Greeting Comrades, I write this letter requesting  your assistance, not for myself but for a fellow  comrade who was damn near beat to death.

... The key aggressors are:  Lt. Vance, Sgt.  Cavanaugh, C.O.[Correctional Officer] Malone and  C.O. Aducchi.

... On Monday, March 3, 1997 at approximately 9:30  a.m. prisoner X proceeded to see the doctor for  serious medical conditions. While at the doctor's  office, X was told by the doctor that no medical  assistance could be offered while he was in prison,  due to the high cost of treatment.

X then left the doctor's office and went back to  his cell. About ten minutes later, he entered the  doctor's office again producing a knife (homemade).  He told the nurse to get out of the office. He then  grabbed the doctor and told him that unless he  helped X he was going to stab him.

About that time, the officers mentioned above  rushed into the office, ordering X to drop the  knife and let the doctor go.

After several seconds, X did drop the weapon,  leaving EVERYONE unharmed. After the guards  collected the knife and the doctor left the office,  Lt. Vance ordered [the other officers] to get X. It  should be noted that X did not present any type of  resistance or hostility once the knife was dropped.

C.O. Malone and Aducchi began swinging batons at  X's head like they were hitting a baseball. Sgt.  Cavanaugh kicked X in the face while X was on the  ground. The kick caused blood to spatter.

Then Lt. Vance grabbed X's head in a choke-hold and  rammed X's head into the steel sink, busting X's  head open. [There was] blood everywhere from X's  face and head.

At this time X laid unconscious on the floor but he  was still being beaten by the guards.

X was eventually left alone, bleeding, with no  medical assistance. Only when several other inmates  began crowding around the guards, making threats,  did a medical staff call for an outside ambulance,  due to the seriousness of the head trauma.

Upon doing some investigation on the injuries he  received, I did find the medical report. X suffered  from:  a ruptured spleen, 6 broken ribs, and 38  stitches in his head. X presently lays in a coma  from the beating, in a hospital (prison) with  severe head trauma.

The very next day all four guards are back at work,  and no investigation was ordered.

There is a guard who will testify to this incident  if it ever goes to a court of law, to prosecute the  four guards who almost murdered an unarmed man.

I have reviewed the policy on use of force in a  life threatening situation. It states any and all  force shall be used to UNARM a person threatening  the life of another. But X was already unarmed when  he received his beating. Upon talking to various  officers, they admitted that X dropped his knife  and he should have simply been handcuffed and taken  to the hole.

... Letters demanding the suspension of the four  guards and an investigation of the incident can be  directed to: Mrs. Dora Shriro, Director, Missouri  Department of Corrections, 2729 Plaza Drive, P.O.  Box 236, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0236

In Struggle,

 -- A Missouri Prisoner, 10 March 1997

MIM RESPONDS:  Comrade, thank you for educating us  and MIM Notes' readers about this attack against X  by the Missouri prison pigs. It helps in the work  that is necessary in building the foundation for  revolution - the work of building public opinion  against the proliferation of prisons and the  systematic torture and repression against the  masses which results from imperialism and settler  nation domination.

This example once again shows that the Amerikan  prison pigs are not going to meet the needs of the  masses in prison. And the example should lead  people to analyze the best path toward ending the  denial of basic medical care and the ending of pig  brutality. Comrades under lock and key must study  the proven methods for liberation of Marxism- Leninism-Maoism and organize. We must be careful  not to take on losing battles. Individuals taking  up armed resistance as X did will be met with  further repression and as we have seen, such  isolated acts of resistance often set the pigs off  to commit murder, in the end bringing no justice  for the oppressed.

Similarly, activists on the outside must study and  organize. Many liberals on the outside still  maintain that justice for the masses in prison and  oppressed masses in general can be achieved by  working within the Amerikan system. This has not  once proven to be a path which liberates the  oppressed. So while we print this comrades' request  for readers to write to the prison director, we  have learned from historical struggles that the  only way to end the injustice is to tear down the  Amerikan system in general, including the Amerikan  prison system and fight for people's victory  through revolution. The suspension of specific pigs  will not change the Amerikan structure which  systematically oppresses the masses, it will only  leave the door open for the next generation of pigs  to fill in.


I'm in close management and I'm locked up 24-7 and  get two days of yard with 3 hours of yard time, and  3 showers a week.

I'm HIV positive and I'm having problems trying to  get the new life saving drug called protease  inhibitors because they don't want to give it. It's  very expensive, but at the same time, there's a  white dude here that is receiving the life saving  cocktail called protease inhibitors. If I get this  new medication then I have a chance to live longer.  I have filed two lawsuits on the medication because  they refused me but it's FDA approved and Prisoner  L is getting it. There's no reason why I can't get  it....

In struggle,

 -- A Florida Prisoner, 16 April 1997

MIM RESPONDS:  This letter demonstrates the lack of  access to medical care that is a problem in prisons  in the United Snakes. In this case, even within the  prison, national oppression is playing a role in  who gets medicine. Because medical care is a for- profit industry in Amerika, there is no such thing  as a right to lead a healthy life. Those with  wealth (predominantly whites on the outside of  prison) can buy access to drugs that save their  lives, while those without money die of preventable  diseases, or in the case of HIV, die sooner for  lack of medical care.


I am an inmate at the Fishkill Correctional  Facility [FCF] and I have a serious problem  concerning my health. I was given a shot that they  claim was a TB[Tuberculosis] shot. And all of  sudden my life has changed for the worse.

Since then I have been experiencing life  threatening symptoms such as:  numbness of the  head, feet and hands; a massive amount of weight  loss; sores in my mouth; face burns; and hands  sweat heavy. The back of my head has a dent in it  that is still sinking in on me. Both sides of my  face are also sinking in on me.

I weigh no more than 175 pounds, if that. The  medical department is tampering with their scales,  because they keep putting in my records that I  weigh 198 t0 202 at times. All the above symptoms  are all true but the medical department at FCF keep  denying it. I can prove all my complaints but the  medical staff just looks the other way and just all  out lies to cover up what they did to me.

I have my medical records which the medical staff  are putting in a lot of foul stuff. For example  [they say] I've got a mental problem, but that's  another way they are trying to cover up this  problem. I am also having a problem getting my  mental health record from this facility. They tell  me the only way they can give them me, is if they  send them to somebody on the outside....

-- A New York Prisoner, 10 April 97


DEAR MIM, Georgia Prisoners are now mandated to pay  a medical co-payment of $5.00 per visit for any and  all medical and dental care which prisoners of the  Georgia Department of Corrections make. This law  was passed by the Georgia General Assembly and  enforced as of December 1, 1996 (OCGA 42- 5-55).  Under this new law, a visit which is initiated by a  prisoner to any prison physician, medical staff for  examination or treatment the prisoner is required  to pay $5.00 medical co-payment.

It matters not that a prisoner in Georgia should be  poor or without funds, he or she will be and are  billed for the $5.00 medical co-payment. However,  upon the first visit to the medical or dental  section, all prisoners are charged $15.00 and $5.00  for each visit there after. If you are hurt in some  manner with respect to a sport's injury, the  prisoner will be charged full fees as if you were  free and had to seek medical care.

On the 1st of June 1997, the Georgia Department of  Corrections cut 28 prison dentists and dental  assistants, citing fewer requests by prisoners for  dental treatment since a $5.00 co-payment is  required.

...Fact is, the workload is very high level and  there is not, nor has there ever been enough dental  care that could be accessed in Georgia. The  Department has also just made a new medical  contract whereby it can be said that medical staff  will also be cut in the same manner.

This all started when the Governor of Georgia, Zill  Miller had ordered former Corrections Commissioner,  Dr. Allen L. Ault to "find a way, even if he had to  charge inmates for medical services, so that  correctional personnel could receive an additional  5% pay [raise] over what they were being paid."...

Georgia prisoners are not paid for any work  performed. They are paid no attention and placed in  the hole if they do not work as ordered. Thus, it  is the indigent prisoners that are effected most  cause they have no family or friends to pay or send  in money so that the medical co-payment can be  paid. Thus forcing indigents to become imprisoned  to the Department for medical costs.

Also, it is the families and friends who are  actually billed because they are the ones who work  [and get paid]. They send in their money to the  prisoner for personal up-keep (which Georgia does  not pay for), but the prisoner isn't allowed to use  the funds due to the medical co-payments. This is  what is called poll or love tax. The families pay  state and local tax for the very reason of  supporting government. Part of those taxes go to  the Department for the up-keep of prisoners and  prisons -- that means medical care as well. But  with the new law, those people sending money into  prisons are actually paying twice for the same  services.

There is still more:  Any prisoner in Georgia who  has a minimum balance of $11.00 at the end of each  month will be assessed a monthly account management  fee of $1.00.

There is even more:  As of June 15, 1997 the  business office of each prison within Georgia has  been instructed to take and hold $10.00 from each  prisoner's account to establish a "Contingency  Fund" to pay for any debts incurred during the  prisoner's incarceration.

...The Georgia Board of Corrections, Rule (25-4-4- .01) states in part that "In no instance shall one  inmate, his family, or other individual be required  to pay any portion of the fee or expenses for the  inmate's medical or dental treatment." This rule  has been added to Georgia law OCGA 42-5-2-(G) and  is still on the books.

...There are a number of these rulings and I have  initiated a civil action to try and force Georgia  to pay its prisoners or not bill them.

...It will be a dog-fight for anyone but the only  answer is the courtroom. It seems the only thing  Georgia officials understand. Prisoners must take  corrective action and fight for their civil rights,  if they don't who knows what we will face next.

 -- A Georgia Prisoner, 9 June 1997

MIM RESPONDS:  The author of this letter shows a  clear understanding of the laws and history  relating to prison medical care. This comrade has  been able to expose the imperialists breaking their  own rules in order to line their pockets. This  letter demonstrates the comrade's hard work, good  research and serious dedication.

This prisoner is right to take this battle to the  courtroom but we have to be clear in exposing that  there are no guaranteed "rights" for the oppressed  in Amerika. Instead we recognize that inherent  rights do not exist under imperialism and the  dictatorship of the bourgeois, privileges which the  oppressed gain, are won only through power  struggles.

Legal battles are one reformist way to win small  gains for the oppressed. While engaging in these  battles we must also expose the oppression and  hypocritical rules of the imperialists. This helps  put pressure on the system and aids in our legal  battles while also building public opinion for  ultimately overthrowing the system. This is one of  the main goals of MIM Notes.


...I'm at a place in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania  called SCI]-Greene [State Correctional Institution]  Special Management Unit (S.M.U.). I've just  finished doing two years being locked down at  Huntingdon.

This program is like that Camp Hill, a modern day  psychological deteriorating tool used mainly for  black inmates like myself who petition the courts - - both federal and state -- to have our problems  heard.

I was transferred here not long after I filed a  legal petition over a problem with an officer at  the previous jail. I was being constantly racially  harassed, provoked and given misconduct reports  (write-ups) for two years of verbal offenses  (answering back). During this time I was told I'd  be transferred on three different occasions to a  place like the present one -- as a tactic to  intimidate me.

In the summer of 1994, I was attempting to have a  lump on the inside of my eyelid removed. The  condition is commonly known as a sebaceous cyst. I  used all the institutional procedures available to  have this problem resolved but the Huntingdon  administrators refused, ignoring my complaints and  procedures until I contacted an outside lawyer.  Then I was sent to an outside hospital. I believe  this is why I am being held in the SMU and  continued to be locked down now. I still have the  eye problem and am currently addressing it to those  in the medical department.

The prison staff convinced the media that they're  correcting a problem inmate here. It looks more  like old-fashioned racism to me. There are 22 of us  on this block. 18 are black. About nine of us are  being targeted for harassment and retaliation for  filing legal petitions with the courts.

I don't have one write-up for laying a hand on  anyone for the past two years, nevertheless [I am  here]. The Warden and two white lieutenants and a  sergeant are here who used to work at Huntingdon.  This doesn't seem like a simple a coincidence to  me. The Common Pleas Court has one Judge who is a  very close personal friend with the Warden.

When an inmate is locked behind a door for 23 hours  a day and sometimes for the full 24 with the  exception of a 5 minute shower or an hour in the  yard exercising, hand-cuffed from behind his back - - how much harm can he do to anyone?

Here at Greene, the big game is called level  phases. They slowly advance us black inmates at a  turtle's pace while the few white inmates go  through all the phases in a short time -- as if by  "magic". All these various phases and levels were  created by the warden together with top management  people at the Corrections Department. These are the  people who need to be challenged about how racist  system works. These are the people responsible for  treating us unjustly. These are the people who need  to change this rotten system so that we are treated  humanly and fairly and paroled or moved onto  another destination....

May the struggle find justice continue to grow  stronger.

 -- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, 2 June 97


Dear Comrades in Struggle; We (Prisoners in  Michigan) are experiencing more oppressive and  reactionary attacks by Michigan's so-called  political and prisoncrat officials.

It has been reported that by January 1998, all the  death KKKamps in Michigan will be "cigarette smoke  free". Now, some would advocate this a "good  thing". They will say that this will save lives,  prevent deaths and establish a healthier  environment. However, i see it differently.

The prisoncrats have been selling prisoners  cigarettes ever since there was a death kkkamp in  Michigan. Now all of a sudden, they have this  conscious-raising change of heart? i don't' think  so. This is just another move by politicians to  make themselves look good, at the expense of those  prisoners who smoke and have no other enjoyment in  their miserable condition of confinement, other  than a cigarette.

Michigan's Attorney General, Frank Kelley, has  joined other attorney generals who are suing the  tobacco industry for monetary damages on behalf of  Michigan citizens who've been hospitalized or died  as a result of tobacco indulgence.

Frank Kelley knows it would politically make him  look bad to have a suit against the tobacco  industry while his prison/death kkkamps sold  cigarettes. Kelley knows he can't stop or restrict  the free citizenry from smoking, but he knows he  can strong-arm prisoners from smoking, by having  tobacco banned within the death kkkamps.

Meantime the Michigan Department of KKKorputions  has made BILLIONS off the backs of past and present  prisoners who bought cigarettes from the death  kkkamp stores. Prisoners became addicted to tobacco  and view this plant as the only real means of  personal gratification left to him/her in here.

The PPWC [Political Prisoners of War Coalition]  finds this hypocritical, mean-spirited and  irresponsible. Whether tobacco is right or wrong is  not the issue for PPWC. Whether one should or  should not smoke is not the issue for PPWC, and  therefore we won't get ourselves bogged down on  these issues. Whether you like or hate smoking, we  are simply pointing out that it is a damn shame  that prisoners are again being used as pawns and  sacrificial offerings for the political pursuits of  politicians and prisoncrats.

If these politicians are so concerned with the  health of prisoners then why don't they offer us  better health care employees and services? If these  prisoncrats are so concerned with the health of  prisoners, then why did they sell tobacco in the  first place? And why have they forced prisoners to  buy simple medication such as aspirin, cough drops,  eye drops, Tylenol and the like?

The PPWC advocate political awareness and re- education among prisoners and the general public.  We advocate this so that one can see bullshit for  what it is and then take collective action to sling  the bullshit back at those who are trying to rub it  in your face.

Tomorrow it won't be about tobacco. Tomorrow it  will be coffee, or typewriters, or ink pens, or  whatever they decide to take next. Meantime, what  are WE going to do about it?

In the trenches.

 -- A PPWC Prisoner in Michigan, 8 April 1997

MIM ADDS:  We oppose all smoking because we know it  is bad for the health of the people but we agree  with the PPWC that this issue of banning smoking in  prison is not about health but about power  struggles with the administration. In this case we  encourage our comrades inside to live as long as  possible so that they can contribute to the  revolution for a long time. As a release from the  oppression of prison we encourage prisoners to take  up a martial art rather than smoking. We must  resist the imperialists attempts to weaken our  bodies and minds.


Dear MIM, ...Right now this other brother is  fighting this no smoking policy the ADOC [Arizona  Department of Incorrections] has. The DOC has  decided to include burning of sacred herbs in our  cells.

Fucking stupid pigs, act like it is a health  hazard. So now we American Indians have to sneak  around and do the ceremonies in secret to make sure  the pigs don't catch us. Just like the old day,  huh?! Please ask around and see if anyone is  willing to help us fight this free of charge.

I would like to send out an urgent message to all  the Indian Communities who are fighting and killing  each other over this new gang beef. "Divide and  Conquer" was their plan. Don't live up to their  plan. We are too strong for that. One nation, One  fight, Stop Spilling your brothers blood and unite!

 -- An Arizona Prisoner, 8 May 1997


Dear Friend: ...Since my last letter to you the  state legislature here has enacted a co-pay law for  "non medical emergencies." There are no exceptions  to paying. I am almost (75) years of age and been  incarcerated for (17) years. I'm denied my Social  Security Benefits, "money I worked for and paid  into Social Security" because I'm a convicted  felon.

It's my understanding that the law states "one  can't receive Social Security Benefits" while  incarcerated, because the state provides all my  needs. "I'm trying to find the statue, Public Act,  or Case law containing that specific language, it's  imperative to have. Your aid in this matter will be  sincerely appreciated.

Enclosed you'll find a copy of the Social Security  Act which says in essence one's basic needs are to  be provided free. My understanding this is a Public  Funded institution-money my social security from my  social security. So why should the state be  permitted to also charge me for medical service  which is suppose to free during my period of  incarceration....

 -- A Michigan Prisoner, 4 May 1997


Dear MIM, ...Lately I've been having problems with  the pigs that work here. On the 12th of May a  sergeant and a lieutenant has a five man team run  into my cell and assault me while I lay sick in my  bed. Of course they were in full riot gear and made  it look real good for the video camera's benefit,  telling me to stop resisting. Due to an overdose of  psychiatric medication, I couldn't even control my  bladder, let alone my arms and legs.

As a result of the attack I suffered some minimal  damage to the tendons in both my thumbs. But I  didn't find this out until June 20th -- more than a  month after the incident! I would have found out  sooner if the medical department had bothered to  check me out right after the assault, which is the  policy. There was no medical exam, no pictures of  the bruises and cuts that I had suffered or  anything!...

Yours In Struggle,

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 23 June 1997