"‘We are leaders elected by the masses’, Comrade Crispien continues. That is a formal standpoint and incorrect, because at the last conference of the German Independents we quite clearly saw the struggle of the tendencies. One does not need to look for a sincerometer and make jokes about it like Comrade Serrati in order to know the simple fact that there is and must be a struggle of tendencies. One tendency is the revolutionaries, the workers who have just come to us, the enemies of the labour aristocracy. The other tendency is the labour aristocracy, which in all the civilised countries is represented by the old leaders. Does Crispien stand with the tendency of the old leaders and the labour aristocracy or with the tendency of the new, revolutionary mass of workers, who are opposed to the labour aristocracy? That is precisely what Comrade Crispien glossed over." Source: Lenin, July 30, 1920, "Minutes of the Second Congress of the Communist International" http://www.marxists.org/history/international/comintern/2nd-congress/ch07.htm [MC5 adds: This comment is significant because it clearly states that the labour aristocracy is enemy. Some of our goofy "comrades" don't know that. They think it is some wayward strata of "proletarians," instead of learning that Lenin concluded that they were new petty-bourgeoisie. It's also a significant quote, because Lenin was not going to let any talk of "masses" obscure this point. Lenin also pointed out at about the same time that a party even with the correct line would have to periodically purge petty-bourgeois elements that gradually accumulated or drifted in.]