Dear Comrades,

I was hoping I haven't been taken off the list.  Maybe I wrote you all too much, huh? I hope not. I  justed wanted to write what was on my mind about  the system. Did I say anything wrong? Have I been  taken off the list or what?

I need to know if these people are messing with my  mail or not. I haven't received a paper since  June/July. I have a lot of supporters and we look  forward to your notes.

How many stamps we need to hussle up? Is everything  alright? I'm truly devoted to you all and I'm  fighting the courts tooth and nail basically for  the main reason to join you all and work hard  around the clock to lift up what we represent. I  have no kids, no husband, no tie downs. And when I  was in the game in the streets... I truly in my  heart wanted to find people like you all.

The gang I was in was strong, old players in the  crip world. But had nothing solid. We really stood  for --the guns--our character, had no solid  foundation. I fought only to survive, but I felt  empty. I knew something was missing I knew I would  belong to something strong, that would lift up a  banner that represented more than just survival, a  few dollars in my pocket and wake up.

Anyway, I hope to hear something soon. You can rest  assured, I am a strong sister. In struggle.

-- A Texas Prisoner, 14 October, 1996

MIM does not stop sending MIM Notes because someone  writes too much. Writing too much is not possible.  We have been sending MIM Notes to you, so if you  are not receiving them you are being censored by  that prison. Please continue to keep in touch with  MIM and tell us what is going on where you are.

--RCG1, 11Dec96

Letters of protest can be sent to the warden or  mail officer:  Skyview Unit, P.O. Box 999, Rusk, TX  75785


Dear Comrades,

Let me first apologize for not getting back with  you sooner. Believe me, it had nothing to do with  me forgetting about you, but rather things have  just been terrible and ugly here lately. The  situation is getting worse. This pigs are coming  down hard on us and we have been very busy with  trying to defend our Lives. In short to stay alive!

Repression and racism is what rules here and for  all those who do not accept this, more repression,  isolation, control units, maximum security units,  brutality, transfer, trumped-up charges, more time  added to your sentence, death threats or even death  itself, is what awaits you. Revolutionary activism  carries with it consequences and if one is not  aware of this before getting involved, then he/she,  is in for a rude awakening.

Nothing that happens to me, or happens around me,  or anything that my "keepers" happen to do in the  way of maintaining control over the downtrodden,  surprises me anymore. I now know that we are  dealing with a vicious, treacherous, heartless and  merciless "pig" who cares little or noting about  the unfortunate mass of people who are the victims  of this pigs' corruptness, madness and  destructiveness. To get in the business of opposing  this individual, or this power elite, one must  clearly understand the sacrifices and hardships  that will come with this job. There is no sense in  involving yourself in something that you are not  willing to give up your life for. Nothing of any  value, and especially freedom, comes without the  strain and hard work of struggle.

At present I remain in M.S.U. (Maximum Security  Unit) where me and my comrades, or in fact,  everyone else as well -- Blacks, Whites, Latinos,  etc.-- are the constant victims of unjustifiable  and sadistic attacks by the prison officials. The  conditions as well as the treatment are horrendous  and inhumane. We are kept locked up twenty-three  hours and fifteen minutes each and everyday. We are  fed in our cells. We are kept separated from one  another.

On one side of this unit the prisoners' trays are  given to them under the door. Everyone else's trays  are slid to them through a slot in the door. Just  the other day there was and incident involving one  prisoner who was being attacked by 6 or 7 solider-  guards that were equipped with batons, shields,  body armor, pepper gas, and so on. While this  prisoner had to resort to grabbing the mop to  defend himself. Because of this incident we are no  longer allowed to use the broom or mop to clean our  cells. What they give us now are a handbrush and a  sponge. This means we have to get on our hands and  knees, as well as our stomachs to clean the floor,  to reach under the bed.

Yes, the shit is coming down hard on us all. From  reading the MIM Notes and other revolutionary  publications, I can see that the situation inside  these prisons are the same all over Fascist  Amerikkka. The things are becoming much worse in  here and at the rate it is going, before the year  2000, we are going to see even more destructiveness  taking place here. The Amerikan ruling class has no  intentions of easing up or doing away with its  repressive and murderous policies.

The oppression and suffering of the masses of  people in Amerikkka means nothing to the powers  that be if it has anything to do with the  dismantling of capitalism and imperialistic  hegemony. They will never willingly relinquish this  dominion for the sake of sharing or distributing  the wealth and power equally. They do no believe in  "people's government". For them to sit down and  even debate it is out of the question. Capitalism  and capitalist man just do not operate on this  premise.

We are just going to have to get ready for the task  of marching onward to educate, unite and organize  the working class, the Lumpen-Proletariat to heed  the call to arms. Revolution means change, and so  as it may be, Let us get on with the business of  creating revolution in Fascist Amerikkka.

Please continue sending me the MIM as it is an  inspirational uplift to all of us here. Very, very  informative, to say the least. It works wonders  with aiding us in politically educating the  apolitical. Build to Win! --A Delaware Prisoner, 6 October 1996


Comrade RAIL,

Upon receiving my first subscription of Under Lock  & Key, thus your personal scribe, my interest in  writing articles for MIM has grown taller than from  my first inspiration.

I try not to deal with the emotional aspect of how  I truly feel towards these pigs because we have the  interest of the people at heart. What I mean by  this is in part, of what you stated in your letter  to me which read, "MIM holds that this struggle  will not end until armed revolution with the help  of the third world proletariat..."

I couldn't agree with you more but lets take a  closer look my comrade. Do you really think that we  are actually ready to go to war right now at this  point in time? These pigs stay target practicing on  their farms on the firing range or just straight up  for hobby. How many do you know exercising the same  talents on our side? Giving the benefit of the  doubt, very few...

So many arms are flowing in the streets, but are  being misused thus taken for granted & still who  are the ones putting the arms out there? Plain  insult if you ask me. The nucleus of our struggle  is not just taking up the gun but learning how to  use it effectively. How do you see it? Something to  sit and ponder, thus scrutinize because it's  real.... In struggle  --A New York Prisoner, 24 October, 1996

MIM agrees that now is not the time to wage armed  struggle. As you correctly argue, the other side is  much more powerful militarily. MIM's line is that  eventually armed revolution will be needed to  overthrow the imperialists, because they will not  give up power willingly. MIM also agrees that now,  is the time to educate and organize ourselves for  revolution. That means exposing the torturous  conditions of prisons as well as the military  tactics of the imperialists. --RCG1 9 December 1996



I'm writing this letter to further expound on the  article written by one of my Brothers in Arms,  entitled "Latinos persecuted in New York". I myself  am a member of the Glorious "Almighty Latin King  Queen Nation" so I feel bounded by honor to shed  some further light regarding our struggle within  these walls.

The reason why this rule 105.12 was brought about,  was to try and stop those of us within the confines  of hell from educating and manifesting the truth to  our fellow Latin people. The imperialist have  continually attempted to prevent any unification  from formulating within these walls.

They are secretly aware that we have the strength  as well as the man-power here to make changes. So  every chance they get, they persecute us to  discourage those who exist in a state of ignorance,  if you will, from listening to our massage and  coming into the light of self-realization. But the  struggle continues.

For we as Kings have an obligation to break the  chains of mental entrapment which many find  themselves in. Whenever there is a King the light  of rightness illuminates the path. We must continue  to push on in the struggle against these cowards in  gray, blue and green. --A New York Prisoner, 22 October 1996


Dear Comrades,

First I hope, pray and anticipate that this finds  you well and strong...

To begin I am writing for I am very interested in  your thoughts as I so understand them; and the  reading of MIM Notes are very thought provoking and  enlightening and a blessing at this stage of my  development. I am writing you in hopes of acquiring  any free books and literature on the principle  program of MIM that would be of some viable help to  me in my growth and rehabilitation. I am not at all  financial secure in fact I am indigent but I am  rich in my thirst for information.

Due to a lot of misinformation and a lack of  working knowledge my incapacitation as a captive  soul is compounded. And these imperialist,  capitalists do not help prisoners' growth at all.  In fact from past experience, they attempt to  impede on the growth of political prisoners. I am  really tired of sport, play and games of chance,  therefore, I am earnestly, humbly and sincerely  requesting any books for productivity. However, I  would like to know more about the philosophy,  creed, and objective of MIM so any information,  literature, suggestions, contacts or support you  can offer and indigent prisoner would help me a  great deal. I am determined to use my incarceration  in a manner that will arm me for revolution. But as  you can imagine, I am a bit limited in what I can  do on my own because of my current position. Please  assist me in any way that is within your means  before they begin this censoring garbage in the  Mikkkigan department of Incorrection.

I thank you for your concern, time, understanding  and in advance for your cooperation.

--A Michigan Prisoner, 23 October 1996


Dear MIM,

I am writing this in regards to the subscription of  ...[my fellow prisoner].... The reason I am writing  this is 'cause we are currently on lockdown status  and he had no postage supplies in the house when we  got locked down. And he had too much money on his  books to make use of the indigent postage system we  have here. You've got to have $5.00 or less on your  books to qualify, and I believe ...[he] ... had  around $7.00. So, as it is, he's basically being  held incommunicado, as most other people on this  unit who are in the same situation.

He would write this himself, but the "postage  police" over here try to make a major offense out  of acts like that. I guess they figure that we were  trying to get over on them with 38 cents or  something like that. They call it abusing the  indigent supply system.

Anyway, as it stands now, he's hollering across the  dayroom to me, giving me the run down on what to  write down. He got his second set of MIM Notes  today. The September issues I believe. Also, along  with it came the final notice about writing to  y'all. Please, take this letter as confirmation  that's he's been receiving his issues of MIM Notes,  and wishes to continues receiving your newsletter,  as long as possible.

We should be coming up off lockdown soon, and he  says he's gonna write to y'all himself as soon as  he can get his hands on some postage supplies.

Thanks a lot for your time and understanding in  this matter. Sincerely,

-- A Texas Prisoner, 24 October 1996.



I am writing today to inform you the latest package  sent to me here at the KKKamp in Pendelton, Indiana  was rejected and confiscated by the staff here. If  you would continue you to send them I would like to  see the effort done to evaluate the consistency of  this investigation of allegedly "threat to  institution order", and will I'll keep you updated  and/or cancel the prescription.

We all know that this oppressive struggle will only  be liberated with armed combat, strong minds and  God's blessings. So I salute you brothers on that  end for your vigilant source of support. In any  even long live life in truth.

--An Indiana Prisoner, 3 November 96

Letters of Protest can be sent to C.I.F., PO Box  601, Pendleton, IN 46064

Dear Publisher,

Enclosed you will find documents relative to the  rejection of your paper, which consists of ten (10)  pages.

This writer has exhausted all Administrative  remedies in an effort to obtain the paper, all in  vain. It's my contentions and belief that the  Prison Officials are in violation of the publisher  and this prisoner's First and Fourteenth Amendment  Rights. As well as their own policy, which requires  written notification be sent to the publisher in  order to appeal the warden's decision.

The Cain case referred to in the grievance has  absolutely nothing to do with communicating with a  publisher, it deals with catalogs.

It is my wish to file suit in the federal court and  I hope that you are able to assist with this legal  matter. Thanks for you time and consideration and may I  hear from you in the immediate future.

-- A Michigan Prisoner, 6 October 1996

Letters of Protest can be sent to, Ms. J. Smagacz,  Mail Room Supervisor, Lakeland Correctional  Facility, 141 First St, Coldwater, MI 49036

Dear MIM

I pray to the almighty father that everyone stays  strong for the struggle. I enjoy the MIM Notes and  I let everyone that is interested in reading them,  read them.

I received all your notes and I would like to thank  you. The Beast tried to take them as well as my  lessons of the A.L.K.Q.N. They got a serious  surprise for I fought against them all. They gave  me [back] the right to receive MIM Notes.

Now they are starting some new stuff. They are  saying that the Notes must come from the  distributor. The Beast is complaining about the two  different addresses on the envelope. He saw the  article on Bill KKKlinton and said that it was  cute. I said no, it's reality.

I have set a meeting with the man that runs the  library to see if we can get MIM Notes in the  library. Also we have a lot of Brothers that want  to start a study group. I have a lot of literature  on the POW's of Puerto Rico. Pedro Albizu Campos  was a great leader and teacher. As well as Lolita  Lebron, who on March 4, 1954, they stopped the  United Snakes in making Puerto Rico a state. The  Beast is always raping other peoples land. It's  time to put it to a stop. I'd like to thank you for  the MIM Notes and tell everyone to stay strong in  the struggle.

-- A New Jersey Prisoner, 22 October, 1996.