Dear Comrade,

I'm pleased to share with you that Pelican Bay  State Prison has allowed MIM Notes into the prison.  But Pelican Bay did not give us anything. If we can  consider this situation a victory, it was because  we struggled. Malcolm X said that never in history  have you ever heard of the oppressor laying down  the whip. It was always the oppressed who stopped  their oppression.

That is a fact, we must prepare ourselves now,  because we must face the inevitable. The only  question is, will we face inevitable on our knees  as a coward and die, spiritually and physically; or  will we stand as women and men and fight for our  Liberation?

Yesterday, Pelican Bay gave me the MIM Notes #121  and #122. Which were issued in September [1996]. In  MIM Notes #122 on page 11, I read my letter which  you titled "Prisoner Not Discouraged by  Censorship". I enjoy MIM Notes, and I want you to  please start back to sending me MIM Notes again now  that MIM has been cleared....

--A California Prisoner, 31 December 1996


 MIM has received several mail rejection notices  from the State of Washington Department of  Corrections, and most recently from Clallam Bay  Correctional Center. Each notice claims that the  issues of MIM Notes were rejected because they are  a "threat to legitimate penological objectives."

Letters of protest can be sent to directly to  Sergeant J. McGimpsey, Clallam Bay Corrections  Center, 1830 Eagle Crest Way, Clallam Bay, WA  98326-9723, or to the Director, Division of Prisons  or Community Corrections, P.O. Box 41100, Olympia,  WA 98504-1100.


 ...I am writing concerning the prison officials'  decision to censor your publication in absence of  any legitimate security concerns. As you know,  prison officials can not censor a publication  merely because they disagree with its political  content or the philosophy of the group that  publishes it. They also may not censor a  publication because it contains views which are  unfavorable to the prison system.

They are authorized to ban publications that impede  institutional security. Based on this criteria, I  believe that we have grounds to sue officials here  at the institution. In order to do this, I am going  to need your full support and cooperation. First,  it would be helpful if you would promptly send a  letter of complaint to officials at this  institution as well as the DOC's headquarters....

I have appealed the prison's decision to censor MIM  through the grievance procedure. As can be  expected, the warden affirmed the decision of his  subordinates...

You may send letters of complaint to:

Mr. Harry E Wilson, Superintendent, State  Correctional Institution at Retreat, R.P.#3, Box  500, Hunlock Creek, PA 18621-9580

Mr. Martin F. Horn, Commissioner, Pennsylvania  Department of Corrections, P.O. Box 598, Camp Hill,  PA 17001-0598.

--A Pennsylvania Prisoner, 19 November 1996


 ...I read about the struggles behind the walls in  Under Lock and Key, but I have not read about these  struggles being continued once prisoners are freed  and their state of struggle. Maybe only those of us  with a lot of time on our hands write. Once the  knowledge is acquired, the will to create change  and to free the chains of the oppressor is ignited.  It must be more than something to use to pass time  (prison time). It should and must be a life-long  commitment to overthrow these fascist oppressors.

Many prisoners gain political consciousness under  these conditions, that may never have been acquired  under other circumstances. Once this happens, the  prisoner has a duty to continue his struggle  against the oppressor (imperialism), and stand by  those under lock and key, expose the oppression and  work to overthrow the present system.

It would be encouraging to read of prisoners who  continue in this struggle, as a prisoner and a  prisoner of war (war on drugs is a war on the  Amerikan people). For many years I have been  awakened to the realities of the current fascist- imperialist government. I am trying to educate  myself and others. I don't want to just be a "cell  soldier", but I want to be an effective  Revolutionary and help effectuate a change from  within and eventually without, when my chains are  released...

If you have or receive news of any comrades that  have been freed that have continued in the  struggle, I would be glad to see stories written  about their struggle...
--A Colorado Prisoner, 3 December 1996


 To the people,

Back during slavery times, Black people were  forbidden to pick up a book and read. Education for  Black folks was a crime. One of the policies of  colonialism is that the victor seeks to keep the  vanquished stooped in ignorance and superstition.

In these days and times the New York State prison  colony carries out such a policy, although it be in  a different form. According to the education law of  the U.S. it is supposed to be a violation of our  "rights" to deny a person the pursuit of an  education based on such a person's race, religion,  national origin, social position or creed. This is  supposed to be applicable to all "Americans". But  despite the fact that "my people" have been in this  country just as long as white people, that "my  people" have fought and died in all of Amerika's  wars and still foolishly do so, despite the fact  that the first martyr in the Amerikan revolution  was a Black man (Crispus Attucks), despite the fact  that a Black man laid down the blueprint for the  nation's capital (Benjiman Banneker), I'm still not  an Amerikan because I'm Black.

In NY State, prisoners are denied access to pursue  a college education. We're only allowed to obtain a  GED. After that, you're done, especially if you do  not have family and/or friends on the outside that  can pay for a college correspondence course or  supply you with textbooks and/or workbooks on a  regular basis. But then again, according to the  13th Amendment, prisoners are slaves so I guess  that's why I'm denied an education on top of me  being Black.

MIM has an excellent book for prisoners program and  I'm greatly indebted to them and those of you who  helped out and donated money and books. However,  along with my revolutionary education I'm trying to  pursue an academic education for I plan on going to  college when I get out of prison. I already have 3  strikes against me:  I'm 1) Black, 2) Poor and 3)  an ex-convict. I don't need a fourth, lacking an  advanced academic education.

With the help of you and MIM I'm most sure that I  could overcome this obstacle. I sent a book list to  MIM of books that I could use to advance myself....  It matters not if they're beat up, photocopied or  brand new as long as all the pages are there and  it's legible.... Whatever books you could send  (workbook, textbooks, etc.) pertaining to the  natural/physical sciences, life sciences, language  arts and/or mathematics will also be greatly  appreciated.... Thank you for your time, assistance  and concern.


--A New York Prisoner

PS. Even science magazines (no matter how dated)  will be appreciated.

MIM ADDS: Our books for prisoners program  prioritizes political texts, but we recognize the  utility in other education and wish to expand our  work and unleash the potential of the masses to  fill this need. In particular, we are quite aware  of that each year college students across the  United Snakes spend hundreds of dollars on  textbooks that at the end of the semester they no  longer need or want and cannot sell for a good  price or at all. We encourage these students and  others to send us their old books along with enough  postage to send them to a prisoner. Educational  materials of all grade levels will be forwarded to  prisoners. Please make sure postage is included  with the books.


 To Whom it May Concern,

I am a Massachusetts prisoner! One of two hundred  and ninety-nine sent here to Texas because of  overcrowding....

Talk about control units, Sensory Deprivation like  a mother fucker. No Due process, Stripped of  Liberty interest. Food's fucked, cops are  illiterates. I'm locked down 24-7. Only 3 hours of  recreation a week. Wearing somebody else's boxers,  socks. Rats and snitches wall to wall - Unit?  What's the hell is that?

I hate this government system. It wasn't made to  work for us.

If you want to know more about the 299 guys sent  here by Massachusetts, who claim overcrowding to  get more money for prisons, you let me know. I got  a lot of news for you.

--A Massachusetts Prisoner in Texas, 14 December  1996

P.S. We are in seg. for one year now. Massachusetts  just renewed the contract for 2 more years. Guess  where me and X will be. Right here in Seg. No  ticket. NADA! Because we are nonconformists.


 READING MATERIALS LIMITED ...I lost your address  and a few of the newsletters you sent me, due to  shakedowns this past month by these Colonialist and  Neo Colonial Pigs. We were locked down from  Halloween to November 20th on the DS (Disciplinary  Segregation) unit here. Because my bed frame had a  big piece of metal missing from it. So of course  these cowards locked down the whole unit. They have  also devised a way of limiting and taking away our  reading material by only allowing any prisoner 10  pieces of reading material at any one time. If we  receive a book, or magazine, etc. in the mail, we  must turn it in, so it can be: 1. Sent home (at  your expense), 2. Destroyed, 3. Gate released, or  4. Given to charity. They do not consider MIM Notes  and most times, political books, educational. So  now if we can't get them to be recognized they will  be sent home or destroyed. I am thinking of  starting a "class action" grievance by all the New  Afrikan and conscious brothers to try to get this  done....

--An Illinois Prisoner, 24 November 1996

NEW DRUG TEST ...Well something new, the Michigan  snakes have invented. It is a thing for drug  testing, it's brand new. They came up with this  about a year ago. It looks like a small dime. It is  a little plastic circle. The nurse puts this new  invention in our arms for 24 hours to see if we are  smoking drugs. And then take this shit to the  laboratory. The point is the Michigan snakes always  want to test something in inmates. I don't trust  the Michigan Department of KKKoruptions with my  life....

--A Michigan Prisoner, 2 December 1996

EXPOSE PIG SEXUAL HARASSMENT On 23 November 1996, I  was set up and beaten by 4 officers. Burkhalter C/O  #R, Haverd C/O K., Lourie C/O A., Dueose C/O III M.  These are the officers who beat me in the hallway.

These are the ranking officers who plotted this  cruel attack upon me. Sergeant Bly, Lieutenant  James Nixon, Lieutenant Lee, Captain Baker, and  Warden McNight.

Now I am being sexually harassed by Sergeant  Ludwig, Sargent Williams, Officer Sorrels. Everyday  these people pull me out of my cell, [They] know I  don't have a thing in here, every hour on the hour.  I can't get any sleep. I am on container  restriction, food loaf, paper gown. They know I  don't have nothing in this cell, this is just to  harass me. Sargent Ludwig always tells me, "Open  your ass cheeks.", Then [he] puts me on the run  with nothing on so the other inmates can look at my  butt. Please help stop this sexual harassment.

--A Texas Prisoner, 4 January 1997


 ...I like your topic in Under Lock and Key, Nov.  15th issue #126, page 8 about unsanitary living  conditions in Illinois. I, myself am an Illinois  prisoner in the Menard Correctional Center. Right  now I'm in the North Segregation Unit and it's just  like you put it in the paper. The birds still fly  through the cell house, the mice and roaches still  come into our cells. And the administration in  Menard do not try to do anything to get rid of the  mice or birds in the cell house. Everything that  you put about this topic is 100% true.

I hope that somebody out there notified the Health  Department about the conditions in the Menard  Correctional Center, North Segregation Unit. Most  of the officers are KKK members and they do not  like Blacks and Latinos. They play with people's  food. The other day an inmate here in the North  Segregation Unit found a mouse in his food.

Sincere in the Struggle,

-- An Illinois Prisoner, 15 December 1996


Dear Movement,

...I would like to inform you that I have been in  solitary confinement since May 13, 1996, for  refusing to submit to statutorily-required DNA  testing. At present, I am challenging this state  law in court. Even though the law supports my  position, I understand the political and public  ramifications of my resistance and struggle against  big government. If I win in court, I will pass this  information on to your organization in hopes it  will assist similarly-situated comrades or  prisoners.

I have been incarcerated for 16 years... During my  confinement I obtained a paralegal diploma and have  been a jailhouse lawyer. I have been such a thorn  to the attorney general's office, that they lied to  a federal judge who issued an order enjoining me  from filing lawsuits and prohibiting me from  assisting other prisoners or be subject to  disciplinary punishments and sanctions. I've been  confined a couple of times already in the hole. I  can not permit myself to bow to my oppressors,  otherwise I would be living without dignity and  pride. I understand that the consequence of my non- violent civil disobedience and rebellion is  continued imprisonment despite parole release  eligibility. Self-preservation ignores me because I  would rather live as a principled man than as a  spineless inmate. My integrity means the world to  me even if freedom continues to escape me.

--A Missouri Prisoner, 18 December 1996


...A friend recently forwarded to me a copy of MIM  Notes from September 15, 1996. With great  correlation, I read the letters, Under Lock and  Key, from prisoners in the South Carolina  Department of Corrections. These letters made me  ponder whether or not there might be prisoners out  there who could assist me in gathering inculpative  evidence, to be used against Michael Moore,  (Director of the South Carolina Department of  Corrections (SCDC)).

I am currently incarcerated at McCormick  Correctional Institution. For the past two years I  have been involved in a mass assault to shutdown  Michael Moore's unconstitutional "policies and  customs". I have assisted some 85 inmates at this  institution also, to file actions totaling over one  hundred, thirty million dollars....

Because our documents and attitudes are polite,  resolved and amicable, my law partner and I have  had a 100% success rate. However, we have been  continually harassed, threatened and retaliated  against for our giving "inmate to inmate  assistance." We filed an action on the reprisal for  the constitutionally protected right, and the state  agreed to compromise.

Additionally, we moved for arrest warrants pursuant  to Title 18 U.S.C. 241 and 242; against Director  Michael Moore and the Attorney General of South  Carolina, Charles Condon, because they had acted in  concert to deprive inmates of a Constitutional  Right, by going public and declaring that they were  going to "pack inmates in prison like sardines."

When the smoke had cleared, following this massive  attack, my roommate was removed from my cell. We  were not asked whether or not we consented to such  a room change. A new inmate was moved into my cell.  At first, I thought it might just be more  retaliation. A few days later my reality changed,  when this inmate informed me that Michael Moore,  (Director of SCDC), had approached him at Kirkland  Correctional Institution and requested that he be  transferred to McCormick Correctional Institution;  placed in the cell with me; to kill me in exchange  for $25,000 dollars and parole. The inmate informed  me and several other witnesses that Michael Moore  and Attorney General, Charles Condon, "wanted me  killed because of all the Legal cases I was filing  against him and the Attorney General."

The following day, after securing affidavits from  this inmate and the witnesses, all of our cells  were searched. The affidavits were seized and we  were placed in administrative segregation, without  a charge, on Oct 28, 1996. We have all been placed  on "No Communications". Which means:  we cannot  call our attorneys, family; we cannot go out for  exercise; we cannot go to the law library and we  are refused any type of assistance; and we cannot  send or receive mail.

Following these events,... the host of a weekly  patriotic radio show ..., and numerous concerned  citizens of South Carolina started investigating  Michael Moore and his activities. The radio host  went on world wide radio, as well as a local radio  show in ... South Carolina. Looking for  information, the radio host contacted ex-inmates  and former officers of the Texas Department of  Corrections. He also spoke with a doctor in  California who had a great deal of information  concerning Michael Moore's previous activities  while employed in Texas.

....The radio host learned that while in Texas,  Michael Moore had maintained "hit groups" in at  least three separate institutions. These "hit  groups" were inmates that had been solicited by  Moore to threaten, intimidate and in some cases  even kill inmates who helped other inmates file  civil actions...

The inculpative evidence this writer is attempting  to gather from readers in or out of prison, is  simply this:  If you have ever been a part of, or  been asked to be a part of any Michael Moore "hit  groups" and have first hand knowledge of the same,  I would appreciate a summary or affidavit  concerning those instances. If you have ever been  threatened by Michael Moore, or one of his "hit  groups" for you legal activities, I would  appreciate a letter, summary, or affidavit  concerning those facts. If you are employed or were  employed at one time, by the Texas Department of  Corrections and you have first hand knowledge of  Michael Moore's "polices and customs" to threaten  intimidate or kill inmates for their legal  activities, this information would be of great use  to us.

If you wish to keep your name and information  Confidential, Please state to that effect in your  correspondence. Additionally, keep in mind that any  affidavits sent from out of state, must also be  stamped when being notarized. If you are unable to  send an affidavit because of a privacy issue or for  lack of access to a notary, please write informing  us of your information. In connection, if you would  be willing to testify, under oath, at the trial,  against Mr. Moore concerning any or all of the  first hand information you send us, please specify  this fact. Send all correspondence to: The Anti- Federalist Research Group, 1004 Welcome Rd.,  Greenville, SC 29611.

...Fighting tyrants in South Carolina.

--A South Carolina Prisoner, 19 November 1996