Mail ... is in violation of Department of  Corrections Rule governing Mail (Inmate). The  material has been rejected because it Contains  material that threatens or is detrimental to the  security, good order, or discipline of the  facility, or facilitates criminal activity.  Specific article(s) and page number(s) or  material(s) considered objectionable: Maoist  International [sic] Movement (MIM) Jan. 1995 #96,  page two, "What is MIM?" Promote of armed  revolution.

 - Oregon State Corr. Institution, 2/3/95


Greetings. I'm writing from Pelican Bay State  Prison's Security Housing Unit (SHU), where I'm  serving 30 years plus 25-to-life. I just read MIM  Notes 93 (10/94), which contained some accounts of  torture and inhumanity being perpetrated in  Amerika's prisons. I was glad to find a  publication where these truths and realities are  being printed, and figured I had a duty to  immediately write you a letter to make known my  own experiences in the California Department of  Corrections (CDC) at Folsom Prison.

I arrived at Folsom in March 1991 and soon found  myself in administrative segregation (ad-seg),  "the Hole." Why? For exercising my Constitutional  rights of free speech in a letter to an ACLU  attorney, in which I was complaining about  conditions at the prison. We were on a "state of  emergency" lockdown at the time (no showers, no  law library, no exercise, and sack lunch food). I  was put in ad-seg where guards threatened my life.  For two months I was locked down.

Then I was transferred to another yard. The bogus  "write-up" was dismissed. A few months later, as I  began involving myself in more legal and political  activism. I was harassed constantly for a month  (cell moves, searches, interference with  privileges, etc.) until I stood up to the pigs and  demanded some common respect and human dignity.  How dare I have the audacity to act like a man  with self-respect and pride! I was rushed and  severely beaten by guards with billy clubs. Thrown  in the hole and falsely charged with assault. That  was 8/22/92.

Since that time, I have been shot at and had my  life threatened by CDC officials, been beaten,  tortured, framed for crimes, given additional  prison time (I only had seven years for robbery)  and facemasked, isolated, ostracized, etc. I have  so far been given ten years to serve in SHU and  will probably never get out as I've also been  falsely labeled a "gang member." So I came to  prison with "seven years," and should have paroled  last year, but now I have a life term to solitary  confinement and torture. It's only a countdown to  death by deterioration or execution.

On 1/7/94 in a so-called "cell extraction," I was  beaten and nearly crippled (head and knees beat  with clubs). Upon arrival at Pelican Bay, when the  convicts get off the bus, there's about 30 or so  guards with clubs (two for each prisoner), and  they have you put your nose on the wall while they  scream out profanity, humiliation and rude jokes,  just hoping you say something or turn your head so  they can beat your head in. (Even though you're  shackled and handcuffed). It's really sick  witnessing these cowards getting their jollies  doing this. Then you are placed in a cell, butt- naked, until some clothes are issued to you.

I could describe more details and additional  atrocities, but what good will it do?! I guess  only to demonstrate the necessity of resistance,  and the consequences of it as well.

Please send me MIM Theory, party literature from  Peru and the Philippines, etc., plus any  additional info you feel I could use. I look  forward to your reply.

From the dungeon,

 - a California prisoner, 1/27/95

MC49 ADDS: You got the idea: exposing the  imperialists' crimes helps to build public opinion  for their eventual overthrow. Also, your  experience of being punished for exercising your  "Constitutional rights of free speech" shows why  MIM says that there are no rights, only power  struggles.


I trust this missive finds you all in positive  health, a revolutionary train of thought and in  the pursuit of liberation, justice and equality.

I can attest to the fact that our oppressors are  at the acme of corruption, exploitation and  genocidal tactics to undermine the Black masses  through systematic chemical and biological  warfare.

A prime example of what I'm speaking about is as  follows: On 12/21/94, I went to the facility  hospital and a nurse demanded that I submit to  taking a routine T.B. test. But a routine T.B.  test is annual, and I took one this year, before I  had knowledge of what the real test consists of.

I said no, because I am a conscientious objector  to guinea pig tactics. She asked, "Well, do you  know what that means?" I said yes, whenever  someone demands that I submit to a test to see if  the potency or efficiency of an anti-disease  vaccine or antidote works - just as the guinea pig  - then my moral sense and conscientiousness  automatically objects! Especially when the needle  is already prepared with the liquid substance in  it and I didn't see where it came from....

What in hell do you think they would do to an  entire prison population who the government  defines as "outlaws" and people not fit for their  society. They already tested a prison in Ohio as  guinea pigs under a similar drug. And the infamous  Attica prison here in New York.

Now with the corrupt history of exploitation in  this country, how do they expect me to submit and  cooperate with being victimized and oppressed? I  refuse to be counted amongst the broken men! There  are many comrades who are struggling against this  repression, but the pigs have too many informants  and ignorant cowards masquerading as men. Broken  brothers with no sense of direction, chasing an  Amerikan dream with white plastic faces, in a land  dominated by pigs with white plastic faces. How is  a brother like me supposed to react?

I've been in rebellion all my life. It would be  counterproductive for me to stop combating the  dehumanizing reality of these beasts' oppression.  Even if I die in the struggle to transcend  oppression and transform the savage conditions  that we Black people face in Amerikkka, then the  struggle must continue with greater effort to  bring this oppressive force to its knees and  demise. This is the dynamic of a revolutionary  struggle formed out of perfect love for my  beautiful Black Nation and perfect hate for the  fascist pig and his dehumanized, devilish nation!

I've been held captive in these depths of hell  since the age of 14. I'm now 20 and my mother  thinks I'm too young to be filled with so much  hate, anger and animosity. I told her, "Not when  you experience a bay of pigs stabbing you in the  back with a nine-inch knife and then they take it  out three inches and call that 'progress.'" I beg  your pardon! You don't repress an entire people  100 ways and take three ways off and call it  progress. There's only one ultimatum, and that's  liberation or death. The only thing the devil  respects is fire and with the people as my  witness, let's burn the pig to hell!

I'm still receiving MIM Notes; keep them coming. I  also successfully started two study groups, using  my personal books and literature on Mao, Fanon,  George Jackson, Prosser, Turner, Castro, Marx,  Lenin, Malcolm X, Kuumba, etc. I would appreciate  any material on the Black Panthers, American  Indian Movement, BLA and other revolutionary  organizations. I also request Agents of  Repression, The Dragon Has Come, Assata, Elaine  Brown's Taste of Power, and Soul on Ice. Any of  the above will be appreciated. I know there are  many comrades who request material, and I  understand MIM's financial situation, so all is  good.

Peace comrades,

 - a New York prisoner, 12/29/94


Greetings comrades,

I just received the MIM Notes. And I would like to  thank you very much for your time. Like I told you  in other letters, I'm in the Baltimore Supermax.  The same old shit is still going on here, now with  a new warden. I have tried to build MIM in this  supermax. I have tried to start a study group and  tried to get MIM Notes into the library. But it is  like this: the library here is not for us. And the  inmates do not have anything on their mind.

Now the comrades, the ones who do come together,  the pigs move us around. When pigs see some of us  that have unity, they do not want us together, so  they move us around about every three weeks. But  us true brothers who are about the struggle, we  will not give up. We keep moving on. We do not  have any time for bullshit, so for the ones who  want to be about the struggle, and be for real  about the struggle, all is well. Time is for real,  and we've got to be real.

In this supermax it is a must that we be in our  most positive state of existence, mentally,  physically, etc. It is a must that we be in sound  mind and body at all times. We've got to keep head  and shoulder above dumbshit. We who are true about  the struggle here in the supermax, we know what  time it is. Now for the ones who do not know what  time it is, they will see the light one day. In  here, all we have time for is to read, read and  read. But most people in here just play all day  and all night and talk a lot of bullshit. Can't  they see that the pigs are making more and more  supermaxes? ...

I'm going to end this letter for now, but I will  get back at you again really soon. The struggle is  my life, and in the struggle I remain. I leave you  with the best of revolutionary regards. The  struggle continues. Forward ever, backward never.

 - a Maryland prisoner, 12/20/94


Letters to the Editor The Atlanta Constitution P.O. Box 4689 Atlanta, GA 30302

Dear Editor:

Don't you people ever get tired of bamboozling the  public? People rely on the press for *factual*  information and all they seem to receive is  driveling, one-sided propaganda.

I'm an inmate at USP Atlanta, serving a sentence  that expires in 2006, and what's being imparted as  "factual" information to the public just isn't  true. Contrary to what was printed, there were not  180 inmates in C-Block when Officer Washington was  assaulted. Every inmate here, unless medically  unassigned, is required by Bureau of Prison Policy  to have a prison work detail. Work Call occurs at  approximately 7:45 a.m., and other than a few  inmates that work second and third shift details,  the units are practically empty. What was reported  was just nonsense. If there had been 180 inmates  in C-Block when Officer Washington was assaulted,  there would have been a line standing a the  Lieutenant's office waiting to inform on the  inmate or inmates involved. The simple fact of the  matter is (and you can bet the FBI is aware of  this) that whomever assaulted Officer Washington  was able to do so stealthily, without prying eyes:  a conclusion which is supported by the fact that  Officer Washington's assault occurred so quickly  that he could not activate his body alarm - an  action which only requires a press of a button.  This indicates that he was "moved on." To be  "moved on" like that requires both preparation and  privacy.

Your paper also reported that there were 85  officer-related assaults here within the last  year. This is another piece of statistical  garbage. The type of incidents included in this  statistic is much like this: An inmate gets into a  verbal altercation with a Corrections Officer for  whatever reason. The inmate is thrown to the floor  for "security reasons," and his head placed in a  choke-hold, while an assisting officer cuffs the  inmate's hands behind his back. Instead of  immediately releasing the choke-hold, because the  inmate is now under mechanical restraint and of no  harm to himself or anyone else, the Corrections  Officer applies a little more pressure in  vindictiveness. Somehow the inmate gets his mouth  in the right place and tries to take a bite out of  his antagonist's arm. Of course, the officer lets  loose. But he doesn't stop there. He stands up and  begins to kick the inmate about his head and body  with steel-toed boots, and continues to do so  until he is either pushed off by a more  responsible officer or tires himself out. Pictures  are subsequently taken of the inmate's injuries,  the bruises and abrasions. This now places the  Corrections Officer in an awkward position. Unless  he files an incident report against the inmate for  a physical altercation the Officer initiated, he  may get transferred to another facility for using  excessive force. With the issuance of the Incident  Report, his excessive force is deemed as  justifiable and the inmate is placed in  segregation.

Another example is the jerk in uniform who  unnecessarily puts his hands on an inmate, in  violation of BOP Policy, and gets pushed away.  This officer also claims he was "assaulted" to  cover his butt.

These are the type of incidents your paper reports  to the public as being 85 officer-related  assaults. While the facts are that most of these  "assaults" could have been avoided if Corrections  Officers had followed BOP Policy and Procedure,  instead of thinking they're in a Tough Man  competition. The true fact is that there has not  been a "serious" officer-related assault here  since 1987, and it has been 12 years since an  officer was killed.

As for Officer Washington, I doubt if the public  will ever be told the true reason behind his  death. It will be more in line with the BOP's  propaganda doctrine to mislead the public into  believing that what happened was a random assault  for arbitrary and capricious reasons. They will  never tell you that Officer Washington was  investigated for having made advances to female  visitors here. That he had a smart mouth, a bad  attitude, and had a habit of behaving in a non- professional manner with inmates. And they won't  tell you that even this wasn't the reason someone  laid in wait for him and pealed his head.

Why don't you, the media, demand an inquiry and  find out the truth? Or don't you think the public  has a right to know about how many officers are on  the take in here?

Don't you think the public has a right to know  that based on media-generated hysteria over rising  crime, they have been bamboozled into taking away  our "hope." Don't you think the public has a right  to know the true facts?

FACT: There are more inmates serving longer  sentences than any other time in the history of  this country, and it is doing *nothing* to stem  the allegedly rising crime rate.

FACT: There are more inmates serving "life"  sentences, without the possibility of parole, than  any other time in the history of the United  States, and these "life sentence" laws are not  having any deterrent effect.

FACT: Recent studies prove that although the U.S.  prison population has more than doubled from 1980  to 1990, the numbers of violent crime (murder,  rape, robbery and assault) stayed relatively  constant.

FACT: The U.S. presently has the highest  incarceration rate of all nations in the First  World, at a rate of 658 people incarcerated per  100,000.

FACT: There are over *one million* people  incarcerated in the United States, and this figure  grows larger daily.

FACT: Recent studies prove that more prisons and  long-term sentences do not act as a deterrent in  the prevention of crime.

FACT: Inmates are being warehoused in overcrowded  facilities for longer terms, facing no relief in  sight, resentment, and an atmosphere of violence  and abuse that Correction Officers perpetrate,  create, cultivate and encourage among inmates.

FACT: Over 50% of the present Federal prison  population is incarcerated for a violation of the  new drug laws.

FACT: Over 85% of this 50% are Black and Hispanic.

FACT: As much as 25% of this 50% are incarcerated  with sentences in excess of ten years for  possession of narcotics in amounts less than one  ounce.

FACT: There is just as much drug trade occurring  behind the walls of the United States  Penitentiary, Atlanta, as there is on the streets.

FACT: There is heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine,  marijuana, steroids, needles and syringes,  prophylactics, guns and ammunition, and these  things are brought into here, in quantity, by  corrupt correction officers profiting at the  expense of our misery.

These are the cold, hard facts!

To use a biblical expression, you reap what you  sow. If things continue as they are, there will be  an incident where hundreds of slavering brutes, of  society's creation, breach these concrete barriers  and invade your apathetic little lives to return  upon you the miseries and atrocities you, society,  have suffered upon us under the guise of  "justice."

You reap what you sow. Inmates serving life  sentences will eventually realize that as long as  they are serving a sentence which they can never  complete, they cannot be subjected to the  penalties of a consecutive sentence, such as a  death sentence imposed for killing a corrections  officer, and go on a rampage slaying a corrections  officer every other day.

But maybe this is what you, society, need. Maybe  then, the combination of misery (experienced by  the families of the slain officers) and death will  make the $27,500 annual salary seem less alluring  and suggest to the American public that more and  larger prisons, and longer sentences are not  viable alternatives as a replacement for less  employment resulting from the demise of Cold War  industry. When prisons cease to be "big business"  and a means of re-employing those left unemployed  by a declining military, defense industry and  production industry, productive alternatives to  long-term incarceration will be sought.

You reap what you sow. The bottom line is that  society needs to accept responsibility for their  actions (and for Officer Washington's death). The  media, being their voice, needs to provide facts,  instead of manipulating the public with  repetitious propaganda designed to induce  hysteria, so that productive decisions are made  instead of band-aid solutions.

Is violence the only way to get your attention?

A corrections officer was killed: the first here  in 12 years. The first "serious" assault since  1987. According to BOP sources, this is the most  violent prison in the United States. What does  this tell you? Don't you get the message? People,  human beings, are dying; being *murdered*! And  there will be more deaths; more murders.

The blood of Officer Washington is on your hands,  Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Your band-aid  solutions were responsible for his death. You are  all accessories to his murder, just as surely as  if you had taken the hammer and struck the killing  blow yourselves. You have created a system without  hope; one where life is cheap and death is  commonplace. And there will be more deaths, more  murders, and you will be equally responsible.  Unless you initiate constructive change. Society,  through the media, screamed that parole did not  work. Of course it did not work: it was a system  designed to promote the inmate's failure, not his  successful re-entry and re-incorporation into  society. But instead of debugging it and changing  it so it performed its primary function, you  scrapped it and decided to warehouse humans for  longer periods and require that they serve 85% of  their lengthy prison sentences.

Officer Washington's blood is on your hands. And  you need to accept the reality of the situation:  that there will be more blood and more deaths  unless you take action. What is needed is for you,  society, to wake up! Pay attention. Get concerned.  Demand change. Find "productive solutions." Demand  "productive solutions" and refuse to settle for  anything less. It is your right as constituents in  a democratic society. Because you need to remember  that this blood won't wash off with quaint  phrases, band-aid politics, or poor excuses. You  need to ask yourselves what seeds are you sowing  now? And are you prepared to harvest the plants  that grow?

How about a reality check?

 - a Georgia prisoner, 12/27/94