Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 17:48:53 -0700 (PDT) From: SB RAIL Subject: anti-militarist mobilization The US is going to war, despite the fact that there is no tangible enemy. It is simply the ambiguous, ever evasive terrorist. That means the war on terrorism will be a war on anyone that the US decides it will be a war on. This will be a vicious cycle. RAIL is mobilizing against the militarist police state that the Bush Residency is erecting out of the recent attack. Criticisms of him are already being edited out of comedy shows like the Daily Show. This means that there is going to be a serious crack down on civil liberties. We cannot let this happen. RAIL will be vocal against the war effort. For anyone who is disgusted by those who scream for more blood to be shed, we encourage you to join our anti-militarist effort. We will be having a banner/poster making party sometime in the upcoming week, time and place TBA. Anyone interested should respond ASAP [to] and we will begin to narrow down our options. In struggle Santa Barbara RAIL