Let go of the old ways it's not work'n

Dialectical materialism shows us that the external is reflected by our brains awareness absorbed through our 5 senses. What is first perceived is "perceptual knowledge." Once enough has accumulated in our minds, perceptual knowledge then transform to conceptual knowledge, forming ideas, theories, measures, plan, strategies and so on. Objective matter transforms into subjective consciousness from matter (existence) to ideas.

When we test the truth of our ideas by putting them into practice; that is transforming subjective consciousness back into objective matter, from ideas back into existence (matter). Those ideas that fail to correspond with the external material world are incorrect and "intruthfull," while those ideas that do meet with success and correspond with the external world are correct and "truthufull."

What this demonstrates is that truth is not an idea that exists only in our minds, but that truth exists independently of our minds and is found in the external world. Opposing this truth is the philosophy and thought of idealism, which turns truth upside down and falsely contends.

Though most are unaware of it, our ways of thinking are dominated by one or the other – idealism or materialism – and idealism is the prevailing brainwashed mode of robotic thought within the walls and outside the walls of prisoned society. The programmed way of thinking is not only incorrect because it doesn't accord with the external world; it is self-deceiving and destructive to us as a human race.

If something is not working, then that means plain and simple, that it contradicts truth and the laws of nature.

Idealism and it's deteriorating poison that it disseminates must be recognized as the devil's way of thinking. It is a false ideology – an ideology designed to suppress the children of the sun (majority) and elevate the demonic fiendish parasites (the minority).

Attention Rida'z! We not advancing because the current ideology is incorrect. (Unite and Rise)

- Scorpion Nemesis, August 2005