... I am going to end this short note by informing  you of yet another one of SCDC's [South Carolina's  Department of Corruptions] schemes to hoard more  and more capital. As of January 20, 1998, if you  are in lock-up or unemployed, you will not be paid  for the rest of your sentence. Any new prisoner  entering the South Carolina Department of  Corruptions after January 19, 1998 will not be  paid. If you are found guilty of a major  disciplinary or criminal offense within SCDC, you  will lose all of your pay for the remainder of your  sentence. Even though it costs more money to keep  someone incarcerated than to send them to Harvard  University, still yet they find it necessary to cut  costs by cutting our pay. Business as usual! I  guess the privatization of South Carolina's prisons  is next (like in Texas).

-- A South Carolina Prisoner, 18 November 1997


I am a Black revolutionary being held political  prisoner in a concentration camp called Garner  Correctional Institution in Newtown, Conn. I've  been placed in what they call close monitoring  (gang units). I was taken out of population and  placed in this gang unit. Not for fighting, not for  stabbing another prisoner, or taking of other  prisoners' property. But for pictures; pictures I  took in another state, not Conn. And because my  pictures have a very expressive body language, that  makes me a gang member [in the eyes of the state].  The only hand sign in my pictures is the peace  sign. That's right! The peace sign. When white  people used it at Woodstock, it meant "peace and  love." But when young African-Americans use it, it  means gangs. Many of my young comrades are also  here for the same thing.

The state of Connecticut's law enforcement along  with correctional institutions have declared war on  all of Connecticut's urban communities and have  said that these low income areas are to be  considered gang territories. Let me explain this  skillfully designed, corrupt Security Risk Group  (SRG) system. SRGs are considered to be gang  members who pose a so-called threat to the  Connecticut Department of Corrections. Information  will be gathered on an individual, whether it's  true or not. Most information is provided by  institutional snitches and is not accurate. An  individual will be given a hearing to inform him  that he will be removed from general population and  placed in a Close Custody Unit where this  individual will be locked up 23 hours a day,  whereas in population, he's out most of the day  working or in school, learning a vocational skill,  taking college classes, or trying to better himself  by going to Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics  Anonymous meetings.

It should be mentioned that once this individual is  placed in these concentration camps called Close  Custody, none of the above-mentioned programs are  available to said individual. However, he is forced  into these group gang programs, and maneuvered into  spilling out his feelings as to why he would join  an organization (which they call a gang). They are  using us; dissecting our minds in these  experimental, psychological, genocidal labs; having  us give them more information they can use against  us. This information is then turned over to the  office of the Governor of Connecticut, John  Rowland, who will address concerned taxpayers as to  why the state needs more money to build high-  security prisons. You see, there's big money at  stake for local police and correctional departments  that target gangs. Law enforcement along with  prison systems are using gangs as a means of  keeping their financial stability. Connecticut's  prison system has become industrial business.  Prisons with 1,158 beds are worth $25 million a  year and 350 jobs to the community.

Some officials sent out for color brochures  promoting prison economics. And these gang units  are one of their most brilliant. I've been in these  units for two years. I have not yet eaten a hot  meal. All the meals here at Garner are as cold as  the outside. We are served very small portions of  food. And this is only to bring the commissary  sales up. They overcharge us for generic products.  Officers in these units are constantly showing  aggressive behavior towards my comrades and me in  these units. We are not receiving proper medical  attention. Some of the brothers go weeks sick.

Brothers like myself who speak out about this  corruption are sent to segregation (the hole) on  bogus prison charges. In these units, we are not  allowed to talk with one another. We go to  recreation with only eight brothers for one hour a  day. The program is supposedly for one year. But if  a prisoner receives an infraction, he must begin  all over. The conditions here at Garner are at  times intolerable. My brothers and sisters of MIM,  I write to you in the faith that you will support  your brothers who are being held political prisoner  in these concentration camps called gang units....  Power to the people!

Your brother, -- A Connecticut Prisoner, 27 October  1997


... This library is poorly equipped. This is a new  concentration camp that has only been open for only  seven months and the book selection is extremely  week and watered down. These modern day slave ships  called correctional facilities will never make  available the literature that is needed to open  ones eyes to the injustices that are committed  everyday against the oppressed nations of the  world.

That is why it is so imperative that MIM and other  organizations of liberation like it, continue to  pour the waters of revolution over the walls,  gates, and electric fences of the slave labor  camps. Camps that have been set up by this very  wicked government to subdue and brake those who  cannot and will not adapt to America's racist,  sexist and oppressive rules that govern this  illegally founded country. As of now, I am in the  administrative segregation unit for an assault on  an inmate. Although I am for the people and I  believe in uniting together in struggle against the  pigs, sometimes there are situations where one has  to defend themselves by going on the offensive.

Under these savage conditions prisoners are  constantly exposed to the old divide and conquer  scheme of the settler nation. One group of  prisoners is pitted against the other. Inmate  informants are constantly observing the militant  minded soldiers and reporting everything that they  see and hear to the pigs. The pigs spread false  propaganda to disorient and stagnate political and  religious groups in the institutions. Anyone who  stands up and speaks out against the wrongful  treatment of the inmate body is instantly locked up  in the ad-seg unit.

For instance there was a minor rebellion that took  place three months ago, where two pigs were  hospitalized in critical condition. After the camp  was locked down the pigs locked up an estimated  ninety prisoners and transferred an estimated forty  inmates to other concentration camps. These inmates  who were locked up and transferred had nothing to  do with the rebellion. In fact most of them were in  their housing units when the rebellion happened.

The institution was locked down for the mandatory  count. After the count, housing unit four was  released for mainline and that is when the  rebellion sparked. All of the inmates involved in  the rebellion were from housing unit four and none  of the other housing units had been released for  mainline yet. So why did the pigs kidnap inmates  from housing units three, five and six, if they  were not even on the yard when the rebellion kicked  off? I believe it is because any and all  individuals who are perceived as a threat to the  pigs and this uncivilized government are marked and  targeted for termination or ostracization.

As long as we have radical free thinkers who  believe in the empowerment of the people we will  have federal and state establishment whose sole  purpose of existence is to destroy, persecute and  imprison those who dare to challenge this monster  called the system.

The administration's lame excuse for locking up the  inmates who were in their housing units during the  uprising was because they had so-called aggressive  institutional records. The inmates who had the so- called aggressive institutional records ... had  committed no infraction to warrant their lockup for  the rebellion. They did not even participate in the  uprising. This only show that whether active or  non-active all revolutionaries will meet the same  dreadful fate if we do not stand together in  solidarity and overthrow this terroristic regime  that we are under in this beast of a country.

In Revolutionary Love, -- A Missouri Prisoner, 21  November 1997


I am writing to you regarding the corruption of the  Wisconsin Department of Corrections system. I have  sent tickets for which I have been falsely accused,  and Inmate Complaints in which I have been  mistreated -- all go unresolved. I am referring to  the Jackson Correctional Institution in particular.  The Institution is a breeding ground for a riot. I  am a white man who associates with the Black people  for the most part. I am called racial things as  well as others by a group that calls themselves the  Aryan Nation. The group's leaders were beaten up  for calling my cellmate a "nigger-lover". The  leaders were released into General Population  status but my cellmate was given an eight-day  adjustment and 360 program segregation.

The guards themselves are liars and racists. I have  seen swastikas on their arms and I have heard them  direct racist comments at my friends. Something  needs to be done. We are also Tommy Thompson's  political prisoners. He is trying to ban any nudity  from the prisons. I do not look at pornography.  However, it is our right and it soothes the  prisoners. I am a Christian and that is why I do  not look at pornography, but I am not the one to  judge, God is. If Tommy Thompson takes our  pornography, what's next? Our electronics,  clothing, our only real contacts with life? He only  wants to be re- elected, not help us. I agree that  people that have any sex crimes should be banned  from pornography and segregated to a different  prison, but to take it away from everyone is wrong.

The man needs to be stopped. He has already  overcrowded the Wisconsin prison system and wants  to start a "truth in sentencing" law which would  cost taxpayers $14 billion more. That much money  could be used to house the homeless population and  create jobs for people, but no, Tommy Thompson  wants to stick the inmates in prison and build more  prisons. What's going to happen when roads and  schools, etc., need replacement ten years from now?  Obviously, the state will lie, but the truth is  they spent all their money on prisons. I want to  put a stop to Thompson's charade.

I am rated medium security and am in a maximum  security institution which is against Wisconsin DOC  policy, but they don't care. Inmates need to help  one another before it's too late. Tommy needs to be  put on a leash....

 -- A Wisconsin Prisoner, 17 August 1997

 MIM ADDS:  We agree with your assessment that Tommy  Thompson is not banning pornography to improve the  morals of prisoners, but to further punish them. We  like you do not condone pornography. Pornography is  a tool of patriarchy in which wimmin are viewed as  sexual objects and not equal human beings. Porn  distracts potential revolutionaries from the  important anti-imperialist work at hand. As Maoist  revolutionaries we work towards the destruction  imperialist patriarchy. Instead of just banning  porn a revolutionary society through struggle and  thought reform would demonstrate the harm and  destruction of pornography.

We disagree that people convicted of sex offenses  should be banned from viewing pornography and  segregated in a different facility. The state is  not capable of judging who is a sex offender. This  nation has a history of lynching Black men for just  looking at a white womyn. So one cannot assume that  a person convicted of sex crimes is any different  from any other prisoner. It is the imperialists who  are the real criminals here.


... The James V. Allred Unit opened up back in 1995  at which time the guards under Warden L. W. Woods  saw fit to use verbally abusive language to create  physical altercations by several guards'  aggressiveness to use force on inmates while they  were still handcuffed on the floor.

The current excessive force rate is usually 200 to  400 cases a year throughout the Texas prison  system. Guards' family members and friends working  at the TDCJ-ID Medical Departments cover up most of  these incidents.

There are prison guards who come to work with an  authority problem. These guards take their job  overboard when they yell or spit in an inmate's  face. In thanks, these inmates will not lose  control to zero- tolerance by physical force.

We as prisoners seek to return to our family and  friends and do our time. We didn't come here to be  abused like animals, but to be rehabilitated and  not relapse into recidivism.

The Texas prison system needs to be given an  independent investigation by the Justice Department  and the American Civil Liberties Union.

On May 22, 1995, Lieutenant James McCormick  assaulted me with major excessive force while on  the Eastham Unit. This Lieutenant has a history of  excessive force, but the state prison Internal  Affairs Department says that it was an accident.

I am one of many prisoners who fight the system for  change in a struggle for humane conditions, a  struggle to be free from force, spit, and yelling  and abusive name-calling by TDCJ-ID guards. I will  name a few that has total immunity from policy  disciplinary by General Rules of Conduct PD-21.

The guards listed below have a history of excessive  force or verbal assault toward prisoners when they  are handcuffed by security guards before the  yelling assault takes place. These assaults are  mostly done on minority prisoners who don't have  legal or family support. These guards will  maliciously, sadistically, and wantonly violate  contemporary standards of decency with verbal or  physical force to cause harm:

Captain Clyde Hargrove; Major Cary A. Cook; Belinda  Gentry, Admin Tech; Wade King, Lt.; Brenda  Wilkinson, Law Librarian; Ronald Stephens,  Correctional Officer; Carl Spencer, Correctional  Officer; James Sutton, Sgt.; Marty D. Carlock,  Correctional Officer; Johnny Mabe, Correctional  Officer; Sandra Campos, Correctional Officer; Keith  Surney, Correctional official; Terry Torbert,  Correctional Officer; A. Kalmanov, M.D.; Kent  Fullerton, Correctional Officer; James Anthony,  Correctional Officer; and Sgt. Douglas McCaffery.

There are more of them, but they cover up their  nametags with tape to hide their names from inmates  so they won't be filed on through the grievance  system, which doesn't work for any inmates.

I ask people of Houston, Texas and all other cities  and counties to write letters to Warden Leslie W.  Woods at James V. Allred Unit, P.O. Box 1860, Iowa  Park, TX 76367-6568 and let him know that you have  knowledge of the incidents that are occurring in  this prison unit. I truly appreciate all the  support the people of Houston have given to the  care, custody, and control of the human condition  of prisoners rehabilitated support.

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 10 October, 1997


Greetings from within the belly of the beast. After  years and years of studies and consideration, I've  come to the point in my life where I want to jump  100% into the struggle/movement to some great  benefit for myself and my people/comrades. I'm an  ex-gang member. For years, I have committed my life  and my efforts towards uplifting and representing  the set I am from. Suddenly, it has become apparent  to me that I am wasting my valuable ideas, work,  and life for something that leads to the grave or  to being locked-down forever. The gang I am from  represents no political stand and has no positive  future goals besides harming and self-destructing  my own people.

I have arrived at the point where I have been made  conscious of what is more important than drive-bys,  dope trafficking and gang-banging. I have always  had a militant, revolutionary, rebellious side to  me, and I've always wanted to represent something  big, powerful and strong, something to help my  people, something right and something needed. I've  spent ten years here, ... I've read Black Panther  material, Revolutionary Workers, MIM Notes, The  Militant, books by and on Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Mao,  etc. And I always felt a strong relation and  identity with this material in some way or another,  as if finding my cue. I am in Texas prison. Texas  has no truly significant prison organization that  represents 100% and gonna bring all prisoners  together to stop this prison brutality and  undercover genocide, racism, and extreme  discrimination. There are gangs here, groups, etc.:  Texas Syndicate, Mandingo Warriors, Crips, Bloods,  Pirus, Latin Kings, 5%ers, Mexican Mafia, Aryan  Nations, Aryan Circle, TAB, Texas Bad Boys,  Pistoleros, Raza Unida, Self Defense Family,  African Nation. And the list goes on. The only  problem is it seems that we fight prisoner against  prisoner and no one has come up with the idea to  fight the system that has us fighting and killing  each other. Fight the system legally, collectively  and fearlessly like we do one another. This Texas  system seems to be full of snitches, perpetrators  and phonies. But this is one thing that I have seen  here and Texas, and this is my main reason for  writing: There are thousands of comrades here in  prison with a true heart of warriors for a cause,  but because there is nothing real here, they like  myself are hooking up with things that serve no  real political stand and are no benefit to our  people in the way we need. And until we get  something, we're never going to be able to conquer  this system. I've been studying the history and  platform of the Black Panthers hard, so hard that  I've been dreaming of it. Now I've been hearing  that there are some BPP groups about, but none of  them true to the party's Maoist roots. Here in  Texas prisons, we have none. No BPP. But we want  it. Me and some of my comrades want to start a  Black Panther Party true to the original Maoist  principles, for us here inside, because you have an  army of brothers here just waiting to have a chance  to represent something true, real and no-nonsense.  I personally am putting forth the initiative to  found this program's start, for which I will commit  my life and every effort. I want to offer my  comrades something stronger and deeper and more  meaningful than having to join a gang and gangbang  against one another. There is something far better  that you can represent. And I want to make it  available to every comrade in Texas prisons ASAP.  Can you hook me up with someone who can give me the  permission, the guidelines, the material and  whatever it takes to set up our own Texas internal  Black Panther Party? I have some comrades that will  be working with me on this. We want to make it  official and correct, because it's time for some  real leaders to step up and lead with something  that's gonna be respected by these people as no  joke. So I would appreciate your response to this  letter, and if any outside comrades would, please  contact me in reference to this letter and what  we're seeking. We just want to legally set it up,  so we can set it off.

Unity, love, honor, respect,

 -- A Texas prisoner, 16 October 1997

 MIM RESPONDS:  We commend your call to unify Texas  prisoners in a progressive and political way. The  Maoist vanguard of the late 1960s, the Black  Panther Party is certainly one of the best sources  for building revolution in an imperialist nation.  Though there are some groups claiming the name of  the BPP, MIM knows of none which have continued the  Maoist revolutionary legacy of the original  Panthers to put you in touch with. We suggest that  you work with us to form a Maoist Revolutionary  group in Texas prisons. We would be more than happy  to help you create an organization true to the  legacy of the Black Panther Party.


... The pigs here are also out of control. I'm on a  High Security Unit ... and that is the name of this  unit -- no bullshit. They have cameras on the  outside of the cells so I can't pass nothing to the  other brothers, including the reading materials I  got from you all, but I'll keep trying. This unit  just open up, so later on there will be ways to  overcome the pigs.

Also did you know that the state of Texas is now  going to start charging us for every time we go and  see the medical staff (Doctor, dentist, nurse,  etc.). Man, on the first of January 1998, they are  going to start charging $3.00 for each visit. We  gotta go to work for free and now pay for the  doctor too. Man, they are out of control. Can they  do this?

Also this unit is brand new and we don't have no  heat. They have the A.C. [air conditioning] on all  day. Right now I'm wrapped up in my blanket as I  write this. I'm telling you. ...

-- A Texas Prisoner, 17 November 1997