To the staff,

I was certainly happy to receive a subscription to  your organization's paper MIM Notes, but due to the  restrictions this prison has put upon publications  that don't promote the u.s.a. (united snakes of  amerikkka), I'm going to have to have you cancel  the subscription. Since you did inform me that I  was to let you know whether or not I was receiving  the paper, I'm doing so. I did enjoy the few issues  I was able to receive before they started to censor  it.

Although I'm no longer able to receive your paper,  that will not stop me from continuing to send you  articles which give you another perspective to look  at from inside here. I believe in what you are  doing simply because this system is a dirty,  racist, and corrupt one that needs to be brought  down. Continue the good work.

--A Pennsylvania Prisoner, Sept. 22, 1996


 ...Being an inmate I can't even begin to describe  just how incredibly, unbelievably disgusting the  Department of Corrections truly is. It is hard to  believe that there could be such incredible  laziness and apathy on the part of the staff and  the different institutions that I have  unfortunately been incarcerated at. The sheer  amount of laziness and incompetence is almost  indescribable.

It is utterly disgusting to think that the average  correctional officer makes more money in one week  of doing nothing sitting between a desk gossiping,  joking or talking sports that a subsistence farmer  in the third world makes in an entire year. Not  only do the correctional officers (CO's) do  nothing, but what few menial simple tasks that they  are supposed to do, they do reluctantly at best.

The correctional system of the state of  Massachusetts is a sham. A multi- million dollar  scam that does absolutely nothing to rehabilitate  the inmates who are incarcerated, nor does it give  them anything constructive to so with their time.  Ninety percent of all funds spent on correctional  institutions is spent on staff. The three  institutions that I have unfortunately been  incarcerated at are ridiculously overstaffed with  twenty CO's tripping over each other, just to get  out of each others way.

There is no task too menial or simple that they do  not try to avoid and are consistently trying to  fake injuries to get out of 'work'. The simple fact  is that CO's do not do anything even remotely  similar to work. Their idea of work is to sit  behind a desk and act like a juvenile delinquent.  Nor do they respond well to any emergency or  disturbance. Considering the outrageous amount of  money that they make, one would at least expect  them to at least do this competently.

The entire criminal justice system is a multi- billion dollar scam that is thoroughly corrupt and  filled with people who could not possibly work at a  real job, one which requires anything more than  showing up for 'work' and then doing nothing for  eight hours. Meanwhile some people who actually do  produce, construct and manufacture the things that  we do use to make our lives comfortable and  convenient, often do not live as well as the scum  in the so-called criminal justice system. It is  particularly disgusting for me being a former blue  collar worker to witness this bizarre spectacle.

The longer I am incarcerated, the more painfully  obvious it is that the personnel at the  correctional jobs could not possibly do any real  work. Work that involved any decision making, any  use of hand or power tools, anything involving  measuring of any type of math, or anything that  required any thought process. They are secure in  their 'jobs' so long as they don't do anything  except the absolute bare minimum and show up when  they are expected....

The staff at prisons are no better than welfare  recipients, or should I say no different than  welfare recipients, as neither one are expected to  do anything for their checks. The entire concept of  rehabilitation is a bad joke at best. The trend to  build more maximum security prisons in the future  will turn prisons into little more than warehouses  for humans.

I would also like to call attention to the  sickening amount of sheer waste that takes place  daily at 'correctional' institutions across this  county. The attitude of the staff does much to  encourage this waste and abuse of the state's  resources. At the same time, the staff can be very  tight with these same resources if it  inconveniences the inmates. At times it is almost  impossible to obtain a bar of soap, although soap  along with a number of other items are routinely  wasted on a daily basis.

...It is impossible to even begin to articulate the  sheer insanity of prison. As an example, it is cold  and rainy outside and yet in my cell it is blowing  cold air out of the air conditioning vent. All  summer, nothing but warm air ever came out of the  vent, but now that it is getting cold outside, cold  air is coming out. Unfortunately this is all too  common for prison, everything is ass backward and  for the staff this is something that they joke  about and think is funny. Of course most staff  members have the mentality of juvenile delinquents  even thought they are supposedly law enforcement  officers. The mentality of a prisoncrat is  thoroughly incomprehensible for any rational person  to possible understand....

Unlike other people in the workplace, who must work  within strict guideline, a prisoncrat is free to  issue directives that are totally arbitrary in  their nature.... A prisoncrat is under no  restraints. He is free to do as he pleases, so long  as it is considered constitutional by the courts.  Even when a policy of the DOC [Department of  Corrections] is found to be unconstitutional,  prisons are notorious for either not changing the  specific policy, or delaying [the change] as long  as possible.

Inmates are routinely denied due process, subject  to harassment, abuse, etc. by the guards, and the  administration. Rarely if ever does a guard get  fired or even disciplined for their actions.  Prisons give those who have an authority fix, but  can't cut it as cops, a playground to abuse and  raid the state treasury every week....

...As I type these words it is a bright sunny day  outside, and yet the main yard is closed today.  Yesterday it was pouring rain and the yard was  open. Does this make any sense? Of course not! But  then again, nothing in prison makes any sense.  Considering the mentality of the people attracted  to this kind of 'work', one can not expect any of  the rules and procedures to make any sense....

--A Massachusetts Prisoner, Oct. 2, 1996

 MIM COMMENTS: Overall this letter does an excellent  job demonstrating the laziness and incompetence of  pigs, who are paid extremely well. It is  intentional that prisoncrats are rewarded for their  laziness and harassment of prisoners, it is not  that the prison does not make sense. Prisons in  Amerika are meant to control and warehouse people.  Pigs put the air conditioning on in the winter and  the heat in the summer, intentionally to torture  prisoners.

It is not because of the idiocy of prisoncrats that  prisoners don't have soap and aren't allowed  outside in nice weather. This is the point of  prison, to punish and torture those who are a  threat to Amerikkkan society.

Remember it is the law enforcement officers and the  imperialists who are the real criminals. Often so- called "juvenile delinquents" are just rebellious  youth trying to survive in an oppressive society.  While both welfare recipients and prisoncrats may  not be expected to work for their check, they are  not the same. People on welfare do not get paid to  verbally and physically harass and torture human  beings on a regular basis, but pigs do.

It is the oppressive imperialist system that is the  main enemy here. We must educate and organize in  order to dismantle this system, stop the torture  and free the oppressed.

--RCG1, Oct. 29, 1996


 T.D.C.J. Prisoners, if you ever had a problems  getting U.S. mail into or out of any Texas Prison,  note that a class action suit has been filed in  Federal Court. The attorney for the plaintiff  (inmates) class is:

Mr. John Paul DeGeeter, with the Law Firm of Visson  and Elkins, Attorneys at Law, 2300 First City Tower  1001 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77002.

Write a brief summary of the problems you have had  with incoming or outgoing mail, or describe your  problems with mailroom staff and send it to Mr.  DeGeeter. Keep your letter short, free of emotion  and make it businesslike.

--A Texas Prisoner, Sept. 26, 1996.

 **MIM received the following article from a  Michigan prisoner. The article highlights his  battle with a new and unproven method of drug  testing . It was printed by the Spectator July 1996  on page 16, and was written by another person,  possibly a fellow prisoner.**


 The controversial PharmChek sweat patch used as a  mechanism to detect drug usage among prisoners has  found its was into SMI-Central Complex. The patch  began as a pilot program at the Egeler Facility and  after what could be deemed as favorable results by  the MDOC [Michigan Department of Corrections], the  patch has replace the traditional urinalysis form  of drug detection.

However, prisoners at the Egeler Facility and SMI- Central Complex have made complaints as to the  validity of the patch. At the Egeler Facility  prisoners complained of irritation of the skin  beneath the patch, rashes, puffiness and severe  headaches. Prisoners at SMI-Central Complex have  complained of similar reactions. A new twist has  recently come into question that involves prisoners  who allege to use no types of drugs, testing  positive for morphine and opiate based drugs.  Prisoners have also complained of being allergic to  the adhesive used to secure the patch while others  have made accusations that the adhesive literally  removed their skin in the removal of the patch and  yet no remedies have been provided.

An incident concerning a prisoners whose patch was  beginning to come off in the shower, and the  prisoner reported the incident to an officer, who  in turn observed and placed their initials on the  patch to verify that the prisoner had not tampered  with the patch. However, the prisoner received a  major misconduct for substance abuse which has the  potential of forfeiting his visits for 30 days on  the first incident and on the second his visits  will be permanently revoked. Also, the prisoner  could forfeit all of his good time as a result of a  bogus substance abuse infraction. Also prisoners  who are found guilty of substance abuse will lose  their job, potentially their parole, in addition to  their security status. So as you can see, there are  serious repercussions to being found guilty of a  patch that has not yet been proven to be an  accurate detection of drugs.

The patch has been criticized in comparison to its  traditional counterpart. No one seems to know why  the MDOC has chose the patch over urinalysis. Some  feel the MDOC has an agreement with the  manufacturers of the patch. Others say testing with  the patch is less of a financial burden upon the  MDOC.

For the most part, the only people who are exempt  from patch testing are people who have excessive  hair. "If a prospective donor has excessive hair on  the parts of the body recommended for patch  application, do not shave area. If excess hair is  not able to be determined visually, apply patch. If  the patch adhesive does not provide a complete seal  around the absorbent pad because of hair, this  person is not to be considered a prospective patch  donor and another method of testing for drugs  should be used."

The PharmChek sweat patch has been cleared by the  Food and Drug Administration to be worn to collect  sweat. According to a PharmChek medical briefing  report, "PharmChek has also been cleared by the FDA  to be used to collect sweat specifically to be used  to test for cocaine, opiate and amphetamine use."  What seems somewhat suspicious is that applications  to FDA to use the patch for testing PCP and  marijuana are currently being reviewed by the FDA.  However, the PharmChek sweat patch can be used to  test for all 5 drugs for criminal justice clients  (prisoners). It doesn't make very much sense that  the FDA would allow prisoners to be tested when  they have not approved this product. Some say the  MDOC has taken it upon themselves to implement the  patch without FDA approval. Others say prisoners  are in fact the product of field testing for the  FDA which by law and policy is illegal.

A medical briefing report, states that a most  likely cause of an allergic reaction would be the  adhesive on the patch. Allegedly no allergic  reactions have been reported. However, the medical  briefing states, "at the end of the training manual  are pictures of what severe reactions look like."  If no allergic reaction have been reported where  did the pictures come from?

Writer's Note: The FDA is being contacted by this  office and we will give an up-date.


(MIM received this letter from the Washington  Department of Corrections)

Incoming mail to the offender may be disapproved  for receipt for any of the following reasons: (i)  The mail contains information that which, if  communicated would create a risk of violence and/or  physical harm to any person. I rejected per Headquarters.

--Sgt. J. M. Sinprez, Oct. 1, 1996

Letters of protest may be sent to: Director,  Division of Prisons or Community Corrections, PO  Box 41100, Olympia, WA 98504-1100, or Sgt. J. M.  Sinprez, State of Washington Department of  Corrections, Clallam Bay Corrections Center, 1830  Eagle Crest Way, Clallam Bay, WA 98326-9723.


 To my Comrades in arms,

I am very pleased to inform you that MIM Notes are  being delivered here at Airway Heights Correction  Center. At this point in time, there has been only  one issue rejected. Their reasoning was it was  banned state-wide.

I would also like to tell you that quite a few  people have shown great interest in reading my  papers. I am going to talk to the library here to  see if we can get them [prison officials] to order  them [MIM Notes]. I am very interested in any books  or other avenues of obtaining more information and  insight into the movement.

Sincerely yours,  --A Washington Prisoner, Sept. 30, 1996


(MIM received this letter from Warden, Howard  Carlton to a Tennessee prisoner)

Rejected Mail - TDOC [Tennessee Department of  Corrections] Policy 507

I am in the possession of a magazine addressed to  you from "MIM" Distributors. The periodical  contains extremely racist material and is  discouraged inside a penal facility due to its  direction toward violence, therefore, I am not  allowing you to receive it.

You have the right to appeal my decision to Mr. Jim  Rose, Assistant Commissioner of Operations. You  have 15 days to appeal, after which the magazine  will be returned to the publisher. I suggest you  cancel your subscription.

His Address [Jim Rose]: Tennessee Department of  Corrections, 4th Floor, Rachel Jackson Building,  320 Sixth Ave North, Nashville, TN 37243-0465

--Howard Carlton, Warden, Sept. 9, 1996

Letters of protest can be sent to Jim Rose at the  address above or to Howard Carlton, Warden,  Department of Corrections, Division of Adult  Institutions, Northeast Correctional Center, PO Box  5000, Mountain City, TN 37683-5000



I am writing to inform you that I have started a  study group here at this hell hole and would like  to request any and all material I can use to learn  and teach with. I would appreciate any assistance  you could provide. Thank you.

--An Illinois Prisoner, Oct. 1, 1996

P.S. Pontiac Correctional Center (I.D.O.C.) has  found a new way to prevent us from communicating  with the free world. It is called confiscation of  contraband. The following items are considered  contraband in segregation: pens, pencils, markers,  or anything that writes. This is in retaliation to  us writing the director of the I.D.O.C. about the  way Pontiac's warden deprives us Brothers in  segregation the use of the phone. No use if in c- grade, knowing every resident in segregation is in  c-grade. And how we can't have envelopes delivered  to the outside by the state anymore even if you are  indigent.

We were also complaining about the warden stealing  our allowance pay, stating that because we are in  seg. we can't receive it even though the person is  in Adm. Lock (meaning the warden feels your a  threat to him and the institution, so he throws  them in segregation). We're fighting now to end  this injustice. Oh yeah, Illinois Department of  Corrections (Pontiac, Menard, Stateville) are still  on Lockdown!


 Dear MIM,

...My reason for writing is to congratulate you all  on a fine, respectful and up front newspaper.  Please keep up the good work. My other reason is to  inform you all that some more guys and myself have  launched a successful organization inside the  prison walls. Which is a self- empowerment  organization. The organization is called "Brothers  of the Future".

This organization has been created to be a catalyst  for positive change within the members' lifestyles.  We use our cultural studies as a spark that might  ignite the fire of our ancestors into our  population. We would like to start our own  newsletter, whereas we can play a part in getting  positive information into the hands of the people.

Could you send me some information on how to start  a newsletter and how to get our organization  registered, whereas we can operate legitimately in  the freeworld. If you know of some brothers who  might be interested would you please have them  write me. We are looking for outside members.

--a Texas Prisoner, Oct. 2, 1996

MIM RESPONDS: We at MIM are glad that you like our  publication MIM Notes. Maybe you would consider  working on or expanding MIM Notes instead of  starting your own newsletter. Why start a new  publication when we already have one you can use.  You could expand Under Lock & Key from 2 pages to  4, or have your own biweekly column.

We at MIM would like to congratulate you getting  organized and forming a group where you can study  and discuss important issues. As for registering as  an organization, that depends on the policy at your  institution. It varies at different institutions.  There is not reason to register on the outside,  unless this is as a non-profit to save some money  on mailings. Of course the FBI would love  organizations to register with them, but why help  them in their surveillance of the revolution.

--RCG1, Nov. 13, 1996


 Friends! First of all, let me thank you for sending me MIM's  paper and also MASS RAIL's publication. They are  always welcome and though provoking to say the  least. You guys have been the voice of the  voiceless - the convicts serving time in  Massachusetts, Texas, and nationwide, and it IS  appreciated!!!

I made copies of the Prison Awareness Week flyer,  and posted them throughout the institution. It  looks so nice and innocent, that it took a while  for the pigs to catch on. It was not until they  read the Prison Awareness Week Points of Unity, and  studied the GREAT artwork (pad-locked mouth), that  they caught on.

Special State Police Officers, known as the  "I.P.S." (Internal Perimeter Security), who even  dress like Gestapo - quickly removed each one,  while we were locked down. I fully expect an  investigation shall follow. Screw em!

I have also passed on all of your newspapers to  friend, for them to read. Then, when all are  finished, I slip them onto the newspaper rack in  the prison library. There are so many already  there, that al least for now, nobody has noticed,  and the men are reading your words along with those  of the local rags to which the institution  subscribes. Perhaps others may try this technique,  in their joints.

I must tell you up front, that although I am  thankful for all that you are doing for us, that I  do not agree, (yet) with the Maoist/Communist  ideology, and may never come totally to those  beliefs. I am willing to listen. And, I would die  to preserve the right for you to say what you say.

You may have guessed that I am white. That does not  make me a bad person. I agree with you that the  struggle shall start with the most oppressed, an we  all know it is not the white man. But, there are  many of us inside the wall who support our brothers  of all races and creeds. Do not discount us!...

-- A Massachusetts Prisoner, Oct. 27, 1996

 MIM RESPONDS: MIM agrees that the revolution must  be led by the most oppressed and their interests.  But MIM does not discount individuals who are white  and have progressive or revolutionary ideas and  practices. At the same time, MIM does discount the  white nation, as a whole, as a revolutionary force.  It is not in the interests of the white Amerikkkan  nation to have revolution. They benefit from the  imperialist spoils stolen from the majority of the  world's people.  MIM would encourage white individuals interested in  ending oppression to commit nation and class  suicide and join RAIL and MIM in the revolutionary  struggle against imperialism.


 I received three copies of MIM Notes, on Sept. 20,  1996, so I know these maggots are holding back my  mail. I really enjoyed reading MIM Notes, but since  these scum bags are holding them I don't know if  I'm going to get my copies or not....

In Struggle,  --A Maine Prisoner, Sept. 26, 1996