V.I. Lenin, 1915, "The Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. Group Abroad" "Certain strata of the working class (the bureaucracy of the labour movement and the labour aristocracy, who get a fraction of the profits from the exploitation of the colonies and from the privileged position of their "fatherlands" in the world market), as well as petty-bourgeois sympathisers within the socialist parties, have proved the social mainstay of these tendencies and channels of bourgeois influence over the proletariat. "The baneful influence of opportunism has made itself felt most strongly in the policies of most of the official Social-Democratic parties of the Second International during the war. Voting for war credits, participation in governments, the policy of a class truce, the repudiation of an illegal organisation when legality has been rescinded -- all this is a violation of the International's most important decisions, and a downright betrayal of socialism." [MC5 notes: See how Lenin distinguishes between the labor bureaucracy and the labor aristocracy already in 1915.]