Petition against "Operation Gatekeeper" advances MIM, RAIL, and SLALA activists have collected more than 500 signatures on a petition against "Operation Gatekeeper" and for more open borders since April 21, when MIM launched the petition campaign.(1) "Operation Gatekeeper" refers to INS policy militarizing the control of civilian traffic across the u.$.-Mexico border It involves the construction of a concrete-and- razor-wire "Triple Wall" from San Diego 50 miles into the desert, arming Border Patrol agents with high-powered rifles and night vision equipment, and sending them on what amounts to "search-and-destroy" operations looking for people trying to cross the border. Since "Gatekeeper" started in 1994, more than 600 people have died trying to cross the border. Most died of exposure as INS patrols forced them to cross in very remote areas. Activists solicited signatures at three thousand- persyn rallies: The border action in April 21,(2) a march in Los Angeles on Mayday in support of amnesty for some undocumented workers, and at the Santa Barbara march for "economic justice."(3) Response at these events was overwhelmingly favorable. When asked "would you like to sign a petition against Operation Gatekeeper," many said "Of course!" Some even rolled their eyes as they grabbed the pen, as if to say "You had to ask?" One non-Spanish speaking comrade at the Mayday rally was heartened when masses snatched up copies of the petition in Spanish and started collecting signatures on their own -- in Spanish. As for those unfamiliar with the issue, by the time the activists got to their closing tag-line -- "Those signing this petition agree with us that people should not have to risk their lives in order to look for work" -- they always signed. Here is the text of the petition: The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service's military- style "Operation Gatekeeper" has killed over 600 Mexican migrants. This is part of the systematic violence the U.S. government uses to restrict people's free movement. The U.S. Border separates families, communities, and nations. It also keeps Third World workers and farmers under regimes where wage rates are drastically depressed through violent repression -- this allows the United States to make huge profits off of its investments abroad. We the undersigned call for an end to "Operation Gatekeeper" and an end to policies restricting people's free movement across the border. Here it is in Spanish: La "Operación Guardián" inciada por el Immigration and Naturalization Service (la Migra), con fuertes alineamientos militares, ha asesinado a más de 600 migrantes mexicanos. La operación es parte de la violencia sistemática que el gobierno yanqui utiliza para restringir el libre paso del pueblo a su propio territorio nacional, Aztlán. La frontera yanqui divide a familias, comunidades y a naciones. Mantiene a los obreros y campesinos del Tercer Mundo dentro de un régimen dónde las tasas de sueldos son dramáticamente desvalorizadas mediante la represión violenta. Por ende, esto permite que los Estados Unidos extraiga enormes ganancias de sus inversiones al extranjero. Nosotros los firmantes exigimos un fin a la "Operación Guardián" y un fin las políticas restringiendo el libre paso del pueblo al otro lado de la frontera. Notes: 1. MIM Notes 233, 1 May 2001. 2. MIM Notes 234, 15 May 2001. 3. See article on page 3 of this issue.