V. I. Lenin Collected Works, vol. 21, p. 319 "Socialism and War" 1915 "The proletariat is the only class in Russia that nobody has been able to infect with chauvinism. Only the most ignorant strata of the workers were involved in the few excesses that occurred in the early days of the war. The part played by workers in the Moscow anti-German riots has been greatly exaggerated. By and large, the working class of Russia has proved immune to chauvinism. . . . "The general situation in our country does not favour any efflorescence of 'socialist' opportunism among the masses of the workers. In Russia we see a series of shades of opportunism and reformism among the intelligentsia, the petty-bourgeoisie, etc., but it has affected an insignificant minority among the politically active sections of the workers." [MC5 comments: In "Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism" and "Imperialism and the Split in Socialism" Lenin said that whole countries could become parasites. He also spoke of a majority in Germany during World War I as bourgeois. Yet, many confuse his quotes about Russia with the general situation of the world. Some countries had more parasitism and most had less. In Russia's 1902 class structure, Lenin wrote "What Is To Be Done?" and emphasized strong leadership, fighting economism and simply leading the way against bone-headed "false consciousness" of the workers. That does not mean he said the class structure was the same everywhere else. The above quote is about Russia and important in that regard. It is also important as an example of what false consciousness looks like--yes, some scattered bone-headed chauvinist demonstrations, not as in the United $tates with decade after decade of frothy support for every bombing and attack on every Middle East country except I$rael-- Palestine, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. It is not wild support for imperialism decade after decade in situation after situation. That can only happen so consistently when there is a class interest--a labor aristocracy actively defending and extending imperialism. The Russian people snapped out of whatever scattered chauvinist tendencies they demonstrated, because Lenin provided strong leadership against bone-headed mistakes. That is not to occur in the united $tates, England etc. today.]