new democracy and socialism. We see  China 1949-1976 as a model in this regard. We do  not advocate the immediate abolition of prisons,  but we do advocate an immediate end to prison's use  as a tool of national ("racial"), class and gender  oppression.

Third, in the long run, we advocate the abolition  of prisons as part of the construction of  communism, a stateless, classless society free of  oppression.


 Dear MIM,

Please keep MIM Notes coming. If there was any  doubt before, I now realize I'm in the same boat as  many of the people who write in to UL&K. Recently,  I was shown a sticker that came from a box of meat  patties that are fed to us regularly. Among other  things, the sticker said, "Not For Sale--For Test  Purposes Only". One of the ingredients listed as  being in the meat is Silicon Dioxide.

Another con showed a copy of this same sticker to  one of the prison staff. The staff member  immediately went to check on the rest of the boxes  of meat. When he returned, he demanded to have the  sticker returned to him. Said sticker was hidden  and secured before it could be returned to the  staff member. The excuse the staff member gave the  con for the sticker was that the meat was a  "promotional gift," yet he still demanded to have  the sticker returned.

Since the sticker was found, people on the outside  have been notified, including loved ones and  lawyers. Many of these people are looking into what  type of test this meat is intended for. (The lot  number was also on the sticker).

I can only imagine what the long-term effects would  be had we not found the sticker. And since there  was no USDA stamp on the packages, I can only  assume these products were not originally intended  for human consumption. This is worse that the  radiation tests done on cons at Oregon State Pen.  in the early seventies. At least those cons were  paid, semi-informed volunteers. What's next,  military ammunition testing? I wasn't sentenced to  do ten years as a lab rat.

I suggest that any con reading this look into what  your jailers are feeding you. Especially anyone in  one of the new corporate prisons like Corruptions  Corp. of Amerika. That's not to say that any  state's Department of Corruptions won't be involved  in immoral testing too.

--an Arizona prisoner, June 14, 1996



...The Department is forcing inmates to get rid of  their typewriters by 1/1/97. Their justification  for this measure is that the typewriters pose a  "security risk". Several months ago an inmate on  Death Row was allegedly storing a gun within his  typewriter....

--a Virginia prisoner, May 29, 1996


...The pigs are trying to ride down on us here.  They have dramatically reduced activities and  educational opportunities. Harassment of vocal  revolutionary cadre here continues. The favorite  method is to plant a contraband item in your cell  during a "routine search". The pigs are also trying  to deny access to legal material by scheduling  bogus doctor's appointments, etc., instead of your  rightful library time....

--a Texas prisoner, June 4, 1996


...Last month two inmates from my pod were shot  with rubber bullets and maced because they refused  to lock up. Both required a trip to the hospital.  Prison claims the inmates were drunk. Isn't it nice  that in the most secure area of the prison, inmates  can still make their own booze? All the top staff  do weekly checks of our cells and guards do a daily  count....

--a South Dakota Prisoner, June 10, 1996.


NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATIONAL FUND  99 Hudson Street, 16th floor, New York, NY 10013,  Tel: (212) 219-1900 Limited number of Habeas cases for death-row  inmates

HISPANIC AIDS COMMITTEE FOR EDUCATION AND RESOURCES  1017 N. Main, Suite 208, San Antonio, TX 78212,  Tel:(512) 227-2204

SOUTHERN CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS 83 Poplar Street, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30303-2122,  Tel:(404) 688-1202 Civil rights actions affecting prison conditions in  the South, representation of people facing death  penalty

LEGAL SERVICES FOR PRISONERS WITH CHILDREN  1535 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103, Tel: (415) 255-7036 Legal assistance to incarcerated parents, their  children, families, etc. Does not have resources to  represent individuals, but responds to hundreds of  inquiries per month

CHICAGO LEGAL AID TO INCARCERATED MOTHERS  205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 830, Chicago, IL  60606, Tel: (312) 332-5537


LAW OFFICES OF ALAN ELLIS, P.C. 265 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941, Tel:  (415) 383-3862


PRISONERS' RIGHTS PROJECT OF THE LEGAL AID SOCIETY  15 Park Row, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10038, Tel:  (212) 577-3530



 I am currently a prisoner in the Michigan  Department of Corrections (Chippewa KTF). I have  become a true believer that these prisons are not  designed to rehabilitate inmates. The prisons here  in Michigan promote hostile atmospheres for the  inmates to reside in, by stacking inmates--full  grown men--on top of each other. For example, here  at KTF, 120 men are housed in a pole barn, which is  designed to hold only 60 inmates.

These facilities offer hardly anything positive for  the inmates to involve themselves with. Then, when  an inmate joins an organization to give himself  something positive to occupy his time with, he gets  harassed and accused of belonging to a gang! The  institution does not allow these organizations to  participate in any positive activities. All  proposals submitted are being denied. It seems like  the DOC is no longer interested in whether an  inmate receives rehabilitation, or in the education  he/she needs to become a productive member of  society upon his/her release.

Instead, Governor Engler stopped inmates from  receiving financial aid to further their education.  An inmate is only allowed the luxury of obtaining  his GED in this facility...and we all know that is  only the beginning of the road to success  concerning education.

They are constantly passing new policies which are  making it more and more difficult for inmates to  communicate with the outside world, which is a  vital part of rehabilitation. They have restricted  our telephone calls by giving us only ten phone  numbers to call. These numbers can only be changed  every six months. These phone calls are being  recorded and monitored. The have done the same  thing with our visits. They have made us send our  loved ones visitor applications which invade their  personal lives with questions that are not  applicable, but which are nonetheless required to  answer if they wish to visit.

These prisons in Michigan are nothing more than an  economy-saver. We prisoners in Michigan are  steadily working for slave wages. We are also being  subject to all kinds of diseases by being forced to  live in such crowded quarters. Then, when an inmate  requests health services, he usually does not get  the attention he needs until he has naturally  recovered! If an inmate does not have financial  support from the outside world, he is a lost cause!  These people know this. That is why they are making  it so hard for a person to have contact with the  outside world.

--a Michigan prisoner, Mar. 11, 1996