"Without support from the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed nations and people of Asia Africa and Latin America, it will be impossible for the proletariat and the people in capitalist Europe and America to free themselves from the calamities of capitalist oppression and of the menace of imperialist war. Therefore, the proletarian parties of the metropolitan imperialist countries are duty bound to heed the voice of the revolutionary people in these regions, study their experience, respect their revolutionary feelings and support their revolutionary struggles. They have no right whatsoever to flaunt their seniority before these people, to put on lordly airs, to carp and cavil, like Comrade Thorez of France who so arrogantly and disdainfully speaks of them as being 'young and inexperienced'. Much less have they the right to take a social-chauvinist attitude, slandering, cursing, intimidating and obstructing the fighting revolutionary people in these regions." --Mao Zedong, 1963 http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/classics/mao/polemics/tog2_3.html [mim3@mim.org comments: The boldface above is mine. In his polemics with the Eurocommunists, Mao stressed over and over again strategic confidence in the Asian, African and Latin American exploited and oppressed and he showed over and over again how failure in such confidence led to pacifism being pushed on the oppressed, the theory of the productive forces and reformism. The reason for that is that there are classes and global camps of countries divided between oppressed and oppressor and certain lines inevitably go together and lead to each other, because underneath the various political lines are coherent classes and nations. The above quote is highly signficant, because Mao openly used the word "impossible" in reference to the approach of imperialist country people to having revolution in their own countries the way Mao did in China. MIM itself has not gone so far, because after nuclear war or further environmental devastation of catastrophic proportions, the class situation in the imperialist countries could change and then create a basis internal to those countries for a revolution on the basis of their own internal social forces.]