Revolutionary Greetings Rades,

I write from the Belly of the Beast, hoping this  letter finds you in high Revolutionary spirits,  thoughts and struggle. I write to notify the rades  that I was transferred from the Maximum Control  Complex (MCC) in Westville, to another control unit  prison in Carlisle, Indiana, which is twenty-five  miles south of Terre Haute.

The repression has basically increased at this new  prison where I reside now. They call it Wabash  Valley Correctional Institution, but don't allow  the name to fool you, the act of genocide is very  common here. Within the last three years this  genocidal tomb has been open, over thirteen  prisoners have died from serious medical problems.  [This is] due to the improperly trained Medical  Personal and the Department of Colonialism's (IDOC)  refusal to build a medical facility in this prison  to attend to the serious medical needs of prisoner.

The food here is so inadequately proportioned that  an adult male from the age of 23-50 can not sustain  his physical well being. Prisoners who need hygiene  [items] such as soap, toothpaste, deodorant, [and]  shampoo must submit a written request to a  counselor in order to receive it. Instead of toilet  tissue and soap being provided to prisoners when  they need it, they are forced to wait on these  colonialist enforcers to give it to them, when they  want to. No showers are provided to prisoners who  need them.

The cells are doubled celled, but they are only  large enough for one individual. No ink pens or  paper are given to prisoners at state expense. This  prison forces prisoners to buy certain hygiene  [items], clothes, stationary, over the counter  medication that the state is obligated by law and  their own correction polices to provide to  prisoners. All other penal facilities in Indiana  provide prisoners with free hygiene [items],  clothing, stationary, etc. except this one in  Carlisle.

This is supposed to be [general] population [where]  I am housed, but we are being are being treated as  if we were on disciplinary segregation. There are  many wicked crimes occurring here and once I am  finished compiling all the data about this prison,  I will be back at the rades with an update on the  situation. There is supposed to be a class action  filed against the conditions of confinement on the  infamous lock-up unit the SHU, which the Indiana  Civil Liberties Union is handling, but the strange  part about this said class action [suit] is that it  is not being filed against the conditions of  confinement in [the general] population at this  prison, why? It is time for all principled  revolutionaries and progressive rades out there to  support our struggle against the colonialist  enforcers....

 -- An Indiana Prisoner, 14 October 1996


 In Tennessee Colony, TX on Coffield Unit last  night, a TDCJ officer watched an inmate commit  suicide in his cell by hanging himself. This  officer is at work tonight. The officer is  insisting that he never tried to stop the inmate.  He even stopped the inmate when one of the SSI  walked up. After that he said go ahead, I never  seen this before. Yes, the officer had a front row  seat.

After the body started jumping he just smiled. Are  you thinking what I am thinking. Yes, you are  right, the officer is white and the inmate is  Black. See that is what made it so good to the  officer. Just like the old days. Go for it. Anyway,  when the body jumped again he walked slow to the  sergeant. One is hanging himself. He called the  infirmary. They are very slow. It takes them well,  about 6 to 8 minutes. And when they made it to the  inmate they didn't know what to do. It's like  telling a dog to fly. Well, about the time they  removed the sheet from around his neck, he was  dead. The inmate hung himself with a white sheet,  and it takes you at least 10 to 20 minutes or  longer to do. The sergeant told the officer to walk  the run every 10 minutes because something could  happen. All the inmates on that end are suicidal.  The officer said yell, OK.

It's not the first time this has happened. I  remember about 3 years ago there was an inmate who  was having chest pain. He told the officer, the  officer said yell, OK. He did, he called the  infirmary and he said they told him to put a sick  call in. See sick call or red tape in other words,  ain't nothing happening for you. We don't have  time, it's almost time to go home. Anyway the  inmate had a heart attack. So they have to come to  the wing to get him, you know, 6 to 8 minutes later  I can see them coming, walking very slow. So when  they finally made it there, he was really having  one. They didn't know what to do. So they put him  on the bed with wheels and started down the hall.

They said he's not breathing and he needs CPR. I'm  not putting my mouth on no inmate. So they ran the  shower and said anyone know how to give CPR. No one  said anything. So they ran out of the shower and  headed down the long hallway. About the time they  made it to the infirmary he was dead. But they  wrote it up as if he died on the way to John Sealy  Hospital. The man was dead before they left the  unit.

Well I just wanted you to know it's happening in  the system. It's even worse on Ferguson unit, an  inmate hang themselves and they are the closest to  going home. I never understood that...

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 19 November 1996


 Peace Comrade,

I hope this message finds self in the best of  health mentally, physically and spiritually. I  enter your realms in effort to have my name added  to your mailing list. Up until now I was sharing  MIM Notes with another brother who was transferred  due to changes here. This used to be a prison which  housed convicts, now that the whole population has  been converted to a medical facility, all cons that  were stable are now heavily sedated with some type  of psychotropic drug. Other than the cycle of  continuous mind abuse, all is going as the neo- colonialistc correctional elite planned.

 -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 21November 1996


 Greetings Comrades,

...Life inside a South Carolina Ad-Seg unit is  continuing to be more oppressive every day. No  telling what will be next. I've enclosed the most  recent tactic by the South Carolina pigs to get  more from us.[See below.] From my understanding  any/all medical bills will follow prisoners to the  streets, so now prisoners who max-out etc, will be  hassled upon release, and all bills for medical etc  will re-establish upon any prisoner who gets out  and then returns to the system. Just more South  Carolina Bullshit as usual.

 -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 23 October 1996

 The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC)  has the authority to charge prisoners for the costs  of state property they allegedly damaged or  destroyed intentionally. Now under Section 24-13- 80, South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, the SCDC's  amendment gives the pigs authority to charge a  prisoner to re-pay the costs of the following:  "1.  Medical treatment for injuries inflicted by an  inmate(s) on him/herself or others;  2. Quelling a  riot or other disturbance in which an inmate(s) is  unlawfully involved; and  3. Searching for and  apprehending an inmate(s) who escapes or attempts  to escape." These additional items prisoners will  be charged for went into affect August 1st. This  sham to get money out of prisoners makes the  prison-proliferating-settlers satisfied that they  are not footing the entire bill to maintain tight  control over Amerikan prisoners and serves as a  legal billy club to keep prisoners -  disproportionately of oppressed nations -  unhealthy, quiet and silent.


 ...Police on my end are scared of Latinos due to  the Latino unity and love. There is no secret that  the same way another inmate will feel the Latino's  wrath, so will the police. We do not play what-so- ever on my end, police get beat up constantly by  the inmates, but you can imagine the outcome when  the inmate is hauled off by ten white C/O's  [Corrections Officers] into a single cell behind  closed doors.

We also face the problem of having to pay for  medical care. Inmates are required to pay $5.00 for  each visit to the doctor. Medication is $2.00 and  aspirin, rolaids, medicated ointment, and sudafed  are sold on canteen only, and will not be given to  us free. If you have any money in your account,  trust me when state pay comes, it will be reduced  from the door.

Also this ad-seg is so pitiful that lights out is  at 11:00. We are not allowed baby oil, lotion,  soap, state soap will be provided. And recently all  B and D batteries were banned. Envelopes are not  sold anymore unless they are bought with stamps,  anything for a profit...

 -- A New Jersey Prisoner, 25 October 1996


by a New York Prisoner

11 November 1996

The AIDS epidemic is worsening amongst our people.  I want to reach as many as I can with my message.  "It's about saving lives for me." We are living in  a time where the world is over- populated, 5.7  billion people. There's a war against our brothers  and sisters. Bodies are dropping at an alarming  rate. AIDS is just another weapon used to destroy  us. Wake up! Blacks and Hispanics have been in  denial about this crisis. In part because of a  traditional homophobic tendency in our culture, in  part because of ignorant stereotypes about HIV and  AIDS, our people have been in denial about AIDS in  Black and Hispanic communities.

The Harvard AIDS Institute released figures  projecting that by the year 2000, more than half of  all AIDS cases in Amerika will be amongst Blacks  and Hispanics. Wake up! By that same year a Black  or Hispanic person will be nine times as likely to  be diagnosed with AIDS as someone who is White. The  institute estimated that nearly 100 Blacks and  Hispanics are diagnosed with AIDS every day in  Amerika. This is not a coincidence, it is part of  an overall plan.

I am a prisoner in New York State. The numbers of  prisoners with AIDS is incredible. "I am HIV  POSITIVE." However I don't live with AIDS -- AIDS  lives with me! I am in charge of my life today. I  have a story to share with my younger brothers.  Hopefully I can save as many as I can, before I am  taken out by the Amerikan Plan.

We must educate our young brothers and sisters. Dr.  Alvin Pouissant, a clinical professor of psychiatry  at Harvard Medical School said, "Prevention  programs have not been as strong in the black  community as in the white community." This is not a  coincidence! There is a taboo about talking about  AIDS. And there is still a lot of despair. This is  one more problem. We've got crime, violence, teen- age pregnancy, homelessness, now we've got AIDS. We  must wake up! Study, and you will see right through  the smoke screen. We are the target. It's time to  fight back! Wake up! I beg you!

I have more alarming figures. The Centers For  Disease Control and Prevention released more than a  year ago:  AIDS kills twice as many Black men aged  25 to 44 as homicide. Black women constitute two  thirds of all women infected with HIV, the virus  that causes AIDS. More children with AIDS are Black  than all other races and ethnic groups combined.  WAKE UP! THIS IS NO FUCKING COINCIDENCE!

By the year 2050 the world population will be an  estimated 10.4 billion. That's about double the  population today. Senator Bob Dole called  prisoners, "Undesirable Parasites". Study and you  will learn that all prisoners don't wear chains and  locks. "We are all prisoners of the oppressor. We  are the target, brothers and sisters. With us they  will attempt to balance out the population. Africa  alone is estimated to have 14 million people  suffering with AIDS. This is a human tragedy of  monstrous proportions. And that's what this is all  about. They have a plan. We must put a stop to the  oppressors!

Wake up! The time is now!

MIM ADDS:  We wholeheartedly agree with the overall  article and its push for action to stop genocide  against oppressed nations. AIDS as well as other  deadly diseases affect members of oppressed nations  disproportionately because of the way that  imperialism works. Imperialism sucks the labor,  wealth and resources from oppressed nations.  Imperialism denies the oppressed access to medical  and educational resources for prevention and for  cures.

The problem with the above article is that it  states that the number of people is one of the  problems. This is a myth perpetuated by the  bourgeoisie to support its tactics of oppressed  nation genocide like population control programs,  war and forced migration. The problem is not that  the world is over-populated but that imperialism is  sucking it dry of resources and hoarding the wealth  and profits from the labor of the international  proletariat. We encourage you to check out MT12 on  Revolutionary Environmentalism coming out soon.

The most effective method to stop the genocide of  oppressed nations through AIDS and inadequate  access to medical care is to build revolution to  smash imperialism. Only true independent  institutions will serve the needs of the people.  Getting the facts together and the word out is a  necessary first step. Its impossible to have equal  and adequate education or medical treatment for  oppressed nations within Amerikan borders. The  people must do the work ourselves. Building  educational programs and medical facilities are  more effective under proletarian leadership - China  and the BPP prove that - so we must strengthen the  Party and expand the Serve the People programs. At  this point, we can help with resources you need to  build educational programs for other prisoners on  AIDS. Please keep us up to date on your work.


 These people at this prison think that they are so  slick. Today about 6 social workers came in lockup  trying to get everyone to take a mental evaluation  screener. It's a test with about 60 true or False  questions on it. I looked at it and seen that it  was a serious joke. I read only 7 questions before  I threw it on the floor. What made me throw it on  the floor, was question number 7. It asked, Did you  ever have any problems with the police? That had to  be the stupidest question of 1996. I told the  social worker that I didn't want to participate in  their prison games.

See it really pissed me off because the only reason  their giving these guys the test is so they will  know how these guys react in certain situations.  The social worker told me that the test is to help  us. I told him that if they really want to help us,  then they should let us set up social groups that  will prepare us to go back to general population.  Because you have Brothers who've been on lockup in  these sensory deprivation cages for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,  7, years. You can't really expect a Brother to do  all that time in a cage by himself, then tomorrow  just blend into general population. Now don't get  me wrong, some can do it, but many can't. I told  the social worker, aka Agent Provocateur that we  need groups where we could get out of lockup for a  couple of hours and have little group sessions  among ourselves. The agent-provocateur locked at me  and said he had to go. And that was the end of our  conversation. But he knew that I knew that his or  rather their phony little test wasn't put out to  help anybody but them....

Well Sisters and Brothers, as you know, the  Struggle Must Continue!

 -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 27 November 1996


by a comrade

On November 29, John Salvi, was found dead in his  prison cell from an apparent suicide. Salvi  murdered two receptionists at Boston abortion  clinics on 30 December, 1994.

His parents have requested state and federal  investigations into his death, arguing that the  prison system ignored his mental illness. Salvi's  mother "had been telling people for a long time and  no one wanted to listen that her son suffered from  long-term mental illness."

The Walpole prison superintendent responded that  "Salvi was not under any mental health watch at the  time of his death because 'he was deemed by the  court not to be insane.'"

Statements by Salvi's parents sparked a debate  within bourgeoisie about the role of mental health  services in the prison system. They ask: Was Salvi  insane? If he was, why didn't the prison system  know it? and How can the prisons treat the mentally  ill within its walls?

MIM believes these to be the wrong questions.  Instead of looking at problems individually, we  look at social causes of individual problems. The  bourgeoisie defines "sanity" as living happily  within imperialism. This is an unreasonable  expectation of some people because imperialism is  too much to adjust to. To MIM, the question is:   How can we change society so as to remove the  stresses of unequal and inadequate material  conditions.

Governor Weld and state Sen. James Jajuga (D- Methuen) want to abolish the state's "not guilty by  reason of insanity" defense and replace it with a  new verdict -- Guilty, but insane. This verdict  would mandate psychiatric treatment and then when  deemed "cured" the rest of the sentence would have  to be served.

MIM opposes this change because it is anti-defense  and would increase convictions in the injustice  system. Likewise, the plan to add "guilty but  insane" and not scrap the current insanity verdict,  as discussed on National Public Radio would also  increase convictions. MIM expects such a change or  addition to take place because the settlers who sit  on juries demand not only the right to send people  away but to pass judgment on their ability to cope  with this disgusting system.

 NOTES: The New York Times 30 November 1996;  The Boston  Globe, 3 December 1996. p. B1.

*For more information, see "Psychological Practices  in the Chinese Revolution", part of MIM Theory 9,  "Psychology and Revolution."*