...We dealing at this kkkamp to back off the  repressive tactics of these fools and its touch and  go. Winning some rulings from the kourts, but these  clowns just disregard rulings and continue with  their fucked up retaliation and abuse of  discretion. Many dudes are giving up and going  along with their behavior modification so they can  get somewhere soft, its joke. Many comrades are  still holding the line and are giving as well as we  are taking. The joint is still locked down 22 and a  half to 23 hours a day in the max end. They are  getting ready to build a 1,000 man joint in the  hills near Shirley and   Gardner, these people want  the jobs and money off our suffering!... -- a Massachusetts Prisoner, July 28, 1996.


 ...Things here in the Ohio penal system are very  bad. The population at this place is steadily  increasing with younger black males mostly. The  population at L.O.C.I. is about 2,800, but  construction is underway and they plan on housing  5,000 by 1999. So the theme here is get tough on crime: Lock them  up for as long as possible. -- an Ohio Prisoner, June 17, 1996


 ...On July 13, 1995, we (housing unit #3) were  locked down after the police incited a small riot.  The lockdown lasted until July 19, 1996, during  which time we received no showers, visits, or hot  meals (bag lunches only). A few of the officers  were hurt, unfortunately, all of the prisoners (at  least 5) didn't get away as others did. However,  their sacrifice is appreciated, praised and won't  go in vain.

This is why they have me on administrative  segregation pending investigation at this time.  Because I refuse to allow what happened to be swept  under the rug so easily. They are afraid that I'm a  threat to the security of this institution. They,  however, haven't decided as to whether they are  going to keep me on ad. seg. for a while or send me  out of the prison.... -- a Maryland Prisoner, July 29, 1996


 ...Most of the info that I would offer is already  being covered by other prisoners' mail...negligent  medical care resulting in prisoners' deaths, bad  food, appeals routinely denied by the courts,  grievances routinely denied by the prisoncrats, sex  between guards and inmates, guards bringing in  drugs while they lord it over inmates who are in  prison for drugs, psychotropic drugs being  prescribed by the psychiatrist as if they were  Tylenol... nothing new here.... -- An Illinois Prisoner, Aug. 5, 1996


 Comrade, ...Regarding this new prison, presently there is  not much going on as far as programs are concerned  cause they are really behind in everything  educational, something that could really benefit an  incarcerated person. But we do have, or they made  sure that we had plenty of basketballs, weights and  weights in the gym.

Unfortunately the area of, or the classroom of  higher learning are empty. This is why I always try  to teach myself the important things I need to  know. Also my teaching of the Nation of Islam  require all striving brothers to seek knowledge  from the cradle to the grave, so that's my quest to  the end.... -- a North Carolina Prisoner, July 21, 1996.


 Dear Comrades, ...Myself and three others have been in segregation  for almost two months for some BS about being a  threat to security because of our study group. The  oppressor has put his foot down on the Little man  once more. Our study group is going very well. But  at this time I've had to start all over because the  other two have been transferred to other prisons.  All in the world we've done is continued our group  after being told to stop.

The prison pigs don't like your newsletter and have  a difficult time with the truth....It's really  funny the pigs don't like the revolutionary  politics, and yes, they keep a very close eye on  me.

As far as my lawsuit, things are well. The United  States judges have handed down an order to the  Department of Corrections that all inmates will  have access to the law library materials in  lockdown areas. As well as for indigent inmates who  need paper, envelopes, pens and carbon paper can  complete a request form and get his supplies, after  being verified to be indigent. It's not much, but  it's a start. Really they just tried to take the  access to see if they could get away with it.

Comrades please remember me, down here the  oppressors have it in for me Big Time. But the  struggle will never end for me, the battles will be  many. I'm Iron-Clad and will sacrifice to bring  down the oppressors.

MIM you're my heart. You stand for everything I  believe in....Respectfully in Struggle. --a Georgia Prisoner, July 31, 1996


 Warm revolutionary greetings, I am writing so that you will know that I am still  alive, and I wish for my papers to continue. I  apologize that I have not been in touch, or sent  any of my essays or writing lately, but I have been  trying to survive a situation which developed here.  I'm enclosing a copy of a report that I wrote  [printed below]. I am hoping you could write up an  article on this report, because I am sure that this  tactic is much more widespread that we are aware.  The purpose of it is to kill the desire of  leadership, through psychotropic drugs...

If they are unable to break your spirit one, they  try another. So when they realized that the  isolation (almost complete), the repression of all  my emotional ties and community support, and all of  the other means they have attempted to get maximum  control over me, failed, they sent this mental  health woman at me, bringing me to the brink of  destruction. I would like to see if others have been approached  by these means, to get them on some type of  psychotropic drugs. I have been successful in  locating at least 10 to 15 people that are now on  some type of psychotropic, mind controlling drug,  and I'm confined to a cell 24 hours a day.

All of the persons I've located, had some type of  contact with this person [the mental health woman].  She used the same basic approach, the higher your  profile, the more sexual games she played with you.  Even to the point of having sex with a few  [prisoners].  This issue is being swept under the rug by the DOC  [Department of Corrections] and mainstream papers.  It needs to be brought out of the darkness.... -- a Connecticut Prisoner, July 1996.


 I have just emerged from a very traumatic  experience. I was involved with a personal  relationship with my therapist. She is a female by  the name of Joan Mason who has since resigned from  the DOC as of June 6, 1996. I truly believe that  she was sent to snare me, [sent] by whom, I'm not  sure. But I believe that the purpose was to get me  introduced to some type of psychotropic drug in  order to suppress my revolutionary ideology and  philosophy. There are many reasons that I believe  the above statement, too numerous to go into,  completely at this writing.

The plot and scheme was a typical Samson and  Delilah machination. To have me fall in love with  her, [and have her] manipulate me into taking some  type of psychotropic drug and thereby killing my  tendency to fight. [Killing] my revolutionary drive  and spirit.

The scheme was so shrewd and sophisticated I was  unable to recognize it as such, until it was too  late. But I accidentally stumbled upon it due to my  stubbornness and beliefs that a man is not supposed  to be led like a sheep, by a woman. The details of  this whole experience are so intricate and complex,  I'm not sure I'll be able to put it on paper. I  believe that there is a protracted effort by  elements in the Mental Health Department and DOC to  medicate and zombitize "High Profile Individuals",  and the record will support by theory.

The process works by getting female staff to  befriend you, and gain your confidence by whatever  means necessary, even enticing you sexually. I was  not any easy mark, thereby making it necessary to  go beyond her normal call of duty, leaving me with  a lot of material evidence, which I initially was  destroying until my ESP caused me to start saving  certain evidence.

I did eventually fall in love with her. She had me  in a constant state of flux, an emotional roller  coaster. She was on the verge of succeeding at her  task. She constantly had me angry, hurt,  frustrated, upset and in a disturbed state of mind.  She would come to my door, tell me lies and bring  me bad news; tell me she would call me out, then  not do it; tell me she would answer my letters, and  then have all kinds of excuses. She would tell me,  "Oh I'm just causing you too many problems. Maybe I  better step back.", knowing full well that would  evoke my fear of loss....

Then she would suggest that I take an anti- depressant. I resisted taking any drugs, and she  would be very persistent. By no means am I weak,  but when it comes to matters of the heart, it is my  Achilles heel. Coupled with being in this  environment which is devoid of human compassion and  feelings. [Since I was] never allowed any real  social intercourse, it was not hard for her to trap  me with her sexual games and innuendos.

But my resistance to taking psychotropic drugs was  still strong. My principle of love is one of trust,  and I caught her in lie after lie. And this  actually saved me in a way, because while I was in  love with her, the animosity created by her lies  was just strong enough to keep me from being "all  in".

She came to my door with something some guard said,  but would not tell me who. Something I didn't need  to know. Anyway it ended with me giving her an  ultimatum, if she left my cell without telling me  ... either who the pig was, or at least why she  would not tell me, [I would break off the  relationship with her].

She was so confident in the thought that she had a  ring through my nose, she left. I did what I had to  do. She came to my cell the next day and told me  that she loved me. I told her it was too much, too  little, too late. She could resign or stay and be  disgrace and fired. She resigned.

In the aftermath of her resigning, I got feedback  from through-out the prison. Learning that my  suspicion of other relationships were true. Another  prisoner whom she had done the same to, unlike me  had cut his throat (he did survive). There are some  6 or more men she had [treated] like this.

I am at present trying to get an attorney so that I  can sue her and the state because it is now known  she has a history of inappropriate behavior. She  was my therapist and she violated every rule and  code of ethics that exist. And the state knew of  her past or should have known. She was disciplined  on April 18, 1996 for unauthorized contact with  another prisoner. She has left me mentally scared  for life. -- the same Connecticut Prisoner, June 19, 1996


 ...Check this out, I went to my pre-trial hearing  and I wasn't allowed to take a B.M. I was forced to  wear leg irons and chains were run through my  handcuffs. My attorney never said one word to the  prison official about our privacy. They were  looking down our mouths. I told one of the prison  officials to get out of my mouth. I was in chains  from 5:00 am until 2:00 pm.

My family came to the courthouse in Brazoria county  to see me but were not allowed to visit me nor talk  to me. Them SOB's pulled guns on me and talk shit  to my family, my attorney didn't say a word. She  [the lawyer] was busy trying to undermine me to cop  out for 20 years.

Mrs. Barbara Landes, Staff Attorney for Inmate  Legal Services. This woman is my lawyer. See I told  her that the Asst. Warden, Norman E. McClure, put  me or tried to set me up to kill a friend of mine,  an inmate named "T." He is a writ-writer and has a  civil rights lawsuit against Warden McClure. I  refused to take [my friend's] life for this snake  [McClure].

Mrs. Landes is trying to cover up for Warden  McClure. She has not told the District Attorney or  the judge that I was pressured into cutting "T" up  with a homemade knife (a razor blade on an ice  cream stick), but "T" cut me first.

Mrs. Landes works for the prison system, as staff  attorney. She is real transparent and you can see  through her lies. I had to tell you that because it  is absolutely disgusting. She has not done one  thing to defend me, but to have me in for a plea  bargain. -- a Texas Prisoner, June 26, 1996


 Dear MIM, I've come to realize that the prison staff not  allowing MIM Notes in, or the confiscation of after  it's let in, is not always censorship. In my case  it was pure harassment.

You recently sent me MIM Notes 117 and 118. I'd  already read and passed on 118, but was still  reading 117. I am in the Special Housing Unit (SHU)  for "security concerns" whatever that is. No one  will tell me and I'm using the grievance procedure  to try to get out.

Anyway, last week our prisoner (want-a-be-federal- agents) guards came in to shake down my cell. On my  table was MIM Notes 117, which on the cover has a  picture of a KKK person. Well, they took it saying  I couldn't spread my "racial hate" in here. I tried  to explain that the paper and article was not pro- Klan. I also pointed out that despite me being  white I believe in the causes of MIM, which is a  supporter of all minority causes. But they would  hear none of it and accused me of being a racist.  They promptly tore up the copy and threw it in the  trash.

While I'm sure the guard was only trying to harass  me, as is the norm in the SHU, I still wanted to  share with you how MIM Notes was accused of being  Klan literature. Until now, I've never had a  problem getting MIM Notes. So don't think their  censoring you, [they were] just harassing me.

I look forward to getting my next copy of MIM  Notes, as it's the one of only a few papers to  print the truth and support those that are in need  of support.... In Struggle!  -- a Florida Prisoner, July 31, 1996.


 MIM has received another notice from Mr. Howard  Carlton, Warden at the Northeast Correctional  Center in Mountain City, Tennessee. The letter  claims that "Under Tennessee Department of  Corrections policy, this material [MIM Notes] is  not allowed into this penal facility."

MIM first received this notice in April 1996. Soon  after, the prisoner who was being censored said  prison officials would allow him to receive MIM  Notes if the "X" was removed from his name on the  address label. MIM then removed his "X". Then the  July 1996 issues of MIM Notes were returned to MIM,  with a note from prison officials stating,  "insufficient address". August 5, 1996, MIM  received the above notice again with the same  prisoner information as the envelope marked  "insufficient address". What will these prison  officials think of next?

Letters of protest can be addressed to: Howard  Carlton, Warden, Tennessee Dept of Corrections,  Division of Adult Institutions, Northeast  Correctional Center, PO Box 5000, Mountain City, TN  37683-5000. -- RCG1, August 13, 1996.


 MIM has received several notices from the State of  Washington Department of Corrections stating that  MIM Notes is being "rejected statewide per  headquarters". The specific reasons differ with  each institution.

For example Clallam Bay Corrections Center claims,  "mail advocates that any ethnic, racial or  religious group is inferior for any reason and  makes such a group an object of ridicule and scorn  and may reasonably be thought to precipitated a  violent confrontation between the recipient and a  member of the target group." On the other hand  Airway Heights Corrections Center took the shorter  route. It claims "the mail or publication is a  threat to legitimate penological objectives."

The following is a letter protesting the censorship  of MIM Notes by a prisoner at the Washington State  Reformatory in Monroe, WA which has also been  censoring MIM Notes. It is addressed to the  director of Washington state Division of Prisons.  -- RCG1 Aug. 13, 1996

 Dear Mr. Rolfs:

I am appealing the "Offender Mail Rejection" I  received on July 19, 1996 at the Washington State  Reformatory. No file number was given on the form.

The rejection was for the MIM Notes (a political  newspaper) No. 116, June 15, 1996. The reason for  the rejection alleges it "Promotes the seizing of  power through armed struggle. Since that is the  stated purpose the Division has rejected this issue  statewide."

I contend this censorship is discriminatory and  violates my First Amendment Rights to Freedom of  the Press and Freedom of Expression. Every major  political entity in history has promoted the "as an  extension of politics" --- Clautzwitz on War. Even  the Declaration of Independence of the U.S. has  promoted the same. The purpose of MIM Notes is not  to promote violence in prisons, as it would serve  no political purpose, but to express the range of  politics under the communist philosophy.

The U.S. Supreme Court has found Washington State's  anti-communist statues unconstitutional on their  face. The mail rejection of MIM Notes by WSR, DOP  or DOC policy can not circumvent the Supreme  Court's decision. I therefore appeal the mail rejection as violative  of my rights to freedom of expression and freedom  of the press. -- a Washington state Prisoner, July 22, 1996

RCG1 ADDS: It is MIM line that there are no rights  under capitalism only power struggles. Continue the  struggle.

Letters of protest can be addressed to: Tom Rolfs,  Director, Division of Prisons, PO Box 41123, 401 W  5th, MS:1123, Olympia, WA 98504-1123.


 To whom it may concern: In 1991, May 28th and 29th...there was a major  rebellion at Southport Correctional  Facility...where numerous prisoners suffer severe  injuries as well as state officers who operate the  facility. Such a rebellion was caused by the  barbarous treatment and inhumane conditions  prisoners were being subjected to by members of the  Ku Klux Klans.

Today the situation in Southport Prison is  unchanged. In fact it is even worse. The prison's  response to demands for basic human rights have  been to increase repression, oppression, depression  and suppression in the name of "security" and beat  up on prisoners for no reason whatsoever, while in  mechanical restraints, waist belts and leg irons.

The number of guards has doubled since 1991. Racist  guards, staff and employees, which many believe to  be Ku Klu Klan [members] harass, beat and threaten  the lives of prisoners daily. Southport is in a  very high tension right now as the racist,  unprofessional and prejudiced officers continue to  push, press, destroy personal property, sexually  assault prisoners, tamper with food and mail, frame  prisoners up, steal prisoners' photos, harass  visitors and beat up prisoners.

The menu that was sent from Albany (statewide  supposedly)... [portions are] drastically reduced,  i.e. fruit juice, fresh fruit and the main course  are usually cut in half... Any religion other than  Christianity is heavily scrutinized by chapel staff  and the guards...The store prices here are about  20-40% higher than any other facility....

The staff here is disoriented, ...related to each  other and make sure to cover each others tracks.  None of the staff follow the NYCRR (New York Codes  Rules and Regulation). They make up shoe string  policies daily... Prisoner's property is  consistently stolen by the guards and there is  constant misuse of the inmate betterment fund.

The grievance system is a joke. No steps are ever  taken within the institution to correct any  problem. Any prisoner complaint of staff misconduct  results in the prisoner being infracted and harshly  punished. Counselors never make any attempts to  work with prisoners to help them better themselves.  All they do is push through miscellaneous paper.

Personal mail is unlawfully read by guards and  constantly stolen. Harassment of visitors is  commonplace. The guards are ... constantly  physically and verbally abusive toward visitors and  prisoners. Prisoners have limited access to the  legal library. Sanitary supplies which are given to  clean our cells contain feces and urine...While  institutional investigations are being held guards,  staff and employees ... conspire cover up the  barbarous treatment prisoners face daily. -- a New York Prisoner, May 25, 1996


 Dear MIM Notes, They did it again! A you can see, this fine  institution that I'm blessed to be housed in denied  delivery of your publication again. Now, instead of  stating which pages are offensive they say the  "entire publication meets disapproval criteria".  What can be done to ensure that mine, and your,  right to free speech is not taken away?

This prison seems to bend a lot of rules concerning  our rights. Just last month I went to  classification for an annual review and at that  time I requested a transfer to a prison closer to  my family. Penal Code 5068 clearly states that  inmates have every right to be housed at a facility  close to home. The Penal Codes obviously don't mean  squat to Pleasant Valley State Prison! I was denied  and given a lame excuse of: "Sacramento sent out a  memo stating that inmates will no longer be  transferred to other prisons unless the inmate's  points change their level of custody." When I asked  if I could see this so called "memo", I was flatly  denied again!

My question is: Why do certain inmates have the  luxury of being housed in prisons close to home,  and in prisons where the inmates are able to earn  enough money to buy hygiene products (that the  state won't give indigent inmates) and other items  to make their sentence more bearable, and I'm not?  I have remained write-up-free for the entire 3  years of my incarceration and for what? I'm stuck  away from my family and their potential visits. I'm  forced to survive on the meager state issue and  unable to get a paying job because of the  vocational training that I was basically forced  into.

Oh, I didn't tell you about that! I signed up for a  computer training course when I arrived here in  January of 1994. They said the waiting list was 6  months. At my annual review (my second one since  I've been here) in April, I was told that I had to  get off the computer training list because that  list was now 2 1/2 years long! It was only 6 months  when I signed up, over a year ago! So without my  consent I was put on the consumers electronics  class list. I've been a blue collar worker all my  life and can't see myself trying to get a job at  the age of 42 trying to repair TV's or radios. But,  can I get out of that class? Not unless I want to  go to the hole and subsequently have my points  jacked back up so I could never leave this  cesspool!

I feel the action of PVSP [Pleasant Valley State  Prison -MIM] need to be brought to somebody's  attention. If there's anything you can do, or  perhaps you have an idea for me to use, I'd greatly  appreciated it. Have a great day and I apologize  for dropping all this in your lap. I wish there was  a way I could get your publication! I feel PVSP is  out of line in denying me to read it. I hope to  hear from you soon.

Respectfully yours,  -- A California Prisoner, June 18, 1996.

Letters of protest can be sent to: Pleasant Valley  State Prison, PO Box 8500, 24863 W. Jayne Ave,  Coalinga, CA 93210.