Arab bourgeois media shows both sides

While the U.$. media tends to show antiseptic pictures of tanks, missile launchers or artillery shooting without the consequences, the Arab bourgeois media tends to show a greater range of photos. Here we see two photos, pictures of the military but also pictures of its victims. The U.$. media focus on "in bed" reports with the Pentagon coming live from Iraq on TV from the point of view of the Marines. Journalistic fairness requires that there also be live reporting from the victims, but the Amerikkkan public won't buy the newspapers or watch the TV channels that carry out fair journalism. The Amerikkkans want Pentagon propaganda 24/7.

In covering the conflict between two ruling classes, the Iraqi and the Amerikkkan, it's not surprising that the Arab bourgeoisie is more fair. The Arab bourgeoisie simultaneously vacations and parties in Amerikkka while feeling historical and ethnic pride in Iraq.

Just look at the photos in this one story to get a better idea of what journalistic fairness is

Here's another

See the Iraq War archive of the Maoist Internationalist Movement instead of Al-Jazeera