by a Pennsylvania prisoner

You play with life, lost your heart and soul, When  you can't take what you want, You use lies and  manipulation to gain control.

Threats and Intimidation is the secret behind your  power, Those you can't frighten, violence becomes  the hour.

The existence of your system is coming to a close,  Your treachery and deceit we the people begin to  expose.

You pass unjust laws to lock a nation down, You  assassinate the character of our leaders or plant  them in the ground.

The man was naked lying in his bed, How was the pig  justified shooting him in the head?

Nine MOVE members remain in prison and one on death  row, Free our political prisoners let them all go.

You manufacture drugs for your own people and them  give them time, Tell me who is the one committing a  crime?

The East is gaining power the West is losing hers,  Beware of the media for she plays colorfully with  words.

You sell poison as a means of birth control, You  put guns in the hands of children to collect more  souls.

 Michigan subjects prisoners to neo-slavery

The below excerpt was written in response to a  RAIL May Day Pamphlet, "Celebrate May Day: Support  Prisoner Workers", Factsheet of Michigan Prisoner  labor, Thursday, May 1, 1997. For a copy, send  s.a.s.e. to MIM.

 ...Your Michigan factory pay information is a  little misleading. Nowhere in the MDOC [Michigan  Department of Incorrections] do prisoners earn  $2.00 to $5.00 per hour at any job unless employed  with some outside business. To insure the veracity  of this statement, I have spoken with five inmates  all employed at MDOC farms. They said they made  $3.00 to $5.00 dollars per day for 8-10 hours of  backbreaking labor and only in certain types of  jobs, of which there are very few.

The majority of inmates have no job at all and the  majority of those employed make about $20.00 per  month. Once employed they no longer receive free  over the counter medications or free cosmetics,  thus they must purchase all their living needs,  except regular, "meals". This does not include all  the other financial burdens imposed upon us, such  as laundry. If you want to get your laundry done  right and to make sure you get it back, you do not  send it out to the state laundry, but instead pay a  worker to personally machine wash it for about  $4.00 per month. Hope that clears up some confusion  regarding Michigan slave wages.

With Strength and Wisdom in the Struggle,

-- A Michigan Prisoner, 9 October 1997


... I was transferred to this plantation in  KKKolorado. The oppression and domination in the  mountains of KKKolorado is basically the same but,  more cynical at a higher altitude. The air is  thinner, and so is the humanness of the treatment  of the prisoners. The racial hatred and police  tyranny pollutes the atmosphere. The Willie Lynch  syndrome is in full effect on this plantation.  Division and disorder is the rule among prisoners.

There are many gang members and gangs here. Many of  which continually and perversely assault and injure  each other over trivial and banal differences. As  expected many fall into the genocidal trap created  or put here by the oppressors. Many are mentally  and spiritually dead and oblivious of the enemy  devices and plantation plots.

In fact many of the prisoners in bondage here fail  to realize exactly who the real enemy is.  Especially, those who deem themselves as hardcore  bonafide gang members. Their reasoning has been  clouded with violence and ignorance, and obscures  their ability to see who the real enemy is. Some of  them see their fellow prisoners as the enemy, and  yet the police as not. It is a strange situation.

Un[til] we deal with the ultimate enemy can we deal  with each other, because when we are continually  warring with one another, never will we be  successful in defeating the enemy. ...

 -- A Federal Prisoner, 15 July 1997

MIM ADDS: The above letter describes how the lumpen  proletariat can be confused about who are their  enemies. The imperialist pigs are the real enemy.  The pigs try to pit different groups against one  another in effort to divide and conquer the masses.  Prisoners should unite and work with MIM and RAIL  toward revolution. Expose the crimes of the  imperialists and organize to end oppression.


... I am in a Maxi, Maxi, Max Prison in New York  State, Southport Correctional Facility. This  facility, years ago, was turned into what is called  the box or hole. This is the main isolation box for  all the New York State prisoners who violate the  co-called prison/slave rules.

We are locked down 23 hours a day. There are no  contact visits with our families or friends.  Whenever we step out of cells, we must be  handcuffed and chained to the waist. The yard is  nothing but a yard full of 1-man cages, which is  where we have our 1 hour of recreation. There are  prisoners who go against the next prisoner. All  they are doing, without knowing, is helping the  oppressors do their psychological torture.

It is very doubtful that there will ever be unity  in the New York State Prison system, the way there  was unity on September 13, 1971, "The Attica Riots"  These Prisoners died to attain what we are losing  today. Today the oppressors are taking back  everything the Prisoners of the Attica Riots died  for. Soon, little by little, we will not have  anything at all. The sad thing is, we are letting  the oppressors take everything, and do nothing to  stop it.

The way things are going today in the New York  State Prison system -- prisoners going to war  against each other. So I may not sound like a  hypocrite, this has included me in the past. Giving  the real enemies a show to watch, as the oppressors  sit and bet on which prisoner is going to stab or  knock-out the next one first.

To all Prisoners in New York State locked down, in  the box or population:  If you are reading this  letter Please wake the hell up! And realize who is  our real #1 enemy. I wear the same greens and have  a state number just like you. You are not my enemy!  The New York State DOC is our enemy! The Governor  of New York State is our enemy. The Government of  the United Snakes of Amerikkka is our enemy. They  are the ones who do not want us to see light again.  And if we are seeing light, freedom, want to lock  us up like dogs.

Please, lets stop fighting each other and unify as  one to overthrow our real enemy - the oppressors  who oppress us morning, afternoon and evening with:   their psychological mind games, playing with our  food, disrespecting our visitors, letters and  pictures.

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying  pick up the sword, No! Pick up the pens to fight  the oppressors. ... Remember the pen is mightier  than the sword. Let's wake up once and for all. ...  Let's stop the war against each other, and unite  against our real enemies - the oppressors. Remember  Unity is Power. ...


 -- A New York Prisoner, 15 July 1997

MIM ADDS:  The legacy of the Attica Rebellion  proves that prisoners have the ability to unify  toward revolution. Exposing the pigs for the  criminals they are and knowing your enemies are  revolutionary accomplishments demonstrated by this  letter. The masses outnumber the imperialists, so  we are confident that victory is inevitable with  time. Keep up the struggle.


Revolutionary Greetings Comrades,  This is the 26th  year of Attica Assassination Day, and I have been  fasting with two other brothers. And let me say  this, I have never in the eight years that I have  been down on this bid, be around the most cowardice  people I have ever been around in my life. I  explain to these punks what this fast is for and  everybody says, "I'm with that." until the day came  for us to fast.

What's important is that me and my Afrikan brothers  stuck it out. I find it very sad that brothers are  not willing to stand strong for brothers that died  in the struggle for all prisoners. These crackers  have these brothers so petrified that it's  pathetic. What makes this even more sad is that  this is the facility right next to Attica.

Some people tell me that I'm living in the past  because of my rebellious ways, but that's just  their justification for being a sorry ass Negro and  having fear of this imperialist system that we live  in. I never mind these cracker ass canines, because  I am more concerned with my own kind.

This was not just a fast for the Attica brothers.  It's a fast for all the brothers and sisters who  stood up for us and struggle for us to make things  better. It's also for my wife that I adore so much  for standing by her husband all of these years.  ...So I will always be a revolutionary with the  struggle for the rest of my life.

 -- A New York Prisoner, 13 September 1997

MIM ADDS: Thank you for informing us of your  commemoration of Attica Prisoner Struggle. It is  essential to learn from our revolutionary brothers  and sisters whose legacy we are carrying on. We are  quite willing to help by sending MIM Notes and  other materials so that you can educate prisoners  around you. Organizing takes a lot of work to build  strong foundations for acts of defiance, we must  first educate and struggle. Don't give up on your  fellow prisoners who are afraid of the pigs. You  are leading by example and not living in the past.


... In 1996, i was personally refused treatment by  an RN [Registered Nurse] at Ellis One Unit in  Huntsville. Three days later, unconscious and near  death i was sent to Sealy Hospital via Emergency  Air ambulance.

i was rushed unconscious to surgery to remove a  porta-cath device from my right pectoral. Not a  life or death surgery, it had nothing to do with my  diabetic keto-acidocious, or pneumonia, which were  the causes of my illness. i had already refused  previous attempted to remove it so prison doctors  and nurses would not have to service it monthly.

During this minor surgery i died on the operating  table. Was i too weak, had too much anesthetic, who  knows? Records were altered, info left out. They  covered their asses. i was on life support for four  days, until someone read in my medical file that i  had a no recessitation clause. Thinking here is a  way out, to cover their asses, they disconnected  the machine breathing for me, covered me up and  pronounced me dead for good.

Fuck that said my brain. It's not time to go and i  started breathing on my own, though still  unconscious for three more days...

On the 7th day in intensive care i woke up. i could  not move, and barely speak. In days to come i could  not walk or feed myself, could not remember my  family, etc.

...The Prison Chaplain told my family every day  that i was fine, and recovering with no problems. I  have scars at my Achilles tendon on both feet from  leg shackles while unconscious in my coma state.  Scars on my spine from whatever apparatus i was  confined in also.

I was in the hospital from August 96 to November  96. Now I have to use a walker due to paralysis in  right arm and leg. To date, 10 June 97, I have had  no physical therapy, and not one treatment that was  ordered by Sealy Hospital. I was sent to a unit (i  am almost 50) where the average age is 25, for  "Better Medical care than i could get at Ellis  One."

First thing the prison doctor told me was no pain  meds or therapy are given here. So here i sit. In  six months i have gained 40 plus pounds. Had no  treatment other than basic diabetic needs. In  constant pain, no care, no lawyer, no shit, with 16  years to parole date.

Don't get me wrong. i'm not crying, even though i'm  dying here. I just thought people should know  what's going on. I didn't hear this shit somewhere,  i am living and dying it everyday, Hell on earth in  Texas, one day at a time.

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 10 June 1997


Dear MIM, This is a situation I went through within  the confinement of Atlanta, USP [United Snakes  Penitentiary] On July 1, 1997 my celly was kicking on the door of  our cell in administrative segregation. My celly  wanted to be moved to another cell. But a Lt.  Cortrette and 4 other officers came to the door and  told my celly that if he kicks the door again he  will chain both of us down.

I then asked the Lt. Why would he chain me down? He  then said, "Shut Up!" I then told him to shut up.  He told me and my celly to cuff-up. We both  complied. After I was handcuffed and the door was  opened, Lt. Cortrette and the other officers  wrestled me to the floor and put feet shackles  around my ankles.

Once I had handcuffs and feet shackles on lying  face down, Lt. Cortrette gets on my back and bangs  my head on the bottom of the bed leg, made out of  steel, until my forehead was busted. I had to have  3 stitches in my forehead.

Then Lt. Cortrette had me chained to the bed on my  back for 5 days straight. Then wrote me a false  incident report saying that I assaulted him while  in handcuffs.

He did this to justify my injury. I presently have  litigation in court against Lt. Cortrette. This  same Lt. Cortrette has assaulted a very large  number of prisoners, only after they were  handcuffed. I believe that if we don't get rid of  this sadistic animal he will soon kill a fellow  prisoner. I'm asking the readers to write to:

Director of Bureau of Prisons, Kathleen Hawk, 320  First St. NW, Washington, DC 20534

Ask for an investigation into the assaults at  Atlanta United States Penitentiary, PO Box PMB,  Atlanta, GA 30315.

Thank you,

 -- A Federal Prisoner, 12 August 1997

 MIM RESPONDS:  We commend the above prisoner for  exposing the brutality of the Amerikkkan injustice  system. In addition we hope that your litigation  may provide you with some temporary relief from the  brutality. But remember that this Pig is only one  minor cog in the huge machine of oppression. He is  supported by the imperialists and most likely  rewarded for his brutality.

Often imperialist pigs will try to single out  individuals as bad cops or rogue officers to  distract people from the criminal system that  breeds these individuals. They want people to  believe that police are good and just and only a  few are brutal. This is not true. The cops and  prisoncrats make up the social control branch of  the oppressive imperialist system. It is their job  to be brutal and to oppress the masses.

So file lawsuits, or write letters of protest, but  keep in mind these are short-term reformist battles  that must be waged in the context of revolution.  The oppression will continue until the imperialists  are eventually overthrown.


Dear Mao Comrades; ... The MIM Notes, in fact, have  been such a great learning experience and  inspiration that I was kidnapped and placed further  in the belly of beast, called rats holes, cages or  detention blocks. [This was] for sending out a  letter to local authorities expressing the will and  suffering of dead spirit-prisoners here in Adrian,  MI. This letter was sent also to the Michigan  Department of (IN)Corrections exposing the European  Supremacy via the Guards wearing KKK Head garments;  the constant subtle harassment, and unreasonable  lockdowns with no explanation.

The letter was vague but it revealed all the  tactics this facility has been using to mount  tensions creating an atmosphere for an uprising.  Mind you I am the Assistant Minister of an Islamic  organization and I hold some very strong views  which I conveyed to the modern day Roman  Administration and they brought me up on some  trumped up, bogus, insane charges of conspiracy to  incite a riot. This was in February that I was  placed in the death of hell, as a way of  retaliating against me. Thus they sought to mind- torture me for using what they consider  unflattering words.

Well say not truth breed hatred and I will avoid  it; dissimulation raise friends and I will follow  it. Are the enemies made by truth better than the  friends obtained by flattery? I can not please man  and please my Creator. To displease man very often  pleases the Creator-Allah. ...

Using the phrase, "Possibility of a riot." was that  which they used to write this major misconduct  [report so] that [I] could have a traumatic  experience.

... My statement did not imply a riot or was  organizing a riot. But I forgot these fascist  dictators are taught what to think and not how to  think. Thus reason is not even a topic of  discussion.

After evaluation we concluded that this whole  process was used as a tool to neutralize good bold  effective leadership by targeting and labeling them  as a "SECURITY THREAT GROUP". Which is a new policy  in Michigan prisons. Basically its a policy program  like the one created under J. Edgar Hoover who  sought to destroy any courageous leaders "By any  means Necessary."

They tortured my comrade and me for 10 days;  knowing that we were innocent of these charges and  never have been associated with be gang members.

... They thought they were going to break our  struggling spirit by sending us to the torture  chamber... However Allah teaches us that no weapon  formed against the righteous will stand. Thus in  March 1997 we were vindicated. But I am sure they  are going to keep trying until we are in a secure  maximum dungeon or dead. That still won't prevent  me from exposing these repressive snake grawlers  they are. Trying to put themselves up as some law  living citizens when they are modern day Herod  killers attempting to destroy the Afrikan  leadership in these kkkoncetration kkkamps.

The families and the public need to know about  these carpet-hidden truths of oppression that are  overwhelming in prisons. And we, as the rejected  and forgotten in prison, are not using this as a  crutch for attention. This shit repression is real  and I hope one day you begin to understand the  nature and intent of these kkkoncentration kkkamps  termed prison. Even if you do not understand our  pain and suffering we still need your support.

Please help us here in Michigan prisons but  particularly in Adrian, MI. Or all hell can break  out and your uncles, sons, daughters, cousins,  brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, etc will be  altered mentally and spiritually from this  experience or perhaps totally annihilated.

... The Roman Guard just brought a letter to me  written by the inspector requesting for a re- hearing. As he believes the charges should be  sustained and wants us found guilty. I told you  that they would not stop short of trying to kill  our reputation as good leaders....

Yours in the Struggle,

 -- A Michigan Prisoner, March 9, 1997


The call went out through Ohio gulags for all  state prisoners to remain on their lock, or cells  and to refuse to participate in any and all prison  activities on November 1, 1997. Prisoners have  organized this peaceful protest to oppose proposed  legislation which does not halt 'multiple flops'  handed down by the Parole board to force prisoners  to endure "indeterminate sentences" to several  thousand Technical Parole Violators (TPVs).

Since the call originated, prison officials have  retaliated against individuals whom the prisoncrats  claim organized the stoppage.

MIM fully supports the struggles of prisoners  languishes in the Amerikan gulags to expose and  organize against national oppression, social  control and specifically, long, indefinite and  purposeless sentences. We currently have limited  information on the status of the Ohio work stoppage  and resulting events. We urge prisoners to use the  pages of MIM Notes to expose the atrocities in Ohio  prisons and prisons across Amerika. The below was  released by prisoner organizers of the stoppage.


1. Prisoners want all prisoners who have been  placed in isolation as a result of this work  stoppage released from isolation, and any conduct  reports for refusal to work removed from their  records. We want an investigation into any use of  force that results from this peaceful work stoppage  by state legislators.

2. We want TPVs who have been back in the system  more than 9 months, released on parole, as would be  the case if these prisoners were under the new  sentencing laws of S.B. 2, which became law in  1996.

3. We want an end to multiple flops which extends  the amount of time a prisoner serves far past what  would be served if prisoners were serving time  under S.B. 2.

4. In regards to "life" sentences, lifers want a  meaningful halftime review, and not a meaningless  "paper" review. Lifers want hearings where they are  actually present. There is nothing in purposed  legislation that would remedy the abuses from the  parole board concerning life sentences.

5. In general, prisoners want sentences modified to  reflect what we would have if we were under S.B. 2.

6. We want the phones turned back on so we can  verify that the state government has agreed to the  above. If the phones aren't turned back on we can't  contact our outside representatives.