[MIM4: We reported on the imprisonment of C Clark Kissinger for exercising his First Amendment right to speak out in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal in MIM Notes 227 (www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/cal/CClarkKinssinger.txt). Now the state has stepped up its harassment, forcing Clark into solitary confinement. The fight for Mumia Abu-Jamal and many other prisoners who do not receive the same level of public attention is a fight for the international proletariat. We unite against the state's attack on activists of whatever understanding or intentions in the causes of the international proletariat. More ideas for action -- such as "Office Jam Day" 23 Feb -- can be found at http://mojo.calyx.net/~refuse/mumia/2001/021901solidarity.html] From: RandRLA@aol.com Recently we sent out an e-mail about the latest news on Clark Kissinger. As you all know Clark is being held in a Federal Detention Center in Brooklyn for daring to make a speech at the Republican National Convention -- and because he is an uncompromising defender of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Clark was taken to solitary for one hour and then brought back. This is outrageous! Clearly the authorities are trying to intimidate and silence Clark who has continued to write about Mumia's case fron behind bars, and speak about it as well on radio. WE ARE CALLING ON EVERYONE TO IMMEDIATELY PHONE THE PRISON AUTHORITIES AND PROTEST THIS TREATMENT OF CLARK. LET'S MAKE SURE THEY KNOW WE ARE WATCHING AND THAT WE WILL NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO CLARK. Let us know what response you get from the prison authorities. Warden Hasty: 718.840.4200; FAX 718-840-5005 Unit Manager Lee Tatum ext. 5212 Judge Arnold C. Rapoport (convicted & sentenced Clark) 610.776.0369; fax 610.776.0379 Judge Bruce Kaufman (hearing Clark's appeal): fax 215.580.2281 Write Clark at: Charles Clark Kissinger -- #53094-066 Metropolitan Detention Center, 100 - 29th St., Brooklyn, NY 11232 Notify Clark's office of any responses you get at 212-571-0962, cck1@earthlink.net