It has been a while since last I communicated with  you mainly because I have been in the hole without  my stamps and writing materials. It is a damn shame  that a pig can lie on you and his word is taken as  the truth.

Since I have been in the hole, I have seen these  out of shape pigs show their true colors in rare  form. Like last night for instance, there was an  inmate upstairs who was kicking the cell door  because his cellmate was having a medical problem.

When the pigs rushed into the unit, instead of  getting the sick inmate medical attention, they  sprayed their poison or pepper mace into the cell.  Then they gave the two inmates conduct violations  for creating a disturbance.

Just yesterday a pig gave me a conduct violation  for a minor assault because I wouldn't let him grab  me by the arm and treat me like a little child.  These people [guards] have lost their minds. They  think just because you are in prison you have lost  your god given right to be a man and a human being.  Enough about these swine....

I hope to hear from you soon, at this time you are  my only lifeline to what's going on in the  struggle.

 -- A Missouri Prisoner, 21 October 1997


Please note that i am no longer at the X Facility.  i was systematically moved from X Facility because  of my political / social activities.

i was transferred from Facility X and they left all  my personal property and legal property there. This  includes my personal footlocker (with all my  clothes, books, papers, cosmetics, radio, Holy  Koran, etc. in it); legal footlocker (with all my  legal books, court papers, briefs in it);  typewriter and TV. Essentially, i have NOTHING!

And to make matters worse ... i am in the Michigan  Court of Appeals recently and got a letter from the  Court telling me i had 22 days to come before them.  Those 22 days are up October 22nd, and i have not  begun to research the cases i need, let alone write  up a draft copy of the brief, type it out and make  6 copies: one for the Attorney General, one for  myself and 4 to the courts.

My last word to you expressed how i was denied the  materials you sent me and that i was fighting it.  However, before i could have a hearing i was  transferred. So i don't know if this hearing will  resume at this kkkamp or not, but i plan to pursue  it from this end and find out something -- and find  out where and what they did with that material.

This particular kkkamp is considered a Medium  Security facility, but it is run as though it is a  Maximum Security Facility. There is very little  movement and very little yard time.

And to make matters even worse ... Black People run  this kkkamp. Black Overseers! Black House "Knee- grows" ... That's who runs this place. 99% of the  pigs here are knee- grow black overseers oppressing  other Black men. And out of the 99% Black run/pig  infested kkkamp, only 1% of the administration is  white. Now Ain't that a Bitch?

Mighty Whitey has taught us well. Taught us to  oppress and humiliate our own. Now get this - 65%  of the black pigs and overseers who run this kkkamp  are Black Wimmin! What's up with that Shit?

The Warden is Black. The Deputy Warden is Black.  The Assistant Deputy Warden is Black. All the  nurses are Black. The doctor is Black and female,  but i hear she is very professional and treats men  as men and not as a dog....

-- A Michigan Prisoner, November 1997

MIM RESPONDS: It may seem like a contradiction to  see members of oppressed nations in the oppressor's  uniform -- but it happens. People believe in the  Amerikkkan nightmare, that they can get a piece of  the pie, or crumbs off the table.  Just because a  person is Black, does not mean that they are hip to  the revolution. Nationality can tell us who has a  material interest in revolution but the  imperialists have succeeded in buying themselves a  number of lackeys from among the oppressed nations  both inside and outside u.s. borders.


... As of now I am still under lock down and  currently being railroaded on trumped up charges by  the facility to the outside courts. I supposedly  spit on one of these oppressors, which is False to  the greatest extent. I am being prosecuted for a  "felony" assault, to which they are trying to  include habitual penalty to carry a time statute of  8 years! A charge of such nature in the free world  is at the highest, classified as a misdemeanor  punishable at a maximum of 90 days.

This is a prime example of corruption at this  facility. At the moment several prisoners are being  charged with this. The goal is to bury us  prisoners. It is a small town and state police work  with the facility.

The institutional investigator's investigation  consists of asking a guard if a prisoner committed  the alleged charge, an answer of yes is reported to  the same state police officer every time. Which is  sent tot he same prosecutor downtown. They are very  systematic and prisoners are guilty before tried.

Since charged I have received bogus misconduct  reports, receiving the maximum time per charge. My  property is being taken and I'm refused receipts  for several days, months in one incident. This  gives oppressor easy time to lose and destroy  property, which was done of course.

MDOC [Michigan Department of Corrections] Internal  Affairs supposedly investigated a complaint of  corruption and harassment. Refusing to call or  contact prisoner witnesses, only interviewing  guards. The complaint was improperly investigated,  and as a result held the complaint without merit.  Due to this the Assistant Director of the MDOC in  Lansing ordered a misconduct [report of the  prisoners] for exposing the folly. These are only a  few personal instances occurring. Strong comrades  are singled out also.

Michigan prisons recently, 12-14-96 passed a new  policy: Security Threat Groups (STG I & II). Under  this policy prisoners "suspected" of belonging to  organizations can be placed on Faze I. Which  automatically restricts family visits drastically  and enforces repeated shakedowns. The supposed  policy is to secure the facilities from gang or  threatening movements. In reality it is a new wave  of justifiable harassment. The facilities label  whoever they wish. I can obtain this policy also.  As many policies and laws, it is sugar coated  justifiable oppression which targets Black Muslims,  Revolutionary Students, and Latinos, which these  facilities label as "Gangbangers." In all reality  this is nothing more than a "Miniature  COINTELPRO!"...

 -- A Michigan Prisoner, 14 September 1997


... In answering your inquire concerning censorship  here in Michigan prisons, the Department is kind of  strict about what enters its prisons (literature  etc.).

Attached are copies of Michigan Policy Directive in  dealing with mailing etc. This covers what is  allowed in the prisoners via mail.

Also, the Department has just implemented a new  Policy entitled Security Threat Gangs (S.T.G). It  is designed to stop gang activity within the walls  of prisons here in Michigan. But we fully well know  its interior motive, which is to prevent brothers  like me from demonstrating our Revolutionary  concerns. This policy is basically a utensil that  the Department is using to prevent non-religious  material from entering the prisons that they deem  is a threat to the order and security of the  Institution. However, to the order and security of  the Institution. However, they cannot stop the  entering of newspapers, newsletters, etc. due to  the effect of prisoners' first amendment rights....

 -- a Michigan prisoner, 16 September 1997


... I am a poor righteous teacher of the 5% Nation.  I have been studying Islam for over 10 years. And  the struggle we had to fight in New York is nothing  in comparison with the state of South Carolina. I  have been down 3 years, and during the first 6  months of my fist year, I was placed on lock-up  (Administrative Segregation) for being a part of a  threat group. This threat group was later found out  to be the 5%ters.

The SCDC [South Carolina Department of Corrections]  states that we are a gang and that we hold cipher  in place of congregating something violent to  manifest. I must stress that fact that the poor  righteous teachers of the Nation of Islam are not a  gang, nor an enemy to SCDC. Our prime goal is to  teach freedom, justice and equality to all the  human families of the planet earth. I have been on  lock-up for over 2 years now. I feel teaching the  truth to the blind, deaf and dumb is the duty of a  civilized person. So why must we be oppressed? ...

  -- a South Carolina prisoner, 25 August 1997

 MIM RESPONDS: We too advocate educating people  about the truth. The truth is that teaching  freedom, justice and equity is not in the interests  of the imperialist pigs. That is why they seek to  oppress and dominate any groups that are  progressive. Keep exposing the truth and work with  MIM to overthrow imperialism and put an end to this  system that is build on oppression and  exploitation.


... After reading the section called "Under Lock  and Key" and learning of those things that have  been going on at other institutions, I feel that I  should let you know of the things that are  happening with Virginia Department of Corrections,  especially here at Nottoway Correctional Center.

Since there are so many deliberate and disregarding  actions against prisoners here at Nottoway  Correctional Center, I will limit my account to  events that have effected me over the past few  years.

In June of 1995, I was charged with possession of a  weapon and sent to what is called Pre-Hearing  Detention (PHD) to await an adjustment hearing.  When the date of my hearing came, I was not allowed  to attend the hearing by way of a lie and an act of  deliberate denial by one Sgt. L. Evans.

Although this was made known to the administration  of the institution, as well as the administrative  heads of the Department of Corrections, and yet  nothing was done. And really everyone has seen fit  to lie and deny that it ever happened.

On top of that, while in isolation, after being  found guilty because of the deliberate lie by Sgt.  L. Evans, I was denied access to the courts. I gave  an officer legal documents to be mailed, per legal  mail, only to find out some time later that the  courts never received the documents.

Not only has the above been a source of complaints  and problems for inmates, but there is more. Such  as the fact that Operations Officer M. M. Hill has  openly admitted that she not only reads prisoners'  legal mail, but she also has admitted to copying  prisoners' legal documents and has stated that she  has no intentions of stopping these wanton illegal  actions.

As for the medical care of inmates here at Nottoway  Correctional Center, it is poor to say the least.  To give you some idea of what I mean, there is an  individual here who calls himself a "doctor" by the  name of L. Thompson. This individual does not only  have no respect in the medical community, but  according to court records he has allowed by way of  negligent medical care, three people to be injured  or die.

And the only rebuttal to this by the Department of  Corrections and the Administrators of Nottoway  Correctional Center is "as long as `Dr' L. Thompson  has his license we won't question his decisions."  This man deliberately changed prisoners' medication  without any authority, refused to sent prisoners to  competent doctors or doctors who specialize in the  conditions or problems that the inmate has.

He has also given instructions to medical staff not  to treat inmates. And the prevailing attitude among  the medical staff is that it doesn't matter weather  "Dr" L. Thompson is wrong or not, they are going to  do what he tells them.

As was stated to me by one of the nurses when I  asked her about following "Dr." L. Thompson's  instructions even when she knows that they are  wrong. "I'm still going to do it whether his is  wrong or right."

This is the prevailing attitude of the medical  staff here at Nottoway Correctional Center. And it  has proven to be harmful to the prisoners here at  this institution, with no one in an administrative  position even caring.

... I am Muslim and because of my religious beliefs  I have been punished, bothered and even told by the  Assistant Warden of Operations that "this  institution will not provide you with your job and  your religious practices."

Because of my religious beliefs, I have also  received a charge for performing prayer and was  told that I could not pray when free from work by  the Food Service Supervisor, M. R. Davis. Which I  have been prohibited from proceeding court actions  because of documents that are not in my possession.

This denial of religious beliefs goes further than  just the incident with me. It deals with the whole  administration's effort to stamp out Islam at this  institution....

... This DOC has the full requirements to provide  inmates with due process as required by the  constitution, yet this institution, sanctioned by  the Department of Corrections, has seen fit to  exact a policy called IOP 834 which effectively  denies inmates due process. And subjects them to  penalties that are only enforceable after the  proper due process has been afforded to the inmate.  In short prisoners' constitutional rights are being  violated and ignored by a system and people that  are not less than tyrants.

The above are only some of the troubles that myself  as well as other have experienced at this  institution. ...

It is so tyrannical here that ... inmates are being  locked in the mess hall while eating, as per  instructions from the Warden, A. D. Robinson. [This  shows] little or no regard for prisoners' safety  and is being shoved off as a safety precaution.

What I am trying to convey ... is that prisoners'  lives, rights and liberties are being put at risk  deliberately by the Virginia Department of  Corrections. Knowingly lies upon lies are being  used to cover up what is happening. There has been  a deliberate refusal to correct these problems  because in the DOC's eyes inmates are less than  human beings....

 -- a Virginia prisoner, 19 September 1997


MIM is being censored in Georgia by Warden Patricia  Hicks at the authority of a proven madman  Commissioner, Wayne Garner. Whose prison guards  latest revelations suggest a statewide belief that  beating prisoners is OK.

Additional testimony from employees of the Georgia  Department of Corrections paints an ever clear  picture of prison guards engaging in unprovoked  brutality during a July 1996 Shakedown at the Hay's  State Prison in Trion.

The latest employee depositions confirm previous  eyewitness accounts, both in general terms and  specifics. For example earlier testimony of a  corrections officer describe a brutal confrontation  between an inmate and Sargent Joe Johnson. The  inmate was standing HANDCUFFED behind is back,  facing the wall.

According to the officer, an angry Johnson slammed  the inmate's face into a wall. "Blood went up the  wall." The officer testified, "Blood went all over  the ground, all over the inmate, I heard it ... a  sickening, cracking sound."

Now that the gory scene has been corroborated in  telling detail by sworn testimony from a lieutenant  who also witnessed that incident. The story is the  same: a handcuffed inmate says Johnson, angered by  something, slammed the inmate's head into the wall.

Johnson, with the State of Georgia and state  officials has been named as a defendant in a  federal lawsuit filed on behalf of inmates. Despite  the testimony against Johnson, the department has  NOT disciplined him or even suspended him with pay.  No employee has been disciplined for participating  in, what one officer has described under oath as, a  dud- gummed shark frenzy.

In fact, corrections commissioner, Wayne Garner and  his department have taken the position that nothing  out of the ordinary occurred that day at Hays. Only  necessary and appropriate force was used against  inmates. Department mouthpiece, Mike, the Lie,  Hight says in response to criticism, "Garner has  stressed his willingness even eagerness to  discipline employees who do mistreat inmates." Nice  Line Wayne!

Sgt. Joe Johnson stated in a deposition in regards  to a retarded inmate, "He's an idiot. I don't mean  that the bad way. He's mentally retarded. He can't  comprehend anything. He was just down there crying,  didn't know what to do."

When asked how Sgt. Johnson felt seeing that he was  responsible, he said, "It was nothing to me. I have  no use for any of them. I don't care." When asked  how he feels in general about the inmates he deals  with, his statement was "I have no us for them at  all."

This man is a lieutenant and in a responsible  position and he acts like this. This should bring  some light about what kind of people Wayne Garner  has working within the department....

Comrades once again I ask you all to stand together  as one. Struggle with your brothers... your hard  work makes a difference.

In Struggle,  -- a Georgia prisoner, 15 September 1997


...Being incarcerated in the State of NC (Notorious  Corruption) brings out the best of you or destroys  you entirely. The Department of Corruption is the  biggest employer in this state. Yes, it is all  about money and what hurts me is that they don't  give a damn about helping you. Their jobs are to  make you think you're a criminal, but in actuality  their intent and purpose are criminal. But as sure  as I reap what I sow, so will they. I'm a firm  believer in paying the cost to be the boss.

... Now the system has begun to charge for medical  and dental care. Their reason, they say is to cut  down or prevent people (prisoners) for signing up  for sick call. All personnel are low caliber, the  inmates teach officers how to do their jobs.

A lot of female guards have been hired, which has  really added fuel to the fire. The females are  using their bodies to move up the ladder. They  allow inmates to masturbate. It's sickening to walk  into a block or rest room and see 90% of the  inmates masturbating without any shame.

I call it like I see it. It's damaging their  mentality. They are so sick.. They make statements  like, "Damn that pussy was good." Boy she can throw  that Pussy." etc....

The legal system is very corrupt. It's also  designed to maintain bondage.

I'll keep you briefed on the things in my  environment. But before I close, I must say, my  present disposition doesn't define who I am. And in  the future we shall unite to fight this oppression  and tyranny. But first we must become economically  secure. We must start businesses in our  communities. Then nationally we must support those  who support us....

 -- a North Carolina prisoner 16 October 1997

MIM RESPONDS: The above account is good example of  how prisons are used as social control. Prisons  make money for the imperialists while keeping  potential revolutionary's bonded. The hiring of  female officers may be a tactic by the pigs to use  sexual stimuli to distract prisoners from  revolution. Masturbation in itself, as a form of  release and relaxation is not a bad thing. In  contrast masturbation that is used to imitate sex,  the domination of men over women in this case, is  less tolerable. Especially in this context of a  public setting, where people may be encouraging  each other to be sexually aggressive and dominant.  And where sex is serving to pacify the prisoners  and keep quiet their opposition to the pig guards.  We agree that the masses should be economically  independent. This is why we encourage people to  work with MIM in building independent institutions  of the oppressed.


I just received the latest issue of MIM Notes. I  apologize for taking so long to respond but the  powers that be stopped letting MIM Notes in for a  short time. But now after some paperwork and long  conversations with the administration they will  allow MIM to continue to come in. So please  continue to send your publication.

The Struggle Continues!!

 -- a Pennsylvania prisoner, 20 October 1997


... I am writing to inform you to inform you that  your last 4 issues of MIM Notes have been deemed a  "threat to the government and its institutions",  see documents enclosed.

My present status in Ad Seg (Administrative  Segregation), Death Row. ...I now have a pending  Petition for Review in the Commonwealth Court  against the DOC [Department of Corrections]. And  this is why the racist pigs keep denying me my MIM  Notes. If you can offer any assistance with  releasing the pigs racist restriction, please do  so.

I do appreciate receiving my comrades' papers. We  will win! Please write or fax you letters of  protest to the following address: Superintendent,  Ben Varner, 1030 E. Roy Furman Hwy, Waynesburg, PA  15370-8090, Tel. (412) 852-2902, Fax (412) 852- 2909.

Your Comrade, Dying But Fighting Back  -- a Pennsylvania prisoner, 28 September 1997


For the last 60 days at Washington Correction  Institution, I have been denied the MIM issues by  the Superintendent, Charles Germany, P.O. Box 628,  Vernon, FL 32462.

I did file grievances with the Florida Department  of Corrections: 2601 Blair Stone Rd, Tallahassee,  FL 32399-2500.

I have received MIM Notes at prior prison. Mailroom  officer, B. Singer has been retaliating and  hampering with my mail and other prisoners'  mail.... I have been victimized by Florida  Department of Corrections Staff....

If you would write to support my claims in  retaliation by denied MIM Notes, write to:

...Karen Stanford, Executive Director, Florida  Commission on Government Accountability to the  People, 154 Holland Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399  -- a Florida prisoner, 21 October 1997