This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

MIM Notes 160, 1 April 1998

Top  Locked Up for Exposing Injustice

Dear MIM Notes,

...I am a Brother who is down for our struggle and am tired of being oppressed by these pigs. Before reading your paper, Under Lock and Key, I wasn't aware that my Brothers in other state DOC's [Department of Corrections] were being oppressed by the Pigs as well.

I am currently locked up in segregation for something I truly believe in. That is exposing the injustice that is happening in the VA DOC, especially at Bucking-sham Concentration Camp (BUCC). They knew they could not lock me up for no reason so they made up this false case and charged me with an assault on any person. They said I assaulted a Black Female C/O (Correctional Officer).

I went to the Disciplinary Hearing for the charge and the Female C/O stated that I did not assault her. But this Pig Sergeant stated that he witnessed the incident so I was found guilty due to the ranking officer's testimony. I was sentenced to 90 days in segregation. I await my appeal. They think by locking me up in segregation, it will keep my mouth closed but my words are works are still being heard and done by my Brothers and Comrades.

Virginia has passed a No Parole Bill. Anyone who got locked up after 1995 had to do 85% of his or her sentence. Which means if they are sentenced 25 years, they must do 22 years and 9 months before being released.

These pigs are trying 14 and 15-year-old kids as adults. Locking them up and throwing away the key. These pigs are building 3 and 4 Super Max Prisons with no educational programs (No schools, No trades, etc.) and limited jobs. These Pigs are making these prisons (graveyards) for our youth and they got only one aim -- to kill and destroy our race by locking up as many Black Folks as they can. Giving Black Folks those kind of sentences to serve so they will not be able to return back to society and the majority will lose communication with family and friends.

We got to come together and fight this Pig that oppressed us for so many years and we have to do it soon. Myself with the help of a few of my comrades have been trying wake up these young Brothers who are coming in this prison system with this, "I don't give a Damn attitude.", "Kill or Be Killed Vibe.", and show them that your Brother is your Brother! We also show them who is our true and only enemy. It's going to be a lot of hard work but it can be done. It must be done! I will not rest until I see the betterment of our people achieve the 12 jewels of life.

1. Knowledge 2. Wisdom 3. Understanding 4. Freedom 5. Justice 6. Equity 4. Food 8. Clothes 9. Shelter 10. Love 11. Peace 12. Happiness

Your Brother and Comrade in the Struggle, -- A Virginia Prisoner, 17 February 1998

Top  Unify Against Affiliation Lock Down

Revolutionary Greetings Comrades,

I am a prisoners from another state serving a bid in New Jersey. Since early 1996, I have been in the Administrative Class Supervision Unit in Rahway State Prison, better known as Red Top! I was given five years lock down mostly for being a member of the Almighty Latin King Queen Nation (ALKQN). What these Pigs are doing is wrong and it is time to stand up and fight.

The latest strategy they are going to put into effect is building a special close supervision unit at Northern State Prison. Which they will use for all known "Gang" members as they put it in Newark Star Ledger dated November 17, 1997. Anyone who is they think is a member of the ALKQN, 5% Nation of Islam, or anyone who has any type of affiliation will be placed on this unit.

I can not speak for anyone except the Kings and Queens of my Nation. I can say that we will fight this in the courts or out of the courts, which ever comes first. I ask all the 5%ers, Muslims, and any other righteous Nation to unify with us. To come together as one. Lets stop bringing harm upon each other for the true enemy is they who oppress us. Let's stand together and fight for a true cause. And let the world see that our victory will come through the Unity of our people.

It is time to wake up and see the picture clearly. I sit back and watch how these brothers just allow these Crackers to do that as they please without any type of retaliation. It hurts, but I refuse to go down without a fight. I will fight these Pigs till the day I die. I want to be remembered as a man of honor, not a coward. Like the brother up in Southport said, Remember Unity is Power. I feel you kid!

La Lucha Continua -- A New Jersey Prisoner, 3 January 1998

Top  New Repressive Measures in Delaware

...Repressive measures in Delaware are moving to catch up with the rest of this nation's cages. This state and its prsioncrats are implementing the West Coast style of labeling groups as gangs and so on. The obvious is when the SuperMax is completed, we'll be attacked with all forms of repression possible!

Their pig-army on the streets has already formed an "anti-gang-think-tank-swat-force," with different pig agencies, including the fbi to label and attack the poor, minority ghetto sections. So it's just a matter of time before things in the cages get even worse. General population is already separated and restricted to lesser yard and movement. Mostly kept inside locked on tiers with the exception of an hour of yard a day.

For the most part prisoners and the public here are sound asleep to what's about to really happen and what has already happened. Neither is trying to hear or see it. So when the state launches it's full offensive attack it will be like the (No Knock) law and theory.

At present I'm still in their Maximum Security Unit (MSU). Which makes over two years that I've spent in a cell 23 hours and 15 minutes a day, every day. It holds 80 prisoners when full. 20 are in protective custody, and 40 prisoners are simply over here for "minor" write-ups?! Now I don't know the average size of a SuperMax Prison, but this is a small state with 5 Main prisons. All of which are overcrowded simply because this state gives ransoms for bail and refuses to release with 6 months or less until it's all done.

Most of these prisoners have already served 3-5 years or were given 6 months when they could have gotten probation or community service for such minor charges. Let's not leave out the numerous juvenile detention centers that are also being expanded on, e.g. Plummer House and halfway houses- supervised custody.

Anyhow this SuperMax is to be a 600-800 bed prison. 300 single beds, the rest double bunked. That's more that the population of 1600 here at DCC [Delaware Correctional Center]. And DCC is the largest in the state. If this isn't a major lock down plan, I don't know what is. The courts are giving out 3 strikes and life sentences like candy. And with this age 14 Adult Law they're poling them in like sardines. The racism and classism is forced down your throat. Ain't no subtle nonsense here. Still nothing is said. No outcry, NOTHING!!! The only prisoners or guards that die here are form AIDS, old age, accident or natural causes, so what's a SuperMax for?

My thinking is, their plan is to force some more harsh shit on us, that they believe will be more successful in a more secure setting. Not to mention the jack up in the year fee for Maximum-security level prisoner, plus the slave labor plan they're going to expand on once the SuperMax is completed. Something like Texas (work or remained locked down. The first 300 beds are to be completed in the summer 98 and the last part of fall 99. At present there is NO voice for prisoners in this state. I've been incarcerated here since 1988. Over the last 10 years, I've seen this state due whatever it wants to prisoners and the poor without any backlash what-so-ever!!!

-- A Delaware Prisoner, 4 January 1998

Top  Tired of Prison Guard Brutality

...The inmates here are gearing up for a major work and hunger strike February 2nd. This administration is so nefarious. Every time you turn around they are locking somebody up for having their shoes untied or because they don't like the way we look, walk or because we're educated.

They have so many people in RHU [Restricted Housing Unit] here you won't believe it. They even have people in the RHU because they don't have room in general population. We the inmates here at SCI Green need a major Federal investigation with some serious indictments!...

-- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, 13 January 1998

Top  The Michigan Injustice System

I was arrested for the rape of a 68-year-old white woman.

The arrest came from a photographic lineup, where the victim picked out two different Black men as looking like her single attacker.

A witness picked out another Black man, as the man she saw.

Three different men were picked out of photos by yet, the police falsely claimed that I was identified as the criminal.

In a court line up, the victim picked out two different Black men. I was on of the two men picked out.

Unidentified fingerprints were found in the victim's purse, which did not match my prints. The prosecutor withheld this information from the jury.

An all white jury found me guilt of rape. I was given a 60 to 90 year sentence...

-- A Michigan Prisoner, 5 December 1997

Top  South Karolina Conspiracies

Here in South KKKarolina, some recent events have taken place that call for urgent support from the people. There has been a consistent plot to set up Brotha's who are politically conscious and active.

The first few set-ups have occurred on one particular Brotha several times. The Pigs would roll off into the kage where he is being held captive. We are on the Lock- up/Down Unit. It is mandatory that handcuffs be placed on prisoners first. However the pigs rolled on this Souljah for the people, without putting any cuffs on him. This was done clearly to instigate a physical confrontation. When this occurred, being the Brotha's life was clearly in danger, the pigs charged him as though they did nothing wrong.

Now the pigs have go so far as to trump up some false charges on this same Brother, claiming he corrected a pig. Somehow they allege that the pig was choked while the Brotha was in the shower. Now how does that seem possible?!

I have seen the work of the pigs first hand. While going to a kangaroo kkkourt hearing (inside the prison) on pig brutality the pigs refused to take the chains off me. So after numerous complaints and a little loud noise, the pigs took me to the lock-up unit where they alleged they had someone who could keep me quite.

Once in the lock-up unit, this big red sloppy ass pig tried to intimidate me. He made several statement about having someone who could handle me -- that I don't look so tuff. After I made numerous requests to go to the bathroom the pig attempted to set me up.

Since I am labeled a high security threat, every time I am out of the cage, I am supposed to be fully restrained and around no prisoners. This pig sent me right down a hall full of prisoners.

So of course I recognized what was going down. And immediately some young cat made a move and was corrected. Now, there is talk that charges may be place on me. But remember I'm classified as a security threat and I'm supposed to be fully restrained and around no prisoners at any time while out of the cage. So if this wasn't a set up, what was it? So if we're not allowed to protect ourselves in a set-up, then we are not allowed to bring forth justice, but just-us.

So people (particularly in South KKKarolina), I humbly ask you to please contact myself via MIM about the present conspiracy to annihilate a Souljah who have been falsely accused and wrongfully been a victim of trumped-up charges of correcting [assaulting] a pig. I would like to remind you that here in South KKKarolina they have a 2 and 3 Strike system for serious offenses that will result in a life sentence [if this Brotha is convicted].

All the solicitor is required to do is to give a 10-day notice 10 days before the trial. So this comrades life my very well depend on your support and action.

Power to the People!!! -- A South Carolina Prisoner, 16 December 1997

Top  New York Laboratories

Dear Comrades,

I must say your curiosity being piqued about my use of the work "laboratories" to describe these kamps or warehouses, came to me as a surprise. So I will brief you on this use the word.

"Laboratories" is a common word used by a lot of New York State prisoners to describe the prison system throughout the world, not just here. Because incarcerating minority, seeking people's reaction is an experiment. What they're doing to those brothers incarcerated in Arizona State Prison [by eliminating all prisoner law libraries] is an experiment. They are testing all these smaller state prisons with new laws and new rules. It is just a new way to fuck with people and see their reaction to it.

Where is the most common place to experiment? A Laboratory!! Prisoners all over the world are treated like Lab Mice. When they finish testing new drugs on Lab Animals, who are the next testers? Prisoners in Prison.

I don't know if you believed that brother who wrote to you (MIM Notes 145 Under Lock and Key) and told you his conditions in Southport Correctional Facility. But I just left there doing 20 in the box. What he described to you is more like a clean version of what's going down in there. The jails whole interior is structured like a testing facility, in other words the way a laboratory is structured.

In that state where the prisoners are paying for their own medical service is another experiment. Why don't they test the big cities first? Think about it. You wanted to know what I meant by being incarcerated in these laboratories? Read your Under Lock and Key section.

These lab mice done had enough of these cats. Time to bring in the dogs. In closing I want you to know anything being done to the oppressed on one died is just to see how it affects the oppressed on the other side.

An experiment plus people equals a test. A test of this kind must be conducted in laboratories.

Hold Ya' head, Comrades - A New York Prisoner, December 1997

Top  Resisting Brutal Force in New York

...As I write I am being subjected to a restricted diet of cold hard bread and raw cabbage per tier hearing disposition. That administration has used this means of punishment on me in the past several times. Prisons throughout the "empire state" continue to administer this form of torture indiscriminately. This most recent punishment was imposed for my fighting with correctional officers in November 1997.

In November 1997, I was gassed in my cell with chemical agent (C587) for almost a half-hour straight. When the extraction team realized that I would not surrender then entered the cell with blast shields, gas masks, jumpsuits (riot gear) and batons.

While I was being "decontaminated" after a brief struggle, one of the extraction team officers applying body hold called me a faggot, a coward, and said that I was "locked up for sucking nigger cocks." I was then placed in a stripped cell, completely bare except for my boxer shorts that I was wearing and a thin course mat for sleeping. My fact was still burning from the chemical agents and bruised and bleeding from the "minimal use of force" applied to extract me from the cell.

Except for publications like MIM Notes, Prisoners have no voice. We are treated worse than slaves. In court and in prison, our testimony is deemed worthless. Hardly ever are we able to produce "evidence" to substantiate our claims of abuse. Many people on the outside, oppressed themselves by the corrupt system of government, believe that we deserve the barbaric treatment we are subjected to. I read about the numerous rights being revoked from prisoners nationwide and the expanded oppression is not being met with adequate resistance.

I am serving a 25-year to life sentence for crimes that the government performs itself on a regular basis: robbery, murder, and illegal trade, profiting through genocide....

-- A New York Prisoner, 8 December 1997

Top  Florida Control Units

...Right now under my current circumstance, I am going through many changes imposed by these prisoncrats. They have no regard for the inmates housed in Florida DOC [Department of Corrections], especially those of us who are on Close Management. We are on 24-hour lockdown, with recreation once per week.

What makes it worse -- this is a Psyche 3-CM [Control Management] Unit. They do their best to keep us on the psychotropic medication. At one point they were giving the wrong medication. Then again, perhaps, they were experimenting. For a few people did suffer from negative side effect reactions.

Now to add more troubles to our situation, they're attempting to take all of our personal property that our families sent us all the well as preventing us from receiving postage stamps in the mail. What about those who no funds? How are they going to get along? -- Because everything is to be purchased from the inmate commissary....

Power to the People -- A Florida Prisoner, 7 January 1998

Medical Restriction Revoked

Revolutionary Greetings! I am writing from Texas. After being classified as a third class medical for five and a half years, I was told by security that Dr. K took away all my medical restriction in July without my knowledge. A Klan officer came to my cell in November 1997 told me to pack up, that I was moving to another pod.

I was assigned to the top bunk, I no longer have a one-row bottom bunk pass. I was given a one-row bottom bunk because suffer from chronic back pain and have two herniated disks in the lumber region of my spine.

I refuse to move in the cell and sleep in the top bunk. I have already fallen off the top bunks before. I take high blood pressure medication and I have heart disease. I was issued a ticket and placed in PHD [punitive housing detention]. They found me guilty and gave me a LOP 45 days.

When I got to PHD I discovered that Dr. K had targeted other inmates, all Black males with lower bunk passes who had a medical history of lower back problems. He took their lower bunk privileges and all other restrictions pertaining to their medical conditions.

These moves were made by the TDC [Texas Department of Corrections] system because they will start charging inmates $3.00 for requesting medical here in Texas beginning December 1, 1997 or January 3, 1998. They know that inmates who have chronic back pain and other severe medical conditions will have to call on medical to help them. In this way, by taking everybody medical now, they can charge chronically ill prisoners $3.00 every time to see a doctor to get his medical restriction back. Then the state of Texas can receive revenues from an inmate he is medically handicapped.

This is another low blow to the already hurting Texas prisoners. Next we will be paying rent to live in a cell. Then pay for the electricity and water. And none of us are getting paid for working in prison here in Texas to be able to pay these bills. This is only an added pressure on our loved ones. They have to pay bills in the free world and now they will have to pay another for their loved ones in prison....

-- A Texas Prisoner, 3 December 1997

Top  Texas Torture

First of all, I'm here in Ad. Seg. level X for supposedly being a threat to security. I'm in my cell for 24 hours a day. I get 3 small bars of soap that's supposed to last 7 days, which it doesn't. I'm not allowed to check out any books from the law library or the library, or go to school.

Since I arrived here on this unit, I have been racially harassed, threatened, physically assaulted, and tormented by the racist officers on this unit under the racist orders of warden "X", pig "Y", pig "Z," and pig "A," who are members of the white supremacist group called the KKK and Aryan Nation. These four officers are instructing and encouraging their officers to violate these inmates' "human rights," which is against humanity. I don't believe in "civil rights, cause you can't have civil rights without human rights first."

The officers are denying these inmates these rights cause they won't go to the back of their cells and get on their knees and face the wall, which is inhumane. These officers are harassing these inmates; these officers are threatening these inmates; these officers are assaulting these inmates; these officers are retaliating against these inmates if they file a grievance against them.

I myself was physically assaulted on the 18th of November, 1996 while being escorted from UCC by pig "X," pig "Y" and pig "Z." The grievance process doesn't work on this unit, cause the "warden" is conspiring with his officers by covering up their misconduct and unprofessional behavior. We as inmates need a voice in the outside letting the public know that these good for nothing pigs are violating our "human rights" daily. The wardens are lying and spreading propaganda to the media, stating that these inmates are assaulting these pigs.

- A Texas Prisoner, 9 December 1997

Top  Everyday Oppression in Texas

As a modern day slave in Texas prisons we are required to perform toil labor for no pay. S-4 status to Line 2 status receives good time and work time credit to be utilized for parole purposes. Line 3's are required (compelled) to work with receiving good time or work time for their slavery performance.

Good time and work time earned by your roil labor in the fields, factory, etc. can be taken for disciplinary reasons. Needless to say when paroled, you are compelled to sign a contract with the state relinquishing your good time earned.

January 1, 1998 all offenders are required to pay a $3.00 fee to visit the infirmary except for emergency situations, but at the oppressor's arbitrary decision to warrant the visit emergency or non-emergency. If you don't have the money in your account upon visit, you will be accepted but that $3.00 fee will be notified to your account awaiting for when a loved one sends you some funds.

T.D.C.J.-I.D. administrators here have taken the tobacco products out of the system for the offenders, yet officers are allowed to go outside in the smoking zone and smoke on state property. We no longer wear pants with a zipper or pockets in the front but pants where we have to pull down to even urinate.

Law library books delivery have decreased for inmates in Administrative Segregation or close custody housing from 5 days a week to 3 days a week, from 5 books to 3 books, instead of keeping the books until the next day we are only allowed 8 hours now.

For as censorship goes, an African American in Texas Prison will most likely be denied cultural development. A Majority of African American author's books are denied to enter the system. Holloway House Publication Co. books are discriminated against not all, but the majority. When a black author publishes a book detailing about what the Europeans are doing to the African American, it will be denied by the system.

Of course in conclusion, the prison library is a farce, especially for the African American. Hope I was of assistance to you all and feel free to get in touch with me at any time.

- A Texas Prisoner, 9 January 1998