V. I. Lenin Collected Works, vol. 21, p. 250. "The Collapse of the Second International" "Opportunism--to speak on a European scale--was in its adolescent stage, as it were, before the war. With the outbreak of the war it grew to manhood and its "innocence" and youth cannot be restored. An entire social stratum, consisting of parliamentarians, journalists, labour officials, privileged office personnel, and certain strata of the proletariat, has sprung up and has become amalgamated with its own national bourgeoisie, which has proved fully capable of appreciating and "adapting" it." [MC5 comments: Here is yet another quote from Lenin proving that it is wrong to talk about his works apart from World War I, "Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism" and the Russian Revolution and subsequent Comintern experience. Yet, most opposing MIM's line continuously point to "What Is To Be Done?" as if Russia's 1902 class structure applied to imperialist countries today! In such a situation, these sleazy opportunists trying to smuggle the labor aristocracy into our movement say that all that is needed is a strong leadership to combat economism and various forms of "false consciousness."]