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> Platform of the NBP-USA
Posted: Jan 29 2005, 11:48 PM
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Justicialismo o Muerte!

Group: Moderators
Posts: 363
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Joined: 15-March 04

QUOTE (Che y Marijuana @ Jan 25 2005, 05:02 AM)
You cannot support Communism on a national level. Communism involves workers' control of the means of production and the end of borders, religions and races. All things you have explicitly opposed, as has the NBP.

Stop draping yourselves in red.

You most certainly can support communism on a national level. In fact, communism in an international level is what cannot be supported as the idea is too far-fetched and utopian, whereas localism is much more efficient. As you will notice, all successfull communist experiments were on a national level.

huh.gif The NBP says once you get the beautiful men, the beautiful women's natural female instincts will drive them to join the party too.

Sounds retarded to me.

National Bolshevism is a semi-spiritual ideology, it makes perfect sense.

But so do Liberals! We must get rid of all things Liberal!

"But so do teh fascests! We must get rid of all things fascist!!!11!!1"

Wrong, Liberal values were instilled into society by the civil liberties movement, the women's movement, etc... Capitalism existed far before that. Capitalism isn't about values, it is an economic system. Consumerism is inherent in that economic system. Whether it is under the command of Fascist groups such as the NBP who will curtail those rights won by the working class, or under the command of people like Trudeau, who expanded on those rights, consumerism will remain a driving force in Capitalism.

Great, so you are denying that works such as Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" are proponents of liberal values such as greed and rampant individualism?

Consumerism is not a value system. It is an economic factor within Capitalism.

But consumerism influences culture and depends on liberal values to stay afloat. Who is more likely to become a rampant consumerist, a riteous person with a high sense of culture and morality, or a shallow person who only cares about self-indulgence and likely borders on hedonism?

Since when does the NBP call for the end of markets? Again, stop with the red flag-draping, markets cannot be abolished without abolishing private ownership of the means of production. You don't reject markets. You don't reject consumerism. You reject consumerism that isn't based around national pride.

No, consumerism is based around national pride (well, except for the current globalist systems implemented in the west and are being spread around the world, but we all know how honest they are...), consumerism is a highly individualist concept based on the betterment of ones self at the expense of society. Looking at it in a materialist context, that is also the case. What will the first world bourgeoisie have to fall back on if they cannot oppress the third world and risk revolution if they oppress their own workers? What will the third world bourgeoisie have to fall bakc on if their line of support in the west is eliminated? Nothing, which is why they would have to radically compromise with the working class, this way creating a society with private property and without savage economic liberalism. All people would be property owners in an egalitarian manner rather than a handfull of people owning 95% of the property and virtually everyone else owning absolutely nothing.

Liberal values, the values associated with Liberalism, are values of equality, individual freedoms, civil liberties, etc... All of these are values that were forced onto the ruling class by workers' struggle. The rights of women, african-americans, indigenous peoples, homosexuals, these were all forced.

Right, because the working class is so heavily expsed to liberal education while the bourgeoisie is completely in the dark and not exposed to anything. rolleyes.gif

So in reality, Liberalism is just free-market Capitalism, with an attempt to graft workers' values onto it, as a response to the growing rebellious mood at certain critical junctures in history. Under Capitalism, those values of equality and rights could never really be achieved, but the illusion is there.

Again, you have it completely backwards. Liberalism is anything but a working class concept.

That does not mean we should abandon them because under capitalism they are merely a myth. It means that we should abandon Capitalism to achieve them.

We should abandon both capitalism and its social baggage.

Since when? You keep saying this, but the details reveal the opposite.

Capitalism exists, so long as private ownership of the means of production exists.

See above.

That sentence reeks of heterosexism and anti-semitism. Thus your question becomes rhetorical.

Do homosexuals not promote their lifestyle? Do Jews not have a disproportionate ammount of control? Would it not be unwise to call the Boxer Rebellion and anti-apartheid movement "anti-white"? Cut the ad hominem shit and stop trying to step around my question. Direct me to anywhere where the NBP promotes racism or sexism. Until then, this discussion is through.

"Shit happens" is not enough. War between nations is obviously a rediculous solution, but nothing stops you and your union (assuming you are a worker), from organizing to materially support the unions and workers within that country fighting the reactionary ideas of that society.

If they do, excellent. But I will not lose any sleep over the fact that they like their society (if they do, of course). I am not a dogmatist on a mission to "spread my values" to the rest of the world.

Hence imperialism will be re-established if you don't finish the job and eliminate Capitalism.

Well, of course, but that will happen for the reasons I mentioned above.

A global revolution is merely separate revolutions at different paces that unite globally as soon as they can.

I know, and I know the context in which that could happen. Certainly not under the guise of "the international proletariat."

For the bourgeoisie to comrpomise with the working class, the working class must comrpomise with them. An idea which is unacceptable. The only future is for the bourgeoisie is surrendering and joining the working class, or being destroyed.

I think it is pretty safe to say that the bourgeoisie would be surrendering if they gave up liberalism and ceased to be a parasitic force. The only people who win are the proletariat and those interested in a healthy society.

Anything less would be temporary welfare Capitalism.

Dogmatist rhetoric.

Then don't meddle, help.

I will, but their interests and beleifs will be withheld, not mine.

But who someone has sex with is?

I never implied that. I respect individual's private lives as long as society isn't affected by it.

I do not advocate imperialism. I advocate science. If you want to believe in green fairies, that's your choice, but try to kill my neighbour because the green fairies told you to and I'll make it my business.

You advocate imperialism. Obviosuly not in the interests of a nation or ethnicity but in the interests of an ideological clique, under the guise of it "being for their own good" the same thing neo-con's do. "We know Iraqi's aren't interested in the American Dream, but "liberty" and "democracy" are great things so it's for their own good."

There's no moral authority involved. There's merely material reality.

So what's in it for you if women don't have to wear veils in the other side of the world?

I thought emmigration was bad? What if the society doesn't let her? What if the Capitalism you don't abolish makes it impossible for her to be able to afford it?

Rampant uncontrolled immigration is bad. Like Ive said many times (and the platform says), loyalty is what makes someone a part of a nation and the end of neo-liberalism will stop immigration for material purposes.

Loyal enough not to have sex with any other women.

Again, I don't care what people do in their private lives as long as it dosen't hurt society. I would not criminalize homosexuality or any form of sexual deviancy (except pedophillia) as long as it is kept private, otherwise it will degenerate society. Children need to be protected through the teaching of morality. There is a very big difference between liberty and libertinage and when there are groups like NAMBLA out in the open promoting their aganda, you know where society is headed at (the extreme level).

Relationship to the means of production is real, material fact. Borders are imaginary lines in the sand. Religions are little green fairy books. Races are mass hallucinated blood lines that don't exist.

Need anymore?

Kinship is not based on class. And even if it was, the idea of "class" is different in all society's, which is the point I was trying to make. There is no kinship between your average lotto-playing Republican-voting citizen in the US and a kid living in a cardboard box in cambodia, either material or spiritual. To suggest otherwise borders on insanity.

It's quite obvious where your loyalty lies, I never implied it was with the working class.

Not your idea of the working class, anyways.

Aligning oneself with an imaginary national entity is no different from aligning oneself with the bourgeoisie itself. It merely allows you to blur those lines, and fool workers who may not know better.

"Aligning oneself with an imaginary working class identity is no different from aligning oneself with the bourgeoisie. It is merely another way to spread globalism."

Not at all, read carefully:

Meaning you attack symptoms, or related ideas, but never the disease itself.

I attack the disease itsself by pointing out the symptoms. What is so hard to understand about that?

But the national bourgeoisie falls back on nationalism.

Falsely, of course, because all leaders have to pretend what they do is in the national interest, even if it couldn't be farther from the case (look at Pinochet, Rios Montt, Mobutu, etc.)

Any workers who dare to rise up against the national bourgeoisie under your Fascism are attacked as enemies of the nation, the race. As foreign agitators.

The workers would not need to rise up against my NATIONALISM because they would not be exploited. Just like they did not rise up against Peron or Chavez. The only people who ever do rise up against populist nationalist socialism are the oligarchy and bourgeoisie ultra-left intellectuals who pretend to be in favour of the working class (and thus, are a lauphing stock at best and a serious threat to efficient humanist socialism and anti-imperialism at worse).

Or class interests, one must unite in brotherhood with your oppressor against other oppressed and oppressor groups. What brotherhood is there between bourgeoisie and proletariat?

None, because the bourgeoisie work for their own private interests and thus are traitors to their nations.

The NazBols, just as the Nazi party, the Fascist party, the Falange party, the Peronists, has a historical role to play. To save Capitalism at the crisis points of history. To consolidate the different factions of the bourgeoisie (and eliminate opposing factions within it that cannot be consolidated), and to crush rising workers' movements by deceiving workers with the ideas of nation and a fresh coat of red paint.

Damn, you are dillusional beyond hope. Why did the workers not rise up against Peron then? Maybee because he improved their lives without false rhetoric and empty slogans? The Argentine communist party during Peron's time was very much like the Iraqi Communist party today, they were willing to align with the oligarchy and the imperialists to push their sectarian agenda because the workers and the real revolutionaries almost universally supported Peron. That is why the guerrilla movements in the 60's and 70's in Argentina were all Peronist. Also, the National Syndicalists under Primo de Rivera were actually quite progressive in the beginning but became corrupt and allied with reactionary elements. Anyhow, even if they were "fascists," can you name any example of "fascism" coming to power after the 20's 30's and 40's? Of course not, that is why your hysteria is lauphable.

Your Fascism purely serves the interests of the bourgeoisie. Your leaders are clearly members of the bourgeoisie, with their own class interests in mind. Your membership is a mixture of bourgeois extremists who understand that this is the only way to save Capitalism from the coming wave of workers' rebellion, and misguided workers and young unemployed youth with plenty of rage and little experience to understand and spot your interests.

Blah, blaf fucking blah, more rhetoric. I already proved you wrong and Im not repearing myself, look above.

Regardless of what he believed in, he fought for civil liberties that are a part of "Liberal values".

Oh? so your ideas on "Islamo-fascism" are changing then? Great!

It's a reference to Chechnya. So what? That merely proves the imperialistic interests of the NBP.

The Chechnyan rebels are allies of western imperialism and the NWO, like the Kurds in Iraq. They are the tool of people who have an agenda to divide the Russian federation into easily controllable regions.

And Fascism only arises in times of crisis, it is only now that Capitalism has reached a crisis point that is deep enough to require the beginnings of Fascist movements. The NazBol growth in Russia is merely one example of this rising counter-froce to the workers' movement.

More rhetoric, see above.

It cannot be regulated.

Yes it can. And I am not taking about "Democratic Party" style welfare capitalism, I am talking about industrial nationalism. I already explained how it would end capitalism.

Don't yawn, answer. If you don't drape yourselves with the red flag merely to mislead people, then why do you say you want collective ownership of the means of production then explicitly oppose it?

I am going to ignore all references to NB as "fascist" "Nazi" and "racist" from now on as you have not proved it is any of that. As for collective ownership, I already told you how it worked in the USSR, the NB's are hardly advocating anything different. There was collective land and there were private plots. Private property existed but in an egalitarian fashion, not savage neo-liberalism. Everyone owned land, as opposed to a handfull of people owning everything.

Capitalism cannot be ended until private property is abolished. If you don't plan on doing that, then you don't plan on ending Capitalism. If you don't plan on ending Capitalism, then ending affirmative action is racist.

Again, see above. Im not repeating myself and this is long enouph as it is.

No, but the government is there to represent the people. If enough people speak a language, the government must reflect that by giving them the option to use that one freely.

That is why their communities should be there to help. That is why I support Aztlan and the Brown Berets.

I thought you just encouraged the woman who was oppressed to move?

The woman could move if it was not on a material basis and only if conditions are right in the host nation. That material basis should be ended by promoting industrial nationalism at home.

If conditions for immigrants are bad, fix conditions. Eliminate Capitalism and borders and you no longer have bad treatment for illegal immigrants, because there would be no illegal immigrants. You also end poor working conditions, because there is no more Capitalism.

*sigh* see above.

Ending immigration on the otherhand, or discouraging it, is a solution to a symptom, not the problem.

But for many people it is. They might not like being in Puerto Rico.

Then they cease to be Puerto Ricans anyways, in my eyes.

Of course it does, the NSDAP always maintained they didn't believe in exterminating Jews. Until they did it of course. The point is, each nation under NBP leadership will have its own form of racism.

The ideological backbone of the NSDAP before the Hitlarians took over had no racialist agenda. Read "Hitler and I" by Otto Strasser. And the NB's have no racialist agenda either. Read the goddamn platform and FAQ without a biased mentality, they actually show concern for the African race. Besides the NSDAP did not "exterminate the Jews" but that's another story.

You're an idiot. I've repeatedly argued, even with you, that Fascism is imperialistic on this very board. Hence why I responded to Red Skyscraper's claim that the NazBols are another front against anti-imperialism with the sarcastic comment "because Fascism is very anti-imperialist?"

Regardless, you still could not prove that NB is "fascist" so that is how it comes out as.

Russian imperialism at its best.

See above.

The same way that the 88 symbol is not the same as the SS one, or the white power rune is not the same as the swastika.

What? Quit smoking shit. Russian life-expanse refers to the improvement of Russian life, not "expanding Russia."


"Che-lives is a place where hippies, paedophiles, druggies, drunk and depressed people get together to make plans on how to fuck up an already fucked up world." - *revolutionindia*

"The 20th century was a bipolar century, but the 21st is not going to be unipolar. The 21st century should be multipolar, and we all ought to push for the development of such a world. So, long live a united Asia, a united Africa, a united Europe." - Hugo Chavez
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jan 30 2005, 12:06 AM
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Justicialismo o Muerte!

Group: Moderators
Posts: 363
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QUOTE (mim3 @ Jan 28 2005, 07:13 AM)
mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:

NBP is fascist.

NBP Russia is distributing Mussolini, free and uncriticized.
You can see for yourself here:

They also uphold Lenin, why not take that into equal account? That is ridiculous "proof" of NB being "fascist." Lenin was influenced by Mussollini's early writings, the Cuban Revolution took influence from Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (who Im sure you consider "fascist") so then, why do you not consider them "fascists"? Sorry, but until you properly prove that NB is fascist (that is, ideologically and politically based on the idea of corporatism) or at least make a decent argument, this discussion is through.

Limonov is advocating the "final solution" for the Chechens.
That's not hidden.

Limonov wants to destroy the pro-imperialist Chechen movement. Just like Saddam wanted to do the same with the Kurds. The NWO thrives on division of strong nations.

Berserk's re-translation of "living space" is laughable.

And the idea that all heterosexual sex is rape is certainly not. rolleyes.gif

Now Berserk is kissing Che-Lives moderator RAF's butt, of course, because RAF is an ignorant yokel who licks neo-Nazi boots. Combining the illiterates, cops, druggies and pseudo-communist misleaders just about any noise is possible on these boards.

MIM was first to expose this neo-Nazi b.s. on these boards. The people who fail to join in the exposure of it only expose themselves more over time.

I am not kissing anyones ass. I just think RAF makes some good points against the politically correct line that all eugenics is "fascist." So tell me, is horse-breeding fascism? There was a black member in che-lives arguing in favor of eugenics too. Secondly, MIM did not expose jack shit. That article was, at best, a lauphing stock for all three boards. It's hillarious enouph that MIM bases its view on movements on shit that kids write on boards, but that article was full of inconcistencies. First of all, your over-analyzation seemed to ignore the fact that Anarch and RAF were at each other's throats, that Anarch was friends with the Administrator, who is Korean, and you also argued that there were FBI informers in the forums with absolutely no proof or reason to think so (yeah, the FBI has nothing better to do then spy on some kids in internet forums rolleyes.gif ), and to top thing's off, it said that RAF stands for Royal Air Force! laugh.gif Then you wonder why you are not taken seriously in a lot of forums.


"Che-lives is a place where hippies, paedophiles, druggies, drunk and depressed people get together to make plans on how to fuck up an already fucked up world." - *revolutionindia*

"The 20th century was a bipolar century, but the 21st is not going to be unipolar. The 21st century should be multipolar, and we all ought to push for the development of such a world. So, long live a united Asia, a united Africa, a united Europe." - Hugo Chavez
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Che y Marijuana
Posted: Feb 1 2005, 11:31 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

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I'll respond to your bullshit later, for now I'll leave you with this poster from the NBP website.

Yet another example of the NBP's blatant use of Fascist imagery, sloganry and ideas. In this case the Nazi spread-winged eagle.

user posted image
Che y Marijuana
Posted: Feb 1 2005, 11:34 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

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One more? You guys don't even try very hard, do you?

user posted image

This post has been edited by Che y Marijuana on Feb 1 2005, 11:34 AM
Red Skyscraper
Posted: Feb 1 2005, 06:47 PM
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Say no to Dogmatists & Libs who say "smash Iran"

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Besides your usual rebuttal using imagery, why don't you actually counter his points CyM?

"Islamo-Fascism" is a term coined by Trotskyite Christopher Hitchens. Quite revealing, and shows we must support the Iranians and any other anti-imperialist resistance movements in the Middle East even more.

user posted image
Posted: Feb 2 2005, 06:34 AM
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Justicialismo o Muerte!

Group: Moderators
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We've all seen those images, old shit and another pathetic attempt to "prove" them being fascist. They use the hammer and sickle too, so I guess that makes them communist? Why not take everything into account instead of just what suits your argument? Or better yet, argue. It isn't that hard, Im a working man with a busy schedule and I find time to do it, you should be able to between your trips.


"Che-lives is a place where hippies, paedophiles, druggies, drunk and depressed people get together to make plans on how to fuck up an already fucked up world." - *revolutionindia*

"The 20th century was a bipolar century, but the 21st is not going to be unipolar. The 21st century should be multipolar, and we all ought to push for the development of such a world. So, long live a united Asia, a united Africa, a united Europe." - Hugo Chavez
PMEmail Poster
Che y Marijuana
Posted: Feb 2 2005, 08:24 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

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Posts: 818
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Joined: 28-May 04

As I said, I will respond later, I have already devoted alot of time to this thread, and it seems the youngin isn't paying much attention anyways.
Che y Marijuana
Posted: Feb 2 2005, 10:16 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

Group: Members
Posts: 818
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Joined: 28-May 04

QUOTE (Berserk @ Jan 29 2005, 07:48 PM)
You most certainly can support communism on a national level. In fact, communism in an international level is what cannot be supported as the idea is too far-fetched and utopian, whereas localism is much more efficient. As you will notice, all successfull communist experiments were on a national level.

Socialist experiments. You speak of Communism as if it didn't involve the distruction of borders, states, money and classes. I can assure you, it does.

National Bolshevism is a semi-spiritual ideology, it makes perfect sense.

In otherwords, it is anathema to Bolshevism, which is a materialist ideology.

"But so do teh fascests! We must get rid of all things fascist!!!11!!1"

The point is, unlike "Third Positionism", Marxism analyzes the system, not the things related to it. We're not gonna stop breathing because Fascists do it too. Where as your Fascism attacks everything that people do under Capitalism, without ever attacking Capitalism itself.

Great, so you are denying that works such as Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" are proponents of liberal values such as greed and rampant individualism?

Those are not Liberal values. You fail to understand that Liberalism is a specific ideological movement within Capitalism. Greed is a part of all Capitalist ideological movements, including yours. That's an economic reality under Capitalism. We'll ignore the economic differences Liberals introduced. What you speak of, "Liberal values", are social values, those are mostly values that were absorbed into Capitalism as a result of decades of class war to win them. People like the Black Panthers threatened the order enough that change had to be implemented.

But consumerism influences culture and depends on liberal values to stay afloat. Who is more likely to become a rampant consumerist, a riteous person with a high sense of culture and morality, or a shallow person who only cares about self-indulgence and likely borders on hedonism?

Consumerism is an entirely different story, but the reality is that "liberal values" were not introduced by the market. The market of course played the progressive role of making those battles between the working class and the bourgeoisie possible, and spreading the technologies that break down the borders and the myths of the old world. But that does not make those values the values of the bourgeoisie. As Marx said, Capitalism plays a necessary role, paving the way for Socialism and Communism, by destroying the old order. The Feudal ideas of the past are merely an obstacle on the way. Whether Capitalism tries to make a buck off of it or not doesn't matter, the deed is done.

Jesus freaks are not more noble, they're relics of the past taking their last breaths.

No, consumerism is based around national pride (well, except for the current globalist systems implemented in the west and are being spread around the world, but we all know how honest they are...), consumerism is a highly individualist concept based on the betterment of ones self at the expense of society.

"Support your local merchants", "boycott foreign products".

Your consumerism is Nationalist, but it's still consumerism.

Looking at it in a materialist context, that is also the case. What will the first world bourgeoisie have to fall back on if they cannot oppress the third world and risk revolution if they oppress their own workers?

With National fervour at a fever pitch once the NBP is in power, I'd say world war.

What will the third world bourgeoisie have to fall bakc on if their line of support in the west is eliminated? Nothing, which is why they would have to radically compromise with the working class, this way creating a society with private property and without savage economic liberalism.

Which is an impossibility. Current economic circumstances make it so. The Swedish model is built on what you propose, and they have discovered exactly that. There is no way to reconcile Capitalism's need for ever-expanding rates of profit, its ever-shrinking possibility for those rates of profit, and the idea of "chained Capitalism". It doesn't work. The squeeze is too tight, and it just keeps getting tighter, there is no way to afford those limits anymore for Capitalism. There is no middle ground, either sell your workers out, or kill your Capitalists.

All people would be property owners in an egalitarian manner rather than a handfull of people owning 95% of the property and virtually everyone else owning absolutely nothing.

If there's provate property,t hat property can be bought back, and you'll get back to where you started. If you go this far, what the fuck's the point? You either eliminate private property, or you turn it all over to the Capitalists, no middle ground. Any introduction of collectivized property on a large scale that falls short of nationalizing and collectivizing all industry will cause Capital flight and immediate collapse. Something you could have avoided all together if you stopped taking the middle ground just because you dislike Marx.

Then again, ending Capitalism isn't on the agenda for the shock troops sent in to save it.

Right, because the working class is so heavily expsed to liberal education while the bourgeoisie is completely in the dark and not exposed to anything. rolleyes.gif

Fuck Liberal education. Who do you think went out and fought for civil liberties? Harvard students or black kids and families from the ghettos? The working class core.

Again, you have it completely backwards. Liberalism is anything but a working class concept.

Course not, it's the bourgeoisie's cookie crumbs that they've thrown down to the working class fighting for the whole thing. But Liberalism's social values represent the pressure the working class has applied on Capitalists, enough to force them to promise to pay women properly, give black people the same rights as whites, allow homosexuals the same rights, and fail on all counts. But just cause the Capitalists can't do what we fought to make them do under Capitalism, doesn't mean we shouldn't destroy Capitalism and implement real equality.

We should abandon both capitalism and its social baggage.

Agreed, such as racialism, Nationalism, heterosexism, sexism, the drug wars, etc...

See above.

Where above? You still support private property, aka, Capitalism.

If they do, excellent. But I will not lose any sleep over the fact that they like their society (if they do, of course). I am not a dogmatist on a mission to "spread my values" to the rest of the world.

But Chechnya, and the former Soviet Republics, are a different story, right? You pretend to hide behind this neutrality, when in reality you're no different. You'd like to see your ideas spread, and that's what Limonov's "right to war" is about.

But if a girl is a little horny and gets hanged for it, you're suddenly all neutral.

Well, of course, but that will happen for the reasons I mentioned above.

Exactly, you're not going to eliminate Capitalism, as you stated, and you will build Nationalism enough to create hyper-imperialism as in world war two.

I know, and I know the context in which that could happen. Certainly not under the guise of "the international proletariat."

Why do you think it was the Soviet Union and not just the Soviet Republic of Russia?

The only revolutionary movement that can eliminate Capitalism is one that transcends national borders. Our strength is economic, not National. We don't have the armies, parliaments, governments. We have the docks, railways, oil fields, airports, paper mills, saw mills, farms, steel factories, etc... Internationally organizing these workers is the only way to make use of that vast strength. That's teh only way tobring Capitalism to its knees.

I think it is pretty safe to say that the bourgeoisie would be surrendering if they gave up liberalism and ceased to be a parasitic force. The only people who win are the proletariat and those interested in a healthy society.

They cannot give up. They can only be destroyed. Some will be absorbed into the proletariat, many will go into exhile until revolution takes away all their hiding places, but as a class none can be left. Leaving an injured tiger to nurse its wounds is beyond moronic, especially if you have to share a cave with it.

The only people who could gain from the survival of Capitalism are the Capitalists, you included.

Dogmatist rhetoric.

You speak of leaving the bourgeoisie in a weakened form. This is reformism. This is welfare Capitalism, a phenomenon that is far past its time.

You speak of leaving private property intact, yet again, reformism.

You are a Capitalist. A Fascist, no less.

I will, but their interests and beleifs will be withheld, not mine.

Except for 16 year old girls who dare have sex, of course.

I never implied that. I respect individual's private lives as long as society isn't affected by it.

And you get to judge what affects society.

You advocate imperialism. Obviosuly not in the interests of a nation or ethnicity but in the interests of an ideological clique, under the guise of it "being for their own good" the same thing neo-con's do. "We know Iraqi's aren't interested in the American Dream, but "liberty" and "democracy" are great things so it's for their own good."

Neo-cons also breathe, do you breathe? How could you? I thought you were against Neo-cons!

I don't support invading nations, as I said before, but the working class all over the world, in solidarity with the working class there, has the right to support materially and vocally the struggle against Capitalism. Unions uniting together to overthrow reactionary governments everywhere.

No war between nations, no peace between classes.

So what's in it for you if women don't have to wear veils in the other side of the world?

At least that way I won't have to deal with people pulling knives on me as I jump in to stop them from sending their sisters to the hospital with a broken skull for threatening the family's honour.

What's in it for me, is that girl would be able to live her life without others telling her what to do. If others tell her what to do, and threaten her life, I'll threaten theirs. Balance the playing field a bit.

Same with the fights between the working classes and the ruling classes of the world. It's an unfair fight, so it's our duty to get involved on the side of the working class.

Rampant uncontrolled immigration is bad. Like Ive said many times (and the platform says), loyalty is what makes someone a part of a nation and the end of neo-liberalism will stop immigration for material purposes.

Loyalty to green fairies and imaginary lines in the sand is idiotic.

It serves no purpose. Free movement under Communism will make it possible for humanity to gradually move away from the extremes, and save resources wasted on propping up communities that should be entirely uninhabitable.

It's not your business where people go.

Again, I don't care what people do in their private lives as long as it dosen't hurt society.

Who would decide what hurts society, you or Adolph Limonov?

I would not criminalize homosexuality or any form of sexual deviancy (except pedophillia) as long as it is kept private, otherwise it will degenerate society.

Of course, because the disease is contagious, right?

Children need to be protected through the teaching of morality.

Children, sex is bad, if you do it the green fairies will come and eat you!

There is a very big difference between liberty and libertinage and when there are groups like NAMBLA out in the open promoting their aganda, you know where society is headed at (the extreme level).

The sky is falling! Oh no!

Kinship is not based on class.

It becomes so when the class reaches a high enough point of consciousness to be revolutionary. Right now it is based on race, nation, religion, of course, all kinds of groups that have no coinciding interests. A bourgeois American has different, and opposing interests than an American worker. And yet, it serves the bourgeoisie's interests to convince the worker that because he is American, their interests are tied together.

Just as you are trying to convince us.

And even if it was, the idea of "class" is different in all society's, which is the point I was trying to make.

Of course, sometimes people make up other kinds of little fairies. Like the fake middle class, or like the caste system in india. But that doesn't mean that the actual classes are different. Only that they pretend they are to further confuse the issue.

As you're trying to do.

There is no kinship between your average lotto-playing Republican-voting citizen in the US and a kid living in a cardboard box in cambodia, either material or spiritual. To suggest otherwise borders on insanity.

Of course not, the Republican is Nationalist, and has been convinced that his interests lie with his exploiters, the American bourgeoisie.

Yet in reality, his interests are closer to those of the child. As a worker, he is exploited, even if he does not see it. Ending the xploitation of one, will lead to ending the exploitation of the other.

Not your idea of the working class, anyways.

Or Marx's. No matter how hard you try, the working class is not served by telling them they have more in common with their Capitalists than other workers in the world.

"Aligning oneself with an imaginary working class identity is no different from aligning oneself with the bourgeoisie. It is merely another way to spread globalism."

Another example of Third Positionism's failure to address actual issues. You take slogans, imagery, cultures, and look at all of those, but never look at the actual ideas.

Again, when you tell workers that they have more in common with their "fellow russians" than the workers of the world, you're telling them they have more in common with their russian Capitalists than other workers.

You are advocating class collaborationism. You are advocating accepting Capitalism.

I attack the disease itsself by pointing out the symptoms. What is so hard to understand about that?

But you attack the cure, so you attack the symptoms (and some of the signs of recovery), and defend the disease.

Remember, without an end to private property, Capitalism remains.

Falsely, of course, because all leaders have to pretend what they do is in the national interest, even if it couldn't be farther from the case (look at Pinochet, Rios Montt, Mobutu, etc.)

That's cause there is no National interest. Only the interests of one class or another. You can't please both.

The workers would not need to rise up against my NATIONALISM because they would not be exploited.

Nationalism requires classes to collaborate together. Classes means Capitalism. Capitalism means exploitation.

Just like they did not rise up against Peron or Chavez.

Peron's system eventually collapsed, and Chavez, who is an internationalist, will find himself having to choose soon enough. One path, with the bureaucracy that seeks to preserve some form of Capitalism, or with the working class seeking to overthrow it. If he chooses the former, there will be blood.

The only people who ever do rise up against populist nationalist socialism are the oligarchy and bourgeoisie ultra-left intellectuals who pretend to be in favour of the working class (and thus, are a lauphing stock at best and a serious threat to efficient humanist socialism and anti-imperialism at worse).

The laughing stock is you, with your childish belief that a middle ground can be attained. Economically, it is currently impossible to sustain a chained Capitalism for extended periods of time.

Politically, well Salvador Allende found out the hard way.

None, because the bourgeoisie work for their own private interests and thus are traitors to their nations.

Nations don't matter, only class. If the Bourgeoisie has given up on this delusion, why shoudl we be tied down to it? They've done pretty well for themselves giving up on it, except when they need it to justify "uniting" the classes of course. As you try to do.

Damn, you are dillusional beyond hope. Why did the workers not rise up against Peron then? Maybee because he improved their lives without false rhetoric and empty slogans? The Argentine communist party during Peron's time was very much like the Iraqi Communist party today, they were willing to align with the oligarchy and the imperialists to push their sectarian agenda because the workers and the real revolutionaries almost universally supported Peron. That is why the guerrilla movements in the 60's and 70's in Argentina were all Peronist. Also, the National Syndicalists under Primo de Rivera were actually quite progressive in the beginning but became corrupt and allied with reactionary elements. Anyhow, even if they were "fascists," can you name any example of "fascism" coming to power after the 20's 30's and 40's? Of course not, that is why your hysteria is lauphable.

First, Fascism in Spain continued until 1975, the "National Syndicalists" you refer to. Franco's "National Syndicalists", who were put into power by Hitler and Mussolini and established by Primo de Rivera. Progressive my ass.

"National Syndicalism", "National Bolshevism", "National Anarchism" (another Nazi front ideology that worships limonov), "National Socialism", it's all Fascism. Capitalism draped in the terminology of the working class to confuse class consciousness.

As to why there hasn't been any Fascism recently, because Fascism is a last ditch effort. You will never be allowed to take power until they absolutely need you. German Capitalism was in a life and death situation, as was Italian Capitalism, as was Spanish Capitalism, today there isn't a need for you. Not just yet.

Your time will come though, and we'll be ready to fight your brownshirts yet again to stop you. Capitalism is yet again approaching a global crisis point. And yet again, your kind is beginning to slither out from under your rocks, prepared to step in when history calls on you to play your role. But the working class will be ready this time.

Blah, blaf fucking blah, more rhetoric. I already proved you wrong and Im not repearing myself, look above.

Your ideology will serve its role, whether you admit that role or not.

Oh? so your ideas on "Islamo-fascism" are changing then? Great!

What? His fight resulted in the absorption of anti-racist ideas into "liberal values".

The Chechnyan rebels are allies of western imperialism and the NWO, like the Kurds in Iraq. They are the tool of people who have an agenda to divide the Russian federation into easily controllable regions.

What about the rest of the "former soviet states" you want to invade to unite the "great russian people"? Is that not imperialism?

More rhetoric, see above.

Deny it all you want, you Fascists will play your role.

Yes it can. And I am not taking about "Democratic Party" style welfare capitalism, I am talking about industrial nationalism. I already explained how it would end capitalism.

It is impossible to regulate Capitalism to "humanize" it. Anyone with a basic understanding of economics or politics can see that. And we have gone over this, you oppose abolishing private property, hence you cannot end Capitalism.

I am going to ignore all references to NB as "fascist" "Nazi" and "racist" from now on as you have not proved it is any of that.

You have done the proving for me mostly.

As for collective ownership, I already told you how it worked in the USSR, the NB's are hardly advocating anything different. There was collective land and there were private plots. Private property existed but in an egalitarian fashion, not savage neo-liberalism. Everyone owned land, as opposed to a handfull of people owning everything.

Difference is, that happened because conditions prevented them from finishing the job, not because they believed in private property. You on the other hand, defend private property, and hence Capitalism.

Again, see above. Im not repeating myself and this is long enouph as it is.

Well, I'll repeat myself. You oppose ending Capitalism. Ending affirmative action under Capitalism is racist.

That is why their communities should be there to help. That is why I support Aztlan and the Brown Berets.

Oh, the poor are hungry? That's what the homeless shelters are for! Forget about fixing society, because there are charities, and ethnic mafias to take care of these people!

The woman could move if it was not on a material basis and only if conditions are right in the host nation. That material basis should be ended by promoting industrial nationalism at home.

I have a better idea, end Capitalism, destroy the state, borders, the bourgeosie, etc... and then let her do whatever she wants so long as she contributes to whatever community she's in.

Wow... so simple it almost makes you think "why would I go to all the trouble of supporting Fascism?".

*sigh* see above.

Ending immigration on the otherhand, or discouraging it, is a solution to a symptom, not the problem.

Exactly. Fuck ending immigration. Fix the problem. Your ideology concentrates entirely on the symptoms, trying to end them by brute force, instead of the much simpler solution of attacking the root cause.

Then they cease to be Puerto Ricans anyways, in my eyes.

Those race traitors! Off to the camps with them!

The ideological backbone of the NSDAP before the Hitlarians took over had no racialist agenda. Read "Hitler and I" by Otto Strasser.

I thought the NBP wasn't related to the NSDAP's Fascism? laugh.gif

I don't care if you think they only became racialist when Hitler stepped in, they were Fascist all along.

And the NB's have no racialist agenda either. Read the goddamn platform and FAQ without a biased mentality, they actually show concern for the African race. Besides the NSDAP did not "exterminate the Jews" but that's another story.

Not that you would have cried if he did.

No racialist agenda indeed:

7. Denounce Belovejsk conspiracy, and as a consequence, the borders of Russia will be reconsidered. Let's unite all Russian in one state. The territories of "republics," which have broken away from us, where Russian population makes more than 50 %, will be joined to Russia by realization local referendums and their support by Russia (The Crimea, Northern Kazakhstan, Narva region, etc.) Aspiration of national minorities to separatism will be ruthlessly suppressed.
Posted: Feb 2 2005, 12:33 PM
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As Marx said, Capitalism plays a necessary role, paving the way for Socialism and Communism


True communism is Marxism-Leninism! www.marxist-leninist.com
Communist Party Alliance
"It should be explained to our Party comrades that the economic successes. The significance of which is undoubtedly very great and which we shall also strive for in the future, day after day, year after year, are nevertheless not the whole of our socialist construction.

It should be explained that the seamy sides connected with economic successes and expressed in self-satisfaction, in carelessness, in the deadening of political intuition, can be liquidated only if economic successes are combined with the successes of Party construction and the developed political work of our Party." Stalin
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Red Skyscraper
Posted: Feb 2 2005, 04:05 PM
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Say no to Dogmatists & Libs who say "smash Iran"

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So, CyM, would you say India is fascist because it has this symbol?

user posted image

Or what about all those other cultures that used it? Gee, guess "fascism" must have been a popular fashion in the ancient world. laugh.gif

"Islamo-Fascism" is a term coined by Trotskyite Christopher Hitchens. Quite revealing, and shows we must support the Iranians and any other anti-imperialist resistance movements in the Middle East even more.

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Posted: Feb 3 2005, 02:50 AM
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QUOTE (Berserk @ Jan 30 2005, 12:06 AM)

They also uphold Lenin, why not take that into equal account? That is ridiculous "proof" of NB being "fascist." Lenin was influenced by Mussollini's early writings

mim3 for MIM replies:
This is standard Liberal b.s. to cover for NBP's distribution of Mussolini uncriticized.
How very tolerant of you to note both Lenin and Mussolini, just like Hitler did in his
early career with his third way b.s.

By this reasoning there is no point in struggle or discussion anyway--just "tolerance." Why not come here and utter "tolerance" and go home if you are going to argue for mushing Mussolini and Mao together?
And why the hell do I or anyone else have to go to a board like this to hear Liberal pablum when it is rained on us 24/7 anywhere we choose?

This is an example of how all the Liberal crap posing as Marxist is paving the way for fascism in one big tolerant family of Aryan race/white/U$A/"advanced" white "worker" politics.

And you are right. This discussion is finished. You have advanced to ACTION. You actively defend distributing Mussolini without criticism and you tried to deny it at first. Your action is what is important, not the Liberal yack that fools the pseudo-Marxists here.


I am not kissing anyones ass. I just think RAF makes some good points against the politically correct line that all eugenics is "fascist." So tell me, is horse-breeding fascism?

mim3 for MIM replies:
Look jack-ass, you think Marx did not know about animal-breeding? You really think you're so new under the sun? Marxists are for smashing eugenics and the Liberals who tolerate it.


There was a black member in che-lives arguing in favor of eugenics too.

mim3 for MIM:
So what? There were Jews who chanted for Hitler and Mussolini before 1939 (and even later) too. That is not an argument of substance.


Secondly, MIM did not expose jack shit. That article was, at best, a lauphing stock for all three boards. It's hillarious enouph that MIM bases its view on movements on shit that kids write on boards, but that article was full of inconcistencies.

mim3 for MIM:
No, as the thread clearly demonstrates, it was about adults self-admitted and documented to be FBI informers, very much in line with the
Greensboro operation that killed 5 communists in NC in a 1979 anti-Klan demonstration--cops with neo-Nazi covers.

Now as for evaluating movements, there is no evaluation of movements only individuals such as RAF
and pathetic orgnizations like RCP=U$A, who you give too
much credit. RAF of cop-informer protecting fame has no right to associate hself with anyone undertaking armed struggle
against oppression. RAF of Che-Lives is an admirer of the British military "RAF"--and no pipe-passing bunch of lazy jerks changes that.


Then you wonder why you are not taken seriously in a lot of forums.

mim3 for MIM:
What? I'm not taken seriously among the coalition of people trying to figure out how to name the most "advanced" workers in the world--"aryan" or "proletariat" or "national socialist" material? What a surprise.
Wow, what a shock. It comes as news to me. You mean all the people who are united for exploitation are opposed to me?
Damn it's enough to make me think class analysis is true. What a stunner.

In the imperialist countries, there is no English-speaking party calling itself "socialist" or "communist" with more readers than MIM and that's
been true for years now, but you half-assed readers would not know anything about that because you make it a science not to know what you are talking about--not that it really matters, because all the people you know or have been acquainted with could unite behind one platform and they still would not change anything.

Typical--one Black persyn is how you base your politics. Or because RAF says he meant something other than the military
by his name, as if you could prove it one way or another. Petty, pointless nothings--only people falling for that will be siphoned
off by the likes of this.

"NWO thrives on the division of strong nations"--anyone who believes this from Berserk is not neo-Nazi ideology is brain dead.

This post has been edited by mim3 on Feb 3 2005, 03:07 AM
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Che y Marijuana
Posted: Feb 3 2005, 03:52 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

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While I respect your opinion, RAF names himself after the Red Army Fraktion in Western Germany, his avatar is their logo.
Posted: Feb 7 2005, 05:33 AM
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mim3 for MIM:

That does not prove anything. Cop humor is often similar.
Indeed, the various government bureaucracies have their inside jokes about revolution.

It's a sign of how desperate the quibblers are to raise that when much more serious subjects are afloat. RAF is a proven and conscious defender of a self-admitted and twice-documented cop informer at the "Red Comrades."

Instead of dealing wth the evidence for that, the revisionist Liberals again look at surface matters instead of despising the enemy. They would have taken Gorbachev seriously too when he called himself a communist, the same as WWP and PTB did.

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Posted: Feb 7 2005, 05:36 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

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Comrade RAF is no cop, but let's not derail this thread any further, I wonder how the Neo-Nazi are going to defend themselves against the collection of evidence that has built up in this thread smile.gif
Posted: Feb 7 2005, 06:29 AM
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I don't believe I said RAF is a cop, only that what he says is not proof of who he is. His actions are proof that he an FBI-symp and Royal Air Force admirer by extension.

The whole sidetracking from the struggle over fascism happened because I said RAF was "self-named" after the Royal Air Force which pre-dates the RAF you refer to.

Hopefully you agree that saying you are named after some German allegedly red organization does not make you a red. For the same reason we are arguing with Berserk here. Berserk claims s/he is not a fascist. That does not matter to us. We see the action on the NBP website. The method underlying evaluation of the NBP and RAF of Che-Lives is the same.

That is always the correct method. This method is also the heart of the struggle against revisionism which many on this board claim to uphold.
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Posted: Feb 7 2005, 06:32 AM
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Justicialismo o Muerte!

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Collection of evidence? laugh.gif Collection of horseshit rhetoric. Im busy studying for midterms and with work, Ill respond when I have the time.

Oh yeah, 14/88! rolleyes.gif


"Che-lives is a place where hippies, paedophiles, druggies, drunk and depressed people get together to make plans on how to fuck up an already fucked up world." - *revolutionindia*

"The 20th century was a bipolar century, but the 21st is not going to be unipolar. The 21st century should be multipolar, and we all ought to push for the development of such a world. So, long live a united Asia, a united Africa, a united Europe." - Hugo Chavez
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Posted: Feb 7 2005, 08:03 AM
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Global Marxism, logical answer to reactionary Nationalists

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MIM, let's take this up elsewhere, but from working with RAF, I can tell you that is not what he is named after. You may disagree with him, but it is quite clear he is a red.

Much like I may disagree with you, but cannot deny you are a comrade, and a red.
Posted: Feb 7 2005, 08:26 AM
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I think it was uncle Trotsky who said it was impossible.

No, he predicted the restoration of capitalism in The Revolution Betrayed as the inevitable result of Stalinist policies left unchecked by the workers.

Are you a literary analyst or a revolutionary?

You should ask the same of yourself.

What is it: Trotskyism is not revolutionary or there were no conditions for it (Menshevism) anywhere in the world for 80 years?

A few things. First, Trotsky was not a supporter of the Menshevik two-stage theory. If anyone was a Menshevik, it was Stalin, who implemented the two-stage theory in China and other third-world countries to the catastrophic misfortune of the proletariat.

Trotsky criticized Stalin's Menshevism all along. When Stalin got Chiang Kai-shek elected to the Comintern in the 1920's, Trotsy was the only Executive Committee member who cast a dissenting vote.

Second, the October Revolution was a "Trotskyist" revolution. It skipped the bourgeois phase by telescoping the proletarian revolution onto the bourgeois one. The October Revolution was permanent revolution in action.

Did the Bolsheviks carry out the creation of a national-bourgeois government to "fight against imperialism," and postpone socialism for a "later date?" No! They were in a third world country, but that didn't stop them from socializing the industry.

Now when we criticize Mensheviks like Chavez for halting the revolution, you tell us that Chavez is not the Menshevik--we are the "Mensheviks." But you are sadly mistaken, for you comprehend neither Menshevism nor Bolshevism. What you call "Trotskyism" is Bolshevism!

Finally, how could you expect Trotskyism to become a mass movement when its leaders were hunted down with such brutality? Anyone with a known blood relation to Trotsky was murdered by the GPU or simply "disappeared." Only his wife and one grandson managed to survive. That's not even getting started on how many of Trotsky's supporters fell to the GPU and/or Gestapo.

The bourgeoisie didn't kill Karl Marx; why did the Stalinists have to kill Trotsky? And what's with murdering his family?? Who here can justify that? I mean come on, "comrades," a true socialist state should be able to disprove the claims of a heretic by simply presenting wage information to prove that it was socialist. If Stalin had produced wage information to prove the USSR was socialist, no one would have listened to Trotsky.

This post has been edited by seraphim on Feb 7 2005, 08:36 AM
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Posted: Feb 7 2005, 12:22 PM
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No, he predicted the restoration of capitalism in The Revolution Betrayed as the inevitable result of Stalinist policies left unchecked by the workers

"Only utter imbeciles would be capable of thinking that capitalist relations, that is to say, the private ownership of the means of production, including the land, can be reestablished in the USSR by peaceful methods and lead to the régime of bourgeois democracy. As a matter of fact, even if it were possible in general, capitalism could not be regenerated in Russia except as the result of a savage counterrevolutionary coup d'etat that would cost ten times as many victims as the October Revolution and the civil war." Trotsky

Ok i was wrong, uncle Trotsky said that capitalism can only be restored when 10's of millions died. rolleyes.gif

True communism is Marxism-Leninism! www.marxist-leninist.com
Communist Party Alliance
"It should be explained to our Party comrades that the economic successes. The significance of which is undoubtedly very great and which we shall also strive for in the future, day after day, year after year, are nevertheless not the whole of our socialist construction.

It should be explained that the seamy sides connected with economic successes and expressed in self-satisfaction, in carelessness, in the deadening of political intuition, can be liquidated only if economic successes are combined with the successes of Party construction and the developed political work of our Party." Stalin
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Posted: Feb 12 2005, 05:50 PM
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laugh.gif These Nazbols are the most stupid bastards that i have ever seen.

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Tell those morons to remove Lenin, Che and Stalin, let them keep Mao and Castro.

This post has been edited by Marxism-Leninism on Feb 12 2005, 05:56 PM

True communism is Marxism-Leninism! www.marxist-leninist.com
Communist Party Alliance
"It should be explained to our Party comrades that the economic successes. The significance of which is undoubtedly very great and which we shall also strive for in the future, day after day, year after year, are nevertheless not the whole of our socialist construction.

It should be explained that the seamy sides connected with economic successes and expressed in self-satisfaction, in carelessness, in the deadening of political intuition, can be liquidated only if economic successes are combined with the successes of Party construction and the developed political work of our Party." Stalin
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