From Tani: NO. Emotions are materially biochemical reality. YES: the objective reality. Part of the black experience in USA is not wanting to be black. Whites can understand the material and etc objectivities, but they can never understand the subjective reality that affects the black experience. The black experience in this society is a reality. Thinking that you can understand it and trying to help blacks has resulted in the majority of blacks saying "YOU AIN'T FUCKING LISTENING." Part of the Turanian experience is BEing the Golden Horde on a Jihad now, and at the same time the progresive Soviet Commisar. And I refer here now to one person being both things. You cannot understand this. Ergo, will NEVER understand the 11 time zones USSR relations. This subjective reality exists and is caused by objective facts. You people never understand this. You think you do, but you don't. All you can do is call us names: emotional, irrational, subjective, solipsist. Fuck you. We are the majority of the world. We are the world. The white people are not. But right now, imperialism in my brain, in my thought constructs, conjures up the image of a white man, notable British. Who the fuck do you think my kin Lenin killed? How the fuck do you think we could recognize who a kulak was, even if he dressed up like a peasant? Every person that is sane (not Jeffrey Dahmer) has a subjective reality that is conditioned by the objective reality. Yes, you can talk about changing the objective reality and you should. But to imagine you know what we feel, think, experience, is crazy. There's absolutely nothing in the white experience that could create a subjective reality in one person, based on objective conditions of life, that comes up fanatic jihad versus soviet commisar. Ie, primitive tribalism vs progressive internationalism. I don't believe the white race has ever felt anything like this in their experience. And whatever we talk about this kind of stuff (blacks or us) you go and you think it's fascism. How typical, that's your experience of this. Yours, white fascism. The whites thought that the Stalinists were Red fascists. They thought that the Cultural Revolution Chinese were yellow facists. Like with everything else, you cubbyhole it into a paradigm that is exclusively and subjectively white. And you get it wrong, you misunderstand. It's like why should I say another word? There are all kinds of non whites around here that understand me perfectly. They hear what I'm saying, and I hear what they're saying. The white people are the minority. And they have the balls to call we the people of the world solipsists. It's too much. That's it. B: Most whites come from a Hobbesian environment where they have no real friendship or love for family or friends. They all have dirty laundry that they keep from each other, and ugly feelings that they want to run away from. Most nonwhites come from a totally different environment. They have love for friends and family. They are oppressed by and feel hatred and alienation towards the Hobbesian whites who Tani calls cruxtoids. Note, "cruxtoid" does not neccesarily imply a person is any religion. This is the truth. If some whites decide to become revolutionaries or consider making another system based on love (which is something alien to their own experience), they should recognize this. These ethnics are already rooted in something. Their objective foundation is very different from that of the whites. I come from white culture, and I know this about myself. I have known ethnics, including Tani, who I recognize to have very different experiences and be very different people from me. Tani knows what communism feels like, because that's what she grew up in with her community. How can Tani, eg relate to her friend Vad when Vad says something like "I joined COS to escape from Christian feelings I had in myself"? Tani asks, how can you escape from feelings you have inside you. Tani knows this: if your finger hurts you really bad, you can escape the pain by either taking a narcotic or cutting off the finger once and for all. You can't cut out your feelings. You can't escape from something like that, it's impossible. But Tani knows that white people manage to do this all the time, and she finds it amazing. They somehow manage to run away from themselves. This is one example of the unfathomably huge gulf between these whites and everybody else. Reds must understand this. These people have real experience of communism, and to call them solipsitic because they know what it is, is arrogance. They can turn around and just say to you, "You're a wannabe." Mim has to admit, that the white world communist writers have universally turned off the non-white-world communists, no doubt about it. Tani said that MIM sometimes gets down on whitey so bad (a black communist even said this to you) that it reminds her of the way xian COS people go overboard against Christianity. Tani praises MIM, but Tani also praises MIM as "at least they're hard-line communists, the rest of the Marxists out there are full of s#it. MIM is good." B