This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

MIM Notes 172, 15 October, 1998

Top  Denied Medical Treatment


It's all one big conspiracy. The prison doctors, nurses, mailroom, blue shirts, white shirts, schoolteachers, and administration. Check it. I was on my way for parole # months ago. The state van I was in ran head on into a car. The ambulance came and checked everyone but me. I told them on the spot that I could barely move my back, but this political pig "major stucky" said that I was just lying and I'd be all right. They refused me legal phone calls and medical treatment. Since this happened, my back has given out four times. Two of those times I fell and busted my head open. But they still insist I'll be all right! Two other people (officers) from the van were hurt and went straight to the hospital, and then stayed home for three weeks!!! But they keep insisting that I'm just faking and don't need a legal call because I'll be all right. What's up with poor excuse for a system...[T]he way they're dragging me, it will probably turn into a permanent injury for life! Just trying to keep everyone else on point, and let them know how South Carolina's department of Incorrections is at Evan's. The pigs that run it are the same everywhere! Just be strong and maintain.

--A Victim of South Carolina's Prison System, 3 August 1998

Top  Sentenced to 50 years at age 15

I'm a Chicano artist, poet and revolutionary warehoused here in Prison X. In 1995 at the extremely young age of 15 I was unjustly sentence to 50 years in prison by a racist judge, a "righteous" representative of the criminal Injustice system here in the United Snakes of Amerika. They justifies this evil punishment by saying that the three years it would take before I turned 18 was not sufficient time to "rehabilitate: me. They failed to consider that the mandatory 10 years I would serve by far exceeded the amount of tie necessary for "rehabilitation". Maybe, just possibility, it was my Brown skin. I couldn't help but notice the numerous pink and pasty skinned young boys step in front of the "judge" and receive breaks one after another. I was sure I was at the Rodney King or Anthony Baez trial. As the judge looked at these pale children, that's exactly what he saw -- children, his children, grandchildren -- the children of Amerikkka. Is not the child of this bourgeois society accepted as the public image of the "all Amerikan boy"? Of course he could not be expected to condemn his own child to the concrete jungles and valley of deaths that plague this country. As I left the classification center on that bus headed for nearly 2,000 inmate maximum security prison the faces I saw were those of young Black and Brown warriors -- not just 18 years old -- some scared, some impassive in their naivet. Once we arrived we were overlooked with a lack of concern by the administration. On my tenth day I eagerly applied for school and was immediately turned away due the overcrowding, lack of teachers and funds. Because of Clinton's "Crime Bill" I could not apply for financial aid for college. My story is just one of the many Mexican, Afrikan and Native misguided and vulnerable youths entering the prison system every day. They are locking us up and throwing away the key. Fortunately I took it upon myself to get educated and politically active. But my revolutionary consciousness and activities have not come cheap. For I've been in the hole under very oppressive conditions for 18 months. The Klan has not intention of letting me out. They have fabricated lied and absurd stories to keep me silent and in this status. In one incident they were claiming I was a member from the Mexican Mafia and going on the say I was from another gang! The struggle continues... I am in the need of assistance. There are a great deal of comrades here who are ready to learn but don't have the resources to obtain the materials they need to begin their path to enlightenment and revolutionary consciousness. We need Spanish and English materials (i.e. MIM Notes, Notas Rojas, MIM Theory, etc.) including back issues of MIM Theory. It will be greatly appreciated and anything sent will be spread throughout the prison underground railroad. I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

-- An Iowa Prisoner, 19 July 1998

Top  Three Pennsylvania Prisoners Explain How Youth Are Targeted

I'm another young strong survivor in the modern day slavery shit that they krackers call the Penitentiary. At the age of 20 and being here since the age of 17, I began to express the true things the young brothers go through in this chest of Leviathan. It's very difficult for the young brothers to get paroled outta here because the system looks upon us and says to themselves that we're still young so we haven't changed. It's not so much of if we've changed or not, it's do we have enough strength and sense to avoid these kamps? See they want to keep us in here as they are doing because we are fresh and young. We are capable of making plenty of babies and enhancing the Black population. Just take a look at how many Black Brothas are locked up now. As time goes on they are putting even larger amounts of youths in the adult system, and giving them buckets full of time. I have a Rappy (co-defendant) in another warehouse. He was 15 when he got impounded. Instead of placing him in a juvenile facility, they gave him 21 to 42 years and sent him to one of their plantations. That'9s Fucked Up! That's is an example of what I'm talking about when I say they, the system, the wicked foul corrupted system is putting us young brothers away for a long time and there is no stop. So far their plan is working but I have developed the mindset of getting around them krackers. It's all about beating them at their own game. Do you readers understand where I, this strong black man, is taking your minds? Don't be blinded brothers, through the trial and tribulations of the jail's hectic situations. We gotta stay focused on what they are putting down. It's beyond our belief. I'm awake brothas and sistas. The importance of this serious information is to open your eyes and let our people in on what the young brothers have to share concerning the program the krackers got set for us your brothers. ...Please brothas wake up and don't continue to be victims to this multibillion dollar business that's designed to make the krackers rich off us and do away with the Black seed at the same time.

-- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, June 1998

Top  Systematic Oppression

I'm another Black Brotha, 21 years of age that is currently housed at SCI-Pittsburgh. I feel as though the whole correctional system is designed to destroy and do away with the Black Nation. A lot of us are in jail for crimes that we had to commit in order to survive and take care of our families. These racist krackers know this. They are the beast that places our people dependent upon them. They know exactly what they are doing. They are the ones that build bars on adjacent corner of our neighborhood. They are the ones that fashioned the drug cartels and disgorge them in our communities. No one knows anything about the co-co leaves in the ghetto slums of Philly. The government doesn't support our school program financially. They are constantly locking up fathers from households. This effects the children directly. There's nobody there to provide for children. Lack of funds cause kids to be inappropriately clothed for the weather. Kids mock their attire, which makes the child uncomfortable in school. They start to pay less attention in class, which begins to decimate their grades. Next thing the kids stop attending school. That's another Black mind that falls victim to the crazy, sadistic system these krackers put together. It's a chain! Can't you see? ...My brothas, we are the ones who built this Thing called Amerikkka, with our sweat, blood and tears. I know for a fact that we are naturally smarter than the Beast, that's why they try their best to keep the Black mind oppressed with enticing substances called drugs and alcohol. Brothas we must stay strong and get our mind, body and soul together. For us who are doing time in these penitentiaries make yourselves the ultimate warriors. Brothas Read! Read about your oppressor so that you can learn about his mind set. The more we learn about them, and the more we strive to lose their ways and actions the more effective we become in the struggle.

Ulimwengu (Free the World!)

-- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, June 1998

Top  Dear MIM,

I'm a 21 year old Black minded Youth whose currently dealing with the atrocities and mental obstacles set forth by the Tyranny of Pennsylvania DOC [Department of "Corrections"]. I'm currently housed at state correctional institute at Pittsburgh [SCIP] where these guards are psychologically chewing upon the mind of youth with sports and play. Employees of young age are exercising their authority upon us with bogus misconduct and physical abuse. This institution has been formulating asinine policies that aren't a part of the DC-ADM. Just recently inmates' families were being subjected to in-house imprisonment, stress and pressure from their neighbors. The superintendent, Mr. James Price instituted a policy with in the womb of SCIP where all inmate mail leaving the prison must have written on it, "Inmate Mail - PA Dept. of corrections. This places our family on house arrest and violates our families' privacy. This is a psychological weapon to ward off the support of prisoners' families and friends. The prison system in Amerikkka is a direct reenactment of slavery. They take the foundation of the family and auction them off to the highest bidder. They take us in their grip and whip -- now called handcuffs and nightsticks. Then drive us off in their horsepowered vehicles to be stripped and searched from the wisdom teeth to the anal cavity. These acts were those that were exercised upon Blacks during slavery. The mental ownership is more deadly than that of the physical.

-- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, June 1998

Top  Prisons Weaken Family Support

Strong family support has a lot, To do with one's Rehabilitation. During the American Slave Trade, the Slavemaster went to all extremes to destroy family relationships. Mothers were separated from their newborns. Fathers from their only child. Children were raised on plantations thousands of miles away from loved ones. The purpose of this was to destroy any kind of family bonding. The human being is a social being whose growth depends upon having a relationship with others. Family is what we're linked to emotionally and spiritually. That family support gives us the physical and mental vigor. Family makes us the individuals we are today and tomorrow. We can see these Modern Day Prison Slave camps across this country. Particularly, South Carolina Slave camps have emulated the American Slave Trade by going to all lengths to ruin any kind of family relationship an inmate has with loved ones. The prison Director of South Carolina Slave camps has designed policies prohibiting conjugal visits, holding hands inside the visitation room. Inmates are forced to sit across the table from his wife. At one time inmates were allowed to have food visits with family members during the holidays. The food visit promoted family togetherness. These policies are designed to destroy relationships with family members. Inmates are transported outside of their region, hours away from home exclusively to destroy family bonding. Having that family bonds gives one the incentive to change. You'll notice those who still have that family bond, regardless of hours of distance. Their disposition is totally different from those who don't have that family bond. That family bond has a tremendous impact on the individual, and the modern day slavemasters understand this. The family assist's in getting the inmate prepared for returning back to society. Some of you may say, "Those inmates deserve to be treated in that manner." I do understand what some of those inmates have done, and I can empathize. Something you must consider is that 95% of the inmates will return back to society. If they're denied rehabilitation -- and a great portion of that comes from family support. What is going to be the inmate's condition? Apparently the Prison Director doesn't care about the family relations, but you should! Many of those 95% percent could be coming to a community near you.


-- A South Carolina Prisoner, 13 August 1998

Top   Fighting Censorship in Florida

RAIL, my fellow brothers,

Thanks for your letter. I received your newsletters No. 163 and No. 164 but the institute did not let me have it due to a statement inside the newsletter, "The real criminals are the officers." Which is true. I've been here for several months and it has been pure hell. I've been place on CM (Close Management). I'm in a cell myself but I talk to other inmates. This prison is on of the most fucked up camps. These pigs assault us on a daily basis. The come in our cells tearing shit up and spitting that chewing tobacco everywhere. I tried to go on a mental health transfer but the mental health doctor is down with the pigs! I went as far as slicing my forearms! This whole "institution" is fucked up! I've been trying to get away from here but these pigs ain't having it. I even gather several men back here (in CM) and had a riot.... But we don't let these pigs break us down!... It's time to shut this concentration camp down cause these pigs ain't rehabilitating me!...

-- A Florida Prisoner, 23 July 1998

Top  Legal Victory for Prisoner


I'm updating you on the outcome of my trial. I am located at X facility because the state claimed I incited a riot. This led up to several officers claiming that I was the reason that they were stabbed the next day. They never talked about how the punk officers beat me up. I had a jury trial and was found not guilty of all accounts. I had a great paid lawyer. He knew from the start that the state tried to railroad me. The state said they don't know what happened to the videotape. My attorney said that the reason why the state can't find the tape because the tape would prove that I was assaulted first. All these officers said that I am in big trouble. I said to myself, y'all in trouble if I don't win -- you get the picture. When the verdict was read, "not guilty", one white mutha fucker got read as apple. The White Ass officer almost died. The state hates me, but they know if they fuck up that I have help on the street. My case is in the Federal Court. The shit the state got away with in the State Court they can't do in the Federal Court....

-- A Maryland Prisoner, 12 July 1998

Top  Attorney Solicits Texas Brutality Reports

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice [TDCJ] is experiencing their guards body slamming and dunking prisoners at an alarming rate. This has caused serious injury or death. And this injustice of brutality is being justified as "Major Use of Force". Because of this recent rampage of brutality of by TDCJ guards, the severe injuries to prisoners and the TDCJ Administration's order in the Ruiz Lawsuit, is cause for an investigation by the Law Office of Donna Brorby! Should any TDCJ Prisoners witness an assault, or major use of force by any official on their assigned unit, they should obtain the inmate name and number. Record the date, time and location of the incident. Acquire the name and title of all parties involved, state who did what, when and how. Make sure that all information and facts are carbon copied and sworn to be true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Such documents thereafter can be forwarded as Legal Mail to the following address: Ms. Donna Brorby, Attorney at Law, 660 Market St., Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94104.

In the Trenches!

-- A Texas Prisoner, 23 July 1998

Top  Plea for Reading Material

I am very pleased to see that more than myself is aware that the criminal injustice system is nothing more than a tool for social control wielded against the oppressed nations. And I would like to thank you for your genuine concern to those of us who are less fortunate and held captive behind these walls. Today I received my first issue of MIM Notes and after studying them and re-reading them, those of us that are held captive in the womb of our enemy down here in Texas are in much need of your enlightened material and I have many fellow brothers who are dedicated to the struggle, but due to the lack of doe they pay us in the Texas injustice system makes it hard for us to provide food to feed the mind or soul, and if something is not fed daily it will die slowly from starvation, so I ask of you to please continue sending me MIM Notes, as well as literature and books! If possible books on the Black Panther Party, Marxism-Maoism, Lenin, political, and about economics as well as of Malcolm X. These materials I not only ask on my behalf but on many other brothers' behalf as well.

Your brother in the Struggle, -- A Texas Prisoner, 15 May 98