[[1]mim3@mim.org comments: COS is the Church of Satan to which the Red Rayers belong. In this essay is the "Tree of Destruction" concept that the Red Rayers argue for.] Pentalectical materialism in a "non-COS" edition. --- Article on Penta-lectical Materialism with the COS-focused information removed. For MIM Comrades and anyone else. There is inequality in equality just as there is difference within sameness - even within the SAME "THING." Also, you can NOT take out one "thing" and look at it - it's not possible since the all things are INTERWOVEN into each other in such a way that they interchange/interact in specific ways, directly or indirectly. MAIN resources (air/water/earth) are FINITE! We who KNOW this tradition, raised to know it, RECOGNIZE when one of the "things" is out of whack, when a "principle" is broken. What you get is a broken person, and heaps of broken people make a broken society, a broken nation. Klippoths, pretas, the broken, whatever you want to call them, anosognosics? alexithymics? Schizoids? Neurasthenics? Dualists? These are the same words here. Political leftists refer to these as Idealists, and broken thinking as Idealism. They also often criticize me for partitioning off sections of this or that place (so did Stalin, Socialism in ONE NATION) but they all fail to realize that their own analyses are analyses done INSIDE a big agrarian dependent, fossil fuel dependent, arena! That's like trying to analyse patriarchy WITHIN a patriarchal society. You need to come from OUTSIDE this kind of society to SEE it objectively. This is what dialectical materialism is talking about, say, Mao's "On Contradiction," using very materialist and non-occult terms though may I know including myself recognize TAOISM in that essay. What we have (in traditional culture I'm from) is more like a penta-lectical materialism that is not too easy to understand but which can be reduced to dialectical materialism. We say you have to know it through the flesh itself, directly and if you FEEL that dark force (entropy) whooshing thru you you WILL know it. It will sound familiar if you read it, as if you already knew it as if written into your being. Neurology calls this BODY MARKERS and with them, you don't have LOGIC! One can trace this back to the earliest kinds of doctrines of my kind where we had Being, Non-Being and BECOMING. It is the BECOMING part that is dialectical (pentalectical as we analyze it). Even in non-being (death) there is becoming since nothing that's matter or energy "dies" - it merely CHANGES. When you are born, are you living or dying? You are doing both, simultaneously. It's NOT a dualism. Back to politics and imperialism and gender problems: What First World Feminism seems to be saying is: "Hell no, there is no way in hell that you penises who want penis rule will EVER turn our U.S.A. into an Islamic or Hindu or Chinese society where you cut off clitorises and sew up vaginas, where you set on fire women you are tired of, or where you bind the feet of women for your penis pleasure. There is already something wrong when power of a non sexual type is eroticized but there is no way in hell you would-be sadists/masters will make us into slaves/masochists, no way in hell. There is no way we will TOLERATE sadism (of course, when First World Men take it out on Third Worlders these feminists seldom say a word). There is NO WAY this society will become like that." First World Feminism! Yes, this is FW feminism! They set up abuse centers, rally, and even rally men and the law, to harsher treatment against abusers and so forth. They divorce the men and get the First World courts to force these men to PAY for it. But what many women do not realize, is that the crime, shitty education, all of the CRAP out there is forcing a grass roots white-Christian movement to arise in one of the MAJOR political parties. What these First World Christian women and most of their enemies (left-wing feminists) do not realize is that these right-wing Christian people are acting out of immediate necessity (just like it was done long ago) and they are setting up the SAME EXACT CONDITIONS for the SAME EXACT patriarchal theocracy. History shows, and you can go to these places and see yourself, that such patriarchal theocracies were ancient and very long standing Great Civilizations once when Europe was a nothing place with nothing there and even before Christianity even existed in the cases of China, India and the pre-Islamic Mid-East. If you grade patriarchal practices in terms of brutality against women AND age of civilization, you find that the OLDEST patriarchal societies, India, China, the Afro-Semitic Middle East, are the WORST patriarchies and theocracies! Next oldest are Greece and Rome. Their patriarchy and theocracy is less, but more than in the NEWEST imperialist societies. The latest imperialists are the English and Americans; one can't even really say Germany ever had a real imperial empire tho they tried it a few times, Hitler being the last try. However the most primitive peoples and the latest to get civilization are the Scandinavians and then the Slavs. They are the LEAST patriarchal, some groups of them are STILL MATRILINEAL and they are the most peaceful, and what theology they have is little more than shamanism - even Slavic Christianity is mother goddess worship akin to shamanism as they practice it. (By Slavic I do NOT refer to the Anglo-Germanic settlers there that SPEAK Slavic language but are NOT Slavs). I don't have to explain that the Afro-Semitic Middle East, Hindu India or China (at least, before Mao put a forced end to it which is NOT A CURE for it because "it" arises out of DESIRES of people!) are the most sadistic toward women (See Marilyn French: "War Against Women" for details). In post Maoist China, if a man merely talks to a woman in a grocery store, asking her the price of an item, she is ruined, considered a whore. Don't these people have any revolutionary rebelliousness in them to say "FUCK YOU, we guys and gals are going to congregate?" No, it took Mao to enforce this and outlaw male practices against women. But Mao is gone and so are the bans and no sooner was his wife and the Communists deposed and male rule reinstated that they called her a WITCH! Small wonder so many feminists are into witchcraft! In India the only time the men lay back and stop is when some Western news reporter is there to watch. In the Afro-Semitic Middle East they don't seem to give a shit who's watching when they throw acid on women without veils or mutilate their genitals. Are these people human beings? I could easily be persuaded to think they are NOT human beings. I could be persuaded to treat them as if they are mad dogs and BOMB them. But in Greece and less in Italy (and Greece is older than Rome) there is the sexual double standard where a woman is either a virgin or a whore. This double standard is slightly in the Anglo-American lands, but it hardly exists in Germany and does not exist in Scandinavia or the Slavic lands. Imperialism and its attendant colonialism is relatively new to the Europeans. Egyptians did it long ago, they colonized people. So did the Romans. So did the Chinese. (So did Aztecs) They all had slavery, too, nothing has changed. But in the West there have been violent revolutions: American, French, Bolshevik (Russian, Communist). China had revolutions when bands of Turanians had enough of Chinese colonialization and went into China and kicked their asses - and then took over. So there was big change for a very short while until it reverted back; as it has done post-Mao. Similar incursions of Turanians into Mid-East Semite lands resulted in the same things with some BIG civilizations resulting from it and mass migrations of people INTO Europe resulting from it. Incursions of barbarian Germanic tribes into Rome caused chaos, but Holy Roman Empire came from these actions. It doesn't matter what items get produced or mass produced. That's not the issue except in terms of labor, capital, slave-wages, etc. It's also an issue that now the First World exploits the hell out of the Third World - but it used to be the other way around with the peoples of the Third World having the power and the peoples of the First World mere barbarian savages, primitive as ever. (How did the Anglos get to England? The Huns came and pushed populations West and these peoples bumped into the Anglos who also got pushed. Why did the Anglos come to America? Because Tamerlane cut the East-West trade route and the East, at the time, was BIG CIVILIZATION while Europe was a cess pool.) So the Crown of Imperialism has changed many hands in history: now the Anglo Americans have it, they have it ALL and they are having a party at the expense of the Third World which they exploit to have their party. Leftists tend to look at the last 300 years and they have their own good reasons. We tend to look at the COMING 300 years. We have the power of PREDICTION on our side! But things are NOT O.K. There is trouble in the Realm. The Empire (I mean the U.S.A.) is in BIG trouble with warring nations inside of it (ethnic groups, including gays since they seem like a big ethnic group). There has to be a way to fix this. What the Right-wing Republicans want to do sounds VERY GOOD, even to some hard-line Reds. ISOLATION - FUCK the world, PULL OUT of the world - USA FOR USA. US FIRST. Like: SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY? Oh, they can call it capitalism but Roosevelt, whom everyone loved and who was elected 4 terms in a row, put into policy 8 of Marx's 10 points and called it "The New Deal." So it would end up being a kind of socialism mixed with some capitalism, probably not mega-mega-profit capitalism, with Christian values stuck in it. Christian values can go both ways: warlike fascism or peaceful communalism. One thing for sure, Christian values and practices can clean up the cess pool that the USA has become - a good SHORT TERM solution (ah, but it utterly lacks FORESIGHT). It's a LOUSY solution. WHY?: If you have to ask, you have not UNDERSTOOD. Here is why: This is how the Third World BECAME the Third World: thru imperial empires that became simultaneously more patriarchal and theocratic, with a closed-unit kind of theocratic self-help rule at first with an army (male warriors) to defend the realm. Here, eg, women have the RIGHT to vote. Who gave them the right? MEN! Armed men could just as easily take the rights away and they ARE bigger and stronger than women. The most brutal of them would end up being in power because what they want to do, aside from "to hell with the world, USA FOR USA, isolation" is GET RID of gays, blacks, gangs, drugs, crime, and others they regard as a danger to their safety or way of life! This is no news; they are open about the gay issue and not all that secretive on the blacks; just read their "Bell Curve" books to see. So, the TYPE of man who COULD wipe people out or enslave/imprison them would be in power, be in their army, but who'd put them in power and want them there to keep them safe? THE WOMEN!! THE MEAK! And it's a checkmate situation here. Blacks can protest this idea because what I'm saying has been VOICED lately in "respectable republican type" books! Gays can protest it too. The checkmate is that the more they protest, and with big shows of numbers, the more of a THREAT they are seen as, by these right-wing republicans whose numbers are growing bigger every single day. Why would such methods sound good to a Red? Well, "what would STALIN or MAO do to," example: blacks having a riot and tearing up a city? "What would Stalin or Mao do to" gays going to bath-houses and spreading deadly diseases around? I KNOW what he'd do. In fact, Molotov suggested it to the USA: Give the blacks their own Nation! If this had been done, there wouldn't have been all the "danger" in most of the cities now. I don't know what he'd have done about the gays, but probably give them a Nation too. This still, this is "doing what they'd do" wholly outside the ECONOMIC set up. One could say "What would HITLER do" for all that matters, Hitler would do the same things Mao or Stalin would do: ABOUT CRIME! Shit! So would our own cops if they COULD! But all of this, to really understand it and the real causes of it without blaming this or that group, takes long thinking and understanding of a large and conflicting group of conditions and a multifaceted situation to figure out how the place GOT so messed up. And solving it would take a lot of thinking too. Right-wing republican methods, like similar methods used long ago by others, are simple but IMMEDIATE solutions to problems they see and FEEL plaguing them RIGHT NOW; the problem is that they utterly lack foresight, they ARE simpleton. (And had Mim read this carefully, MIM would have not criticized "me" for MT11 posts! Duh Harumph!) They want simple jobs, example. They manage to SEE foreign speaking people taking the jobs. They don't care if Big Capital brings them here as slave-wage workers; that's too abstract and they can't SEE this or an immediate way to stop Big Companies from doing this especially if these companies aren't IN the USA but are American companies. But they SEE these people, and these people WILL NOT learn English and more, they are making demands these days about language. This makes the right-wing republicans grow in numbers daily and it also ticks off other ethnics who DID learn English. This is what they SEE and FEEL: "He takes the jobs from me and also wants me to speak Spanish?" What one must grasp is this: MOST human beings can't think and/or will not bother to think when their emotions get in a boil against an IMMEDIATE THING that they can concretely see. They can SEE, example, the Hispanic speaking newcomer, legal or illegal, on a job. They can not easily SEE the Company. Most folks are DUMB. They SEE hole in road and don't figure to wonder "who made it?, what made it?" They SEE hole, and avoid hole. But then humans were evolved TO respond TO a situation of threat IMMEDIATELY and history shows they do it in a PREDICTABLE way: they get the strongest men to be their warriors, they get the warriors to hunt and kill or exile "the others" but then they END UP with a patriarchy with penis-law and theocracies to back up the men. Then the USA would be just more Third World if this happened. After all, those male warriors "fought and died" FOR the women and their children. That's how the men SEE this. Well, maybe there wouldn't be anything so wrong about all this if it weren't for the fact that most of these men are BROKEN beings, they are twisted and sexually sick; they don't have animal-power of the kind that would make women tend to CHOOSE MATES along more carnal lines as Wilhelm Reich and many others suggested, as we suggest. I.e.,: if he can't fuck, then DUMP him. What if 99% of the men can't fuck? Well then the white Christian women are back to the days when they had to be married, had to open their legs and had to put up with this without having any pleasure of their own: which is why they are so fucked up today and don't even KNOW how to find a mate that can get them off. They are so fucked up that if you call their sex "rape" they wonder what you mean. But then, this is still just more Third World without the physical torture or mutilation, at least NOT YET. Another real problem is that this "mess" goes on BECAUSE the First World has been exploiting the hell out of that Third World! But people tend to get selective amnesia about such technicalities. They tune that statement out and override it with their "might makes right" rhetoric as if this will make the "mess" go way. They are also unable to see that these now large groups of dissatisfied ethnics, having BEEN exploited, ARE BECOMING a might. Doesn't their might make right too? Result: WAR WAR WAR, more war. Predictable. 10,000 years ago, man fucked up. None of this happened to ANY of the "primitive" nomadic peoples who (some) are still nomadic today - but hardly anyone even knows about these people (30 million of them live in the x-USSR in the very cold north, they live pretty much the way they've been living all during the time of those BIG Civilizations of the "ancient world." Side by side they lived AND EVOLVED, but in peace). Some new way has to be found, some NEW MEANS OF PRODUCTION of FOOD, since a food issue is what caused the snowballing of this mess 10,000 years ago, has to be invented or discovered to STOP that snowball once and for all. We have to find new energy sources because fossil fuels won't last forever and nuclear energy is a non-feasible method. We have to do a LOT and FAST because right now two people work in a family and it's never enough, always in debt. Cars are polluters and money eaters. More fossil fuel crap. Some alternate form of fuel and MASSIVE public transit would do, but we can't have the public transportation end up being dangerous to ride on. That has to stop, one way or the other some one is going to come to power to MAKE it stop. Right now, the only ones out to do this are the right-wing Christians. Also, J. Sakai (Settlers, Myth of the White Proletariat) pointed out how the left-wing and Communist Parties in the USA have gotten workers rights and all that good stuff, but ended up being First World Parties not exactly out to help the Hispanic non-English speakers or the blacks who were also HERE and working HERE. Right now we need labor unions and we need to stop those companies from moving out of here and from hiring slave-wage foreign labor which exploits the Third World AND messes us up here. But how? More and more, battle lines are being drawn; you'd have to be BLIND not to know this. This is NOW-REALITY! Some think violent armed revolution is the answer either like the American one or the Bolshevik Russian one, but we already tried that and it failed. Also the CIA wrecked every single non-capitalist government that got legally VOTED in, such as Allendes. Of course, no one knows the CIA is doing this at the time; they know it on hindsight after the CIA or evidence comes forth. Whenever someone, anyone, comes forth with some GOOD idea for freedom and prosperity, the klippoths manage to fuck it up, obstruct it, sabotage it. WHY? I know they do it because they are klippoths, but WHY DO KLIPPOTHS DO THIS? Perhaps the answer is that they LOVE STRIFE and hate the world and their own inner beings so much that strife feels better to them than peace and quiet. It's hard to fathom this. In Pentalectical terms, these klippoths break every single principle in nature and so their society is a reflection of this. Does it matter if there are only FEW klippoths and MORE normal people? No, ONE rotten apple can spoil a whole barrel of HEALTHY apples. Ain't that a bitch? CF: "Male Disease" on website, and Male Solar Phallic Cult. Big Capital, oil companies and such aren't going to do this, they might try to stop it from being done because they'd stand to lose a lot of profit if it was done. No matter! It HAS TO BE done. Wouldn't it be nice if the Earth had Gene Roddenberry's dream as he conceived of the Earth in that time period, if we had such a society? Wouldn't it be nice, to break this down to the naked reality, if humans eating and shitting didn't cause such strife and trouble? Yes it would; but society as it is now would have to be turned back RIGHT-SIDE UP; the "house" has been upside-down for far too long. And yes, this is just talk, more talk, written words. Nothing is getting DONE. Reds are doing nothing but bickering. Gender conflicts can not be solved, or even objectively looked at, WITHIN patriarchy. By the same token, the "means of food production" cannot be looked at within a world subsistent, for the most part, on agriculture. Nomadic populations are very SPARSELY populated and they NEVER overpopulate! They remain in balance. When an animal (say, agrarian man) eats up his own habitat and ends up with ruined land and triple the numbers of people, he has to migrate and take over another habitat. That is how, by the way, those still-nomadic ice-dwellers got to where they are now: PUSHED OUT by agrarians long ago. (See: Cavalli-Sforza "The Great Human Diasporas") Example: China is agrarian and has been for centuries now, their patriarchal imperialism is stamped in tight now. What if they DID NOT control birth by putting restrictions on it? They'd soon overpopulate the whole planet. Well, the numbers of hungry mouths are growing and the amount of land available is decreased: agriculture is in its end game (Cf. Smithsonian information by Robert McC Adams). The problems ahead of us are SO BIG that even the best analysts tend to "fuzz out" over it save to say they think the human species is finished. And sure, there are the "immediate solutions" to the problems that sound like the "final solution" of the Nazis: just wipe out a few billion people and end their starvation! Keep the rest for ourselves. The problems of class in labor can be solved easily enough: pay everyone the same wage across the board. Socialism would solve the problems of "services for the people" but we'd have to find a "closed system" method of doing socialism or it WILL NOT work. Problem: the RESOURCES are not all in one place! Everyone pooling into it would have to benefit from it - and NO ONE ELSE. We'd have to either have nation isolationism or the whole planet (which would be ideal!) would be involved in this with redistribution of ALL resources for ALL people. Right now, we are no where near that dream. Repeat: DREAM. We have not even overcome war. We'd have to find a way to keep the system in balance: we can't keep MAKING hungry mouths and expanding when the land is finite and subject to ruination so that there is LESS land to work with. That "people expansion, land erosion and lessening" started with agriculture 10,000 years ago. Even the method of animal husbandry in agrarian society is a land-gobbler. It's fine if you can move to another habitat (and murder anyone in your way...), but there is nowhere to go anymore -humans have eaten up the whole planet and are now entering into DANGEROUS territory: the rain forests. The problems are mind-boggling. Capitalist imperialists are SO FUCKING STUPID that they fight a war over who controls the oil but they don't lift a finger against those destroying our future air supply! Many of us would survive without electricity and other oil-petroleum-based life-supports, but we will ALL perish without air. The CPUSA has a good Environmental plan but we would have to put people BEFORE profits and no one is going to do that if they have to live in hardship when they don't have TOO MUCH hardship now. No one will do it, if they have SOME THING to lose. Fuzz over that. No one REALLY hears it enough to DO something about it. In one ear, out the other - go eat some dinner, go take a shit. Go to sleep and forget you read this and the heaps of other similar warnings. This is not an insult. This is exactly what people do when they have to WORRY about next month's rent. And if they are no longer worrying about the rent they will surely never do something that makes them have to worry about it. Such is life: FOR NOW. This is the story of what happened, in short: ENVIRONMENTAL DRASTIC CHANGE AROUND 10,000 YEARS AGO. NEED to seek new conditions BY WHICH and IN WHICH to live. Those seeking conditions IN WHICH to live biologically adapted but culturally have stayed the same or stable since the old ways worked. Those seeking conditions BY WHICH to live culturally evolved but biologically degenerated into a state of sick-instinct, fear of such sick-instinct, and supreme repression finally with there coming into being a state of gender WAR common to them. Genders can not remain at war too long and a species thrive. "LONG" is how long hominids were around and even this is short in real terms of evolution. Long is NOT measured by "civilizations" that rose and fell. It is "civilization" and such cultural evolution that people (FROM them) hold so high and consider so important. This is definitely akin to trying to analyze patriarchy and feminism when you are FROM such patriarchal people and living IN such a society yourself. You are a fish - INSIDE the fish tank. You can not ask "what is a NOT-fish" from outside the tank where you never go or see. ONLY a NOT-fish, outside it, CAN TELL YOU what is NOT IN that fish tank. Few not-fish talk or tell and almost NONE have writing or ever needed it. THIS not-fish talks and writes. This is a tree and to know about branches, leaves and fruit you must know what the SEED is and next what the ROOTS are like to determine if it's viable, healthy, etc. and see clearly WHAT IT REALLY IS. And this is how we think and analyze: very unlike the fish! I'm using the image of a tree, roots, seeds because human or other society is LIKE a growing thing. SEED: ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE. Need for life forms to change in some way, or perish. (The same "do or die" occurred which FORCED ape to eventually evolve into man; FORCED fish to eventually evolve into amphibian - GET IT?) ROOT: AGRICULTURE chosen by some as means BY WHICH to seek continuance. What was NOT chosen? The physical, biological evolution that others, nomads, at that time the majority!, DID choose. This Tree chose CULTURAL evolution with all its ramifications as they self-sang the praises of their own ruination of life, and pushed out, absorbed or wiped out all of the others who were nomadic. THE ROOT THE RESULTS: stationary ) Defense of land > walled in area > soldiers settlers ) > nations > property/land owning. doing ) Labor division > castes > unequal distribution agriculture) replacing equal due to presence of soldiers now in power to demand more, better, higher > class oppression: hierarchies. Priests to keep classes in their place > imperialist godist patriarchy LEADS TO: Need to move to newer lands due to land erosion from agriculture. Need for more room due to overpopulation fostered by any agrisociety for farm hands. The lowest classes always having larger families than higher classes. Women are breeding property. Ends in the lowest classes knowing nothing or being kept uneducated, give them education and they immediately seek to "rise up" in the class system. COMBINE the two: leads to conquering, might is right, warlike nations subduing anyone in the way by absorption or extermination. Priestly dictates about manifest destiny to justify genocide. Of course there is oppression. Such societies run on oppression and can't run any other way. The only thing ever able to utterly defeat and replace such a society was another identical society with more might, or one such society split apart and became two such societies. There existed genders in all dimorphic species, including man, long before this happened. Genders exist in nomadic communistic societies too. There was division of labor according to ability and the fruits of all labors went back into the society. There was no need to defend land because no one was stationary, including the animals. Overpopulation never occurs in nomad societies (hunter/gatherer). Such primitive societies are all communistic in one form or another, but the WHOLE FOUNDATION of these societies is utterly unlike the agrarian societies. Agrarian societies pushed out the nomad ones, they are almost all gone now. At the same time agrarian societies have eaten up almost the entire planet. THEY don't have anywhere to go to, to find a new habitat. They now threaten to "eat up" our air supply. This is the situation NOW. But this situation had a ROOT back in time, and not all that long ago: 10,000 years is not long ago. View this, the following diagram as a tree, not as separate categories, but as how one thing grows into another at the same time AS all other parts of the tree are growing. E.g., Walls around a protected area (i.e., with a given set of protectors) necessitates a grouping of who is going to do which chores. This simple division of labor with the fruits of ALL labor pooling back into the whole group begins to change with certain groups getting a bigger share than others. Warrior castes, which arise from those chosen to be protectors, go hand in hand with unequal ownership, now of privatized portions of land. Warriors are in a position to demand more and claim patches of land. Next, the castes become static, they become set AS CLASSES and they'd vie for favoritism from the strongest class, i.e., the warriors. The warriors would elect a King. The priests would declare him a God King or claim he ruled by Divine Decree since the warriors are in a position to destroy these priests if they don't serve them. This is how it starts and ends up every single time. By the time this formerly small group ruins the land, they are strong enough, as a nation now, to conquer and/or push out all other people. Nomads were once the majority. Now they are almost extinct or absorbed. The New World Order is one HUGE Empire with the classes still in place, slaves and all. It's just HUGE now. The revolt against altar and throne is a revolt against THIS THEE. This is what is behind the anti-Adamite mythopoetry of those who regard this all as "The Assassins" who regard "us" against it as Anti-Christs, THEIR Enemy. Reader: You'll need to print this page out in order to SEE IT as it is meant to be seen. TREE OF DESTRUCTION: View this as a tree, from bottom to top. END RESULT: Empires, (NEED MORE SPACE, SPREAD OUT AND) imperialism, (ENGULF THE WORLD, MORE STRIFE/WAR) colonialism. ( ..) ( Manifest Destiny (... God ordains it. Might is right, Holy Wars and take and push Elitism racism out all others. ) ( ...) (... EFFECT: Priestly caste Need more room (OVERPOPULATION) supports military powerful army can (LAND DEPLETION) & pacifies others. war and take more (NEED TO SPREAD) ) ( (FIND MORE LAND) ) ( ...) (... Classes, vying Nation states against each warrior caste other for more. (...... ...) Walls around Unequal ownership. protected area .....) with protectors. Castes assigned to ( specific chores. (.................) (...TREE ROOT...) Stationary Settlers farming a patch of land CAUSE: CLIMATE CHANGE ------------------------------------------------------------ Far from what any SHORT-TERM subjectivist excuse-maker can say about this last 10,000 years, this has NOT been better for us eugenically or genitically and the whole of it threatens to doom us all. Ignorance is BLISSFUL and short-term thinking or subjectivist views on this (what's good for me-first) is fine for the short term. Man either find a way to smash up this entire system from the ROOT of it, or it will smash man, in time. This is not doom-theory. It's logical fact based on a lot of reality out there to be seen.