by facility RAIL

As both MIM Notes and MIM Theory #11 have shown,  the incarceration rates in the imperialist U$ have  been steadily increasing. This is part of  Amerikkka's growing attack on oppressed nations  within its borders. One of the main weapons in this  offensive is the alleged "War on Drugs". The U$ has  been using this "War" as a cover for increased  repression in both tactics (pigs with M-16's) and  harsher sentences. As more and more white nation  youth get caught in the "crossfire", so to speak,  the same white society that begged for harsher  measures in the 80's (when they thought drugs were  only a problem for the oppressed nations), has been  crying out now in the 90's for the need for  "rehabilitation." Now that white Amerikkka's  material interests are affected, the U$ government  has felt the need to show a change of heart.


In response to these calls for "rehabilitation" of  drug offenders, the U$ injustice system has  increasingly been working with programs that claim  to offer this. Various programs called "boot  camps", "thereputic communities", and "work- therapy" programs have been proliferating nicely  off this. While they may all differ slightly on  minor points, they all serve the same function, and  operate similarly. Within these programs,  "patients" often work 11-15 hour days performing  harsh physical labor. In return they receive no  payment, and are told their work is in return for  room and board (as if the state and federal grants;  mandatory welfare and foodstamps for "patients";  and other sources of income are not enough!). This  room and board usually consists of drafty buildings  (which are often rodent infested) and high fat,  high calorie food filled with salt. This way  "patients" gain weight and "look" healthy.

Medical and other services are often minimal,  maximizing profit. Instead of going to the people  performing the labor, the profits they make for the  institution go into the exploiter's pockets,  providing them with an easy source of free labor  for their business-in-the-guise-of-a-program. In  addition, these programs use bourgeois psychology  to attempt to convince the masses imprisoned within  them that struggle is useless and that society will  never change. They push the concept of "acceptance"  on their victims, telling them that "accepting" the  injustice and oppression of capitalist society as  essential to their "recovery".

These programs also routinely restrict political  and religious mail of anyone adhering to a  non=state- approved ideology and place similar  restrictions on visitation, all in the name of  "therapy".


Representing the latest development in imperialist  tactics, these programs offer free labor and pro- system propaganda all in one package. There is much  good publicity to be gained from this for the  courts, as well, since they can now say "See, we  let them go to a program" and such. Relations  between the directors of these programs and  government officials are normally very cozy. The  director of one such program in New Jersey is known  to be extremely close to both the mayor and police  chief (the police force in this town is renowned  for its brutality and corruption, as well as its  harassment of activists) of the town the program is  based in.

The profit-based motive behind these programs is  made clear when it is also understood that certain  county courts have actual contracts to supply a  certain amount of individuals; the formation of  drug courts (DCI) in the state of New Jersey that  habitually sentence people to lengthy program  stays; and most programs' participation in the MAP  program providing for the early release of  prisoners to programs (not to mention $30,000 a  head for the "non-profit" program!)

While pointing out the position these programs  serve in imperialist society repression, it must be  stated that there is often a much-reduced chance of  physical harm, and the length of stay is still less  than that of the average prison sentence.  Therefore, individuals facing prison time MAY wish  to look into the prospect of getting stipulated to  a program. As well, I feel the need to point out  that the issue of drug abuse is a serious one for  the revolutionary movement to tackle (MT#9 was a  good start).

In the way of self-criticism, I formerly abused  narcotics, but now feel that most drug use is  simply escapist and serious comrades would do  better to spend the time and money doing Party  work. 'Tis better to work to destroy imperialism,  then use drugs to hide from the horrors of it. Work  with MIM and RAIL to expose the system of national  oppression known as the criminal injustice system!


The [facility] RAIL collective recognizes the  unparalleled value of criticism and self-criticism  to the revolutionary. Only through criticism and  self-criticism can correct revolutionary line be  achieved, and (in our current circumstances,  somewhat more importantly) can we recognize,  compensate for, and correct our errors on a  personal level. We realize that beyond organizing &  educating others, and studying on a theoretical  level, that building for revolution also entails  changes in our personal attitudes and behaviors as  we break free of imperialist society conditioning.

We should welcome opportunities for criticism and  self-criticism as important struggles to become  better, more effective revolutionaries. In keeping  with this belief, the collective issues the  following self-criticisms.

1) Objectively serving imperialism through past  dealings with drugs. Through our escapist use of  drugs we sought to hide from the horrors of  imperialist oppression, rather that organize for a  revolution to stop it. Through our purchase of  drugs we served imperialism both by providing an  excuse for increased pig presence in our  communities, and money for CIA operations in Third  World nations struggling for liberation. Finally,  through our sale of drugs, we led others down the  escapist path.

2) Failure to struggle to advance the line set  forth in this resolution. In the past year we have  seen many good comrades who have had quite advanced  theory and practice leave the program (often to  face long prison terms), without taking into  account the consequences of their actions.  Criticism and self-criticism could have helped  avert these occurrences.

As revolutionaries, our primary goals should always  be to prepare ourselves for struggle, and to free  ourselves (and others) from imperialist  restrictions as soon as possible. Thus, if one is  stipulated to 18 months here or face a 7 flat, the  comrade should be encouraged to stay in the program  and reminded of his duty to the People. Finally, by  carrying out intensive criticism and self-criticism  publicly, we will show the People our dedication  and determination, winning their respect.


A clenched fist salute to all brothers and sisters  imprisoned in U$ gulags. The Maoist  Internationalist Movement and the Revolutionary  Anti-Imperialist League firmly support the  struggles of prisoners as they oppose the unjust  prison system in Amerika. The targeted harassment  and brutality of members of oppressed nations and  of the poor by pigs on the streets; the inadequate  access to legal resources for oppressed nationals  and the poor; the denial to a jury of your peers;  the disproportionate sentences received by  oppressed nationals; the disproportionate  convictions of the oppressed; and brutality and  inhumane conditions in the prisons are all methods  of war which we are fighting against in solidarity  with you.

MIM works toward the end of oppression. The battle  which is at the forefront of the path for the  liberation of the oppressed is national liberation  for all oppressed nations. Without national  liberation and with the imperialist oppressors on  their backs, oppressed nations cannot struggle to  eradicate class inequality and gender oppression.  Without national liberation, a people cannot fully  develop its own economy, teach its own history to  its own people and lead its own people in political  affairs. MIM unites all who can be united in  genuine support of national liberation.

In the United Snakes, what this means is that we  oppose the domination of the Black nation, the  Latino nations and First nations by the white  settler nation. We oppose the use of white cops to  occupy and round-up members of oppressed nations.  We oppose the use of laws created in the interests  of the white nation to imprison more and more  oppressed nationals. We see the prison system and  the entire white nation's legal system as tools  which are used to continue the domination of the  oppressed within the United Snakes.

In our organizing work, we work on the outside to  mobilize activists who are broadly against national  oppression and we also mobilize people on the  outside who may only want to work against one  specific aspect of Amerikan Injustice -- maybe  people who support Affirmative Action, or people  who oppose the death penalty or people who oppose  police or prison guard brutality. The people who  work on single issues of opposing oppression can be  important allies if directed by the Party to do the  most effective work.

Across the country, outside of the prisons, we have  been holding events to educate community members,  students and local activists about the systematic  use of prisons as tools of national oppression,  social control and genocide. The events are geared  toward educating people about the facts and  struggling with them to do productive work that  will aid our ultimate goal of ending all oppression  through revolution.

This educational work is only one aspect of the  work that MIM and RAIL do which is necessary to  build opposition to Amerikan settler colonialism.  We also need to further develop various other  independent institutions of the oppressed. We would  like your help with pushing the struggle forward.  We are working on the expansion of programs which  address some of the needs of prisoners in their  struggles against oppression. To do this, we need  prisoners across the country to contribute to and  expand existing people's programs and direct  efforts in the most effective way to expand and  build other necessary people's institutions.

This year we are helping to build for the March 27  Jericho'98 march on Washington D.C. which focuses  on the release of comrades incarcerated for their  political activism. As a part of this work we are  organizing a teach-in on the criminal injustices  system the day after the march (March 28). We need  your help to build Jericho'98 and the struggle to  End the Amerikan Lockdown. The teach-in will  involve people engaged in many different forms of  activism around prisons and we will use this  opportunity to build greater unity and strengthen  our struggle against the criminal injustice system  by sharing information and ideas. We would like  statements from our comrades behind bars to read at  this teach-in. Statements about conditions,  struggles you have been undertaking, or on the  general nature of the criminal injustice system are  all welcome. We encourage all our comrades behind  bars to send us statements and information that we  can present at the teach-in.

Send statements to educate and mobilize!


[This letter was shortened due to limited space.  The full letter can be found in Mass Rail No. 11 --  MIM]

... Paint peeling gray, tall walls of wretched woe  encircles MCI-Walpole. The maximum-security state  penitentiary in Massachusetts currently operating  in a "pseudo-lockdown fashion". Keeping the vast  majority of its 900 prisoners confined 22 1/2 hours  daily, in their respective single cells.  Rehabilitative, school programming is non-existent,  other than the substandard GED video educational  programming administered via the prison's tv- cable  system. Separated thus and existing so, you'd think  prisoners continually demonized by "free-society"  and banished from within its midst wouldn't have  commonality. Well think again! For being a "Fan"  enthusiastically endears individuals across the  human landscape. Nowhere is that more evident than  New England's Patriot football arena. The  commonwealth's circus-maximus, adjacent to its'  Penal Purgatory Realm...

... The home game was the 35th sell-out ... 60  thousand plus, screaming zealots, who'd driven  without pause or consternation past the foreboding  gray structure of MCI-Walpole prison. [Which is] a  place where prisoner on prisoner, and/or staff  against prisoner violence is commonplace and  sometimes fatal. Examples of this can be found in  the July 25, 1997 incident where a white officer  got the worse end of an altercation with a black  prisoner. [The prisoner] who was later beaten  severely by a host of other white officers. As were  the four unfortunate black prisoners who'd been  deemed insolent for laughing at the hurt (in pride  and physically) officer.

Not even one week later, a Haitian prisoner was  accosted and severely beaten down by white  officers, causing his death. His family and  attorney's poignant pleas that somebody should tour  MCI-Walpole and investigate the steady stream of  incidents of violence going on unchecked as  'reports' indicated, apparently fell on deaf  (political/judicial/societal) ears. Media coverage  was minimal at best, but rumors that the Patriot  might be leaving New England caused a major hue and  cry from across the commonwealth. Media coverage  was maximum, telephone lines were overloaded with  concerned callers all fanatically voicing an  adamant sense of both anguish and ire that this was  being allowed to occur.

In the midst of this frenzied-furor, the  death/murder of Haitian prisoner, Abel Remy, was  swept aside. Proof positive that the priorities of  the public are very distorted, immoral and locking  in humanity. Such that an outpouring of rage was  not forthcoming when a human being's life was  snuffed out by those entrusted to watch over it  within the criminal "justice" system.

20 "seasons" ago, then state Senators, Jack Backman  and Bill Owens and Rep. Doris Bunte toured MCI- Walpole with representatives of the media.  Afterwards they met with then Governor, Michael  Dukakis, advising him on conditions at MCI-Walpole  and demanding an investigation into abusive  treatment of prisoners.

A year later Senator Backman announced he intends  to file legislation establishing a state policy  that Walpole be closed and requiring a preliminary  planning for phase out. In the two decades since  those courageous politicians asked for human  changes in correctional operating policies, the  differences are very superficial and cosmetic at  best, because the mindset allows Walpole to be  violent remains intact.

Herein MCI-Walpole, prisoners were occupied August  31, 1997, with massive television coverage of the  spectacle surrounding the death/murder of Princess  Diane (of Wales, England) and the pro-football  season opening televised games. Early Sept. 1, 1997  prison -wide, correctional officers dressed in all  black, went unit after unit awakening and  transferring pre-picked prisoners within MCI-  Walpole. Unbeknownst to prisoners was the fact that  other prisoners located at the MCI-Concord  (reception center) were also being rousted from  their sleep to be transferred up to the higher  security confines of Walpole. Or in the unlucky  case of a busload of prisoners (about 45) sent to  Texas in exchange for some prisoners already housed  there.

The "justification" for all these moves was, as  reported by local media, working in collusion with  prisoncrats and politicians, attributed to "safety- concerns" from an alleged increase in problems with  (minority) gangs at the Concord facility. Which  [the Concord facility] was even then locked down  ostensibly stemming from an Aug. 27, 1997 melee in  the prison's main-yard, involving between 30 -40  Hispanic and Black prisoners. When the truth  eventually became known, the reason why the  prisoners were incited was because of the many  rumors running rampant within the general  population of an impending transfer of prisoners to  Texas. Which eventually became a reality.

In insidious and racist fashion, malevolent  administrators were able to circumvent state law  and constitutional mandates prohibiting segregation  of prisoners by race using the vague and nebulous  reasoning of safety concerns for their further  stigmatizing and locking-down of these transferred  minority prisoners in a newly designated Security  Threat Housing Unit. Bringing the total up to six  units.

All in all these racially tainted MDOC-machinations  ratcheted up higher to boiling point in an already  seething caldron of prisoners' emotions, stemming  from the lightly media-publicized death/murder of  Haitian prisoner, Abel Remy. A Black man who was  screaming in agonizing pain from the brutal beating  given to him by all white correctional officers  herein Walpole, Mass. While in New York, a fellow  Haitian, Abner Louima was screaming in similar pain  due to all white law enforcement shoving a plunger  up his rectum!

Because violence in Walpole is such a common  occurrence (be it staff on prisoner, or prisoner on  prisoner). When an Asian convict was tossed from  the third tier and the sight of his brain matter  splattered on the floor caused a rookie officer to  rush from the scene, visibly distraught from what  he'd seen, some prisoners found cause to laugh and  joke about the overall situation. Sad, but true  none-the-less...

Neither the incident with the Haitian or Asian  prisoner was cause for a great hue and cry from the  general public herein Massachusetts, because people  were more alarmed and concerned with the possible  move of the New England football team out of state.  With everyone having an opinion on radio and tv- pundits encouraging the citizenry to vent their  anger at politicians in the upcoming local  elections if the Patriots are allowed to leave  Foxboro.

One suggestion floated by a harried state  legislature looking for feasible financial packages  to pay to keep the Patriots in the commonwealth,  was to get prisoners to press Patriot logo license  plates. Which would be then sold to the public at  $55 dollars a set. This in turn was estimated to  quickly raise about 1.5 million dollars. That would  help pay debt services on the borrowing of the 20 -  30 million dollars need for Foxboro Stadium  renovations.

Once again the priority of people in Mass. are  shown to be misplaced. All money raised is better  spent on other pertinent public services in dire  need of financial infusion. [Services] that the  legislature says isn't readily available because  the state can't afford these "liberal luxuries".  Meanwhile the communal infrastructure continues to  decline into decay. The Circus Maximus games must  continue at all cost and the legitimate social  concerns are deemed to be trifling issues.

Money could also be well spent here in Walpole,  where the "Pat's Plates" are to be manufactured.  The first place to start could be within the food  service area. Which is serving substandard small  food portions. [Substandard portions are served] so  often that on September 24, 1997, prisoners, who  had access to the prison's chow hall, began a  weeklong boycott in protest. The only thing that  came out of this unified showing of prisoners was  the `leaders' were placed in segregation and the  min-end of Walpole was placed on "pseudo-lockdown".  Money was also a central issue of why a Muslim  prisoner was removed from Walpole. He was seeking  funding similar to that received by the Christian  and Catholic departments respectively. Even while  stating that their money was constrained with an  overburdened budget, as with every new fiscal year,  the MDOC [Massachusetts Department of Corruptions]  spent money needlessly. This year it was on  replacing perfectly good windows in the units'  observation galleries with new reflective, tinted,  one-way mirrored windowing. Painting of the units  was also done unnecessarily at an exorbitant coast,  herein the Circus Maximus. Meanwhile prisoners and  plebeians in the public, cheer on the Patriots!

Some prisoners, not completely inundated by the  mass entertainment culture and asleep to the  sleight of hand tricknology of the Mass Department  of Corrections, voiced displeasure with the latest  policy change. Which rescinds prisoners from being  able to receive two and a half days per month  participation in the institutional GED video  programming schooling, because the MDOC provided  program was deemed to be substandard! Truly the  time went backwards more than one hour this year at  daylight savings time, and the Circus stays open.

 -- A Massachusetts Prisoner, 15 November 1997


Even though, with all due respect, my name is not  Mumia Abu-Jamal, I am one of a million people that  are incarcerated in this country for political  reasons. Yes, that's correct. There are over one  million political prisoners in this country.

This fact may shock most people but the most  shocking aspect of this fact is that the vast  majority of those incarcerated in this country for  political reasons are not aware of the fact because  the vast majority have no politics, per se.

Now, logic begs to ask, if someone who doesn't have  a political bone in their body, let alone exercise  it, how then, can they be incarcerated for  political beliefs? The answer, of course, is that  we're not incarcerated for our political beliefs  but for those beliefs pressed on us or oppressed  upon us by the system, for we live in a system that  now defines social problems as public health  problems.

We also live in a system that seeks more ways to  incarcerate more of its people instead of seeking  more ways to free them. The war drums of the system  upon its people can be heard loud and clear  throughout this nation. Specifically in California  where anti-affirmative action, anti-immigration,  and anti-bilingual education is not only the law of  the land but politically correct.

Dostoyevski's challenge, to all citizens, still  rings true today, in that, "The degree of  civilization in a society can be determined by  examining its prisons." I'm saddened, though, that  most people will not take up this challenge because  they are truly afraid of what they will find which  is sadly a truth within itself.

 -- A California Prisoner


... These fascist type gestapo lackeys are at it  again within South Karolina's Department of  Koruptions (SCDC). Just the past week, these neo- pigz cam and got myself along with three other  brother/comrades to place us back on the so-called  bad side of the Special Management Unit (SMU) at  Lee for not abiding with grooming standards.

As for this placing Askori Souljahs on the chains  or full security in what they call level I: For  some time now, the oppressive pigs have devised  this so-called level system to pacify the prisoners  with things such as radios and tv's; phone and  visit privileges, etc. in return for allowing them  to continue the oppression.

But one who has studied the strategy of revolution  knows that oppression breeds rebellion. Therefore  they could place me under this kamp and i would  still be politically conscious. And i would strive  to liberate the thoughts of anyone around me.  For an individual as myself, who was placed in the  control unit for my STG (Security Threat Group)  status, which the pig Michael Moore has targeted to  obey the commands of the devil in a white shirt  (Captain Hall), it would go contrary to my  ideology.

...In the tradition of comrade George Jackson, i  rage on against any and everything that advocates  this unjust society, plots to imprison the young  souljahs, and keeps us away from our own form of  social equality. Until the pigs die and their  empire crumbles, i remain as always.

In Struggle,  -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 11 December 1997


...Currently I am on isolation for refusing they  say, "to give a urine sample". I was unable to give  them a urine sample simply because I could not  urinate on demand. The so-called free medical care  which inmates allegedly receive is a hoax. It is a  fraud perpetrated against inmates who are powerless  to resist it.

Not only is the medical staff here totally useless,  the frequently call inmates to HUS (the prisoner  hospital) for the most ludicrous things, all the  while completely ignoring any real serious  problems. A month ago, I was called to HUS at 8:30  AM to give a blood sample to check for syphilis,  which I am absolutely sure I do not have.  Meanwhile, I was not seen till nearly 10:30 AM, two  hours later, thus wasting my morning. I of course  refused the blood sample. Not only have they done  nothing about my lower back pain or the two torn  rotator cuff muscles I have, they waste my time on  top of it. They are not only utterly useless, but  worse then useless.

Of course they are all paid extremely well to do  little more than pass out aspirin and band-aids,  while ignoring serious medical problems. I was  informed today, I will receive five days isolation  and four weeks loss of canteen for, they claim,  "refusing to supply a urine sample". In any case, I  will end this letter saying I regret very much that  I am unable to receive your literature. It is a  totally irrational decision, but one I am powerless  to appeal....

 -- A Massachusetts Prisoner, 5 December 1997


I am an indigent prisoner in the Texas slave  plantations. Recently I was permitted by a fellow  slave to read 4 old issues of MIM Notes still  circulating here....To open my comments, I saw in  the Sept. 1, 1997 issue, your response to a letter  in which you said: "We also disagree with the  writer that Amerika is currently fascist." And you  also said: "We must correctly analyze the enemy and  current conditions."

If you were serious about the latter statement,  then I fear that whoever is responsible for doing  your analyzing has died and you haven't yet  noticed. Amerika is in fact currently one of the  most outrageously fascist oligarchies ever to  disgrace the human race.

Next, in the same issue, prisoners in New Jersey  and Pennsylvania complain about the "low wages"  they are paid for their work. You poor, underpaid  workers have our deepest sympathy from Texas --  where we are not paid a solitary cent for our  forced slave labor. [Labor] ranging from eight to  fifteen hours per day, five to seven days per week.  Despite the fact that our prison industries each  year extract thousands of dollars from the  taxpayers for what they list as "wages for inmate  labor".

I saw discussions from some inmates complaining  about not receiving enough channels on his cable  service, and one talking about turning off the TV  in his cell. By the Gods! Do you also have a  swimming pool, a golf course and tennis courts? I  would damn sure love to trade places with either of  you!

There was one in Michigan who complained that the  pig he got arrested for sexually assaulting him  didn't get enough punishment. How did he work the  impossible miracle of getting him arrested? The  free-world mother in Huntsville would like to know.  Since she caught one of our pigs in the act of  sexually assaulting her three-year-old daughter,  and all they did to him [the pig] was to reassign  him to another unit.

For the prisoner in Georgia, in the September 15th  issue, who after complaining of work with no pay  said, "the only answer is the court room." I say  use it while you can friend; it's going fast. They  have already removed the law libraries from prisons  in some states. Here in Texas they have a simpler  solution -- they just automatically dismiss all  actions filed by prisoners as "frivolous".

In the July 15 issue a South Carolina prisoner  complains that clowns run the prisons from high  positions. Here the prisons are run by the  individual guards, each of which makes up his/her  own rules minute by minute. The only function the  clowns in high positions serve is to prevent anyone  from investigating. Want to make a bet on which  system is worse?

Then in the July 1 issue, I saw the Maryland  prisoner who thinks those locked up for child  molesting and for killing blacks should stay in  prison. Does that include the black who killed a  black he caught molesting your child? Does it  include the man here serving a fifty year sentence  for repeatedly raping a child. Despite the fact  that the state's own medical doctor who examined  her testified that even now, she is still a virgin,  and shows no sign at all of ever having any sexual  activity of any kind? Perhaps it is a certain  Maryland prisoner who should stay where he is until  he learns to put his brain in gear.

 -- A Texas Prisoner, 15 November 1997

 MIM RESPONDS:  This letter demonstrates that  prisoners in Texas live under horrible conditions.  It is important to know that the conditions on  Texas are worse than many other states but at the  same time it is the entire prison system in Amerika  which serves as an imperialist mechanism of  oppression. Because prisoners are murdered and  brutalized and forced into labor in Texas does not  mean that Amerikan oppression through prisons is  insignificant in states where there is less overt  tactics of oppression.

Under Lock and Key, as well as other programs of  MIM and RAIL to expose the use of the prison system  as a tool of national oppression and social  control, cover a wide variety of atrocities which  the white settler nation commits. We use the pages  of MIM Notes and other organs to build unity  against imperialism. The pages are not used to  state that only the very worst tactic of  imperialist domination should be fought. It is the  entire system which we must force to crumble!

We argue that all prisoners are political  prisoners. This means that it is the entire corrupt  capitalistic Amerikan society that creates the  conditions of poverty, unequal education and  opportunities which the oppressed are forced to  endure. All imprisonment under the dictatorship of  the bourgeoisie is characterized by injustice.  Whether it is looking at the statistical facts of  disproportionate imprisonment of oppressed  nationals or looking at the fact that the oppressed  do not have adequate legal assistance or fair  trialsS Amerika uses prisons as a tool against the  oppressed and this is political. Again, the tactics  of oppressed must be exposed. But it is not only  the worst tactics which we fight - we fight the  entire Amerikan system!

Note that many of this prisoner's criticisms were  addressed by MIM responses in the issues mentioned.  So, they will not all be completely rehashed here.

First, as we have stated in MIM Theory #11 and  elsewhere, Amerika is not currently fascist.  However, we point to the Amerikan prison system as  the most fascistic part of Amerikan society. The  reason is that in the prison system you can see the  merging of state and capital and the use of force  to exploit the masses.

Important to the analysis that Amerika's system is  not entirely fascist is sizing up the political  position of the middle classes in Amerika. The  middle classes in Amerika currently support  imperialism and the flow of super-profits from  oppressed nations to puff up the Amerikan standard  of living. The middle classes in Amerika are not  being squeezed as they were during the development  of Nazi fascism in Germany. Because of  imperialism's ability to super-exploit the masses  of oppressed nations, the Amerikan government and  capital do not need to force the middle classes  into labor as what would be necessary under  fascism.

It is a minority in Amerika where are forced to  work under fascistic relations. The majority in  Amerika is not forced through fascistic relations  to labor for profit of the state and capital  combined. Though there are seeds of fascist  ideology among the middle classes, white nation  chauvinism to support imperialism is sufficient at  this time to perpetuate the interests of the  Amerikan settler nation. A threat to these  interests would be a well-organized and strong  communist movement. And at this time, this threat  is not strong enough for the middle classes in  Amerika to firmly support fascism.

We do not conclude that the united snakes is  currently under a fascist system but instead a  dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The dictatorship  of the bourgeoisie enables the settler middle  classes to benefit from imperialism. When state  powers are delegated to capital, capital uses those  powers to increase its influence over the state.  This decreases democracy and at this point in time  there is no need for the state and capital to  decrease democracy for the majority in Amerika  because the majority in Amerika supports the goal  of imperialism.

The injustice system in general and the prison  system in particular is the most fascist part of  Amerikan society. The injustice system in Amerika  is one of the main tools in oppressing Amerika's  internal colonies through force. You are correct to  point to the outrageous exploitation and oppression  which Texas prisoners face, but remember that it is  the entire system that is used to oppress and that  is why we expose it in its entirety.

You are right that prison industries extract  thousands of dollars off the labor of prisoners.  The prisoners do not benefit in Texas, New Jersey  or Pennsylvania. Texas prisoners get paid nothing,  New Jersey Prisoners get 28-30 cents and hour, and  Pennsylvania prisoners work 8 hours and get paid  for 7 (wage amounts were not mentioned). Texas  prisoners are the worst off but it does not mean  the objectively the prisoners in other states which  are being paid pittances are not exploited.

When we expose the lack of control that prisoners  have over things like reading newspaper or watching  TV, we are exposing the fact that prisoners are  controlled. We expose the fact that prisoners do  not have the ability to gain further education in  most cases or the fact that their books are  censored when we send them out. Sure, these things  are not as egregious as prison pigs murdering  prisoners, but we expose it to teach people that  Amerika is not about democracy and prisons are not  about rehabilitation. Too many people on the  outside want to increase the number of Amerika's  prisons. It is our job to expose the many aspects  which show that prisons are only about controlling  the oppressed, they are not about stopping crime  and are not about helping people to become  productive members of society.


This prison has approximately 600 prisoners, and  only two teachers to serve the ones who wish to  learn. Each teacher spends about three to five  minutes once a week with a prisoner. The  administration here refuses to pay the money for  the teachers, and refuses to open the school  building here at X prison. Inmates or residents  here have in cell teaching. Out of Y years in  prison, I have never seen such a low level of  teaching in the State of Michigan. There's a lot of  young guys here, who really don't care about  getting an education, and yet we know this is the  reason that we are in here, for the lack of  education.

I believe that it is relevant that this institution  make reading, writing and math more sufficient for  inmates or residents.

--a Michigan prisoner, 19 December, 1997

 My white teacher dropped me from her class, and  claimed her five books back from me but I feel  there is no education or rehabilitation in here.  The teachers spend five minutes with you. If you  are in the hole they drop you some books and expect  you to do the work. Also if you want to take the  GED test you can't do it from the hole only  population.

--another Michigan prisoner, 4 July, 1997

 The educational set-up is prisoners can take GED  classes [at Michigan Department of Corrections  expense]. I have a GED so I am not allowed to  attend any schooling. If I request educational text  books I am told they need them for prisoners who do  not have GED. There are no college teachings at all  so if we have GED and wish to continue schooling it  has to be done by our own resources. The MDOC does  not aid once you have the GED.

--a third Michigan prisoner, 19 December, 1997

 MIM RESPONDS:  MIM believes that the lack of  education for oppressed nationals in Amerika is  part of the same system of oppression as the  prisons system. Lack of schooling does not cause  people to commit crimes and be put in prison;  rather lack of schooling is part of the systemic  denial of the basic needs of the oppressed under  imperialism.

Having whites serve as teachers and guards and the  majority of DOC staff overall is another aspect of  the same oppression -- it's not enough to lock up  the Black, Latino and First Nations in  disproportionate numbers, but they must be  supervised by white captors as well.

Even under imperialism, MIM advocates that money be  spent on education rather than imprisonment, and we  believe that there are winnable battles within this  general goal. Our Free Books for Prisoners program  is designed to provide resources to prisoners which  the DOC will not provide.


January 10, 1998

***In the next couple of months, there will be an  important parole hearing in Ann Arbor. A prisoner  originally from Ann Arbor will be appealing his  denial of parole, because he believes the denial  was an act of retaliation for his exposure of  brutality within the Michigan prisons. The judge  who will hear his parole appeal is Donald Shelton,  in Washtenaw County Circuit Court. Read more about  this case and give your support to this prisoner  who has been harshly abused by the Michigan  Department of Corrections (MDOC).***

X* was raped by a prison guard in March of 1996. By  his own accounting it took more than a year of  repeated complaints from him, and his own  submission to a lie detector test, before the MDOC  would even begin to investigate his rape charge.  Now that the charge is known to be true, the state  has let this violent guard plead guilty to charges  less than rape, which X says "is the last thing I  want," because "as long as the MDOC can sweep this  under the rug, nothing will change, and more POWs  will be abused."

RAIL sees this case as another nail in the coffin  of the MDOC's image as a rehabilitative system. As  X points out, sexual abuse of prisoners is "an  everyday affair" in Michigan's prisons. Based on  their authority over prisoners and their impunity  in the face of the law, prison guards are in a  position to abuse prisoners who have never been  abusive to anyone. The system is set up so that  prison will further worsen the condition of  prisoners who are already in bad shape, and degrade  the conditions of those prisoners who are  relatively healthy before they are imprisoned. It  is always to the credit of the prisoners who  struggle against this system, never to the credit  of the system itself when prisoners survive in  spite of it.

In a statement demanding reform of the miserable  conditions at Attica Correctional Facility in New  York, months before prisoners there rebelled in  1971, "under the facade of rehabilitation we are  treated for our hostilities by our program  administrators with their hostility as a  medication." Here in Michigan more than twenty-five  years after the Attica rebellion, prisoners are  still treated with gross hostility.

Join RAIL in struggling against these abusive  prison conditions. Work with us to support X in his  struggle for fair treatment, and join us in putting  the spotlight on Michigan's criminal INjustice  system.

*In general, RAIL and MIM do not print the names of  prisoners in connection with their cases. In many  cases, prisoners can be politically active without  bringing consistent attention to themselves. In X's  case, he has already suffered rape at the hands of  a prison "guard" and is now enduring retaliation  for his resistance. Where we are building support  for this individual's appeal, we will print X's  name if he asks us to. We will not do this without  permission first.

 Source on Attica: A Bill of No Rights: Attica and  the American Prison System by Herman Badillo &  Milton Haynes.


...I've had an altercation here at Potosi  Correctional Center that has more than jolted my  thoughts. I'm now in the hole due to a situation  that's taken place. Please let me explain.

Some time ago, I recorded this article out of a  Black Islamic newspaper called the Final Call.  There was this article untitled "Black man accept  your own" in it. It seemed to have made some  interesting points, so I copied it down. It spoke  about how we black people need to start building  educational systems for our youth, love one  another, buy our own land, and stop being so  dependent on those who mean us not good --i.e. The  Amerikkkan Government. Also that America has  inflicted injustice upon our ancestors all the way  up into this present day.

We were going out to school. Since this plantation  is on the verge of being on total lock down, we  have to give our folders to the pigs and get pat- search before we get hauled off to school. Walking  single file, like a bunch of military guinea pigs!  No talking, no waving at other prisoners at the  windows. Just single file marching with pigs  everywhere waiting to fabricate a reason to write  you up!

Well I forgot that this article was in my school  folder. I gave the pig my folder and he searched  through it curiously and spotted the copied article  in it. He stated, "What's this." I asked to see it  but he wouldn't allow me any view of his now  delight. During the course of some indifferent  chitchat he finally said that he's not giving it  back.

I got agitated with his arrogance and just snatched  my paper out of his hand. Before I knew it there  were pigs everywhere. "Grab his arms, get his  legs!" is all they yelled. I resisted being slammed  to the ground, so they politely rushed me against  the building and smashed my face into a protruding  brick wall, and bloodied it all up! Then they  sprayed mace in my eyes, nose and mouth, after they  drug me to another designated spot. After I was on  the ground they suffocated me by pressing their  knees into my back.

I screamed, "I can't breath, I can't breath!"  because I was choking on mace and gasping profusely  for air. The only response I got was, "So what, you  should of thought about that before you snatched  that paper you fuck, you ass-hole!" They covertly  punched me in the face and sprayed mace in my mouth  again.

I could breath no longer. Lost my sight for a short  while and felt as if I was going to die. So I just  said unto myself, "Fuck it. I'm going to die!" But  as these words pushed through my mind I was lifted  and drug to this cell. Stripped of all my clothes  and comforted by cold steel and concrete for four  days.

These pigs mocked me for my efforts to stand on  what I believe. This is a prime example of the  American Justice System. Also it's a prime example  of manifest destiny syndrome. Who made these  bitches my keeper? I almost lost my life because I  used an improper method in their eyes to stand up  for my beliefs. I guess if you're not white, you're  not right, huh? This just goes to show imperialism  in its purest form.

 -- A Missouri Prisoner, 4 December 1997

P.S. By the way they're talking about prosecuting  me because after they slammed my face against the  wall and almost cracked it open, I tried to free  myself from anymore bruises. They "say" I elbowed a  pig in the chest, punched on in the shoulder and  kicked one in the testicles. So they're going to  charge me for a fabricated assault on three pigs. I  get fucked up for taking a damn piece of paper and  in the process of attempted liberation, I get  charged for assault.  Bullshit! I need help. Is there anyone I can talk  to about this matter? These pigs are probably going  to try to give me 10, 20, 30 years for some Bull!

 MIM RESPONDS:  We're printing your letter to expose  this pigs' brutality and also request more advice  from Jailhouse lawyers and prisoner paralegals  reading MIM Notes. First try the local ACLU and  National Lawyers Guild and the sidebar contains  some legal resources that were recommended by  fellow prisoners.


The National Prison Project of the ACLU 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 410 Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 234-4830 www.npp.org

NLADA Directory 16525 K ST, 8th Floor NW Washington, DC 20006 Provides a national listing of free legal services

Prisoners Rights Advocacy Centers of America Inc., 204 Elmo Ave San Antonio, TX 78225-2140 Attention: Anna M. Dobbyn, Founder