To MIM (and K and others) Subject: Re: Tani: K-MIM RE: SOLOPCISM MIM should have seen the thing K wrote. Yes, it could be rewritten TO a larger audience. Tho I do not see how what K wrote is "not large audience" material when what B wrote and MIM published about school was "ok for large audience" when it was based on stuff AS PERSONAL. When I say "you are not black, you can't know what they feel" and same with the FNs I am saying it and meaning it the way I've heard at least 1,000 blacks say it TO some white person, usually a sympathetic teacher or pro black professor or leftist in a leftist political movement. I do not mean it in the philosophical sense - tho I could easily prove a case FOR the philosophical meaning of GNOSIS. It is true that a man can not KNOW (gnosis full knowledge) what a menstrual period is. I did not mean it that way, not quite. But yes K, whites had so much ahem "empathy" for blacks once that they believed blacks were so stupid they had to be beaten, and then believed that they couldn't feel the pain from the beating. Hard to believe? It's fact. I find some of the "head start" things whites did FOR blacks to be AS ABSURD (and so did the blacks that I heard about it from). I would say that Sakai does not know blacks. I gave two SMALL paragraphs on REALLY REALLY WHY the labor left and blacks in America did NOT click, tho there were some exceptions of course. Like K (unfortunately, MIM didn't see it!), blacks were conditioned also. The blacks were like K, conditioned, TERRIFIED and the leftists were well, like ME and you are SCARED of me (you admit). MIM itself has to deal with people being scared of revolutionaries because they seem so damned "macho" or "in your face." FEAR is a reality that moves people to NOT DO many things. So were the blacks scared of the WILD and kick ass labor crowd. Sakai talks of labor, but he doesn't get the reality right: NO ONE fucked with the Italians once upon a time - NO ONE DARED. White anglos MOVED OUT when Italians moved in, likewise the Jews (they were not nearly as threatening, tho they ALSO had a Mafia of their own) and the Slavs that came here too along with other Turanians: "you people are DEVIL worshipers." That's what BLACKS thought - IN FEAR. And that was during Civil Rights MLK days in my time. WHY are you so scared? I'd ask, we'd wonder. Well, you can't make a person not feel scared or push them. These were blacks fresh from down south 1950s. If "the man" wanted to lean on someone, they'd lean on these scared blacks and blacks knew this, they didn't dare lean on the labor ethnics or they might end up in a lead sack in a river. Labor ethnics already HAD solidarity of a kind, LIKE the MAFIA DID. The blacks had NOTHING! They were AFRAID of us, don't you understand this? To them it was two groups of non-black people; one was VERY FAMILIAR, the whites; the others were a mixture of "what is that race?" and STRANGERS very unfamiliar to the blacks. Ever NOTICE, as comparison, that children from lousy homes STILL feel at home and homesick despite it being lousy? It's all they ever knew and they feel COMFORTABLE with it. But finding the new and strange, and a very wild in-your-face "big unknown" is NOT comfortable at all especially when you realize that "the man" might STILL lean on you even if he does not lean on the others. Ever notice abused kids NEVER tell adults in a position to help them out of it? FEAR is why. This is the mechanism that DEFINES why labor and blacks never really got it together. It's PURELY emotional and you CAN NOT dismiss this - it's what moves people to do or not do things. MIM is excellent at analysis of the past which is KNOWN FACTS to be analyzed, facts and data that can not be refuted BECAUSE they are FACTS!, and good at comparing when the capitalists accuse Reds of crime, comparing capitalist crime - more facts that can't be denied!, but MIM is BRAIN DEAD when it comes to analysis of the REAL WORLD OF THE NOW and what motivates and moves people and this is so because they IGNORE the body markers (translate: EMOTIONS) that move people to do or not do things. And they, in typically white fashion, will NOT listen to me on this. So why bother to say it? I'm discovering that I am having conversations with what I always call "white folks" and well, it just doesn't GO anywhere because they are NOT AS INTELLIGENT as us who think with BODY MARKERS (that includes blacks). I give up! I will repeat what blacks say: "They CAN NOT hear me." Oh, they are very intelligent in the cerebral sense but they are NOT intelligent in the animal sense and don't even understand that this is not some insult, but a statement about a BETTER way of thinking and understanding. There is the reverse of solopcism and this asolopcism (not- solopcism) has been the BANE of both First Nations and blacks and these ethnics have REPEATEDLY SAID this TO WHITEY! I get the notion they HATE the asolopcists worse! I have heard blacks SAY this. ON TV even, talk shows. Imagining you know what's good for the blacks or FN. Head start programs - one white Jewish do-gooder was shocked to find out that his smart black kid "PET" (as I saw it) did not GIVE A FUCK about education or college and this time around, the black kid was NOT afraid to SAY IT to this white benefactor. But there it is; THE BENEFACTOR. The roads to HELL are PAVED FULL of good intentions, you know. There is this white professor, a Jew from a Jewish culture - and I can't imagine a culture MORE OPPOSITE than the black one with all their kluzty type non physical focus on the CEREBRAL - Jews are TOTALLY undionysian for the most part. Don't you even know that dionysian people CANT STAND those who are NOT dionysian? We think they are fucking SUFFOCATING and dead. Blacks, us, ANYONE dionysian, we feel this. He did all this FOR this smart black kid, a real "promising" kid, wanted to PAY for his college (there was an article about this) and finally he REAIZED (duh) that the kid did not WANT TO EVEN GO to college or be bothered with ANY of that. Big clue: DID NOT WANT TO DO IT. I see all the past attempts as whitey trying to look after his wayward children and order their lives for them: study this, study that, now comes college. Do you know what HAPPY is? I don't see HAPPY white people and never did (I mean wasps) - I see enduring klippoths, I see MISERY faces that can't even crack a smile without it looking like a lear. They lack PASSION. Blacks in the 1950's with their non college jobs, there blue collar jobs and their families and kids, HANGING OUT on the porch like us just HANGING, chatting, even with segregation either imposed down south OR blacks themselves in our area SORT OF doing it (after all, most of our elders couldn't speak English so? only us kids ended up playing, usually blacks liked to live in a 3 family house with other blacks) were HAPPY god dammit, HAPPY and all this "improvement shit" has done is make them MISERABLE and UNHAPPY and yes yes FUCKINGYES, they have SAID THIS ON TV FOR ALL TO HEAR. But you ain't HEAR-ing them GOD DAMMIT! For that, they should SLAUGHTER the whites if for nothing else and we can all see that they blame the JEWS for this - there is even a course now to study WHY the black/Jewish thing didn't work. GOD DAMMIT! What's to study? I've HAD the Jewish patroniser types try the shit with me, unlike the average black of the 1950's era, I practically ripped off the person's face for TRYING to "get into" my chakras (that's what it FEELS like!) and "get in" where no one is allowed in. SHOW THIS TO BLACKS. ASK them. K, the way I see it, everyone who knew you in school knows your details, even the loathsome Scratch and DV know it so WHY NOT let MIM know it? It might give them a clear idea of what some "white kids" go thru and just how you view the whole world (twisted and distorted as hell) due to those experiences. First Nation writers have themselves written this kind of thing TO the white audience. But there it is now, MIM knows better what's good for them? God dammit. So then, I am right in what I say: Turanian nations are in a better position to know the LIFE of the FN's what positions they were in and are in. I'd be honest to say that Red Turanians that sided with Stalin would NOT be in such a good position to know it. The ONLY reason I know it is due to relatives (first hand stuff, HONEST stuff) that were against my own politics. I DO NOT know it from some brain-dead cerebral suffocating HONKY BOOK about it from a bhuta that CAN NOT POSSIBLY know what it's all about. "What it's all about" do you even know what that phrase MEANS? But where does nonlogic make the leap to say that "we can't know them ERGO we should ignore them or kill them?" Where did THAT come from? Like K, many blacks do not know what they themselves want these days. Do they want crack? Well, they surely do BUY IT. It's the black women you need to listen to because they are WISER. And the WOMEN have repeatedly said that prior to urban renewal and all that other shit they were HAPPY, they did not FEEL poor and they had harmony and families and were HAPPY, get it, HAPPY. MLK and his leftist bosses told them to struggle not so much for social equality but for social intermingling and LOOK what this got them god dammit. It turned their lives and neighborhoods into HELL. NOW THEY ARE NOT HAPPY. What these leftists did was EVIL. TRUE EVIL. I do not use that word lightly. I told you, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. MIM and others need to go to Moorehouse University and LISTEN TO WHAT BLACK EXPERTS say for their own people and listen with OPEN EARS and STOP thinking while the blacks are talking. LISTEN to them. This is what I KNOW and have seen about whites out to help and side with blacks: 1. they FEEL wiser and better and unconsciously feel guilty about feeling "better" and they feel the clinging (that's what it is) obligation to help the blacks. The cling comes from their own INNER conflict, not due to anything real and pertaining to blacks. 2. they have erotic feelings for the blacks. 3. They want to use the blacks as a vanguard or front line in THEIR revolution. STOP. This is vampirism on the INNER level - it is WORSE than capitalists enslaving them in chains! Did it ever occur to anyone that blacks didn't want a fucking revolution? They just wanted to live leisurely and conflict-free lives and BE HAPPY? That's ALL anyone who is not a klippoth WANTS! The blacks say it over and over: you have STILL NOT EVER stepped away from seeing them as BLACK people. The man is not just a man, he is a BLACK man - GOD DAMMIT! They also have intuited and said to me that "it's odd, you DO NOT see me as a black person, but just as a person" in one to one dealings. THEY ARE RIGHT - and they ARE intuitive, as intuitive as I am. Go ahead, DISMISS that. They have a kind of INTELLIGENCE that I have - which WHITES DO NOT HAVE AT ALL! So who dismisses it? WHITES do. FUCK the whites. Fuck their body dead, cerebral half-assed NONintuitive SHIT. I said repeatedly, LET BLACKS see my posts. ALL of it. Not just selected parts. It is you leftist and liberal whites that are solopcistic because you EGO PROJECT your own fucking paradigms onto the blacks all the time. You do it to ME TOO - like what the fuck makes you think I watched the Archie Show? I sure the fuck watched Five Deadly Vemons about 50 times and have it on tape. Do you even know what the movie is? I doubt it. You bring up these FUCKING WHITE music bands and who knows what the fuck that is? But DO YOU know who K9 is? I never listened to this or that because it was ethnic or whatever. I MOVE TO that music. I don't dislike all white music, but find that most of their UNrhythmic shit is body-dead can't dance SHIT. DISCO IS DIVINE. Disco would INCLUDE K9 or the song People Hold On (I loved those songs SO MUCH that I did my own version of them which is on tape now). I made People Hold On into "Party in Hell" and it is a revolutionary anthem to us. Instead of seeing my MT11 posts (reflections off of your own MT11 book) as "Archie land" why did you FAIL to see that the things I said were NO DIFFERENT from some of the honest things blacks themselves have said when they say they would PREFER the fucking KKK to the white liberals or leftists because with the KKK there is a feeling that the intuitive agrees with the words - blacks read people as well as I do, by the way. The HONKIE dismisses this kind of INTELLIGENCE by calling it mystical! ASSHOLE MOTHER FUCKERS! With the KKK person at least there is no ATTEMPT to be "white father" to anyone, the KKK person IS aloof and to his own self and he not only leaves the black alone (these days, say, on a job) but he does not WANT TO or TRY TO "get in" where the black person is. That "get in" is CLINGING and yeah, blacks FEEL IT INSTANTLY (SO DO I). Right, there isn't even a word for it in honky talk so we have to INVENT words or expressions for this: clinging "trying to get in" etc. PSYCHIC VAMPIRE! Then honky accuses us of being mystical or whatever the fucking WHAT EVER else they say. WHAT EVER. Honkie doesn't have a CLUE what it even means to "let the music MOVE YOU" and so honkie puts our music down. Oh, but at the same time as they can't possibly relate to it because they CAN NOT FEEL IT, they'd be leftist proper boys and DEFEND it. Who needs your defense? But this does not mean that blacks who liked disco and white ethnics mostly who liked it wanted to socialize because they DID NOT socialise for the most part at all. That was my point. Then someone came up with a new kind of disco "gay disco" which would include songs like Coming Out of Hiding and Runaway due to the high energy of the songs. GAY DISCO? Who invents this shit up? We don't. Gays don't either. But blacks started to define their music as BLACK music later on (recently, in fact). Oh, is Technotronic BLACK disco or techno? IT IS? Technotronic is GOD. But WHO the fuck is Elvis? NO ONE to me. I literally didn't even know who he was until I moved down here and started to notice a lot of male singers at the beach next door (a club is next to the beach in the wide open ) looking and sounding the same. W. told me "They are Elvis imitators." Like that told me something? OH... IDGAF. That didn't TELL me anything. I didn't pursue it - I don't get moved by that kind of music at all. Everyone always talks about the black rhythm, blacks themselves call it "beating the drums" but someone ought to notice that MOST ETHNICS have highly rhythmic music and MOVE TO it. And the similarity between Hispanic and Russian music blows my mind - the same kind of "soul" is in BOTH. Do white leftists even know what "soul" is? I DOUBT IT, they'd lump it in with "the mystical" because they DO NOT HAVE IT! They have NO SOUL - there it is. Klippoths. They dismiss the FEEL of things - they focus on the THOUGHTS and IDEAS. Well, NEWSLFLASH: that is NOT what we-the-world are ABOUT! J. is right: there it is in honkie, the negrophobe or the negrophile. Why not remove the word negro from this and STOP seeing it that way? Because you CAN'T. You can't just see a worker (which IS what I see on a job, or "a person" in person outside of work). There is so much racism today that I spelled out what it's like to even be close friends now with a person who is, nowadays, blatantly BLACK (neon sign, big words, BLACK BLACK BLACK) -it's a CHORE and PROBLEM now. It did NOT USED TO BE this and I mean BEFORE Civil Rights! When X mother's brother married a black person do you imagine that X had a "CONCEPT" of the person as "BLACK?" No! X did not! Not even remotely! Nor did the black person have a concept of X as non-black (X is very dark so it's iffy what race X is, but X is not a black person). And did YOU know that there were some blacks (Americans) in the USSR during their Civil War that were in the Cheka? Do you think anyone thought of them as "BLACK?" FUCK no. I had to "TUNE INTO" the American thing to understand this and I PRIMARILY tuned into BLACKS to understand it because the whites were a mass of fucking total confusion, like klippoths with nebulous ideas and justifications for the ideas that made NO sense. But there goes MIM mentioning some honky Archie Show that I never watched. You don't even have a CLUE where I got it from. You put others INTO your own paradigms and newsflash, we all HATE IT when you do this. We all meaning the COLORED WORLD. More news, I did not get it from spying on the right wingers AT ALL - their main gripe was 'dangerous neighborhoods.' They used to mention the Archie show and consider it Jewish Propaganda - tho I never watched it so I didn't know what it meant, or care. So what the fuck is this Archie show? It is Jewish Propaganda (what's that?)? I DO see the whole sticky sickening suffocating mess as a war between JEW AND ARYAN and has been such for a long time now. Jews USED the blacks and leftist ideas to counter the Aryans and their innate inborn Hobbesian shit and meanwhile, with Aryans countering them back, they both turned the world into a BIG reservation. That's what I FEEL about it. TUNE INTO OUR IDEAS for a change. Do you KNOW what the honky (based on Jew) Armegeddon is about? It's all about BABYLON (the Middle Eastern people) rising in league with GOG AND MAGOG (The Turanians and Slavs, i.e., the Soviets, that's who that is, go look it up!) and in league also with millions in an army from the East (China?) to SMASH THE SHIT out of the white world. That's their Armegeddon. READ IT and find out who those tribes are they speak of. It doesn't include the Africans in the war. It's surely Serpents versus Adamites and they even equate the Serpent (the symbol of wisdom to ALL almond eyed people) with the Devil. The Slavic peoples themselves wrote literature where they referred to themselves as those same Asiatic yellow hordes that the Europeans were afraid of back then. They SAID this. It didn't refer to China but to the Near and Central Eastern peoples: US. MY people. Even W. Reich KNEW this and did an analysis of it in the "Mass Psychology of Fascism." So then, I think that ASOLOPCISM has been as bad as the prior kind of solopcism you refer to, tho I do not and did not mean the "you can't know what it is to BE them" statement in that way at all. That BLACKS THEMSELVES have said this and you ignore it - don't you think they KNOW when you aren't getting something? Of course not, why, you are not only white, but you are the most advanced white thinkers, Marxists and so everyone is wrong, you KNOW IT ALL including how people feel. Yeah, right. 100% of the time you infer wrong paradigms and I'm WRITING TONS of shit to you and you DO NOT get the clue. In this then, the practical ideas, I'm much more in line with the CPUSA and Stalin. Sure, give them a nation, Farrakhan insists on it and so GIVE HIM one but DO NOT exclude their nation from the central government of the people or stop them from leaving that nation to work in ANY work place on equal terms. Five anyone a nation that fits the criterion or who wants one, including gays. The dilemma is which comes first, the nation or the socialism. I think the socialism HAS to come first or they'd end up being isolated and walled off in a nation prior to their being equal distribution of resources and wealth, and we know what that's called: a concentration camp. I think MIM and most leftists are fooled about the DEGREE and KIND of racism that exists in the USA today, LEAST OF ALL among the wasps and MOST OF ALL among the ethnics! I think blacks are NOT fooled and can not BE fooled on this issue: they are like me: INTUITIVE. They KNOW. They feel it. They, like me, DO NOT rely on "words people say" because, like me, they know that most of these assholes can't speak what they feel or WONT speak it - it's the POLITE shit, the etiquette shit. By the way, there is a black nationalist newsgroup. WHY DO YOU NOT post to them about Communism? Bet you 10 to 1 they "HEAR" what I have had to say about this issue better than they hear anything you have to say. I don't have to bet. I have a LIFE TIME of proof to that effect. end post