At the current time we are locked down due to an  inmate stabbing. Mysteriously an inmate who has  recently brought a $200,000 lawsuit against this  facility gets stabbed while everyone else is at  breakfast and he's in his cell asleep and only the  prisoncrats have access to rolling the bars open!  Coincidence? I don't think so!

 -- an Indiana prisoner, 21 April 1997


i would very much like to contribute to MIM but my  slave salary ain't nothing. i only make $1.20 a  day. After i get my necessities i am broke.

 -- a New Jersey Prisoner, 24 April 1997


I would like to correspond with you to give you an  insight into the mechanics of the prison system. I  have several administrative documents, detailing  the various methods used to punish, control or  outright liquidate "rebellious" prisoners. I have  been subjected to every form of corporal punishment  conceivable:  chemical agents (C587 "irritant  dust/gas"), overnight shackling (hands and legs),  anti-psychotic drugs, straight jackets, four-point  beds, beatings with night sticks (always by more  than one officer -- they never come alone), strip  cells, etc. That I am still alive is a testament to  the Divine Will. I fought with officers, alone, on  the offensive and defensive, for 9 months straight  before securing a transfer (this occurred at Wende  Correctional Facility, a facility next to Attica).

 -- a New York Prisoner, 24 April 1997


Nothing major happens, only A LOT of little things.  I find a lot of unprofessional events happen.  Officers write bunk cases, we call them "Haters". I  say their job description is not to come make us  miserable. We are already being punished.

The only difference between the men and women in  this prison is the corrections officers (the men in  gray) haven't gotten CAUGHT yet!

Prison life is a real trip. Rules change every day,  every shift. It's real confusing.

 -- a Texas prisoner, 10 April 1997


The gravy-train never stops building prisons,  hiring cops.

Its boxcars filled both day and night with  desperate men in endless fights.

Silver bracelets, lock-up time, laser-printed  budgets climb, El Reno builds new "mega-max" to shore-up Public  Income Tax.

So just act crazy, build up steam, you're working  for The American Dream.

  -- a Florida prisoner, 24 February 1997


To: the Honorable MIM

...I am being denied my heart medication, because  of my legal activities in assisting other prisoners  in filing their grievances, civil rights complaints  and criminal appeals. Because I refuse to stop  assisting other prisoners with legal matters, the  Alfred D. Hughes Unit Medical Department is  retaliating against me. And one of their  retaliatory acts is to deny me my heart medication.

The law has been well established that it is  unconstitutional to harass and retaliate against  any prisoner for his past or present legal  activities, as in this case. But the Alfred D.  Hughes Unit Medical Doctors and personnel have  decided to put me to sleep. And their deliberate  indifference with malicious intent to cause harm  with disregard for life will work unless you print  this letter. And even then it may be too late to  help me. But if in my death I can stop other  prisoners from experiencing this cruel and inhumane  treatment, then my death will not be in vain!...

Respectfully Submitted,
-- a Texas prisoner, 7  March 1997

**Letters of Protest can be sent to: The Warden,  Alfred D. Hughes Unit, Route 2, Box 4400,  Gatesville, TX 76597.**


I was shipped to death camp, French Robertson Unit.  I do not call it Death Camp for no reason. In 1996  the guard shot one inmate in the field due to [the  prisoncrat's] marital problems. Then they beat  another to death. Two guards just got indicted in  court for that.

The Head Warden tried to cover their asses. As he  did, other killings have happened on this unit. The  Head Warden has not run this unit by humane  standards. He has let the CO'zzz [correctional  officers] run wild and all over [Texas Department  of Criminal Justice] Policy.

The Captains on this unit clearly stated to me when  I got here, and put in isolation then solitary,  that Federal nor State law apply on this unit. Many  of my medical restrictions have been taken. My  special brace and limb have been taken. I have been  threatened if I keep speaking out to the people in  the Free World, I would end up Dead as others have  on this unit.

My MIM Notes and my last letter sent to your office  were not sent. I am keeping a record to file in  Federal Court on the mail room as I did on the my  last unit. In which the Mail Room Supervisor has  been not only fired but blamed by TDCJ. The Head  Lady of the mailroom has also been brought up on  Federal charges.

Much of my legal mail has not left this unit. When  I get enough, I'll be in Federal Court and will  press Federal Charges on the Head of the mailroom  for mail tampering. [I'm] not saying the United  Snakes is the way to go, we need a change. We are  building in Texas for a new way.

 -- a Texas prisoner, 15 April 1997


The library staff here is against MIM Notes, so  there is no way to get MIM Notes into the library  here. As for study groups, small groups have formed  and we discuss MIM Notes and other materials. Yet  staff is plotting against these groups and many  have been threatened with tickets or transfers to a  high security joint. I will try to encourage  prisoners here to write about the threats and mis- treatment going on here, yet that task may not  succeed and I may up in the hole.

--A Michigan Prisoner, 15 April 1997


Since my last letters, I have been in segregation.  My oppressors have beaten me and others as a result  of my Study Group. I've had the pigs beat me for  refusing to relinquish my love for the tremendous  struggle we face.

I will sacrifice my life for what I believe and if  my oppressor, Mr. Wayne Garner, thinks that  revolutionary politics is a threat to security,  planning/conspiring to participate a disturbance or  strike then so be it.

Comrades unite with your brothers and sisters.  Stand strong nationwide. Struggle together in  revolutionary change. Frustrations and  disappointments will come, the battles will be  many, sacrifice will be high, but my dear Comrades  in the end the oppressive, repressive regime of  Capitalism will fall.

Comrades in prison continue your fight when you  leave the walls. Start study groups outside as I  have. Continue your study groups inside as well.  Never let the oppressor get control and power over  you or your study group by threats, intimidation,  harassment, manipulation or humiliation. Let MIM be  your heart. Stand Iron-clad and be willing to  sacrifice. I call on everyone in the struggle with  me to fight censorship of MIM and Unite. It will  never be said my revolution was a pastime.

Respectfully, In Struggle,
-- a Georgia prisoner,  14 April 1997


My grievances about MIM Notes being censored  continue to fall on deaf ears. I've learned  however, despite what the institution claims, it's  not your paper, but the person who reviews it.

Enclosed you'll find my attempts to resolve this  problem. Funny how each level of grievance was  answered by the same person. It took me three  months of them doing nothing to finally realize how  futile my lone fight with them really is.

On the brighter note, your last mailing DID make it  passed the censors!

In Struggle,
-- a Florida prisoner, 20 March 1997


Dear Friend: In response to your questions  regarding my receiving the paper, I have not  received any papers since my arrival at Lakeland  Correctional Facility. This matter has been  exhausted thru the Grievance procedure and was  denied access to the paper, and it has been placed  on the permanent restriction list.

Enclosed you'll find a copy of a court Order [I]  recently received. I sent a copy of all the  documents pertaining to the rejection of MIM Notes  and the telephone Rip-Off. So I have not been idle  in what I consider a blatant disregard for First  Amendment Rights under the guise of security.

 -- a Michigan prisoner, 8 April 1997

***Letters of Protest can be sent to: Warden, Lakeland Correctional Facility, 141 First  St., Coldwater, MI 49036 or Frank J. Kelly,  Attorney General, Corrections Division, PO Box  30216, Lansing, MI 48909, (517) 335-7021***


Comrades, Revolutionary Greetings to one and all.  My Brothers, here is an update on the situation at  the Pontiac Correctional Center in Illinois.

As of yesterday indigent inmates and people, like  myself, who are short of monetary funds will no  longer be able to write or mail letters to our  families unless we have some kind of money in our  trust fund.

And as you already know, we have no phone usage  either because of a new policy prohibiting the use  of phone privileges by residents in C-grade. (Too  bad we are all in C-Grade in Pontiac)

Well here goes a new oppressive move by these  prisoncrats. As on Jan. 1st, 1997, Pontiac  Correctional Center (PCC) will be made into an All  Segregation Facility. We will be denied contact  visits, as a glass partition will be placed in the  segregation visiting room. We also have a condemned  unit visiting facility. Through the c/o  [correctional officer] grapevine it has been heard  that all our clothes (jeans, shirts, color-striped  socks, and any other accessories) will be  confiscated and we will be made to send it home.

We will be given "state gear" (3 jumpsuits, 3 T- shirts, 3 pairs of underwear, 3 all white socks, 1  pair of boots) till we leave, this segregation  facility. When we leave here we may again purchase  our clothes at whatever facility we arrive at! This plan is going to be executed because of all  the money they will be losing by turning PCC into a  Seg-Facility (without the inmate organizations,  phone calls and with a limited commissary, this  facility will lose millions per year)

And this plan is also being executed to anger the  already oppressed into giving them more reason to  request more money from the state to oppress us  further because of assaults.

They try to pull Brothers here into doing something  that will hurt us and put money in the hands of  these turn keys. (out of respect for the animal I  will not refer to these assholes as pigs)

As of now, their motives are plain to see. All we  are to them is expendable..

In total Resistance,

 -- An Illinois Prisoner, 2 January 1997


Dear MIM, Wanted to respond to your request for  info on the fascist "registration laws," commonly  known as "Megan's Laws." [This is a reference to an  Under Lock & Key letter in the Sept. 1, 1996 issue  of MIM Notes entitled, "Prisoner Receives Longer  Sentence For Maintaining Innocence"]

As of July 1996, every state in Amerika except  Massachusetts required sex offenders to register  their addresses with the police. In Maine, Vermont,  Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,  South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, Idaho, and Arkansas  the public can go to the police and learn about  neighborhood offenders. Rhode Island, West  Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Wisconsin,  Montana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, New Mexico,  Wyoming and Hawaii have no notification provisions.  In the remaining states police are required to  notify community or designated groups about  "dangerous" offenders.

Federal kourts in New York, New Jersey and  Connecticut have held that notifications in cases  of those convicted prior to passage of each state's  Megan Law is unconstitutional and have banned  implementation of those provisions. They have  allowed, however, police to compel them to register  and pigs began arresting people for failing to  register even in cases of those whose "crimes"  occurred years before passage of the new law.

The word "crime" is in quotes because "child sex  abuse" has been so broadly defined to include  everything from violent rape-murder to seeing your  child naked. Virtually every citizen could be  convicted of a sex offense, including grandmothers  (who may possess the classic infant photo of us  lying bars-assed on a bear rug) as child  pornographers. Parents of offspring who 20 or more  years later at the hands of "dys-psychotherapists"  are convinced that all their current life problems  stem from suddenly "remembered" abuse requiring  hospitalization until their insurance runs out.  Clergy (are targeted) for whom some ex-parochial  school student figures s/he can hit up the church's  deep pockets.

An even more blatant abuse of pig power are the new  civil commitment laws which will make it possible  to keep sex offenders indefinitely, even for life,  AFTER they have served out their criminal  sentences! You can serve time for murder and not be  subject to commitment or even registration. Is the  message we should take from this that it's OK to go  out and kill your pig oppressors but, but don't  dare jerk them off.

 -- a Connecticut prisoner, 12 March 1997

P.S. Regarding the Pennsylvania Prisoner who wrote,  he should be maxing out about now. He does not need  to sign anything to be released. Pennsylvania  however is in the Third Circuit with New Jersey, so  he will have to register with his local pig  department upon release or be subject to re-arrest.

 MIM ADDS: We agree that the word crime should be in  quotes, but for slightly different reasons. We  recognize that the Amerikkkan imperialists are the  real criminals and do not think they are fit to  judge the guilt or innocence of others. It is true  also that so-called "criminal behavior" targets  oppressed nationals with in this country.

At the same time it is our goal to expose the myth  that most rapists are black and strangers. The  facts prove that most sexual abuse is done by  family member and trusted adults, like clergy  members. We oppose Megan's law because it  perpetuates a myth that people don't know their  sexual abusers and it criminalizes oppressed  people.

MIM does not think Megan's Law is a joking matter.   Just because there isn't an equivalent law  pertaining to murder, doesn't mean there may not be  one being drafted up.  The police and these laws  are used to as social control to support the  dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.  MIM would not  encourage anyone to murder the pig oppressors at  this time in Amerikkka.

***Additional information about Megan's Law was  printed in September 1, 1996 issue of MIM Notes.***