I am sitting here reading the July 20, 1997 of a  Revolutionary Worker. And as I read about the struggles of  my brother Geronimo Ji Jaga -- something he stated in which  he asked the people, took me with such force and emotion  that I have to ask the same question -- "Why isn't there a  state of emergency right now?" Yes! Our Black Nation of  children is being locked up under this white man's Amerikkka  system of injustice; and the People are sitting around like  a bunch of punks while this great injustice continues.

... I welcome any and all responses from the readers out  there. My intention is to build dialog on this subject that  we can unite together and start doing something about this  great injustice. I have done my part holding myself  responsible for the crimes I have committed against myself  and my people out of my ignorance. I have gone one step  further by starting a non-profit organization/corporation  for our children. Now I need help from my brothers and  sisters in Michigan and across the states to help me build  my programs up for the children. I need people to give their  time and experiences to the cause and struggle we all face  in the threat to our children's future.

... I am sick and tired of their lies and injustice and that  I've committed the rest of my life to expose and do  something about their evil and wicked injustice. Every  conscious person in Amerikkka of color should be organizing  to stop prison incarceration of our men, women, and  children. White America is making a profit off of our  oppression and imprisonment. It's SLAVERY on a new level.  Until the next time, I am forever raising to struggle in  unity with all my brothers of struggle of all colors.

-- A Michigan Prisoner

MIM RESPONDS: The imperialists declare a state of emergency  when the masses are organized in rebellion. The masses in  the United Snakes do not yet have sufficient political and  ideological unity to pose a strong, organized threat to the  imperialists.

But MIM does argue that World War Three -- the war of the  imperialists against the oppressed nations - - is ongoing.  In the United Snakes, this war is being carried out in part  through the proliferation of prisons, and the militarization  of the oppressed nation territories with more police.  Maoists maintain that the contradiction between imperialism  and oppressed nations is principal.

Part of building the solid foundations for a successful  attack against the white settler nation, and national  liberation in general, is to build political unity through  struggle. You mentioned that you read about Pratt in the  RCP's Revolutionary Worker.

First, remember that there are people organizing on the  outside to rewrite the history of the Black Panther Party.  These revisionists portray the Panthers as reformist charity  workers -- rather than the Maoist, proletarian revolutionary  nationalists and internationalists that they were in their  years as vanguard of the Black nation in the late 1960 and  early 1970s.

We strongly suggest starting a study group with prisoners to  understand the history and legacy of the Maoists of the  1960s and 1970s -- namely the Black Panther Party, the  Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization/Young Lords  Party. MIM has a free revolutionary Books for Prisoners  Serve the People Program which can help you set up prisoners  with relevant reading materials.

Second, we strongly encourage you to study the differences  between the RCP and MIM. For starters, check out MIM Theory  1 and 11, which focus on the white labor aristocracy and the  material interests of the white nation in Amerika. MIM  argues that the white working class is not revolutionary at  this time and in fact benefits from imperialism and settler  nation colonialism. We argue that it is necessary to end the  flow of super-profits which benefit not only the  imperialists, but also the labor aristocracy.

This is the path through which the masses will achieve  national liberation -- a claim the RCP denies in favor of an  opportunistic integrationist line that panders to the  majority of settler Amerika. By contrast, MIM and RAIL work  toward genuine national liberation -- struggling without  compromise against imperialism and against the  integrationist line as one component of the system of  oppression.


... I am writing to inform MIM that the racist prisonkrats  have taken away the tobacco from all the inmates and staff  here a Pendleton.

We are currently on a 30 day institutional lockdown because  the new warden got scared that a major uprising was about to  occur after all the inmates walked off their jobs Oct 15,  1997.

I don't know what's going on in their minds but right now  everything here at P-Town is very shaky. Official are scared  and in turn many prisoners are paying the price.

I don't know why they've taken all of the tobacco products  but something's got to be done before someone's really hurt.  Offenders are extremely violent right now. Some are even  scared for their own lives. You should see the tension here  not to mention the extortion. A can of tobacco, 1 buglar  regularly $3.30 is now going for $150.00 - $200.00 dollars.

If they've ever done anything to oppress the people and  upset the staff this is it. Could you please give some  advice?

 -- an Indiana Prisoner, 19 October 1997

MIM RESPONDS:  The entire prison system is a tool to  perpetuate oppression and social control. To further control  prisoners, prisoncrats implement policies which restrict  privileges. Smoking stinks and kills, but prisoncrats are  not attempting to help prisoners kick addictions, they are  exerting control to anger prisoners and instigate fighting  between prisoners.

We encourage you to organize others to study Maoism and to  develop support for genuine anti-imperialism. Studying  Maoism will show that under socialism, the prison system is  used to truly make society better, it is not used to  oppress.

Likewise, when the people have the power, capitalists are no  longer allowed to create industries which profit off deaths  of the people. Socialist revolution will smash the economic  basis for such death industries and the power of the people  under socialism will help to eradicate addiction. Under  socialism, the people are encouraged to kick addictions for  the betterment of themselves and society. China was able to  smash addictions by creating a productive society in which  the people's needs were met and participation and creativity  were promoted.

Until the people smash Amerikan domination, MIM and RAIL  work with comrades to kick addictions, though on a limited  basis at this stage. We direct comrades to use their time  and money to promote revolution and engage in productive  mass work.

We urge you to struggle with other prisoners to develop the  understanding that the target is imperialism and white  settler nation domination, not one another. Ask other  prisoners to write about the lockdown. Prisoners' articles  which expose the pigs' justifications for lockdown and the  conditions under lockdown will help to educate people on the  outside. Urge other prisoners to use their creativity in  organizing the people to smash oppression.


The Arizona Prison officials are not allowing members of  First Nations to use specific herbs in their ceremonies. For  more information about the below see MIM Notes Issue #146.

... Well I guess the suit of the herbs is coming along slow.  We still need money and information to show that cedar,  sage, and sweetgrass are not in any way toxic. We know they  aren't but the pigs ain't going to hear us. They like  fucking with us skins. If any readers have information of  the importance of these herbs and on the non-toxic smoke,  please send typed notarized statements to: [Send to MIM,  we'll forward to this prisoner].

 -- An Arizona Prisoner, 16 October 1997


One April 28, 1997, I was awakened from sleep by the  constant sounds of c/o's [correctional officers] attempting  to awake Prisoner Breedlove. The c/o's failed, which  resulted in the shift supervisor entering Breedlove's cell,  in an attempt to get physical movement from him.

This unsuccessful attempt brought the supervisor to call the  medical department. Approximately 10 minutes later, medical  personnel arrived to the unit with a stretcher. As they  exited, Breedlove appeared to me, not to be moving,  breathing, nothing.

Approximately 30 minutes later, a c/o entered the unit with  yellow crime scene tape and places it across Breedlove's  cell. ... it was obvious to conclude that Breedlove had  passed on...

Since April 18, 1997, Breedlove complained of  lightheadedness, nausea, stomach pains, and throwing up -  all resulted in no professional response from staff. ...On  April 28, 1997, Inmate Breedlove died as the result of the  system of [the] neglectful state whose employees strive  (past and present), using their oppressive, suppressive and  repressive method toward mental and physical destruction of  the inmates who occupy the $tate run dungeons.

I personally did not know Breedlove, but we did share on  thing in common. We were both locked up and witnessed the  atrocities going on within Northern Correctional  Institution's walls. And then Breedlove feel victim to the  cruelty. I witnessed the sounds of cries, coming from the  mouths of Breedlove, Brothers, people, boys. Those shedding  tears in frustration and rage. Hardened individuals praying  to false gods to open these cells. Knowing if that false god  sprung those cells, the c/o's on the tier would go straight  to hell.

Four months later, Breedlove is not forgotten. There is not  a day that goes by that I wonder when it is gonna happen to  me. And [you] can't tell me others don't think this way. How  hard can it be to kill us off? Shit, we're locked in a cell.  They can mess with the food, mess with the air vents, etc.  Northern C. I. is the only Connecticut SuperMax, which  opened in 1995. We're locked down 23 hours a day,  [recreation] in full restraints (leg, hands behind back) and  we shower ... in full restraints. Those who want to shower.

Well, Breedlove, you're not suffering any more. These devils  can't mess with you. You take it easy and R.I.P.

"All men must die, but death can vary in significance."

 -- A Connecticut Prisoner, 28 August 1997


... About 3 years ago, i was infected with a fungus that  infected 3 of my finger nails to the point where the nail  have been infected into the core and are rotten with a green  and black discoloration. There are two reasons why i need  legal support: 1) Because of the cause of the infections. 2)  Because medical staff willfully and deliberately denied me  treatment.


Because of my struggle, my political stand against The  System, I have been oppressed with every method and tactic  by these corrupted servants of the system. They have used  every measure to break me, and if physically necessary  destroy me through various means.

One example is the physical break down of my health and  hygiene. After an inmate's spirit has been broken, the  inmate could result to stooping down so low by playing with  his own feces. Thereby spreading his feces all over his  cell: on the walls, door, window, air vent, heat vent and  the floor.

After this sick deed was done the wicked prison staff  removed the inmate from the cell. And for retaliation  purposes against me they would move me into the cell with  the stinky, nasty smell of feces smeared everywhere! Thereby  forcing me to live under unsanitary health hazard  conditions. Refusing me sanitary cleaning supplies. Causing  me to live like this or to clean up another mans stink, with  no gloves, no supplies, nothing. My requests for such  supplies were constantly denied. Therefore i had no choice  but to clean it up, as i was only able. As a result, i  became infected with fungus of the fingernails.

CAUSE (2): The willful and Deliberate Denial of Medical  Treatment. For the last 3 years, I have been infected with  this fungus. Medical staff joined the wicked servants of the  (MDOC) to further oppress me by denying me treatment. Only  very little but inadequate and ineffective treatment was  provided in the early stages. For the last full calendar  year no treatment whatsoever has been provided.

The fungus has rotted way into the core of my nails. Medical  staff have falsified my medical files and made it clear to  me that they will not give me any treatment. I have written  letters and grievances all the way to the MDOC director's  office in lansing, michigan. But all of my complaints and  requests were denied. I have copies and return responses of  medical kites, grievances.

I don't know anything about litigating my lawsuit. i'm poor,  and don't have any money or family support to afford a  lawyer. Everyday, i am forced to live with this fungus  infection, with not way of treating it. Because these devils  are doing their best to make sure i don't get any treatment.

They think I will never have the proper support i need to  sue them and put each and everyone of them out of work.  That's what the devils do best: Take advantage of the  helpless and support-less. But i never fail to pray everyday  that some day support and help will come my way. ...

-- A Michigan Prisoner, 29 July 1997


Just a succinct letter apprising you that the Arizona  Department of Corrections (ADOC), had been allowing your  periodicals in with no problems, and I have been promptly  receiving them. Ever since I filed that suit and won, they  have given me your publication. Though the case did not go  to court, the authorities conceded and gave me the  periodical. That is all I basically requested in the suit. I  did not ask for financial compensation.

I did suffer some repercussions behind the suit but the  repercussions are hard to prove. I did not pursue a  retaliatory suit. Now I'm in a different prison and they  have not bothered me, yet. I put nothing past ADOC.

A couple of weeks ago Fife Symington, former Governor of  Arizona, was found guilty of seven criminal counts. He  stepped down from his position and will be sentenced on  November 10th of this year, supposedly. While it is  unfortunate that anyone must come to prison, the prisoners  of Arizona are ecstatic over Symington's demise and look at  as a sort of poetic justice.

Here is an ex-governor whose advocacy of locking them up,  taking everything away from them while they are in prison,  and throwing away the key, will be going to prison. The  unjust ramifications of his conviction are: (1) He gets to  take an extensive vacation before sentencing (money). (2) He  will not go to a federal penitentiary or federal  correctional institution but probably a federal camp. The  exclusiveness of the camp will not privy him to a true  prison experience like the one he advocates. (3) He will  probably get less time than I did ... even though he stole  over 25 million dollars. (4) Though he has been replaced,  things remain the same and will probably continue to get  worse as they did under Symington.

I did not include my sentence for sympathy, I am just using  it as a comparative point. I did not steal millions but was  caught with millions in contraband. ...

Don't think I condone my former line of work. I don't. I did  not need to sell drugs. I am a college graduate who was  about to procure a Master's. I was just not enthusiastic  about working nine to five making someone else rich. So I  threw the karmic dice and lost. I thought I had an agenda,  which if correctly implemented, I could have provided for my  family until my death.

Anyway, Symington threw the dice and lost but in the end he  still wins...

 -- An Arizona Prisoner, 13 September 1997

MIM RESPONDS:  Congratulations on your censorship victory  and thank you for your continuing coverage of Fife  Symington.

While, it is true that Symington is a criminal, just because  he is being charged with crimes does not mean that the  Amerikan Injustice system goes after all or even a  significant section of imperialist criminals. Even if he  were sent to a federal penitentiary, his conviction in no  way vindicates the Amerikan system.

It may be gratifying to see him get a small taste of his own  medicine, but we agree with your assessment that things will  not change after his conviction. He will only be replaced by  another imperialist who will continue to oppress the masses.  This is proof that revolutionary work is essential and that  reforms or targeting of one or two imperialist crimes is not  going to serve the interests of the masses.

With regard to the rest of your letter, MIM discourages  people from selling drugs because it is harmful to the  masses and distracts people from the revolution. We also  struggle against individuals committing illegal acts because  we need revolutionaries on the outside, not under direct  control of the pigs. Selling drugs can be profitable, but as  with other ventures under the current system, profits are  made off the backs of the masses. Instead, it is much more  valuable to build Maoist revolution and people's liberation.


I am an incarcerated inmate at Gulf Correctional Institution  in Florida. Inmates are being abused and our mail is being  discarded and no one is concerned. I have written DOC, Fed's  and the Civil Rights Justice division in Miami, Florida and  received no reply or assistance.

I have been physically abused by an officer here. Other  inmates here have been and are still being abused as well.

I was just introduced to an old issue of "Under Lock & Key"  and decided to write this brief notation so is could be  printed. The untold story is as cruel as they come, and it's  really ruff in the Gulf. A little assistance would be a  great deal of help to us abused inmates that have none at  all.  Where is the justice when the law is being broken by their  own kind? They make it so they can brake it, until the right  assistance comes along.

 -- A Florida Prisoner, 12 October 1997


I am your comrade in the struggle against imperialism. I am  writing you in regards to my plight here at the Cross Roads  Prison Facility. I am suffering from a lack of medical  attention. I am being denied my high blood pressure  medication which was prescribed for me at another prison  unit. My medical situation is such that if I miss taking my  medication for a long period of time it is a possibility  that I will suffer kidney failure, have a stroke, or heart  attack.

I've not had my medication in 18 days and I am vomiting  blood. I also saw traces of blood in my urine and  defecation. I can not file a prison grievance because the  warden of this prison unit does not allow the prisoner in  administrative segregation to have grievance forms.

I am not allowed ink pens, writing paper, or envelopes to  write the courts. I am not allowed to have stamps or access  to any legal material. I am not allowed to have any law  books or assistance from any paralegal. I was fortunate to  borrow this ink pen and paper from a prison guard who  sympathized with my conditions.

I have civil rights complaint already prepared for the  courts, but my problem now is purchasing stamps and  envelopes. I am not allowed to purchase the things from the  prison canteen that I need to contact a judge or magistrate.

I need some outside support in dealing with this issue. My  voice alone will never be heard by the medical staff or  prison personnel. These are the people who need to be  contacted:

Dona Schrino, Prison Director, Missouri Department of  Corrections, 2729 Plaza Drive, PO Box 236, Jefferson City,  MO 65102, phone: (314) 751-2851

Governor Moe Cornahan, State Capital Building, Jefferson  City, MO 65102 phone (314) 751-3222

-- A Missouri Prisoner, 15 September 1997


I am a Prisoner in the Texas Penitentiary. Several months  ago I was assaulted by an officer on another unit for  refusing to house in a dorm with other inmates. What I mean  by assaulted, I was sprayed with pepper gas four times,  covering most of my body. Then carried to the dorm where I  refused to go. The reason I refused is because I am a  minimum-security inmate and the dorm I was in was assigned  to all medium security inmates.

What is so sad about the whole thing, is the officers had  the balls to video tape the whole thing. One officer  spraying me with the chemical agent and three more in full  riot gear escorting me to the medium custody dorm.

Needless to say I was moved from that unit. I've filed  several grievances. Internal Affairs is supposed to be  investigating the matter. It's been nine months now and no  answer. I've also filed a federal lawsuit. But I'm not too  good with civil action suits....

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 18 October 1997


... I am a Prisoner of War her in one of the many Texas  prisons, called the "Wynne Unit". Since I've been kidnapped  from society and brought through this racial judicial  system, I have witnessed and fell victim to some of the  atrocious ways of these korrectional officers, in both  mental and physical aspects.

On March 5, 1995, I was being escorted from a shower by two  Ad Seg [Administrative Segregation] Officers (Ricky Nelson  Timothy Skeide). And for no apparent reason at all, Officer  Nelson grabbed me from behind and threw me to the ground and  I was then physically assaulted!

So, as usual, I was given a major case (disciplinary report)  for "threatening" an officer, placed on level III and I lost  good time credits. But to my surprise, another officer (Co.  III P. Perry) had written a statement on my behalf stating  that officer Nelson has planned to "slam" me when I returned  from the shower. And that she witnessed the entire incident.

But nevertheless, I was still found guilty at the  disciplinary hearing by Captain Boyd. Even though I had an  officer speaking of my innocence! This is just an example of  the true meaning of the Texas Department of Criminal Just-Us  System!

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 15 October 1997