Dear MIM, I am a South Carolina prisoner in the  Allendale Correctional Institution. I was placed on  lock down in July 1996 for a riot that took place  here. They shot so many inmates. When the media  came they only said that they fired 4 rounds  (warning shots), when they actually fire over 400  rounds.

The buckshot penetrated the skin of myself, and  over 200 inmates, but yet they [claim they] only  fired 4 shots in the air.

Again South Carolina, the worst and most corrupt  prison, succeeded in a cover up. All the officers  got their rocks off by shooting us unarmed inmates  up. This whole SCDC [South Carolina Department of  Incorrections], system is corrupted by Michael  Moore.

The whole legal system of America does nothing but  suppress people. It is a military state. The United  Snakes feeds off other little countries to make  itself look big and get rich quick. Well I am tired  of it. Something should be done before it's too  late. ...   -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 6 May 1997

 MIM ADDS: We agree that the U$ is an imperialist  nation that feeds off many countries and dominates  the oppressed nationals within its borders. We  advocate exposing these atrocities. MIM works to  build public opinion on the subjects toward the end  of the masses seizing state power. Thank you for  your contribution. We hope others will follow your  example and work with MIM against imperialist  repression.


 Revolutionary Greetings! I am writing from the  Orient Correction Institution, in Orient, Ohio.  After many months of harassment, repressive  restrictions, mass shake downs, verbal abuse and  beatings -- prisoners begin to fight back.

Yesterday (July 9, 1997) prisoners who had just  been moved to a newly implemented punishment  program, set the building a fire. As clouds of  smoke rolled across the yard, the rebellion spread  through the prison. Prisoners in other dormitories  began tearing up the dorms. The goon squad moved in  wearing full riot gear and body armor.

As the firemen extinguished the fires outside, the  good squad chained prisoners together and began  loading them onto buses to disperse the rebellious  prisoners to other prisons throughout the state. So  far over 400 hundred prisoners have been moved from  the prison in the past 18 hours, and the prison is  now locked down.

Prisoncrats aren't telling the corporate news media  that the reason prisoners set fire to the building,  that housed the punishment program, was that  prisoners who were being moved into this program  had already been punished long ago for alleged rule  violations! Some of the alleged rule violations  took place as far back as a year or two, and these  prisoners were punished at that time with months of  isolation in the "Hole". Now without any  provocation the pigs decided to punish these  prisoners again -- without any due notification.

This rebellion was clearly orchestrated by  prisoncrats themselves. Even the guards admit the  administration was trying to start a riot.

Sporadic rebellion is likely to continue here since  the pigs are still using repressive tactics.  Prisoners are fully aware that the roofs burn  easily, and may set fires to more dormitories.  Prisoners here will no longer accept these gestapo  tactics, since we have nothing left to lose but the  chains of oppression! In the revolutionary struggle,
-- An Ohio Prisoner, 10 July 1997


... I am one of the federal prisoners from Dublin  who was falsely accused of participating in the  fall 19995 riots. I am writing you to enlighten you  on present conditions in Marianna.

Earlier this year, they took out our closet spaces,  cut out half the counter and bolted down the  lockers. Recently, we just found out that the doors  with food slots have arrived and they are going to  begin hanging them at the men's FCI [Federal  Correctional Institution] first. This unit already  has begun to ship out as many persons with low  security or with clear conduct. All of their  actions tend to lead toward a lock down facility.  The warden, Sal Seanez, claims that it is only in  case of an "emergency situation", but I find that  doubtful -- A Federal Prisoner, 9 June 97

P.S. In the latest issue of MIM Notes [MN 138], you  included part of one of my letters regarding our  lack of leisure library [Under Lock and Key, Briefs  Section, "No Library"]. You printed that I am a  Florida prisoner.

Although I am in the state of Florida, I am a  FEDERAL inmate in a FEDERAL institution in the  state of Florida. I feel that emphasis on federal  is important, as the general public thinks that  federal prisoners live it up, as though these  federal institutions are country clubs. We don't  even have a leisure library, or newspapers from the  outside, unless someone sends them to us.

 MIM ADDS: Your point about being a federal versus a  state prisoner is well taken. Being a federal  prisoner is different from being state prisoner. We  agree with you and regret this error.

The federal prison system incarcerates the third  largest number of people in the United Snakes, with  California and Texas being first and second  respectively.

Thank you for noting this important point. Often  people forget that the federal prison system is so  large. It is easy to get confused, since federal  prisons and prisoners are scattered throughout the  U$ and not concentrated in one place like Texas.


i can remember first reading about the above policy  and practice in the California prison system  employed against captives who were identified as  "gang" members. After being so identified, captives  would be tossed into Administrative Segregation or  an SHU [Segregated Housing Units]. Here they would  languish until they either "paroled, debriefed, or  died." I recall thinking how diabolical this scheme  was. How it could be used - twisted-to be a tool of  political repression.

I was still in the fetus stage of my studies when I  first read about the situation in California  prisons. I hadn't then realized that the repressive  policies and practices were designed form the start  to neutralize political activism behind the barbed- wire. The disguise of `fighting "gang" activity'  was used for legitimacy. If exposed to the public,  the people would support it. Who doesn't want an  end to the high rate of crime and violence that is  commonly associated with "gangs"?

Since my first exposure to STG ("security threat  group") policies and practices in the California  prison system, I have learned that it has spread to  prisons across the u.s. And as of December 16,  1996, the state in which I am held captive had  enacted its own political policy: 04.04.113,  "Identification and Management of Security Threat  Groups and Members."

Comrade George [Jackson] taught Us that "Power  responds to all threats. The response is  repression." Have We learned from history?  COINTELPRO, NEWKILL, etc. If We are not prepared to  deal with the Paper Tiger, then it will force its  claws deeply into Our efforts at educating to  liberate.

STG can be defeated. We ain't got to be forced into  a corner with Our only option being to either  debrief, to denounce Our political associations, or  fact repression. However, the only chance We got to  defeat STG is to end Our isolation. We got to reach  outside these kkkoncentration kkkamps into the  communities from which We came and of which We  represent in our organizing and educating efforts.  When the Paper Tigers attempt to attack, We got to  have an outside base of support. Do Our people on  the outside know Us? Do they know what we care  about? Or, will they be left to believe whatever  spiel the Paper Tigers wish to say about Us? If  because We have no roots on the outside We are left  vulnerable to unbridled repression, it is no one's  fault but Our own!

Myself and others in Michigan want to expose the  STG Phenomenon. However, We want to do so based on  how it has spread across the u.s. We are asking for  captives from any state in amerikkka that has some  form of STG policy and/or practice to forward  information and documentation to Us. You may  forward such information/documentation to: [MIM  and] N.I.S. & G. Publishing, c/o Mbwa Wa-Kulindi,  654 Franklin Road, Pontiac, MI 48341

-- A Michigan Prisoner, 19 May 97


S.C. Prison Administrators clandestinely seek to  convert old death row unit into state's second  control unit!

Revolutionary Greeting Comrades:  Be advised that  SCDC [South Carolina Department of Corruption's]  Officialdom is in the process of modifying the old  death row unit here in the Broad River Prison  Colony, entitled Edisto Unit, into what appears to  be the state's second control unit.

Because ever since the doydens transferred all the  death row prisoners to the Liebra Prison Colony,  major alterations continue to be made. Including  the application of mesh wiring to most cell doors  and the erection of beams and walls - apparently  for separation purposes.

This unit was open as a regular lock-up component  on April 19,1997, but on July 1, 1997 Supermax  procedures come into effect here.

Last week five high security prisoners (ML5) were  brought in from surrounding Ad-Seg. [Administrative  Segregation] Units. I was selected for placement  here in April 1997 despite the 2 years of  repression i endured at SC Maximum Security Control  Unit at [location]. So all aggressive agitating  militants, paralegals, anarchists, Black  Nationalists, Anti-Imperialists, Theoreticians,  Propagandists, Revolutionaries and Communists,  BEWARE!

 -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 17 June 97


Dear MIM, ... I have not received anything since  March. Being in D.D.U., I would have guessed that  my mail was being help up or turned away. But I  have a bit of a story for you.

On July 2, 1997, I was released from D.D.U. at 9:00  am. I was assigned a cell out in population. I  cleaned this cell's walls, floor and the toilet  before I fixed up my stuff in the places I wanted  it to be placed.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, I was done. And no sooner  had I sat down than 7-10 officers were at my cell  door ordering me to cuff up. I asked why and was  ignored. I asked to see the captain and was denied.  After a while, I cuffed up and I was brought back  to D.D.U. for no reason, with no explanation.  That's how dirty they are here in Walpole State  Prison.

In Struggle,

 -- A Massachusetts Prisoner, 6 July 1997

P.S. I even got the same cell back in D.D.U. (How  nice)


Comrade MIM: Once again I find myself in a very  unique political position of significant repressive  subjugation as the fascist Bastards continue their  effort to neutralize my political consciousness.  But my ambitions to move forward as a crucial  thinker, a doer and a Revolutionary Soul-jah will  proceed without capitulating the principles of our  vital struggle. ...

Bro. MC be advised that the Doyen Bastards have  heightened their repression directed at progressive  prisoners here at Lee Corruptional Institutional  Colony. Oh, yes, I was targeted for and became the  victim of the state sponsored terrorism.

On May 2 1997, I was restrained in the torture  chair for four hours. The torture chair is employed  for disrespect to a prison official, and prisoners  talking cell to cell. [Also used] to enforce  intimidation upon ASU [Administrative Segregation  Unit] prisoners and to make them go along with the  rampant human rights abuses that are routinely  practiced in the ASU.

The pseudo reason I was placed in the torture  restraint chair was the librarian (Randall Forton)  claimed that I had his glasses that I supposedly  grabbed from his face. In addition Randall told  several representatives that he, Randall had  honestly misplaced some legal copies that he was to  deliver to me, and to this day those copies have  not been located.

The goons immediately had cuffed me and tore up the  cell/cage -- but no glasses were found. About 2  hours later I was in the shower and was told by  Lieutenant Stuckey that the Associate Warden, Ms.  Robertson, informed them to put me in the torture  chair.

Subsequent to an individual enduring 4 or 8 hours  in the torture chair, he is further deprived of  food, a bed/mattress, all clothes, all bed linen,  soap, tooth paste/brush, toilet paper and  writing/reading materials. This deprival of hygiene  necessities is enforced for 7 to 12 consecutive  days. I was also charged for their gestapo tactic  for assault, battery and disrespect - and I was  found guilty based on supportive statements in  narrative written by, of course, Randall Forton,  the librarian.

The move itself is a confirmation of how much a  threat I pose to the colonial occupational  personnel because this move also affirms that I'm  hurting the adroit fascists somehow.

But I will never submit to these Racist Caucasian  oppressors who run this apartheid type system.

Rage On,
-- A South Carolina Prisoner, 28 May 1997


Revolutionary Salutes Comrades, I shout at you from  the bowels of the Green Bay KKKoncentration KKKamp  which is under neo-KKKolonialist rule by Master  Tommy Thompson. I would like to give you my  Revolutionary thanks to all `rades that are lending  support to my brother Kalphani Khaldun who is still  fighting for his right to live in the oppressive  KKKamp of Pendleton, Indiana. Revolutionary Shout  out to you by brother. I am down to the end, if  they come for you tonight, they will come for me in  the morning!

Presently Master Thompson has come up with more  profitable slave plan within the KKKoncentration  KKKamp. He has a contract with an outside glove  company and he uses the prisoners/slaves to make  the product. The bait is minimum wage pay by the  hour, but after the master takes out for room &  board, and medical costs, the slave is left with  less than $1.00 of that minimum wage. By stressing  the money, Master Thompson tried to make it sound  like he he's looking out for the prisoners/slaves  best welfare but yet he is actually getting more if  all the prisoners/slaves could work in his  sweatshops. These shops are run in 2 shifts from 8  am to 9 pm. He is trying to get as many  workers/slaves as he can to fill his shops.

The question is: If the rent and medical bills are  already paid for by the taxpayers, where does all  the money that they take out actually go? Those  that work within the sweatshops must still pay  $2.50 to see the nurse even though medical is taken  out of their pay.

I refuse to make Master Thompson's pockets fatter,  so I don't participate in the sweatshops.

There was an investigation with the company because  it is believed that people on the street were fired  so that the slaves on this plantation could take  their spots. These jobs of course do not offer any  placement once one is released, it is only for the  KKKamp. This is just another way that the Neo-  KKKolonialist state is getting over, and like I  said before Nobody here is saying anything. .

I leave you in Revolutionary love.

 -- A Wisconsin Prisoner, 8 July 1997


Revolutionary Greetings Comrades and MIM and RAIL,  ... I am totally indigent because of the new policy  that this institution has adopted. No inmates on  lock-up will be allowed to write a check out of  their account, except for legal fees. Thus freezing  my account to all publications and personal bills,  which I may need to pay.  I have been subject to such harsh treatment Because  the chief of this Dept. of Corruptions has  classified myself as well as others, as being a  threat to security because of our membership or  affiliation with a group known as the 5% Nation of  Islam, or that Nation of Gods and Earth.

In this case these capitalists have shown their  true colors for we have done no wrong in our  conduct, yet we are all punished because of our  extensive amount of knowledge we are a threat.  (Sound Familiar?)

I recall MIM Notes stating there are no rights just  power struggles. That is 100% correct. ...We  (myself and a couple of comrades) have strived to  form a study group. Our communication is very  limited, but the important thing is we have  started. ...

Strengthen the Struggle. Always your comrade,

 -- A South Carolina Prisoner


Dear MIM, ... As you know I've spent already almost  seven years in solitary confinement isolation and I  have stood up for the cause of the struggle and  Prisoner's rights both in prisons and on the  streets all the way.

Because of me being able to mobilize thousands of  prisoners, I have been subject to barbaric corporal  punishments in large doses. 31 months of bread and  cabbage only and three-piece, full restraints,  always leg irons cuff behind the back to waist  chain. Yet I suffer from epilepsy and asthma  attacks, and 10 other medications I take for  disabilities etc., coming to a total of 12  medications. At the present time I'm also on  deprivation of shower/yard exercise, haircut, cell  cleanup and a pillow.

I'm dying. My blood sugar count is only 29.  Extremely low blood pressure 100/60, gastritis,  chest pains, dizziness, seizures, asthma, migraine  headaches, infections, allergies, sinusitis,  upchucking blood, etc.

The beastly pigs even urinate on the bread and  cabbage. If you wish, send complaints to:

M. McGinnis, Superintendent, Southport Correctional  Facility, PO Box 200, Pine City, NY 14871

Dr. Wright, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Department  of Correctional Services, State Office Campus  Building #2, Albany, NY 12208


 -- A New York Prisoner, 10 July 1997


... As you may know, Michigan Prisons are well  beyond their capacity. They have brothers sleeping  on the floors and in the day rooms at this  particular camp in the heart of Detroit. ...

 -- A Michigan Prisoner 24 May 97


... I've been getting your publication for over a  year now, with no problems, until issues #133 &  #134, where page 2, 6, and 10 were censored for  violent content. Then I received issues #135 &  #136, with no problems. Please continue to sent me  issues,

Here in the Kalifornia prisons, the pigs have been  slammin' us down `cause a convict with AIDS escaped  from the Vacaville prison near here. Anybody with  life or escapes or their record is getting locked  down after 4:00 p.m. The goons are panicked.

In the struggle,

 -- A California Prisoner, 10 May 1997


I'm not in the hole anymore, ... they have me in  involuntary protective custody until they ship me  to another joint. They claim that my behavior  disrupts the proper runnin' of the facility cause I  beat the tickets they served on me on appeal.

They can't put me in the box and they don't want me  in general population here so they put me in IPC  which is almost like the box. You just have all  your privileges and instead of 1 hour rec.  [recreation], you get 2 hours rec. in the regular  yard. So I'm basically waitin' to get shipped to  another joint. ...

 --A New York Prisoner, 16 June 1997