**Below are four letters from 3 different prisons  in South Carolina. (The 3rd and 4th letters are  from the same prison.) Each describes how new  policies have increased the torture of our brothers  in struggle. This does not mention the repression  and torture that may be going on in KCI, in which  prison officials have severed contact between MIM  and prisoners there.**


 Greetings Comrades

I'm an Afrikan confined in the belly of the beast  at Evans Corruption Institutional, in the home  states of one of the founding fathers of white  supremacy, South Carolikkka! I would like to pass  on to the people some information, concerning the  situation in these gulags in South Carolikkka.

In January of last year the grand dragon of this  state's governors, KKK David Beasley hired a New  Director named Michael Moore, KKK from another  great white supremacy, blood sucking state, Texas!  Some of our comrades in the gulags of texas are  familiar with his tactics while he was employed  there.

On arriving his first mission was to stamp out all  conscious New Afrikan's who he felt would be in  opposition to his programs, of oppression and  intimidation. [He did this] by labeling us under  the (STG) label or with non-compliance to his new  grooming policy which says all hair must be cut  short at all times.

These two policies were aimed strictly at the  Rastafarians and the 5% Movement, who are at the  forefront in the Afrikan Liberation Struggle in  these gulags. Using these tactics the prisoncrats  has moved to negate all opposite to his plan, by  placing everyone in administrative segregation  lockdown, no leadership, no opposition.

Most of the New Afrikans were later shipped to a  new isolation Kamp. These prisoncrats-gangsters  have now implemented: (1) Control movement  throughout the system, (2) No work release programs  for violent offenders, (3) Mandatory work for  everyone at slave wages. If you resist, [you get]  23 hour lock down.

We New Afrikans who are still in administrative  segregation lockdown and continue to resist have  now been charged with "substantiated security  risk". This designation means that all "necessary  and appropriate" restraints will be placed upon us  whenever we are allowed out of our dungeon, which  is only for shower and rec.

Plus we have been subject to a food embargo for the  last seven days. It is called a new too-low diet.  They don't understand this has only built  solidarity among the New Afrikans and the  resistance will be continuous. As Fanon said, we  must ask ourselves three questions: Who am I? Am I  really who I am, and Am I all I ought to be? These  are questions of culture and history. I hope we as  New Afrikans have now answer them for ourselves.  Forward with the revolution with the Spirit of  George Jackson, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner,  Sojourner Truth, My Comrades....

--A South Carolina Prisoner, June 18, 1996.


 I am currently being held hostage in a South  Carolina prison. One of the most racial states in  the U.S. The prison system in South Carolina is  undergoing major changes due to a new commissioner  (Michael Moore). Mr. Moore was once over in the  Texas prison system, but he was run out of Texas.  With him and South Carolina governor David Beasley  the prison system here is nothing but a state with  slave camps.

Mr. Moore is very racist and thrives on control.  Upon coming here to head the prison system, he  ordered all people a part of the Nation of Islam  (5%) to be placed in lock-up. They have remained on  lock up since May of 1995 for no apparent reason  except their beliefs.

I am a white prisoner, but when I see brothers  being oppressed for what they believe in, it makes  me sick. Do or don't you have freedom of religion  in this country? Apparently not in South Carolina.

Mr. Moore has already put his slaves to work, by  bringing the chain gang back to the prison system.  I'm not saying South Carolina has the worst prison  system, because compared to some we have it good.

One of the worst things Michael Moore has done is  take away college education programs. He feels  South Carolina doesn't need smart criminals, or  strong ones. That is why weights were taken away  also. He does not realize weight release pressures  inmates have. Nor does he realize without education  ex-prisoners turn back to crime. But maybe he wants  more people to control. [MIM believes prisoncrats  do realize what they are doing. They want to  control and break prisoners because it is  profitable-ed.]

When Mr. Moore first started here a riot broke out  at Max. Prison. Some guards were assaulted and some  were taken hostage. Mr. Moore stated he was not  concerned with his officers safety, he wanted the  inmates taken down. After the inmates surrendered  and released the hostages unharmed the inmates were  taken down. Three of the inmates have been to court  an will be in prison the rest of their lives. For  what? Standing up for their rights that were being  violated. [Who is the real criminal?--MIM]

I hope to get MIM circulated through the whole  South Carolina Prison system so that when it is  time the oppressed will no longer be oppressed by  the oppressor.

--A South Carolina Prisoner, June 20, 1996.


 Peace, to everyone at MIM and I hope that you all  have been maintaining in the struggle. Since my  letter in March, I also sent along...a description  of the New Segregation Program that has been  implemented by the Director of the South Carolina  Department of Corrections. This program is designed  to physically torture those of us who are long term  "ASU" Prisoners. I stipulated this in my last  letter to you however it is very necessary that I  explain in more detail the punishment we have  endured in this ASU lock- up.

Well to begin with this program has purposely  trampled the rights that are protected by the  Nelson Degree (Substantive Human Rights) which  protects the prisoner from arbitrary force,  wrongful treatment and humane prison  environment/living conditions. This program has by  the enforcement of the officials caused many  [prisoners] to become emotionally unstable. One has  actually taken his life. Also there have been other  attempts of prisoners trying to take their lives.  This program and its Draconian rules were  specifically enforced to break the prisoners' will  as we are being locked down all day and night with  only two to three to hours of recreation a week,  which is in violation of the Degree herein  mentioned.

The monitor's of the decree are not helping at all.  They try to answer every question with their dry  words but never change the immediate situation. To  be honest, I think they really don't care, as they  cast off this impression as though they are really  trying to help. It has been nearly three months  since this program has been in effect. One person  has killed himself and many have attempted to [kill  themselves]. There still has not been any change in  the situation.

The CO's try to cause even more stress by the  mistreating and disregard for prisoners' requests.  We have to request paper, envelopes and pens nearly  a week in advance before we are allowed any ...  sometimes we don't get the materials, there is just  not enough.

At this time I must let you know that I am limited  to only two letters per week so sometimes my  response letters may be late and even hindered by  these nasty, CO's. Our condition here has not  really changed in fact it has taken a turn for the  worse. Now we have a "nurse" orchestrating our  recreation, telling the official if it's too hot  for us or not [to go outside]. Sometimes they only  use this to their advantage just to treat us  unseemingly. There is nothing that can be done when  your behind the door, they are at liberty to do  what they want. No one is doing anything to see  that the ASU prisoners are getting what they are  supposed to and not being mistreated. No one, I  mean no one cares. I am saying this as if I  expected someone to, even though I halfheartedly  did, now I realize that there isn't anyone.

There is also another element of this program that  has me even put on edge. That is the fact that we  have to be up and out of bed by 7:00 am until 7:pm,  which is five days a week, 60 hours per week. This  has become a bother for me due to an accident I had  in which...I injured my back. Now because  of the twelve hour refrain from resting in the bed  my condition has worsened. I am in constant pain  and medical will not give me a bed pass. Nor will  they assist in the proper treatment for my back  under these conditions....

...I don't think that they are going to let any of  the 5%'s into level three simply because we are on  long term lockup. Our situation is the same as the  level one prisoners, they are just selling us a  dream. I can only hope that things change for the  better for all of us, but somehow I know that it  won't unless we stick together is struggle....

--A third South Carolina Prisoner, June 25, 1996.


 ... We continue to be repressed herein this  putrid/forlorn component. In fact there have been  three suicides since fascist Michael Moore started  his control of prisoner movement program in all of  the state's ad-seg units. Everyday they strip and  place someone in the chair for eight hours.... In Struggle --A fourth South Carolina Prisoner,  July 3, 1996.


 **MIM has received a number of letters resembling  the one following. MIM Notes is a tool to expose  the repression by the state and its pigs, we are  not surprised that the state has a double standard  for 'free speech' - it is not the only double  standard applied against the oppressed.**

Dear Sirs,

I am currently incarcerated at the State  Correctional Institution at Retreat in Hunlock  Creek, Pennsylvania and recently subscribe to MIM  Notes.

The institution has confiscated the two issues that  you mailed to me stating that your publication was  disapproved because of the following reason:   "Writings that advocate violence, insurrection, or  guerrilla warfare against the government or any of  its institutions, or which create a clear and  present danger within the extent of the  correctional institution."

Is there anything that can be done legally to stop  the institution for confiscating my copies of MIM  Notes? I would appreciate any information that you  can provide me with because I would like to start  receiving you publication here at the institution. Your time and attention in this matter is much  appreciated.

-- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, July 3, 1996.

 MIM RESPONDS:  We get many of these letters every  week and we rely on the prisoners and our allies on  the outside to fight these battles through the  legal system whenever possible. Sometimes these  legal battles can be won and censorship is stopped  temporarily in one prison. Filing an appeal is a  good first step by any prisoner who has his or her  mail censored. The Washington State ACLU has  recently taken up a legal battle on behalf of MIM  Notes and a few other publications frequently  censored in the prisons and we hope that these and  other efforts will win us some more access to the  prisons.


 State Correctional Institution, R.D. #3, Box 500,  Hunlock Creek, PA 18621-9580. Indiana State Prison, PO Box 41, Michigan City, IN  46361-0041. Utah DOC, Central Utah Correctional Facility, 255  East 300 North, PO Box 550, Gunnison, UT 84634. Elmira Correctional Facility, Box 500, Elmira, NY  14902-500. KCI-MSU, 4344 Broad River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210.


 Dear Comrades,

Yesterday, I received a notice of publication  restriction from the Pelican Bay State Prison  mailroom for MIM Notes #115 and #116. This is due  to the passing of Senate Bill 1260 (Presely)  resulting in the changes to penal code section  2600. As you may already know Pelican Bay has a  history of racist violence and political  repression.

The passing of this bill gives the authorities the  right to stop any material that is deemed a threat  to the safety and security of the institution.  Euphemistically, this means any material that  speaks about the oppression of Black people and  other oppressed nationalities, or the state i.e.  judges, police, and other civilian employees who  help maintain the present order, etc.

Whatever the case may be, the articles in the paper  must have been good, because Pelican Bay will stop  any publication that exposes their dirt and the  dirt of other Federal, state and local law  agencies. But I always say that dirt can't hide  from intensified Tide.

MIM keep up the good work in exposing the system.  The main area you want to cover is those on the  outside. These seem to be the people who can't  quite understand that prisons are about profit and  war on crime is about the state mechanism  criminalizing the poor.

When I see these publication restrictions, I do not  get discouraged, although that is their [the pigs]  sole purpose. One can not discourage a person who  is class-conscious by stopping a publication. One  only allow them to become fully aware again. You  become fully aware that capitalism breeds a society  where there are anti-socio-personalities. V.I.  Lenin said, "When we go to hang the capitalist,  they will sell us the rope." Keep struggling  because eventually we will win through.

Sincerely,  -- A California Prisoner, July 17, 1996.


 Pelican Bay State Prison, 5905 Lake Earl Ave,  Crescent City, CA 95531.


 **"Even if you can't throw the shot or synchronize  swim, Massachusetts motorists can still help the  US-Olympic team by putting on the new Olympic  Spirit license plate on their cars...the  multicolored special plates cost $80.00, of which  $50.00 will go to the US-Olympic Committee to  support athletes in Atlanta and future  Olympics...The plates were unveiled yesterday at  the State House by Governor William F. Weld."**  (Boston Herald, "Bay State Plates Help Carry the  Olympic Torch", July 20, 1996)

What this quote doesn't reveal is the fact that  currently the prison:  MCI-Walpole, where these  "Olympic Spirit" plates are manufactured is  undergoing a Pseudo-lockdown, imposed by Larry  Dubois, Massachusetts Department of Corrections'  Commissioner and the self same person who  implemented the locking down of USP-Marion.

Out of the general prison population only 30  prisoners are employed in the prison industry which  has been curtailed down to only the plate-shop.  Most other prisoners are confined to their  respective cells 23 and one half hours daily. The  rest are herded like chattel into the big grassy  prison-yard. There is no shade...A set of plates  cost $80.00; prisoners make $1.00 per hour (6 hours  daily). There is a rate of 21,000 sets of plates  made daily. Simple math shows that capitalism  herein America is the "Olympic in Spirits" The 13th  Amendment to the US Constitution lets Slavery  Exist.

-- A Massachusetts Prisoner, July 23, 1996.


 Dear Comrades,

I am writing in response to the letter which  appeared in issue #116, June 15, 1996 issue of MIM  Notes from the "worker in the New Afrikan  Independence Movement." and the definition of a  "political prisoner". The writer utilized  terminology like the "national Liberation struggle"  yet failed to correctly analyze the role of  prisoners in that struggle. I agree that we have  Prisoners of War which dedicated their lives and  liberty to waging war against the Capitalistic  elite in this racist/capitalistic monster currently  called "Amerikka". Yet, he/she failed to make an  objective analysis of the prisoner and the role of  the prisoner in the national liberation movement.

The prison front of the movement is just as  essential as any other front. And you will never  unify the lumpen proletariat by creating a lot of  class distinctions among the prison class. Any  intellectual and student of revolutionary science  knows the difference. Therefore, you must utilize a  broad definition of the term Political Prisoner  (P.P.) which will incorporate those in that class  into the prisoner front of the movement.

I think that for the purpose of propagandizing the  prison population that the MIM definition is broad  enough to incorporate the entire prison class and  define the relationship between that class and our  common enemy which is "Monopoly Capitalism". All  POW's in this country know who they are and the  special status and relationship they enjoy among  tendencies that share our common beliefs. They are  to be emulated by the prison class and all in  society. Yet, we do not need to create class  controversies among the prison class because  technically speaking, we are all "political  prisoners" under the yoke of the same imperialistic  monster.

Every different political tendency in this country  has its own definition of P.P.'s and we shouldn't  waste valuable time and resources in MIM Notes and  other propaganda vehicles debating things which are  trivial. In sum, let's stop bickering and debating  b.s. and let's organize, agitate and educate so we  can liberate. I am.

Yours in Solidarity, --An Illinois Prisoner, July 28, 1996.

MIM RESPONDS:  We agree with this comrade that all  prisoners are political prisoners. But we disagree  that this is not worth debating in the pages of MIM  Notes. The words we use are important because of  the political meaning behind them. If some people  do not believe that prisons are political  institutions used to lock up people for politically  defined crimes then this reveals a larger  disagreement that is worth struggling over. It is  through this struggle that we can all advance our  political analysis and move forward in greater  unity and strength.

"Class" as used by Marxists is a scientific term  which does not accurately apply to prisoners as a  single group. Prisoners in Amerikkka's gulags are  in fact composed principally of two classes:  the  proletariat and the lumpenproletariat. Marxist  terminology refers to prisoners as a "stratum," and  to the plural of such non-class, non-national, non- gender groupings as "strata". For a more thorough  analysis of this issue and more, check out MT11 for  $5 from MIM in which we address the gulags in  Amerika.


 ...I am currently trying to save the life of a  death row inmate. His name is Mr. X and he is truly  an innocent man on death row.

To find out more about his case, look for the essay  "Until Justice is Served" under the Death Penalty  section of the Bruderhof web site (I am not a  Bruderhof member).

Recently Mr. X was transferred from Greene  Correctional Institute in Pennsylvania to  Pittsburgh because the guards there were caught  torturing Mr. X. They poured acid on his arms,  kicked in his rib cage and threw him repeatedly  down a flight of 14 steps.

Why, you ask?

Because GCI was sued by Mr. X and he won. He  charged them with deliberate indifference. He was  born with Celiac Disease, a pre-existing condition  that dictates a certain diet to remain healthy. On  the street, you can stop it from ever rupturing. In  prison, you have to have special foods not on their  menu in order to sustain yourself.

Mr. X was denied medication and food by this prison  to where he sued them and WON! But the prison  guards decided to take matters into their own hands  and they beat him. Luckily a warden was on duty and  caught the guards. And now he is in another prison.

But his health his still in trouble and he is still  in danger of being hurt... I just wanted people to know that even on Death  Row, there are still cruel acts being carried out,  even in maximum security prisons like this...

-- A friend of a Pennsylvania prisoner, July 15  1996.


 I am currently a prisoner in the Michigan  Department of Corrections (Chippewa KTF). I have  become a true believer that these prisons are not  designed to rehabilitate inmates. The prisons here  in Michigan promote hostile atmospheres for the  inmates to reside in, by stacking inmates (full  grown men) on top of each other. For example, here  at KTF, 120 men are housed in a pole barn, which is  designed to hold only 60 inmates.

These facilities offer hardly anything positive for  the inmates to involve themselves with. Then, when  an inmate joins an organization to give himself  something positive to occupy his time with he gets  harassed and accused of belonging to a gang! The  institution does not allow these organizations to  participate in any positive activities. All  proposals submitted are being denied. It seems like  the DOC is no longer interested rather if an inmate  receives rehabilitation, nor the education he/she  needs to become a productive member of society upon  his/her release.

Instead, Governor Engler stopped inmates from  receiving financial aid to further their education.  An inmate is only allowed the luxury of obtaining  his GED in this facility...and we all know that is  only the beginning of the road to success  concerning education.

They are constantly passing new policies which are  making it more and more difficult for inmates to  communicate with the outside world, which is a  vital part of rehabilitation. They have restricted  our telephone calls by giving us only 10 phone  numbers to call. These numbers can only be changed  every six months. These phone calls are being  recorded and monitored. The have done the same  thing with our visits. They have made us send our  loved ones visitor applications which invade their  personal lives with questions that are not  applicable; although required to answer if they  wish to visit.

These prisons in Michigan are nothing more than an  economy saver. While us prisoners in Michigan are  steadily working for slave wages. We are also being  subject to all kinds of diseases by being forced to  live in such crowded quarters. Then when an inmate  request health services, he usually does not get  the attention he needs until he has naturally  recovered! If an inmate does not have financial  support from the outside world, he is a lost cause!  These people know this, that is why they are making  it so hard for a person to have contact with the  outside world.

--A Michigan prisoner, Mar. 11, 1996.


 We have started a prison pen pal organization and  would like your help in spreading the word. We are  a pen pal service for prisoners. We are writing  organizations like yours to let you know we are a  new newsletter published quarterly, dedicated to  information and enrichment and to helping prisoners  help themselves receive daily mail. Seeking  prisoners who would like a copy of our newsletter  or prisoners who would like an application to place  a free ad in our newsletter. For a free newsletter  or an application for an ad in our newsletter,  please send us a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope,  (SASE) If you want both a newsletter and an  application to be in our newsletter send two  SASE's. --Daily Mail, 8139 Sunset Avenue, Suite 190, Fair  Oaks, CA 85628.