Dear Comrade,

My situation at this time is one of repression. I  nonetheless, have survived worse, I certainly will  survive this. I have been framed and put on lock-up  for a small amount of time. I believe [they have  done this] to let me know that they  (Administrators) can do whatever they want and get  away with it. However, my path is unchanged! I will  try to give you a brief history of the events that  led to my present situation (lockup).

I first wrote a Letter/ARP listing the complaints I  had/have with this administration (E.C.I.) and sent  it to several places, anticipating no response from  the warden. But the Maryland Commission on  Correctional Standards, one of the organizations I  sent the letter of complaints to, forwarded it to  the warden, making him respond and angry.

I had a brief discussion with one of (the warden's)  lackeys. Then another [conversation] accompanied by  another lackey. It was then that the second lackey  decided to put me on Ad. Seg. [Administrative  Segregation] pending an investigation. The reason  for this was because he decided that I have  something to do with the disturbance that took  place, in the unit I resided, on July 13, 1996. The  letter/ARP was written and sent in on June 26, 1996  and some of the language, according to lackey #2,  was troubling to him, therefore, my being placed on  lockup justified.

They have 96 hours to take you up for  Classification Team Hearing when on Ad. Seg. It was  during this hearing that it was decided they were  going to show me something (their power over me)  because I wouldn't back down from them. They  fabricated a ticket, which stated "If I stay here,  I'm going to start a riot." and "I helped start the  disturbance a few weeks ago in unit #3."

I only received 30 days on lock-up mostly because  all the other tickets I had within the last few  years, I beat, therefore giving me a good  adjustment record. During my discussions with these  people (all of them white) I never lost my temper  even slightly. As a matter of fact, I sort of  laughed at them, because I knew they were angry not  so much about the complaints themselves, but  because I had sent them out to various places of  which they still don't know them all. Because of  this they felt the need to retaliate against me,  violating my first amendment right, to access  without retaliation, therefore the fabrication and  unjust imprisonment.

It was during my Adjustment Hearing that this tom,  bootlicking, white ass kissing ... told me that I  should learn to keep my composure because he was  going to find me guilty of those rule violations  cited on the ticket. It was then that I started to  lose my composure, but only a little. It was how he  said it, the way he said it that irritated me. It  also told me that this guy has assimilated so well  in the mainstream (white culture) that he doesn't  live in reality. This reality is that white people  (white men in particular) have always conspired  against other people, especially those of color.  but he (the hearing officer) wouldn't believe  [it]....

It is funny in a sad way, that people like him  believe that because they have assimilated so well  that [they believe] all Black people should  assimilate. I proudly say that I am not that kind  of man.... It is fine, however, that I have to  experience this ordeal, because I know that nothing  or something doesn't come without sacrifice and  struggle. This serves to make me stronger... I  realize that life is a culmination of experiences  upon which one is supposed to learn from, extract  the knowledge, wisdom and understanding that can be  gained from the them and apply it to oneself. I am  always trying to gain that knowledge, wisdom and  understanding, ... so my experiences serve me well.

--A Maryland Prisoner, 12 August, 1996


 ...I have finally received your newsletter.... I  greatly appreciate this because it helps me to  broaden by input on certain subjects happening here  at the Pontiac Correctional Center. Well I am sorry  to report that we have lost a few battles here at  Pontiac. As of Jan. 1, 1997, inmates at all IDOC  [Illinois Department of Corrections] Facilities,  will not be supplied with 3 state envelopes. This  means that the indigent individuals will not be  able to write home or to their attorneys, unless  he/she has money in the trust fund account. [Which  they won't since indigent means without funds. -- MIM]

I felt that they were really going to make more  money on the phone calls, but then they hit us with  a new bomb to try to disable us. About 2 weeks ago,  they took the phones away, stating that we cannot  use the phone if we are in C-grade. (The majority  of the Brothers in Pontiac are in C-grade ) I found  out that the reason they are doing this is because  they are scared to death that we will contact the  media about the going-ons that are happening at  Pontiac. Here are three prime examples:

(1) No state pay allowance given to inmates is  segregation even though state legislators approved  an allowance for "All" prisoners in the Illinois  Department of Corrections.

(2) Poor medical treatment given to prisoners in  the IDOC. (I have had an injured hip for 5 months  now and have still not been given medical treatment  . All they have given me is their medical cure for  everything, which is 400 mg of ibuprofen. They give  you this even if you are dying of a heart attack.)

(3) Staff here are provoking prisoners to assault  them [by] calling them Bitches, punks, spicks,  wetbacks and other racial slurs, knowing that it  will make a person react negatively toward them.  Then they give you disciplinary reports and throw  you in the segregation unit, sometimes even  assaulting you after they handcuff you and throw  years at you to serve in segregation!

Well as I said before, Thank you.. I appreciate  receiving your paper. Keep it coming as it is an  inspiration and helps me keep fighting.

Respectfully submitted,  -- An Illinois Prisoner, 16 September, 1996


 Dear MIM, Every time you send me Notes, I couldn't have them  because the media review committee here at this  facility fells that they are too violent. So what  I'm saying is until I leave this facility, stop  sending me Notes that promote violence 'cause they  are not going to let me have them. Thank you.

The name of the person who wouldn't let me have  them is Larry Woodward, Chairperson. MIM Notes #  119 and #120 were the Notes I couldn't have.

--A New York Prisoner, 22 September, 1996

Letters of protest can be addressed to: Larry  Woodward, Chairperson of Median Review Committee,  Box 500. Elmira, NY 14902-0500.


***In the past month MIM has received several  letters from prisoners being held at Pelican Bay  State Prison in Crescent City California. The all  have reported extensive and virtually complete  censorship of MIM Notes.

 -- RCG1, 9 October, 1996.***

 Greetings, I am writing to inform you that your last 4 issues  of MIM Notes have been deemed a "threat to the  security of the institution". Therefore prison  authorities have refused to deliver them to me.

I wrote you not long ago requesting an affidavit or  letter which I could use on my litigation which I  started last year when your publication was first  denied to me. Anyway, I guess it would be best to  take me off your mailing list, to save costs, until  I can resolve this legally. I could still use a  letter or affidavit though or any information in  this area. Gracias.

In Struggle,  -- A California Prisoner, 22 September, 1996.

 Dear MIM, ...You asked me to send you the names of other  publications that have been denied because of  censorship. There are several I can think of right  off hand, well at least a couple. First, Black  Autonomy... and Second, Raze The Walls...

-- A second California Prisoner, 26 August, 1996

Letters of protest can be addressed to: Pelican Bay  State Prison,, 5905 Lake Earl Dr.,, Crescent City,  CA 95531.

 To Whom it May Concern I am in regards today of your recent  correspondence, I received in light of your  publication. The prison here at Gander Hill,  Wilmington, Delaware has sent back the literature I  was supposed to receive. Point is this place ain't  Shit.

Presently I have 3 pending lawsuits against this  institution for various reasons, that publicly need  to be addressed once and for all. This recent  thing, as far as censorship is concerned, only adds  fuel to the fire, on my behalf. This whole  institution, for the Sentencing Commission on down  to the ordinary Correctional officer who oversee  funding and operations as far as keeping the place  functional, is totally illegal.

Point is, this Department of Corrections here still  gets away with entirely too much shit. The old  saying goes, "Inmates run the jail!" Well come to  this shit-hole and the inmates do not.... I have  been housed on the Maximum Security Unit for almost  7 months now, because I am the one who stands up  for my rights and other prisoners as well.

The Classification Board will not classify me to  another facility because I have been labeled, "a  threat to the rehabilitating society", and a very  "high security risk" because I've been labeled an  anti-social political prisoner. Heck even Governor  Thomas Carper of the State of Delaware is seeing to  it personally that, "I am fine where I'm at." I take it that "too much knowledge of one's self"  is against the Correctional Process an inmate has  to endow upon before his or her release into  today's society. People are crazier than me on the  streets. What gives? These politicking ass  lawmakers come up with some very structural laws,  but when it comes to enforcing them, they go  against the grain so to speak....

I personally thank you in addressing the problem  that has occurred. I will see to it that a  political force will win a non-frivolous lawsuit,  in the State of Delaware.

Your Brother in Struggle,  -- A Delaware Prisoner, 30 August, 1996

RCG1 responds: This letter clearly demonstrates the oppressive and  controlling forces in prisons. Censoring political  literature and putting leaders in segregation are  pig tactics use to weaken and divide the masses.  Remember the prison system is imperialism's way of  controlling people. Delaying release dates due to  political beliefs is part of this control. When  laws are enforced in Amerikkka , they are used to  keep the internal colonies oppressed. It may seem  "against the grain", but it is intentional because  oppressed nationals and politically active people  are seen as a threat to Amerikkka's current system  of imperialism.

10 October, 1996.


Governor John Engler Office Of The Governor State Capitol Building Lansing, MI 48913

Dear Governor Engler: I forward this letter to you out of concern for the  state of affairs that is taking place within the  Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and that  which I will undoubtedly face upon my release from  prison. First I'd like to address the problem of  "accountability" within the MDOC. This is a very  big issue and it is something prisoners are always  upheld to. However, corrections officials are  routinely doing various acts that assumes no  accountability and when a prisoner happens to file  a grievance (which is a joke within itself) nothing  is ever done and almost always the grievant is told  higher grievance is frivolous. No matter how much  factual material presented. Here is an example of  lack of MDOC accountability:

In July 1995, Six Corrections Officers (C.O.)  tackle a prisoner by the name of Frank McBride, at  the Michigan Parole Camp, in Jackson, because he  was suspected of swallowing drugs. During the  struggle he was handcuffed and ended up dying.  Prisoners who attempted to report the events;  prisoners who attempted to gather information for  Mr. McBride's family were transferred from Parole  Camp (a level 1 facility) and transferred to other  leveled facilities, some being transferred to  higher secured facilities. No administrative  hearings, no formal reasons given. No one has been  charged for this death and it has been "covered- up".

Another example is what took place at the Scotts  Correctional Facility in July 1995, when a female  prisoner by the name of ..., was found hogged-tied  and beaten into a coma in her room. A room where  she does not have her own key to get in but must be  let in by an officer. There is no one being held  accountable in this action, though it is being  investigated by the U.S. Justice Department.

Another case in point; when one Officer R. McGill  punched a prisoner in the face and attacked him at  the Egeler Correctional Facility in August 1995.  The officer was laid off and the prisoner  transferred, only for the officer to resume working  at the same prison. Yet a prisoner who is simply  "horseplaying" will receive a Majored misconduct,  thrown in detention, found guilty, given more lock- up time, loss of good time, added security points,  security (possibly) raised and (possibly) flopped  by the Parole Board. And finally, the latest  irresponsible acts of C. O's at the E.C. Brooks  Correctional Facility: one officer busted bringing  drugs into the prison and fired, the other fighting  the case...

My point is this...prisoners are held to standards  that are above and beyond the average human being  and prisoners are expected to never question  authority, even if that authority is in violation.  Which brings me to this next issue.

Earlier this year the full House and Senate  approved housing authorization bills (H.R. 2406 and  S. 1260), which rewrite large portions of the  public housing and Section 8 programs. Though this  legislation is in conference committee now, but  when enacted will dismantle the Brooke Amendment.  Under the amendment a family living in subsidized  housing and had to pay 30 percent of their yearly  income for rent will pay more.

Removing the 30-percent cap provided by the Brooke  Amendment will cause monthly rents to skyrocket for  most people, especially prisoners returning to  society with little or no real income. What  provisions have been made for the ex-prisoner upon  his/her release for obtaining adequate shelter,  employment and job-skills? Since welfare is no  longer available for able-bodied" persons, that  leaves the ex-prisoner in a very vulnerable  situation. The attack on welfare by President  [K]linton and with "your" approving endorsement,  not only are non-offenders hurting as a result of  this, but those coming out of prison will be really  hurting and in need. No one has mentioned this and  no one seems to care. And this is what I mean (in  principle) about "accountability". Naturally the  poor are the ones being targeted and the most  vulnerable but so to are ex-prisoners.  Where do we go for help? Where do we go for the  opportunity to make change: effective and  responsible change and become a productive citizen  and taxpayer? Where do we get jobs? As an Afrikan Amerikan, this hits me even harder  because I come from an urban area. The recent  signing by [K]linton of the Dole welfare bill will  have an especially devastating effect in Michigan.  "Your State". The most hard hit by this will be  African American cities and Detroit is definitely  one of the cities that will be hit. For example;  the Michigan unemployment rate in July 1996 was 5.4  percent. But in Detroit (to my understanding) the  'official' rate was 11.1 percent, Flint 13 percent,  and Benton Harbor 26 percent. So where will the  jobs be for those coming out of prison? And without  jobs how are the prisoner suppose to pay the costs  for being on parole supervision? These questions  are basic and fundamental and have not been  addressed by "any" politician. Not even "your"  office. Again, we are talking about  "accountability", and we can even add  "responsibility".

Since my incarceration I have made many inner  changes and have dedicated myself towards the re- educating myself and my community. But somewhere in  this process...the leadership...the political  leadership will and must take a strong position.  Somewhere within this process the problem has to be  addressed.

In conclusion, the MDOC has not worked. It has not  worked to improve the thinking of its incarcerated.  It has not worked to ensure prisoners returning  back into society will be forthright citizens and  not burdens on the system. The MDOC has not  provided anything remotely related to "Correcting"  deviate behaviors and have effectively made sure  that education is all but destroyed within the  prison system. Until and unless these fundamental  changes are addressed, "your" administration will  not escape histories frown.

I thank you very much for your time.

-- A Michigan Prisoner, 10 September, 1996

RCG1 Adds, This article shows the repressive and controlling  nature of Amerikkka's prison system. Prisoners are  held to a different standard than pigs. Prison  officials are encouraged and rewarded when they are  brutal, while prisoners are punished for trivial  things. Just remember that is "lack of  accountability" is an intentional part of the  Amerikkkan system. All the above examples show how  the prison system is used to control the lives and  livelihoods of people, especially oppressed  nationals.

How can one "become a productive responsible  taxpayer?", We suggest that this is not a desirable  goal. The best way to become productive and  responsible is to educate and organize against  imperialism. Help build Maoist revolutionary  communists organizations. Don't support the system  that is torturing and murdering human beings, work  to overthrow it.

11 October, 1996


Revolutionary Greetings: Clenched-fist!/All power to the People! I am a New Afrikan politically conscious prisoner  being held kaptive in one of united states' most  racist and repressive kkkoncentration kamp known as  united state penitentiary in Florence, Colo.

There is widespread racism and discrimination that  exists within the hierarchy of this administration  and the chain of command of pigs. During the past  10 months, New Afrikan prisoners are criminally and  sadistically assaulted (physically attacked) for no  justifiable reason whatsoever. This cycle of  brutality continues today.

The pigs involved in these incident covered up  their unlawful conduct by making it appear as  though the New Afrikans had assaulted them first.  (a tactic) commonly used when pigs want to cover up  their use of excessive force against a New Afrikan  prisoner.

One of the primary reasons why these criminal and  sadistic assaults are taking place here at this  kkkoncentration kamp is that this racist warden  here flatly refuses to take proper action against  his subordinates whenever they abuse New Afrikan  prisoners. This lets the pigs know that whatever  they feel like doing to the New Afrikan here at  this kkkoncentration kamp will be covered up and  justified. Many more New Afrikans will be attacked  for no reason whatsoever. These pigs here have set  out to systematically harass publicly chastise, and  try to intimidate New Afrikan prisoners by using  intimidation tactics.

I am seeking the support of all who read this  article and requesting that you write or fax  letters of protest to the below listed people and  demand that they vigorously investigate the  criminal and sadistically assaults. And demand a  end to this blatant brutality. Please write or fax  letters to the following:

Warden Joel H. Knowles, USP/High, 5880 State Hwy 67  So., Florence, Co. 81226, Fax No. (719) 784-5150 Director of Prisons Kathleen Hawk, 320 1st Street  N.W. Rm. 645, Washington, D.C. 20534, Fax No. (202)  514-6878 Office of Internal Affairs, 320 1st Street N.W. Rm.  670, Washington, D.C. 20534, Phone No. (202) 307- 3286

If we are going to be successful in overcoming a  lot of the obstacles which we are constantly  confronted with, we are going to have to start  forming united fronts and establish bases of  support through which we can collectively support  each other and combat enemy aggression.

Those who is reading this article, I'm asking for  your help and support to end this brutality that's  being inflicted upon New Afrikan prisoners here in  this desolated area. For more information, please  contact me personally. [Write to MIM, we'll  forward.] All power to the People who don't fear  freedom!!

Freedom Now, --A Colorado Prisoner, 13 September, 1996