The following two letters were written in  remembrance of Ziyon Yisrayah (slave name(s/n)  Tommie Smith) who was legally murdered by the State  of Indiana in the early hours of July 18, 1996.

On December 11, 1980 the police made a pre-dawn  raid on the home of Ziyon, Ajamu and Kondo Nassor  (s/n Earl Resnover). As a result, one police  officer was killed and Ziyon was wounded. Ziyon,  Ajamu and Kondo were politically active, and had a  history of exchanges with the local police because  of their stand against social injustices  perpetrated against Blacks in the community.

Both Ajamu Nassor and Ziyon Yisrayah were sentenced  to be executed, even though there is strong  evidence that the police officer was shot by  someone else. Ajamu Nassor was legally murdered by  the State of Indiana on December 8, 1994 and Ziyon  Yisrayah was legally murdered by the State of  Indiana on July 18, 1996.


*July 18th, 1996, 12:00 midnight*

There came a storm. A storm that rocked de tombs of  Michigan City Prisons disciplinary segregation unit  and "X-Row" (death row) that was so profound and so  heartfelt that mere words are too inadequate to  express de electricity that flowed throughout de  dark cave.

Convicts, particularly Afrikan men, expressed our  Black rage in solidarity against de racist murder  of our Brotha and comrade Ziyon Yisrayah by de neo- kkkolonialist state. As it stormed inside de tombs,  so too did it storm outside. [É] i recall wondering as i kicked and shook de bars,  if Ziyon could hear or feel us. Diz made me put all  my energy into it, b'cuz i wanted him to hear and  feel us, in spite of distance between Us and de  murder room. i remembered comrade Ajamu Nassor,  Ziyon's rapy, whom de fascist pigs had murdered in  December of 94, and de storm grew. You could feel  de pain from de westside of seg. and even from  beneath us in X-Row. It was as if We were trying to  send a message out to Ziyon and We were all writing  with de same pen. De message read: "We luv you Bro.  and We will continue to struggle for liberation.  Your blood and de blood of those before you will  not go unavenged! For diz is de day of de guerrilla  -- de final call!"

Ziyon was pronounced dead at 1:21 A.M. by de  imperialist state, but de people pronounce him  forever alive. There is no doubt in my mind that  Ziyon got our message or felt our luv for him.  Nope, no doubt at all.....for it was written in de  storm.

'In remembrance of Ziyon Yisrayah' Let his last  words forever be written upon our hearts: "All that  is necessary for evil to prevail, is for man to do  nothing"

Abolish de death penalty. Free all P.P./P.O.W.'s  Uhuru Sasa!!! --An Indiana Prisoner, July 18th, 1996


 Today is the day that a comrade, a brother and  friend name Ziyon Yisrayah is scheduled to be  murdered. As i sit at my make ship desk of  cardboard, sitting a top a folded mattress drafting  motion after motion in an attempt to defeat the  bogus charges of conspiracy to riot and  threatening, my head is filled with thoughts of my  brother, friend and comrade.


As i sit here i gaze through the bars at the many  filled sack lunches strewn across the floor, thrown  and rejected by approximately 104 men of all  nationalities housed on this lock up unit, who  refused to eat for the next 2 days in protest of  premeditated murder. i think about the sacrifice  these men are making who have been on total  lockdown for 47 days only receiving two cold sack  lunches a day. And then any thoughts return back to  my/Our brother, friend and Comrade Ziyon and the  larger sacrifice he has made. [É]

As i sit here reflecting with simmering rage i  listen to the silence of the unit and the whisper  of oppression. Quiet because approximately 104 men  refuse to speak for the next 2 days in protest of  premeditated murder. Hearing nothing but an  occasional shout/alarm of "One time!" warning  others that a kop, a potential murderer is in the  area on patrol.

As i sit here thinking and observing this New  Afrikan womyn kop who goes out of her way to be  liberal rationing out toilet paper, she seems so  far removed from today's scheduled events. As she  leans over with a smile to place two rolls of  toilet paper in the cell door, her eyes show she  does not overstand why i do not acknowledge her, do  not acknowledge her smile. In my mind i ask her  what if it was your brother, friend and comrade who  just two floors below was scheduled to be murdered?  Would you be so quick to smile, to flirt? Would you  be so far removed from this reality in which you  find yourself?

i often think about the kops who try to befriend Us  and yet are a part of the death squad/execution  team and you never knowing it. Imagine being on  death row and befriending a kop who secretly  belonged to the death squad, who was secretly  conspiring to help murder you and you never know it  until the last night of your life when he  approaches the cage you in with handcuffs in hand  and says "It's time". How would that make you feel  And yet they charge me and my brothers with  conspiring to riot! Conspiracy to stop a  premeditated murder!


i think about this saturday on July 13th as i sat  in a 2 by 3 foot sweltering non-contact visiting  booth, visiting with a comrade from BCAC [Brew City  Anti-Authoritarian Collective] through bullet proof  glass with thick steel bars across the front of it.  This sweltering booth with the solid steel door  with slit window and 6 by 6 inch hole set in the  middle of it and red telephone. In my minds eye i  see the symbolism of this day as 40 to 50 friends,  comrades, allies and supporters demonstrated at the  front prison gate demanding the re-opening of  Ziyon's case and the dismissal of the bogus charges  filed against myself and a total of 12 others. [É]


People the price of our lives must increase.  Burning candles have never saved any of Us and  burning candles over Our corpses have never stopped  the next one from being murdered. As you sit in the  comfort of your homes and return back to you  "normal" lives, put yourself in Ziyon's place and  ask yourself if it was you what would you want  someone on the streets to do for you?

Just as comrade Ajamu Nassor's, murdered by the  state on 12-8-94, spirit continues to live and  inspire Us so shall comrade Ziyons. Brother, friend  and Comrade from those of Us who cared and gave a  damn may you rest in peace.

The Struggle Continues!! --An Indiana Prisoner, July 17, 1996


 Dear Friends, The National Campaign to Stop Control Unit  Prisons/Midwest Region is asking that as many of  you as possible respond to the following and  participate in our emergency response network:

Recently, 150 prisoners organized a silent mealtime  vigil at the Indiana State prison in Michigan City,  Indiana. The vigil was to protest the upcoming  execution of Ziyon Yisrayah (Tommie Smith). Ziyon  Yisrayah was subsequently murdered by the State of  Indiana on July 18, 1996. Shortly after this vigil,  ten New Afrikan prisoners were transferred to the  supermax prison in Westville, Indiana and charged  with a variety of serious offenses, including  conspiracy to riot, threatening a guard, and  physically resisting a guard.

These trumped up charges were clearly an attempt by  Superintendent Al Parke to show he's boss and break  the spirit of solidarity growing in D Cell House.  It is also a classic case of how the more political  prisoners get sent to the supermax. At issue is  prisoners' rights to protest the death penalty. In  addition, the fact that all ten prisoners charged  are black reveals the racist nature of the Indiana  State Prison system.

Of these ten prisoners, six were found guilty in an  internal prison hearing and sentenced from one to  five years in the cruel torture chambers known as  supermax prisons in Indiana.

The National Campaign to Stop Control Unit Prisons  asked people to call or fax Supt. Al Parke at (219)  874-7256 (phone) and (219) 874-9001 and demand that  the charges be dropped against the Indiana 6.


*"...If we Afrikan Men do not get ourselves  together NOW by preparing for battle then, the  destruction and annihilation of our people will be  our doing." -- Che (Hopp X) Assari*

The powers of racist amerikkka within the state of  michigan, are determined to 'destroy' the  encaptured Afrikan male/female, who are languishing  within one of these states many death kkkamps. New  psychological warfare is being applied (daily) to  oppress and repress those of us under this yoke.

Recently the m.d.o.k. [Michigan Department of  Corrections] has been implementing a lot of "self- righteous" (illegal) policies in which to continue  sadistic measures of control, but in reality,  'punishment'. The m.d.o.k. have instituted a so- called "gang coordinator/monitor" for purposes of  identifying those who are considered "leaders"  within the death kkkamps. Or those who are  political agitators and jailhouse lawyers. This  blatant attack against the prisoner-klass is one  that has no substance other than to cause  psychological pain and emotional damage and  aggression. Aggression which these nazis and uncle  toms know will increase prisoner on prisoner  violence.

It is time that we (as prisoners within the state  of michigan) stop the violence among ourselves and  become violent with our captors. It is time that we  become serious about wanting to make change and  stop merely talking about it among our respective  groups and/or friends. It is time that we look at  the examples left to us from other rades, e.g.,  rade George Jackson; Malik El Haqq Shabazz (aka:  Malcolm X); JiJu (aka: Geronimo Pratt); Leonard  Pelter; Mumia; John Africa and countless others.

The pig governor and his grand shit-head piglet  kkklansmen, are out to destroy us whether we are  willing to believe/accept it or not.

The prisoner-klass within michigan must become  politically motivated and stop being pacified with  cheap tokenage hurled at us with such things as  basketballs, baseballs, weights, various catalogs  in which to order gym shoes and other clothing  items. Its cool to do these things, but in proper  perspective. We aren't in a fashion ballroom so the  need for that shouldn't be priority. And no one is  walking out of here becoming the next Michael  Jordan, Darryl Strawberry, or Mike the  perspectives should be put into its rightful place.  We are in war, and in war you fight and learn from  your commanders on the application of warfare.

Until this is done we will continue to suffer (as  collective prisoner-klass) within the kkklans death  kkkamps.

In the trenches, --A Michigan prisoner, June 29, 1996.

 RCG1 responds:  This letter clearly shows how  prisons are used as a form of social control. It  demonstrates how prisoncrats attempt to "divide and  conquer" prisoners especially by singling out the  leaders, old heads and jailhouse lawyers.

We agree that prisoners should be politicized and  not pacified. Their focus should be on building a  revolutionary party. We also agree that prisoners  should stop violence among themselves. It is  destructive to revolution and is how the pigs want  prisoners to act. Prisoncrats benefit when  prisoners fight each other because then prisoners  can not organize against the principle problem:   the imperialist system.

MIM disagrees with the above letter in that we not  advocate prisoner violence against their captors at  this time. Violence against prisoncrats only leads  to more repression of prisoners. We suggest that  prisoners look at historically revolutionary  figures such as George Jackson, and Malik El Haqq  Shabazz (aka: Malcolm X) and learn from history of  the FBI's COINTELPRO war against the Black Panther  Party.

MIM argues this is the time to organize, study and  expose the atrocities of the imperialist system  that oppresses people. Help MIM build a strong  revolutionary party that will eventually overthrow  the oppressive capitalist government.


 Thanks for the good reading and information your  newspaper offers. I usually read it right away and  pass around its good news to other inmates.

We are no longer allowed to write letters or send  any correspondence to other Massachusetts prisons.  This was started last month. All our mail is  stamped on the back that the contents are from a  prison and the Commonwealth is not responsible for  is contents....The Department of Correction doesn't  want anyone having long time commitments and  friendships. This is unfair. Your paper helps me  keep in touch even more as I write to as far as  Texas to some of my friends.

On October 31, 1995, 299 inmates were kidnapped  from Shirley, Massachusetts. Most are still there.  About 60 have returned for health or similar  reasons. They were supposed to be sent because of  overcrowding. Most of the minimums are half filled.  They just want more mediums and maxes, but most of  these people here belong in a minimum.

The move was all a publicity stunt to get the  public to want more prisons built. Enclosed is what  was sent to the guys who got sent to Texas [The  document describes the effects of the transfer on  participation in the sex offenders program which is  "voluntary", but if a prisoner does not participate  or confess to some crime they will not be eligible  for phase IV of the program, which will transfer  them back to Massachusetts.-ed]. They were supposed  to stay one year but they renewed the contract for  another year. When I was in the service I thought  the government wasted taxpayers dollars more than  anyone else. Now I know the Department of  Corrections wastes the most. Half of the staff work  double shifts, and the benefits are the best ever  for them. Well thanks for listening. Keep up the  good work.

-- A Massachusetts Prisoner, July 15, 1996


 Dear MIM Notes, I'm writing to you from a Pennsylvania State  Correctional Institution. I have just received your  June 1st and June 15th issues. I just read an  article in the June 15th issue in which I find to  be very interesting.

First let me say that your paper is not being  screened here at this Institution. And I wish that  a lot more of my fellow inmates would write to  receive your paper. I show your paper around every  time I receive one and a lot of the guys write down  the address, but I'm not sure on how many people  receive your paper.

What caught my interest is the article in the June  15th paper, It was called "Boston Globe Fuels  Crusades Against Sex Offenders". I'm in search of  as much information I can find and any cases and  case law if any pertaining to this so called  Megan's Law. I'm serving a 6 to 36 month sentence  for an indecent assault charge, in which I have now  served 28 months on because of the DOC [Department  of Corrections] and the PA parole boards refusal to  parole me.

I was told by the Parole Board to Max my sentence  out for refusal to complete a SOP [most likely  stands for sexual offenders program -ed] they have  here, because I refuse to sign papers admitting my  guilt. I pleaded not guilty in a jury trial and was  found guilty. Now I have an appeal pending in court  in the form of a (PCRA) Post Collateral Relief Act,  which is being dragged out by the courts for the  last two years.

I'm being told by the DOC that upon my Max date I  must sign this so called Megan's Law in order to be  released on my Max date. I was sentenced in April  1993 before this law was passed. So how can I be  forced to sign these papers if I wasn't sentenced  under this law? Any info or case you may refer me  to or print in your paper will be a great help to  me and my family. Thank you.

--A Pennsylvania Prisoner, July 9, 1996.

 RCG1 RESPONDS:  Megan Kanka was killed in 1994 by a  convicted sex offender in New Jersey, who lived  across the street from her. The Kankas did not know  their neighbor was a convicted sex offender(1).  After Megan's death, New Jersey passed Megan's Law,  and Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and  Law Enforcement Act of 1994(1994 Fed Act). Both  laws require states to inform communities when  convicted sex offenders move into the area(1). The  1994 Fed Act requires people convicted of a sex  offense to register with the state for ten years  after their release from prison. This law requires  states to punish people who do not register(2).

In addition, state law enforcement agencies must  transmit a copy of the convict data and  fingerprints to the FBI. Failure to do so would  result in the state's loss of 10% of special  federal grant money(3).

Clinton signed the 1996 Federal Megan's Law which  requires states to inform the public when  "convicted sex offenders" are released and to  establish a system of warning the public by  September 1997 or states may lose federal "anti- crime" money(1). Fifteen states already have these  warning systems in place(4).

This legislation focuses upon the release of  convicted sex offenders, it is unclear whether  people convicted before the signing of Megan's Law  are required to register with states. If anyone has  more information please write to MIM.

 NOTES: 1.CNN/Time, 2.Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of  1994, 3.Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of  1994: Substantive Criminal Provisions, 4. CNN/Time, ndex.shtml


 Dear MIM, I recently received your letter informing me of the  censoring of some materials you sent me. I did  receive MIM Notes in May and the administration  didn't give me notice barring anything. However it  should come as no surprise that these  "pekkkerwoods" will interfere with anything they  see as a threat to the state of ignorance they have  founded here in Texas prisons.

I see Playboy, Penthouse and Playgirl ... coming in  faster than the speed of light. These publications  are unhindered due to the effect is serves upon an  already brain dead mass of ignorance.

Recently I was watching a film with "Clinton the  Crookkk" and he was expounding on how the  gangbangers were/are such cowards for doing drive- by shootings. And the "all-white but never right"  audience was agreeing lock stock and barrel.

First of all most non-European ethnic groups have  been continuously drilled and indoctrinated by the  white owned media and societal fads into living the  "Amerikkkan" way. In other words the evil, wicked  lifestyle of the whiteman.

Incidentally white-folks invented the drive-by  shooting. A drive-by is no more than an unsuspected  surprise attack on a person or persons. I am sure  if we ask the Indians and Afrikans of this country  about this issue they will readily confirm that the  whiteman has been driving-by on them for hundreds  of years.

The funny thing is when black gang-bangers (who  need guidance and who will play a major role in the  armed struggle) commit a drive-by, they are thugs  and cowards. But white-boys in the 20's and 30's  who drove-by and gunned other humans down  unsuspectingly, are hailed as heros in the  whitemans gangster movies. And white-boys who  unsuspectingly burn down black churches only need  to be caught to add that extra edge to some devils  political career, but are not cowards or thugs, is  simply the "Amerikkkan Way"....


--A Texas Prisoner, July 1,1996.


 **The following policy memorandum was sent to MIM  by a prisoner who wanted to see more news about his  state. This demonstrates the repression against  prisoners that extends even into their health care.  Charging prisoners for health care when they have  no source of income (or are working for the prisons  earning slave wages) forces them into debt and  means that any money they are sent from the outside  will be confiscated by the prisoncrats.**

 As of August 1, 1996, medical co-payments will be  applied to all new medical incidents occurring  after the implementation of date of revised  Department Regulation No. b-06-001, "Health Care".  ...Inmates will be charged a $3.00 fee for each  unscheduled, self-initiated request for medical,  dental and mental health service. ...After release  from care for an injury or illness, subsequent  unscheduled, self-initiated requests for treatment  for that injury or illness, may be chargeable.

No inmate will be charged for any contact that is  scheduled by the Warden or designee (medical/mental  health personnel). Additionally, no fees will be  charged for any contacts that are mandated by  departmental or institutional policy [or]...When  the fee is waived by the Warden or designee.

...Inmates will be charged a sum of $2.00 for each  new prescription written and dispensed with the  exception of psychotropic medications. There will  be no charge for refills of prescriptions where the  effects of the illness or injury are chronic or  long-term.

...Indigent inmates will be assessed of all current  funds available in their account, and will owe the  balance. The account will then be placed on "hold"  pending future receipt of funds.

--Michael L. Phillips, Warden, June 7, 1996