Revolutionary Greetings, Be advised, even a  superficial look at history reveals that no social  advance rolls in on the wheels of inevitability.  Every step toward the goal of justice requires  sacrifice, suffering and struggle; tireless  exertions and passionate concern of dedicated  individuals. This is no time for apathy or  complacency. This is a time for vigorous and  positive action. All Power To De People!!!

-- A South Carolina Prisoner, 15 January 1997


i was caught up in a "shuffle" by the kkkolorado  department of kkkoruptions that resulted in the  placement of 500 prisoners of war into "private  prisons" in tekkkas. After a month of being "in  transit", i remain behind enemy lines in kkkolorado  and am now being "permanently housed" at a new (to  me) facility.

The plans to begin a revolutionary study group at  my "old" facility, must now be revised. The search  for conscious comrades here is proving tedious and  in all likelihood I will have to educate and  recruit first. Nonetheless, it's ever-forward,  never back!

 -- A Colorado Prisoner, 27 March 1997


Got an interesting story for you about FCI Bastrop.  About 2 months ago they decided to remodel the  floor in food service because the tile wasn't the  right color. Now we have to eat off paper plates  and cold food for the last two months. Now they  have a make-shift kitchen that can't feed the whole  institution and are dumping the cleaning water for  the dishes into storm drains and are polluting  Bastrop lake with refuse and garbage. Hopefully  someone will give them up here to OSHA or EPA or  Greenpeace. Perfect for Earth Day, but I'm still  hanging on by a thread.

-- A Texas Prisoner, 21 April 1997


MIM Comrades, Revolutionary Greetings! I am writing  to you from the Gulags here in Pennsylvania, to  bring you up to date on the latest form of  oppression. The literature you sent to me has been  denied, claiming that it advocates violence and is  a clear and present danger to the orderly running  of this institution. The literature that was sent  to me was MIM Theory #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12. All  were denied.

I am currently appealing this decision, so I will  keep you posted on the situation. We have started a  study group here, with about eleven fellow comrades  with the number growing every day. It is hard to  educate without enough literature, and these people  denying MIM Theory only makes it harder. But what  these PIGS fail to realize is that all of us have  dealt with such treatment and oppression all our  lives. We've struggled this far through life and  we'll continue to strive and over come! The  Prisoncrats have not tried to censor MIM Notes yet,  and hopefully they won't.

We understand the Struggle will be a hard and long  fight, and we are prepared to go the distance!!! I  will include the names of those responsible for  censoring MIM Theory, so letters of protest can be  sent. Maybe once they see that we have outside  support, they will stop this censorship.

--A Pennsylvania Prisoner, 21 March 1997

Letters of Protest can be sent to: Acting  Superintendent, Ben Varner, SCI Greene, 1040 E. Roy  Furman Hwy, Waynesburg, PA 15370-8090 and John J.  D'Eletto, Chairperson, Publications Review  Committee, SCI Greene, 1040 E. Roy Furman Hwy,  Waynesburg, PA 15370-8090


Dear MIM,

I previously sent you a letter concerning the  censorship of MIM Notes by Prisoncrats in  Pennsylvania. My efforts to resolve this matter  with prisoncrats has been largely unavailing.  Therefore I intend to initiate legal action against  them. As you well know, prisoncrats cannot censor a  publication because it contains views unfavorable  to the penal system or because they disagree with  the philosophy of the organization that publishes  it.

You may send letters of protest to the following  individuals.

Commissioner, Martin F. Horn, Pennsylvania  Department of Corrections, PO Box 598, Camp Hill,  PA 17001-0598 Superintendent, Kenneth D. Kyler, SCI Camp Hill, PO  Box 200, Camp Hill, PA 17001-0200 I will keep you abreast as things develop.

-- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, 14 April 1997



Receiving MIM Notes is an absolute honor for me. I  in turn encourage other prisoners within these  boundaries (hole) while sharing the informative  pages of your paper.

However, these pigs are very sure to render some  kind of burning bridge that would urge a divide and  conquer maneuver for the action of stopping  educational books, newspapers, pamphlets, etc, that  will expose the filth embedded in this colonial  system. They disapprove entirely of one as myself  who's action is illustrated from a solid mind-frame  -- but they are most certain to shake in their  pants when a selected few inmates get together and  bring the light (true knowledge) amongst the  masses.

-- A New York Prisoner, 4 April 1997


For according to the mentality of SCDC [South  Carolina Department of Corrections] workers they  will never promote such education [i.e. MIM Notes]  to prisoners. My experience with America's Prison  Institutions have shown me that the clowns who run  them from high positions along with their pawns who  enforce their will, do not want prisoners to  educate themselves. They prefer to keep [prisoners]  illiterate, angry and doing all the wrong things  (such as dealing in homosexual activities and  telling on fellow prisoners). This causes disunity,  one never knows who to trust.

Also I'm considered a threat because they claim  that because I'm one with an extensive amount of  knowledge (According to how much literature I had  in my possession). I pose a security threat to  their operations, even thought I never committed  any violation of their rules and regulations I have  been pre-judged only because of what I study!!!  Thus I've been on lock-up until I max out unless  their judicial system follows its guidelines  pertaining to discrimination and due process. As  far as study groups on lock-up it is pretty much  impossible. Being that inmates are kept apart with  the exceptions of one hour of recreation. But even  then we are not allowed to bring anything out of  our cells.

-- A South Carolina Prisoner, 23 April 1997

MIM ADDS: Though prisoncrats may encourage  prisoners to focus on sexual activities in order to  divert people from political activism. It is our  assertion that homosexual activities are not wrong.  It is patriarchal dominance that is wrong and it is  the bourgeois, patriarchal power structure which  perpetuates the ideology that only white settler,  heterosexist interests must be served.


After reading Under Lock and Key, I'm here to  comment on the writings of a prisoner in New York  who speaks of the new dog kennels they have [MIM  Notes, 1 Feb 1997, #131, Under Lock and Key  article, "New York Continues Repressive  Conditions"]. I'm at the Washington Correctional  Institution and have been a guest of the new  kennels they have here since Sept. 10, 1996. We  however only get 2 hours of recreation time a week  and spend the rest of our time in the cell. This is  called CM, Close Management, and lasts up to 36  months, this is due to change to a minimum of 36  months and up to 60 max in the near future.

They have CM in almost every prison in the state  now and have just opened New River which is nothing  but CM and will house about 1,000. If you treat bad  people good, then some will turn good themselves,  treat bad people bad and all will get worse. I just  don't see the point. Prisoners everywhere, beware  this is the prison of the future!

-- A Florida Prisoner, 6 March 1997


I just finished reading MIM Notes for February 1,  1997. I read "New York Continues Repressive  Conditions Part 2". Well, I'm almost in the same  predicament as the brother from New York only I'm  in the prison system in Florida. They are making  most of the prisons in Florida, "lock-down" 24  hours a day.

Any inmates that don't agree with this system are  placed on the Close Management for 37 months. There  was a time when only very few inmates were placed  in this type of housing, but now if you even  receive a minor write-up, they are putting us on  this "Max Lock-Up" and there is nothing that can be  done. They are building so many prisons with this  in mind, that they are in need of clients. Any  movement is done in restraints, legs as well as  hands. Showers are 3 a week in still restraints.  Visits are the same, cuffs and leg irons.

-- A Florida Prisoner in the injustice system, 5  March 1997


MIM, First and foremost, I'd like to commend you  all at MIM for the relentless struggle you all have  maintained in the direction of socialism and  proletariat revolution. My most sincerest hopes are  that one day we shall all share in the fruits of  the fight!

I am one of fifty prisoners, segregated on one of  the many concentration camps here in corporate  ameriKKKa - namely, the USP at Leavenworth,  infamous building #63. I am writing you in the  highest of hopes of some assistance in the  unveiling of some of the health threatening, and  repressive practices under which we reside.

On February 15, 1996, I along with about 45-50  other Mexican inmates were rounded up and placed in  administrative segregation under the motive of an  investigation, and guise of gang activity. We were  placed in building #63 here at leavenworth, a  building over one hundred years old, and long ago  condemned to closure along with the holdover unit  at El Reno in Oklahoma in 1993 by Attorney Janet  Reno. Since then building #63 has been utilized for  assumed emergency reasons on an on again, off again  basis. However, never has anybody or any group, at  one time resided in health hazard condemned  building #63 for such a long period of time as we  have for 'over one whole year now!'

The reason the Attorney General shut down this  building, along with the holdover unit at El Reno  in Oklahoma, was due to the fact that said  buildings are infested with Toxic Agents, namely  Asbestos; "this is our prime concern here among  us'. Also the plumbing in this building is so  deteriorated that pipes are constantly bursting,  some individual go months without adequate plumbing  when such happens. The sewer lines are also always  backed up and the foulest of odors has kept the air  in a constant state of pollution. To top things  off, there is no adequate system of ventilation -  remember this building is over one hundred years  old! In the summer time, we are left to deal with  the heat in the best way we possibly can, for there  is no sort of air conditioning what so ever. We are  left to sweat like dogs in cages at a K9.

Inmates have been injured by flying pieces of the  ceiling falling upon us, and inmates have been  infected by spider and various insect bites one too  many times. This building is clearly a health  hazard and must be condemned and further demolished  once and for all.

When we were first placed in segregation building  #63 and under investigation status, we were denied  all privileges and warrant conditions forthcoming  us: proper medical attention, adequate recreational  facilities, laundry and clothing exchange,  visitation, full commissary ability, phone usage,  and we are still not able to participate in  education programs or programs of such, otherwise  available to the general population. Over a year  behind us now, one hunger strike, two brief  uprisings, exhaustion of all institutional  remedies, various letters to our respective state  representatives, and the request for assistance in  an effective transfer to our regional director -  and we are still here under the same ongoing  investigation, and under the same health  threatening conditions!

Sure enough - yet needless to say - we have gained  some concession amenities, such as:  extended  recreational periods, an expanded commissary  ability, and other peace meals as such. But we are  all aware that these are merely psychological  straight jackets, constraints to keep us repressed.  We are asking that an end be given to this  exhausted investigation, and that inference be made  based on the collected information. If the  conclusion is determined that we are to remain  under segregation status, then make arrangements  for effective transfer for appropriate  segregational facility, so that we can be given  every detailed condition we got forthcoming to us.  Due Conditions that are here at Leavenworth  Building #63 will never become feasible!

Power to the Peoples! Always a Comrade In Struggle!

 -- A Federal Prisoner, 16 March 1997


There is a new trend that's sweeping through these  corruption mechanized slave kamps. This genocidal  tactic is under the disguise called a  "psychological profile test". However, this tactic  is directed toward the militant brothers who have  been singled out by the prison keepers and placed  in control units and long term ad-seg. for their  political, cultural and religious understandings.

Here in the Slave Delta of South KKKarolina, myself  along with a number of other brothers have been in  these units for 2, 3, 4 and some for 10 years with  no institutional infractions. And since April 27,  we have been placed on ML5 status, meaning  permanent isolation until otherwise deemed by the  prison keepers to replace us back into general  population. But in order to be eligible to be  placed back into population we must undergo this  psychological profile test. Keep in mind comrades,  that this test is being administered by the same  prison keepers that initially placed us on these  units to begin with. And agreeing to this test,  once you're deemed psychologically unfit (in which  we will be), then these corrupt prison keepers  advance into a position to further restrict us from  the general population as well as placing us on  "mind altering drugs" that decreases the mental  powers.

This is a tactic that's being carried out under the  banner of protecting the greater imperialist  capitalist society. And to eradicate the prison  masses of political cultural and religious  conscious that would enhance resistance. So, in  actuality, this psychological profile test is being  implemented as a behavior modification tactic  that's designed to mentacide and genocide a whole  breed of militant resisters who are within those  deprivation kamps.

Those who have been deemed psychologically unfit by  a so called psychologist, would be placed in long  term isolation unit until otherwise cleared or  cured.

Also comrades we must remember that our enemies  will use every method available to discredit and  eliminate the opposition that opposes their  oppressive capitalist rule. The history of  COINTELPRO proves this. "A final goal should be to  prevent the long range growth of militant Black  nationalist organizations, especially among the  youth. Specific tactics to prevent those groups  from converting young people must be developed."  (COINTELPRO sub-sec. No. 51)

From closely observing this, it's clear that this  psychological profile test is only a tactic to  eradicate militants through mentacidal and  genocidal tactics. So remain steadfast in the  struggle to free the land, through stiff  resistance.

-- A South Carolina Prisoner, 20 February 1997


Things are pressured in on all sides. Yet, I'm not  crushed in my struggle to keep my head above the  waters of sanity. I stand firm and tall in what I  represent as truth and justice. As expected in a  Texas Prison, that's a major no no. Due to my  strong remission against bowing down to injustice,  the unit warden referred me to a psych Doctor, who  sent me to Rusk, Texas, TDC, Psych Treatment  Center, where I've been for nine months.

They had me tagged as being in a structure program  that would shape my mind, where I could comply with  the prison regulations. They us the tactics of  drugs and severe mental anguish in order to break a  person's spirit to maintain control in part of the  program. Yet I withstood it and came out gracefully  without a scratch. I refused to bow down and didn't  swallow their poison. I will never bow down. I am a  true soldier 'til my death.

Meanwhile so many women are dying in the Texas  Prison system - mostly from lack of medical  attention and horrid treatment and housing. At this  time on Murray Unit they have over 600 women locked  in a big warehouse like building with the windows  nailed down, no air conditioning. More than 6% of  us are sick.

Unfortunately, Texas women usually are very weak,  simple minded with no backbone, two faced, scary,  ass hoes. Who spend more time breaking each other  down and jealousy. They can't seen when their  looking.

--A Texas Prisoner, 17 February 1997

MIM RESPONDS: We agree that psychology is another  word for torture in prison. Remember that the  prisoncrats are your principle enemy, not your  fellow prisoners. The pigs are the ones torturing  people by denying medical care and breaking  people's spirits.

Others around you may not be as strong as you, that  is why you must lead by example. Calling names and  making broad generalizations about your fellow  prisoners does not help the struggle for  revolution. It only helps to divide you, which is  exactly what the pigs want. Instead try to educate  and lead. Remember you are not alone. There are  many serious revolutionary prisoners out there  facing similar problems. Do not give up hope in  your fellow prisoners, help them change for the  better. Work with MIM to educate and organize for  revolution.


...I was surprised to acknowledge in [MIM] Notes  134 that other prisoners have responded to my  article in [MIM] Notes 126 titled, "Unity in  Michigan Prisons Questioned". I was especially  pleased to know that my voice did not fall upon  deaf ears and has been heard as far as Wisconsin.

I thank all the comrades that have responded to my  article and letting me know that I am not alone in  my struggle. Being encouraged by you brothers is a  good thing and helps serve to uplift my spirits.  But the reality of my environment - the unity of a  forward, intelligent and rational struggle is still  in question.

I know that there are brothers who are real with  this struggle such as I am. (even some at my  location) But these such brotha's are kept  separated and divided from a brotha as myself, for  the fear that we my come together and unify our  minds, movements, methods and "intelligent" tactics  to move our struggle forward, progressively for  positive change. And so, they keep the serious  revolutionaries separated in an attempt to deviate  and dismantle change.

The plot is to discourage and weaken us by  separating us as one of their transparent tactics  to break our spirits, so that we will begin to feel  (psychologically) that we are in this struggle  alone. With these feelings the mind and heart begin  to program itself into giving up hope and struggle  for change. Thus allowing himself to become broken,  passive and submissive. Because it is known that  often when one begins to feel the effects of  aloneness in his/her struggle, one begins to give  up hope and starts thinking that the possibility  for change is impossible. And with this thought the  spirit is broken, the mind is broken, the struggle  is broken. Once this circle of spirit, mind and  struggle is broken, then the programming of the  beast has claimed you to think, act, walk and do as  a man-made robot would do - modified, dictated and  controlled by the beast that created you. With only  one single thought -- If you can't beat 'em join  em'. Now the circle is broken and the beast has  successfully completed his goal.

But this my brotha's, irregardless of how alone,  separated and divided from real brotha's like you,  will never become me. I could and will never become  broken and programmed into submitting, downing  down, giving in and giving up the struggle to be  free. My struggle for justice and to live in human  dignity. The beast agenda for psychological ,  social and institutional programming will not  affect me to change backward in a self-destruction  direction. No matter how alone I may feel in this  struggle I will still keep it real! Thank you  whole-heartedly for your distant support.

 -- A Michigan Prisoner, 15 April 1997