This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

MIM Notes 194, 15 September 1999

Top   Texas pigs beat prisoners routinely

A clenched fist salute to all my brothers who dare to fight in this war that these gray suits are committing against us inmates in this Texas prison system. My strength that breeds hope that I may get word back to all my fellow comrades who know not of the danger they face down in the dungeon of the George Beto One Unit we all call "Administrative Segregation."

Here in this pit called Beto 1, that is located in a small town called Tennessee Colony, TX, any officer that is wearing gray would do anything to hurt and put an inmate down. I have seen it done so many times. I have been behind these walls 8 years now...

Inmates refuse to come out of their cells to shower or rec., afraid that the officers are going to jump on them. And they do. I have been in Seg only a year now. I have seen so many inmates get gassed out of their cells with pepper spray, and get put in solitary confinement, just cause they wish to speak to some rank concerning a problem with one of the officers. They always spray that gas on an inmate about 4 to 6 times. They know damn well it could kill an inmate, especially if he has any kind of medical problem.

A few months ago, a good friend of mine went to rec. But when the officer brought everyone in they decided to bring my friend in last. But before they brought him in, the officer beat my friend real bad out in the rec. yard.

I have passed MIM Notes around the wing I'm on, trying to wake up individuals. Especially the young. There's so many these days. I'm sorry to say, but most at this kamp think that this is a game. I'm trying my very best to reach out to them the most, because I remember when I was their age. That attitude I had when I came down. So I'm trying to open the eye's of the young to the struggle -- like some older comrades did to me. I'm trying to reach more than one, and teach more than one.

...I was on Ferguson from '93 to '97. I'd been to solitary so many times. The officers at night would walk down the run with a list of names. And if an inmate's name was on that list, he's fixing to get beaten down. I used to sit up at night, and every time they did this beating it would always be a Black or Latino. And while they beat them up. they would make them say stupid things like "yes daddy" "no daddy" stuff like that.

...Salute to all my Brothers who dare to fight this war that's behind closed doors.

-- a Texas prisoner.

Top   Amerika's cycle of violence is not rehabilitation

This DOC has for years tried to force me to work either for nothing or for a dollar a day. Every time I get in trouble they take my money or put me in debt. I owe the DOC $1073.33. $312.55 is for damages. I receive $20 a month from my mother. Half of this is taken every month; sometimes the whole $20.

As I write I 'm locked down in a prison inside the prison. It's called I.M.Y. Intensive Management Unit. They say it's not a punishment but a program. I'm doing a six month program. My program consists of five anger management packets. They are brought to my cell as I finish them. I've been in here not quite two months and I've finished all these packets. This so-called program is more of a lock down than the Disciplinary Segregation Unit(DSU). All I can figure is it's a program on paper; work and a punishment in reality. ...

This is the most important Letter I've ever written. Just to know there are people out there who still care about the oppressed (me) makes my life a little easier and fills my heart with joy. It brings the spark of life back.

I have written to the ACLU on many different subjects but all I can figure about them is that they want big publicity cases that put them in the limelight and make them the star of the day: the big heros. There are also a lot of legal assistance programs and law firms around Oregon, but none of them want to take a case to help better prison life. Now I can only guess why and my guess world be money! ...

I am no angel. I will be the first to say this. But most of these pigs are no better then me. I feel they are even worse in a way. I don't victimize people for pleasure. I do it (crime) because I'm a drug addict and I have no skills to make a comfortable living in society. ...

These people get paid to rehabilitate me. And look at the job they have done. I was out six days my last time on the streets. I was out of prison 4 days and was riding in a friend's car when he was pulled over by the pigs in the streets that are 'there to serve and protect.' The pigs pulled me out of the car by my hair, hand- cuffed me and then kicked in my face. Why? The cop said he could tell by the look on my face I was gonna fight. This is what the cop said in his police report. But I don't think that's what it was. I think it was part of my rehabilitation.

I do have an attorney on this assault and battery case by the police; and I'm pretty sure I will be reimbursed. But will the pig be punished? Will he be rehabilitated? Not Likely.

-- a prisoner in Salem, Oregon, 23 June 1999.

MIM adds: First, some branches of the ACLU and other individual lawyers have been helpful in fighting for better conditions within Amerikan prisons. MIM does not rely on progressive lawyers entirely though, we build independent proletarian institutions. But we don't categorically discount the assistance that progressives can make on proletarian-led campaigns. Our suggestion for prisoners is to continue to contact possible supporters on the outside, but also to work with United Struggle from Within prisoners and MIM to develop skills and tools necessary to meet your own needs. We have published several editions of MIM Legal Notes, including some introductory guides for becoming better equipped to deal with legal problems. Get your hands on any legal information available at the prison and contact us to work with other USW prisoners developing the Serve the People Prisoners' Legal Clinic.

Second, we print letters like the above to help demonstrate that the current imperialist system does not meet the needs of the people. Drug-related crimes make up the largest justification for Amerika's repression through prisons. Amerika has no interest in eradicating drug addiction for a variety of reasons -- the economics of the prison industrial complex is one of them. MIM upholds the revolutionary example of China between 1949 - 1976 as the furthest advancement toward communism. In revolutionary China, the masses were encouraged in several ways to stop using drugs and engaging in other unproductive activities. The revolutionary method is to show individuals the meaningful and productive contributions they can make in society; the imperialist method is to use drug addiction as a justification for imprisonment. MIM has written extensively on rehabilitation and distributes several books addressing revolutionary methods. Readers dealing with addiction should study addiction in the context of anti- imperialist struggle. We welcome theoretical submissions on the topic of imperialist so-called rehabilitation versus revolutionary struggle as well.

Top   Wisconsin builds more prisons

Here's my report of this belly of the beast, concentration camp. ... They have just started the building of at least three new prisons. They are three months away from the completion of what they call their "Super Max," which is supposed to house Wisconsin's most dangerous prisoners. In the mean time, they are using all kinds of tricks to put us Africans and Hispanics on what they call "Administrative Confinement." The catch is that they say the ones on Administrative Confinement have a 75 to 90% chance of going to this super max.

Right now in the hole where I am, it is about 85 to 90 % Blacks and Hispanics. When the white prisoners come to the hole, they are released within 2 to 3 months. I myself, I have been down here for 1 year and 3 months. About 50% of us have never even stepped one foot down in the general population prison. We were sent here from another prison, but once we got here, they gave us a hearing and determined that we were too bad to get let out into population. Not one ticket here, and they came up with that mess.

I believe the reason for this is to fill up the super max as soon as it opens. If it is filled immediately, they can justify to those fools in society the building of more prisons.

Yes, they are sending our brothers out of state to all kinds of different prisons. Please do what you can to check into this, the word around all Wisconsin prisons is that Governor Tommy Thomas or his wife and son has a large piece of stock in the company that runs those, or some of those prisons in other states. That would be a real good reason for him to keep on sending us over there, he is protecting his family's investments.

They only charge us $2.50 for medical help but they make sure that they get you plenty of times. I have been on the waiting list to see the dentist since November 3, 1998. But since I refuse to pay the $2.50 he won't call me down. But he knows that I have a tooth that needs work badly. I take medication for migraine headaches, which they sent me to the doctor to find out about. But they say that the prescription only lasts for three months, so I have to put in a medical slip to go there. Once I get there, the doctor asks, 'do you still need them.' I say yes, and he refills them for three more months. But I still have to pay the $2.50.

-- A prisoner in Wisconsin, July 1999.

Top   NSP gang unit demonstrates that Amerikan prisons are about control

I am currently incarcerated in Northern State Prison Ad-seg security at gang management unit (STGMU). I'm labeled as a gang member by the DOC administration. Once I'm finished with my lock- up, I am forced to go to the gang unit program so I can get back into general population.

I consider myself a political prisoner because of my family membership and me and my brothers struggle daily in these dungeon walls.

The pigs' treatment of us is terrible. Our mail has to be checked by the I/A before getting into our hands. Money orders our family sends us take almost a month to get into our accounts and our letters take about 3 to 4 weeks to get to us. I/A works against us.

These pigs give us a roll of toilet paper every 15 days and recently they are giving one roll of toilet paper once a month. How are we supposed to clean ourselves after using the bathroom once our roll of toilet paper is finished?

Now they are giving us infractions that cause us to loose recreational privileges for things like talking out the cell doors, blocking or covering the vents in which the air conditioning is on full blast and is freezing and having clothes lines in our cells. Once we wash our clothes or dry ourselves after a shower we have to hang our towels or clothing so they can dry.

They are trying to make our time impossible and miserable by taking away our privileges. Bad enough the rec is every four days and the rest of the days we are locked in our cell. In winter there is no clothing given to us to protect us from the cold except for a state jumper and state coat that has STGMU on the back, and state BOBOS sneakers that have no type of insulation. If we catch a cold or get sick, medical costs $5 plus $1 for medicine. The state of New Jersey is getting worse each year.

I would like to say to all my young bothers and sisters our there to open your eyes. Think of the consequences that you are gonna go through if you commit a violent crime. These crackers (Governor and Senate) of NJ along with judges, are not playing. The three strikes and 85 percent laws for violent crimes and any other crime aren't a joke. It is time to stand up and not give the state of NJ DOC the pleasure of caging us in dungeons. I say to my brothers and sisters and Latinos everywhere, educate yourselves so that you may not be a casualty within the prisons.

It's time to fight the oppressor and shut down these gang units. The less our people are in prison, the better our chances are not to turn on each other and against one another. We need to help and educate one another instead of killing ourselves and our people with that toxic poison the white man put in our ghettos.

This struggle must be over soon, in my eyes if we all come together we can come out on top. I would like to give my "Amor de rey" to all true Black and Gold fighting for the struggle behind the walls.

-- a New Jersey Prisoner, 19 June 1999.

I just finished reading MIM Notes for June and July and I see where someone had written in about the STG unit in Northern State Prison in New Jersey. I was one of the first prisoners grabbed off the yard in January 1990 to be held until March of 1998 when the unit opened up. On March 4, 1998 we were shipped here from all over the state. Most of us did nothing except belong to what they call a gang.

To us it's political education to fight the abuse these pigs use on us!

They hold our mail for two to three weeks before giving it to us, and when I was expedited to South Carolina in July of 1998 for a parole hearing they took a large amount of money out of my account, and stole my radio. This is one form of their abuse on us. Cold showers and cold food are another. They try to make us give in, but I for one am stronger. My eyes are open to the abuse they put on us. I will continue to fight for prisoner's rights even if I have to spill every bit of my blood! I'd like to say Decorazon to all my brothers!

-- another New Jersey Prisoner, 27 July 1999.

Top   Amerika denies medical care to prisoners

Comrades at MIM, I am truly sorry for taking so long for corresponding back with y'all. I am having some medical problems with my stomach and I'm finding myself being denied proper medical treatment. Such as the Brother Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is being denied medical treatment for his swollen ankles. You know these prison guards and wardens don't just take us out and shoot us in the head anymore to kill us. They are now denying us prisoners all across the U.S. proper medical treatmnt no matter how sever our condition may be!

-- a Texas prisoner.

Top   The Revolution

by a Texas prisoner

You cannot stop the revolution.
You cannot hold back its might nor majesty.
You cannot halt its grand procession toward freedom.
You cannot stop the revolution.
Embrace the revolution.
It shall carry you on a shining river of progress
    to wherever it empties into a classless sea of equality,
    free of oppression and exploitation
    that have polluted it for so long.
Join the revolution.
It will lift you up on its back
    and soar higher than the american eagle
    has ever even dreamed of flying.
You cannot stop the revolution.
You cannot hold back its might nor majesty.
You cannot halt its grand procession toward freedom.
You cannot stop the revolution.

Top   Arizona prison hypocrisy

...I am Mexica (Mexican). I do have Spanish blood from the European invaders but I resent that blood. I will never call myself hispanic. They destroyed my culture in the name of their lord and lust for gold and land.

...The prison system in Arizona is a monopoly of money. Half of this state's employed are directly or indirectly associated with D.O.C. They sell us toothpaste, toothbrushes and other items they received with their state budget. So basically they sell us items at name brand prices. These items are supposed to be given to inmates with no funds.

Every yard has its own unwritten policies. Like recently we are not allowed to shake hands with other inmates because supposedly it slows down the feeding process, but most of the time we stand in line from anywhere from ten to thirty minutes waiting for food because they ran out.

-- an Arizona prisoner.

On June 3, 1999 these white people kidnapped me from where I was at 12:00 midnight and took me to super max. No write ups, no charges, no nothing. About a month later they tell me I beat up a white boy and broke his jaw. That cracker fell out of his bed, he even told them that. Yet they chose me. That plantation had been trying for months to get me to go off so they would have proper justification to send me to the bottom of the slave ship where I can rot.

My first experience was traumatizing. You are put in a cell where you can't see out. No books, no nothing. Mr. Charlie comes by and will harass you asking questions like if you're gay, if you like men, calling you bitches and other foul names. It's an attempt at breaking you. They have no minority cops here. They salute each other in the same fashion that Hitler saluted his troops. When you see the pigs all you can think about is killing or hurting one of them.

Despite all of this I have managed to keep my head up and my faith/struggle... For the brothers who are fighting our struggle, continue to seek knowledge and understanding. And keep the images and names alive of our brothers who have lived and died for what we believe.

All Power to the People,

-- a Utah prisoner.

MIM adds: This prisoner is certainly not the first to explain that he was sent to a supermax or administrative segregation without having committed infractions. Control units within Amerikan prisons help the imperialist pigs to keep wraps on organizing and to maintain prisoners' subservient position. MIM urges supporters to work within the revolutionary struggle to expose and stop control units. Typically, Amerika says the control units are for the worst and most violent prisoners. However, it is most common for politically active prisoners to be housed in control units.

We understand the anger of this prisoner, but we urge him and others to be thoughtful about the most successful ways to stop oppression. MIM does not advocate prisoners breaking the rules of facilities or fighting in retaliation against guards. We must organize strong bases of revolutionary support where the comrades understand history, political economy, and materialist dialectics. Without the correct analysis, actions taken can have little significance. With the correct analysis and plan, actions taken can help tear down the system entirely.

Top   Released prisoners must continue revolutionary struggle

I've just been introduced to your paper this July 99 and I'm still in amazement at how insightful, and potentially powerful it is. I've been reading many political and religious literature and none except for MIM Notes has put any emphasis on prisoner organizing after they are released.

We need to organize to determine who will be put in gulags, who will run them, and how long one will be in them. Who runs them constitutes how one is treated once inside. We all know that the bums that run the prisons are running them against the communities of color.

You will not believe the money and benefits they are paying these fools to run these gulags. Would you believe that the average guard (black, white or female) can make $300 a day sitting on their behinds, reading, eating, sleeping, gambling or having sex with each other?

I find it very encouraging that so many prisoners from rotten New Jersey (The Garden State) are writing. However, some brothers get amnesia when they get out.

We must realize that some of the things we are begging others to do, we can do for ourselves. Because of the geography of New Jersey, location, origins of prisoners locked up, it would be very easy to have a huge effect on outside organizations.

-- a New Jersey Prisoner, 27 July 1999.