...All of my energy has gone in to straining to  keep the small faction of comrades from splintering  here. The psychological tactics of the agents of  this repressive agency are wearing a lot of these  guys down. I must keep them from giving up  completely and that is a task that is never ending,  but one I'm up to.

I've been dealing with suicides, guys giving up  appeals, etc. Added to this is the constant battle  with the counter-revolutionary faction for control  of how we are to deal with our enemies and manage  to evade the electric chair at the same time. The  barrage of nonsense is effecting my brothers  mentally so any suggestions would be much  welcome....

Remaining Strong  -- a Florida Prisoner, 13 August, 1996


 ...In Texas last night, the news openly stated that  any TDCJ Guard can murder any inmate. In July 1996,  on the Robertson Unit, while in the fields, a  Hispanic was shot. He was shot in the head, not in  the back but in the front. The papers guess, he was  running backwards, for that is the only way he  could have been shot as he was. Due to the man not  having any family in the United Snakes, no action  was taken in this case.

This week on another unit, inmates refused to  continue to work for free for a private unit. The  guards shot unarmed inmates. The guards in the TDCJ  and all private units now know that an inmate's  life is meaningless to the system. Till we stand as  one ... we will continue to die on Price Daniel  Unit. The Assistant Warden has made it clear that  he will allow White Racists to go unpunished, be it  guard or inmate. I stand with [the] few who see no  place in this life or any place in the world for  this to be allowed to continue. Together we stand  strong, apart we die one by one. Brothers, learn  and accept, not to accept any less than right and  justice.

 -- a Texas Prisoner, 30 August,1996.


 ...As I stated in my last letter, myself and three  other prisoners were locked down because of our  study group. Because in our study group we were  sharing descriptions of the oppressive and inhumane  ways of our keepers. I'm very proud to tell you  that I've started a new study group, as of now,  seven members and I will not stop my study because  of my keepers' hate for the truth nor will I stand  for inhumane treatment of those in struggle with  me....

...Since Corrections Commissioner Wayne Garner took  office in December, inmates have reported a series  of attack by guards during sweeps and searches at  state prisons. Prison officials have denied any  abuse...

Incidents include: Jan. 4: Surprise inspection at Central State Prison  in Macon Georgia.

Jan. 16: Inmates reported they were beaten during a  sweep at Scott State prison in Milledgeville,  Georgia.

Mid-January: Inmate reports he was forced to strip  to his underwear and was handcuffed to a fence in  the cold for several hours because he refused to  address a guard as "sir". A deputy warden was fired  in connection with the incident. One could wonder  if the warden was under the impression his  Commissioner, Wayne Garner, would approve of his  action.

Jan. 26: Inmate said he was beaten during a sweep  at Wayne State prison in Odum, Georgia....

June: Lawsuit accusing officers of abuse at Autry  State prison in Pelham is amended to include a  complaint of a 58 year old disabled inmate who was  locked down for six weeks then forced into a  marching program after formally protesting his  punishment for failing to walk four miles for his  health.

July 3: Inmates report they were beaten during a  sweep by riot squad at Hayes State Prison in Trion,  Georgia. Squad later sent to Walker State prison in  Rick Spring, Georgia, where inmates' heads were  shaved and others say they were told to remove  their clothes, squat and "walk like a duck".

July 16: Four escapees from State Prison said  guards beat them after they were captured and then  paraded them in from of a window so other prisoners  could see their injuries.

Commissioner Wayne Garner has begun a reign of  terror of psychological abuse of prisoners. In a  letter to Deval Patrick, head of the agency's Civil  Rights Division, John Cole Vodicka of the prison  and jail project said Garner had exhibited  "maniacal behavior [that] has set a mean-spirited  tone through the Georgia prison system". As a  result, many prison guards and wardens "believe  they have Carte Blanche permission from on high to  ignore, mistreat or brutalize inmates".

I call out to every person out there to please come  together. Many have loved ones in the state prisons  in Georgia. Stop this abuse by a crazy man in a  high place. Write to the Department of Justice and  request an investigation into this abuse in the  state prisons in Georgia....

 -- A Georgia Prisoner, 17 August, 1996


 Dear Comrades, Please renew my subscription to MIM Notes. The last  issue I received was #118. Though issue 117 and 118  were selectively denied. They only let certain  issues reach my cell.

The good news is that the Federal courts will rule  around October on the constitutionality of this  censorship. My attorney stated [that] it's an open  and closed case being [that] the prisoncrats have  no penological reason to deny the publications.  Thus I should get all post denied issues of MIM  Notes if the court rules fairly.

There's been a lot of restrictive changes within  the last month and once the prisoncrats finish  doing their modifications, I will send a  chronological calendar of events for MIM Notes...

In Struggle.

 -- an Iowa Prisoner, 28 August, 1996


 This letter concerns a deceased prisoner named  Victor Barnes who's death was caused by neglect.  Mr. Barnes arrived at TDCJ-ID wearing a leg brace  due to an earlier injury. On April 17, 1995 here at  the Hughes Unit, Barnes slipped and fell in the  inmate chow hall. He landed on his back and knocked  himself unconscious. Since the accident Barnes has  severe problems walking and eventually he was  completely unable to walk.

The administration reacted to Barnes' condition by  placing him in (LOP) Loss of all Privileges, also  known as special cell restriction for thirty days  at a time.

...On October 5, 1995, before I was physically  forced into the cell with Barnes, who constantly  urinated and defecated on himself and the floor, he  [Barnes] told Sergeant Crane that he was in pain.  Sgt. Crane then called the infirmary. Nurse D.  Cooper and a female nurse answered the call. Both  nurses and Sgt. Crane went up to Barnes' cell and  stood outside of the cell door for only a second  because of the rancid odor escaping Barnes' cell.  Nurse Cooper firmly declared that there was nothing  wrong with Barnes. Sgt. Crane then made an inmate  mop up the water, urine and dissolved feces and  there were no disinfectants used.

After I was physically forced into the cell, Barnes  asked me not to hurt him, and I assured him that I  would not. Barnes admitted that he had not taken a  shower in about 7 weeks and that medical would not  do anything for him. Although I had an injured  shoulder, I would drag him to the toilet so that he  could either urinate, defecate or bath himself.

For four days Major Starkey and Captain Erickson  gave orders not to open our cell door. I was denied  showers and our sack lunches were pushed beneath  the cell door into the cell.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning a nurse  would walk the runs to take verbal medical  complaints. Barnes would tell the nurse he had  blood in his urine and that his stomach, chest,  back and legs were hurting . The nurses would say,  "Barnes there isn't anything wrong with you." If he  was given a medical appointment, security would  only say that he refused because they all knew he  couldn't walk.

The medication aides would refuse to give Barnes  his medication because he couldn't get up to get  it. They wouldn't give it to me so that I could  take it to him. So on many occasions I would drag  him from his bunk to the cell door so he could get  his medication I filed grievances against Ms.  Redden and Ms. Cooper on behalf of Barnes.

[Another prisoner] also filed grievances on behalf  of Barnes. After I was moved from his cell, Barnes  smelled so bad that a person could smell the odor  two cell doors away. The medical department still  neglected to provide any medical care for Barnes.

Barnes had told me about a medical appointment he  was awaiting. He was sure if he could have gotten  to John Sealy Hospital, he would receive medical  attention. His appointment was scheduled for a date  in November 1995. However, during November or mid- December, Barnes was taken away by medical staff  and security. No one knows if he went to John Sealy  Hospital.

I filed a civil lawsuit ... because of the  excessive use of force and the unsanitary  conditions I was forced to live in for 8 days. I  expected Barnes to appear as a witness in this  case, but I was told by prisoners that Victor  Barnes was dead and his body was taken from the  unit infirmary.

I'm requesting the support and advice from  prisoners, outside comrades and any state and local  organizations in my quest to see that justice is  brought upon those involved in the death by neglect  of Victor Barnes.

I am sure TDCJ-ID officials told Barnes' family  members something about his death but nothing in  reference to the truth. Victor Barnes was from San  Antonio, Texas, and maybe one of MIM's readers will  see this article and pass it on to the Barnes  family....

 -- a Texas Prisoner, Aug. 29 ,1996


 There appears to be an awakening at this particular  prison (Michigan City). Just recently they, the  Pigs, just used lethal injection on my brother, and  now they have placed an entire prison on lockdown,  until they decide what to do next. Because they  already know this comrade was one of the  Revolutionary brothers who stood for change, which  means the same for the others who may also follow  that path.

As it stands, nothing is guaranteed, with various  new laws which extend prison sentences, 3 strikes,  etc. I feel at this point that a discussion should  address how do we come about organizing our  communication system, by small radio, small TV, as  so forth, to establish a link. {This is] to get  prepared and ready for our battle, at that breaking  point where people are straight up tired of  everything, ... about Capitalist running  government,...

 -- a Michigan Prisoner, 16 August, 1996


 Revolutionary Salutes My Comrades I answer your call from the belly of Wisconsin's  KKKoncentration KKKamp. I would like to thank our  for pushing my brother, Khalfani Khaldun's case to  the forefront. I know how oppressive the state of  Indiana is and I thought that no state compares to  its blatant oppressive ways until I was captured  and kidnapped in the state of Wisconsin.

This place is truly a large plantation for the poor  to till the land. Master Tommy Thompson is a true  snake with 2 heads. We have no rights in this  KKKamp. The KKKamp has a majority of New Afrikans  [prisoners], but there are 4 New Afrikans employed  here and they are trained well. If you openly  disagree with the system, you are placed in the  dungeon.

The hearings here are a joke, our so-called rights  are trampled upon daily. The sad part is that 98.9%  of the population refuse to do anything  constructive or anything at all about the  conditions here. Brothers complain but refuse to  sacrifice.

For example, I was in a Afrikan Heritage Group,  where our sponsor, a staff member of Afrikan  heritage, but not Afrikan ideas. [He] relayed to  our group of 25 brothers that the complaint officer  stated that she does not waste her time on  complaints by New Afrikans about racism because we  use that as an excuse. He told us this directly.

Me and another brother in the group asked a New  Afrikan brother who was well versed in the law to  assist us in filing a compliant to the Department  of Corrections, which he did. This brother is a  solid brother who has received numerous checks from  his lawsuits against this racist state.

Once the pigs found out about the complaint, which  is legal according to the DOC's rules, they asked  us who told us that she made this statement. We  refused to tell because we didn't have to. The pigs  issued a conduct report for lying on staff and  disrespect.

The so called investigation was so weak. The pigs  asked the accused if they made the statement and of  course they denied making them. That was the end of  the investigation. The New Afrikan staff member who  told us even denied he made such a statement. What  hurt me is that the Afrikan Heritage Group stated  that we should have expected him to deny it and  that they couldn't do anything. They refused to  stand up for this brother knowing it was wrong.

I asked how do you expect for anyone to be a  coward? I quit the group and a truly righteous  comrade got 90 days segregation. This place is very  passive and these brothers are all about gym shoes  and being macks, which is about nothing. I long for  the day to return to my hometown, to be around my  solid comrades.

 -- a Wisconsin Prisoner, 24 August, 1996

RCG1 Responds: This letter clearly demonstrates how  prison officials will use groups, such as the  Afrikan Heritage Group, to keep prisoners  oppressed. If this study group is led by a  prisoncrat staff, then it is not intended to  empower people, but control them. That pig staff  made that statement about the complaint officer in  order to see how prisoners would react. This way he  saw who was progressive and set them up to get  punished and segregation.

The focus should be on examining the oppressive  forces of the pigs and how to organize the masses.  Not all prisoners are just interested in gym shoes.  The solid comrades have to help lead, organize and  educate. They must work against the oppressive pig  forces and start study groups, letter writing  campaigns etc.

30 September, 1996


 ...I would like to update you on the problems we  are experiencing in ADOC [Arizona Department of  Corrections], but to complain is redundant and  prisoners all across the nation are experiencing  the oppression of prison authorities.

I will talk about the indictment of Fife Symington,  the governor of the state of Arizona. As you  probably know, he was hit with a twenty-three count  indictment by the federal government. I an curious  to see how he will fair. The sheep of Arizona have  not even risen up to get him out of office. I know  back home, I am from Washington D.C., the people  don't take that shit. I know you are probably  thinking, "What about Marion Berry?". The average  person does not know that Mr. Berry was the  greatest mayor D.C. ever had. Before he got into  office the first time, the city and the poor were  suffering drastically. I know there are still  problems but no one did it better than him.

Getting back to Fife, the feds have charged him  using his governor ship to pressure banks into  deals that benefit him, lying to the feds in  bankruptcy hearings, and the theft of 25 million  dollars. He still is in office. There has been a  feeble effort to have a recall vote, but they need  200,000 some odd signatures within 120 days.

The interesting part of this story is Fife is a  staunch advocate on get tough on so-called  criminals. Shit he is the biggest criminal of them  all. He also was one of the leading advocates of  the state's rights issue. Last year his crony, Sam  Lewis, the former director of the Department of  Corrections, was found in contempt by q federal  judge concerning payment to a special master. The  special master was appointed to be a liaison  between the prisoners and the ADOC.. Lewis and Fife  conspired to introduce and push a bill in the state  legislature which made it imperative that the state  legislature approve any moneys Arizona had to pay  the federal government pursuant to fines and the  like.

As you can imagine the feds shat bricks over that  shit and swift action was taken to negate the  state's action. After the contempt charge, he  resigned a month later.

Anyway, I know the feds have not forgotten Fife's  enthusiasm for state's rights. I do not want to see  anyone go to prison, but Fife is an exception. He  has made life in this DOC a living hell. like he  promised. There has been numerous uprisings behind  the policies he and his cronies have implemented.  They don't want the public to know, usually it was  leaked to the press that it was racial tension that  caused the uprisings, but most of the times that  was not the case.

Fife has used the incarcerated as his whipping boys  and treated us like shit. I guess he never knew he  might be facing prison one day. That is the problem  with the average Joe on the street. Any person is  just an arrest away from being sent to prison,  unless you have money. Then you can just about get  out of anything.

Unfortunately, Fife is not coming to ADOC. The feds  got him. The state did not have the balls to get  him even though the writing was on the wall.  Hopefully the feds will remember the song and dance  Fife gave the public concerning state's rights and  send his add to a fed penitentiary of FCI [Federal  Corrections Institution]. But knowing the system,  he will probably go to camp for a few months.

Don't get me wrong,, I hold no torch for the feds..  They can kiss my ass too.. But people like Fife  need a taste of the medicine he has concocted.

Please continue the good work your organization is  doing. Please keep me apprised of your work and the  positive work of others by keeping me on your  mailing list. Thank you.

 -- an Arizona Prisoner, 9 August, 1996


 The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) has  been rocked with some scandals of Corrections  Officers' (C.O.) questionable conduct.

In the month of July 1996, MDOC, C.O. Giles, (a  black female pig) was accused of shooting her gun  at another MDOC employee off duty. This was  regarding another female MDOC employee (who works  with Ms. Giles at the E.C. Brooks Correctional  Facility in Muskegon, Michigan) for allegedly  having an affair with her "man" (who is also an  employee for the MDOC and who works at the same  facility.) As of this writing Ms. Giles is laid off  work, pending investigation.

On August 4, 11996, C.O. Vines (a black female pig)  was caught in the room of another prisoner with her  pants down. A fellow "white" employee, C.O.  Anderson , is the one who discovered this incident.  C.O. Vine was taken up to the Control Center and  off the prison grounds. The prisoner was  subsequently taken to the "hole".

It has been reported that other incidents have  taken place at this facility, since it opened in  1989. Example: an officer was forcing prisoners to  allow him to perform oral sex on them, or he would  write them major misconduct reports. Eventually  this officer was caught and fired, and all the  misconduct reports the officer had written were  pulled. Also, officers at this facility have been  busted bringing drugs into prisoners and also  fired.

The corruption that takes place within the MDOC is  widespread and often covered up and shielded from  the general public's ears. The MDOC is very  powerful and has a lot of pull with local news  agencies whereby the news of their acts aren't  readily reported.

The recent events will be monitored and reported as  more information is gathered.

In the trenches...

 -- a Michigan Prisoner, 14 August, 1996


 I received the first paper that you [sent]. It was  refreshing! Unfortunately the second wasn't allowed  in. They'll refuse each and every one. The reason,  part of it was written in a language other then  English. While I know this isn't the real reason,  the military penal system is far worse than the  normal, and has unlimited resources! Continue to carry forth the word to the masses and  I wish you the best in your endeavors.

 -- a Kansas Prisoner, 9 August, 1996.