Block Patriot Act II's march to fascism!

While Bush and his war council prepare to bomb Iraq, John Ashcroft's minions have put together a second Patriot Act -- a laundry list civil liberties they want to get rid of. The new law is officially called the Domestic Security Enhancement Act, and MIM condemns its fascist goals and calls on all people to see that it does not become law.

We only know of the DSEA's existence because someone leaked it to the press. The so-called Justice Department said after the leakage that it would be "derelict" if it were not "continually considering anti-terrorism measures." Yet this same office has yet to give Congress any report on the first Patriot Act and its effectiveness in preventing terrorism. Just as the USA Patriot Act was in the works before 911, and was made into law with Congress shut down for the anthrax scare, this new draft law has been kicking around for months while Ashcroft's staff told Congress members that it did not exist.

Patriot Act II alarms us, as the same people putting it forward are the ones who failed to prevent 9/11. Many of the powers that would be granted in Patriot II have been used in the past and demonstrably failed to make Amerika any safer. Ben Franklin pointed out that "those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither." And Democratic Party congresspersyn Jerrold Nadler (NY) has called Patriot II "little more than the institution of a police state."(1)

Before 911, Denver police were nailed for spying on the American Friends Service Committee, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Quaker organization.(2) And throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the FBI conducted a war of wiretaps, infiltration and provocation against oppressed nation revolutionaries and such firebrands as Martin Luther King, Jr. and prevented not one incident of violence including the Kennedy assassination. These police actions were illegal when they took place. Now the Patriot Acts are doing away with past safeguards -- placing the police and the federal spy organizations above the courts and beyond the reach of law.

The new act includes scores of horrifying provisions, taking us back before the Magna Carta imposed limits on executive power. As in the first Patriot Act, many provisions could be used in regular criminal cases. And more than in 2001, much of the Patriot Act II is aimed directly at political activists. Among other things, the "Domestic Security Enhancement Act" would:

Amerika cannot make its people safe because it cannot change its own nature. Its rapacious brutality has made the united snakes the sworn enemy of the world's people, who respond with violence -- the only response this country understands. Gutting the first, fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth amendments will not protect this country from the wrath of those who have suffered its assaults. It will only lay bare the hollowness of Amerika's claim to democracy and right. The only chance for safety is getting right with the world's people through international peace achieved under communism.


  1. Baltimore Sun 21 February, 2003.
  2. Click on link "For a detailed section-by-section analysis."
  3. With this provision, the DOJ proposes to resolve pending suits by the American Civil Liberties Union and American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, et al, for information on the more than 1,000 people detained since 911. The new Act actually says that defending itself against the ACLU & ADC suits "requires extensive Department of Justice resources, which would be better spent detecting and [incapacitating] terrorists."("Patriot Act Redux," 21 February, 2003)
  4. Police in some cities oppose this measure, saying that it will make it harder to get cooperation from immigrant communities. MIM doesn't give a hoot about the ease of police work. We point this out to say that as the reactionaries' state of desperation increases, they have more trouble keeping their own interests covered.

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