Tani says: March 17, 1998 Yes you can show MIM. This is on materialism and emperio-criticism and OTHER things that tie into it because of WHAT GOT MIM to suggest this book. I know Mim won't like this post, but so what. Today, I got mailed a copy of Lenin's BOOK, and it's a big book, tiny print, Materialism and Emperio-Criticism which I will xerox and mail back to the G.S. who was nice enough to mail it to me. I will REMEMBER WHO mailed this to me: one of my OWN. It's a second edition. I will also mail MIM the Bogdanov/Cultural Revolution, Lysenkoism 2 sciences stuff, the portion that speaks of it which is WAY heavy. Guess what it was that caused a kind of crisis: THE DISCOVERY OF ENTROPY! Like, ha ha, wow, there it is. SOMEONE discovered a way to measure the DARK FORCE IN NATURE and it caused a ruffle in the neat little world of everyone else. Now, I read this in a book on LYSENKO and STALIN and what this PROLE SCIENCE (the TWO sciences) was all really about and WHERE IT STARTED: BOGDANOV and I know Lenin tried to criticise Bogdanov but never even read HIS book first: EMPERIO-MONISM. Lecourt says that in order to GRASP the roots of Cultural Revolution and the Lysenko thing, you MUST know what Bogdanov said: and she does us the favor of SHOWING US in the appendix, the whole thing. This BLEW MY FUCKING MIND when I read it over one year ago now. BLEW MY MIND. So! The Lysenkoites were LITEREALLY like the COS gang on alt.satanism early on when L was with us and his enemies were LITERALLY like the Setians - FOR REAL LITERALLY like it. AMAZING, and the argument centered on the SAME THING: ENTROPY! WOW! What few realize is that APART, almost TRANSCENDENT (!!!) of the natural cosmic dialectic (parsimony/diversity, it even exists in stars and how they burn down and BECOME something else sometimes which results in NEW LIFE) ...almost transcendent of the natural cosmic dialectic IS this dark force: it is ONE and it does not need the universe to EXIST. It IS that "thing in itself" and Lenin might try to argue this but he is NO quantum physicist or any kind of physicist. This ONE THING is not matter and not energy. And matter and energy are the SAME THING but they sure LOOK LIKE different things, don't they? Does a cup standing still on a table LOOK LIKE it has energy? Well, if you know that energy is NOT MOMENTUM then that's good. Imagine telling Lenin that the cup has energy when the cup is not DOing anything or serving any function - just sitting there. IMAGINE trying to get him to grasp this. HA! Dream on. Do you know that a cup, up on a table, has MORE potential energy than it does if you put it on the FLOOR OR GROUND? DO YOU KNOW THAT? I don't mean YOU put it there, ergo YOU (work in putting it up) give it energy. No, I mean that the cup on the table has more potential energy than cup on floor, and cup on floor has more potential energy than cup on ground. GET IT? I doubt it. Diane and L knew: physics. You can even FEEL it if you pick up a cup: the "rubber band" like feeling (you would call it weight) when the cup has to be LIFTED (stretched away from the floor) by your arm (which you feel as weight). That feeling you feel as you feel the pull of the "rubber band" to bring the cup down to the floor is "work you are doing" to PUT potential energy INTO that cup. But do you see the energy going in there? But what is pulling the cup down? The greater MASS of the earth is doing it - did Lenin know that mass was NOT the same as matter? I doubt it. But the GANG in general knows it especially since the Setian wars where hard-line physics experts got in on the act on our side and we had to use the LANGUAGE OF philosophy for the most part to even TALK to the Setian morons. FACT IS you can NEVER KNOW what the "thing in itself" is, no matter if it's an atom or a cup on a table or a chair you sit in. You can surely know the UTILITARIAN USES of such things, or KNOW if the few have these items and the many lack these items and have to sit on the cold floor and drink out of their bare hands. One has nothing to do with the other! By turning a light on to see the cup or chair (human eyes) you bombard it with photons: you CHANGE it. By standing near it (gravitational field) you CHANGE it! Even by USING the chair or cup, you CHANGE the THING ITSELF which you can NEVER know. The senses only tell you the SUBJECTIVE but senses, no matter HOW keen can not see ENERGY inside that cup. Nor can they see "where the photons went" after you turn off the light! Uh well, they went into the walls and things in the room, absorbed as HEAT but do these things FEEL hotter to the sense of touch? NO. Am I actually belaboring this OLD STUFF again? guess so. This is getting tired. I should have known better than to expect people who CLAIM to be cooperative and such to .. forget it. During the time of Stalin, some people tried to reject modern physics because it didn't fit into dialectical materialism. Wrong move. Stalin and notably Beria took charge and they developed The Bomb. Have to change dialectical materialism to fit into a much broader and much SMALLER framework, a framework (the small subatomic one) that does NOT QUITE FIT into how BIG objects interact with each other! So there is a "thing in itself" but no one can OBSERVE it. Fact. The MINUTE you get into the subatomic or quantum reality, you have entered into the domain of verbatum TANTRA! MANY physicists notice this. Yes, WE who know thru the flesh alone KNEW these things but far different from how physicists know it. Tho they must ALSO have those intuitions to come up with these IDEAS - and then the brains or foolhardyness to go and make MANIFEST (outer) what they KNOW (inner). Parsimony (tendency to conserve, toward order)/diversity (tendency toward DISorder, NOT to conserve but to proliferate) is THE MAIN UNIVERSAL COSMIC contradiction - one that doesn't NEED human societies to exist or observe it. GOD this is OLD STUFF now. But ENTROPY is THE HIDDEN FORCE that makes these things contradict AND ALSO holds them together in their almost eternal dialectical movement and interaction as they both "NEED" each other TO each exist! This is OLD STUFF here. This IS over Mim's head. It was MILES over Lenin's head. They deal only with the human STRIFE, with analysis of the ToD we live in. So did Marx for that matter. But oh ho ho, how did Lenin deal with it, or Stalin? Well, they gathered around themselves, in a political police kind of force, a bunch of people that, to the best of their ability to know, were NOT klippoths and then they set out and KILLED a lot lot lot of klippoths! But they didn't kill them ALL. And some klippoths managed to find their way into the ranks. That is the G.S. analysis of the thing. Morgan (former Mason 1800's here usa) was also a klippoth who managed to seep into the ranks of us here in the usa. Just that one man and the doings revolving around him managed to PUT the xtoids into power here where they STILL ARE. ONE MAN and HIS KLIPPOTHIC DOINGS. An odd imbaL exists. ONE PERFECT THING is never able to perfect everything else around it, tho it can try if it's a living thing. But ONE ROTTEN THING manages to rot everything else around it. I notice that and it's a strange imbaL. Put ONE poison mushroom in a batch of OK mushrooms. The OK ones don't manage to ever neutralize the poison, but the poisonous one manages to make all the others poisonous. WHY? It's strange! And by this I mean they are poisonous to HUMANS! Strange! Vad - Max Schmelling - that's the name of the German guy that boxed with Joe Louis, in the famous boxing match during the Nazi times! That's what I referred to long ago when I think I asked if that was his real name or if he was related to the OTHER Max Schmelling. The library is unable to find Proletariat the CLP theory journal. But I thought of calling CPUSA and they do have a library. I should have thought to call them for the Lenin book - tho I think I did try long ago and got no answer. Lenin's book must be OUT OF PRINT since the library was unable to locate it (they have computers that list IN PRINT items). Odd, since they DID find all - ALL - of Lysenko's writings! VERY odd. Of course, MIM would never think of copying THAT article in Proletariat for us tho it can't be that long; no, they'd rather withhold references or give LOUSY references with no author name or volume or page. Later on: I see one thing already in Lenin's MEC: the working man eating sausage and paid money; he knows he eats sausage and it tastes good and that he is robbed by the employer. Well, no he does NOT know he is robbed if he is paid enough so that he has LEFT OVER MONEY after he buys everything he WANTS to buy! This whole thing, however, is NOT an argument against the gang talking about subjective experience and "things in themselves" at all, the gang who has familiarity with QUANTUM PHYSICS in the 1990's. Lenin is dead fucking WRONG not only in that the worker MIGHT NOT know he's robbed if he is paid ENOUGH to have left over money, but he is not even NEAR to addressing or GRASPING the concept as we WOULD tend to read this stuff TODAY, with quantum physics knowledge at OUR MODERN disposal. "To Know" the things in themselves and "imagine the body does deceive you," he insists one can know and that body does not deceive. Is Lenin ignorant of the mundane reality of crazy people? He is DEFINITELY ignorant of modern physics. It is NOT POSSIBLE to know anything as a THING in itself -it is NOT POSSIBLE! N O T P O S S I B L E !!!!!! You ONLY can know it SUBjectively and/or analyze it SEMI objectively as a "thing related to other things in an environment of subatomic THINGS and of other big things that NETWORK WITH the thing you look at." The thing itself is CHANGED the moment you turn on a light to see it and bombard it with PHOTONS. This is WAY beyond Lenin or anyone of that time, but anyone reading this kind of "thing in itself" stuff today would HAVE modern physics at their disposal and if not, he'd end up sounding STUPID to anyone who does. When K and the grotto got into this: which is WHEN Mim brought up Lenin's MEC (Materialism and Emperio-Criticism) K was talking NOT about paychecks or food. He was talking about DESIRE and "what is pleasure." What tastes good. Lenin forgot that SOME FOLKS HATE sausage? So it would NOT taste good to his senses at all. I find sausage to be "sweet." Jeff thinks the SAME sausage is too spicy to eat. Wayne used to find the SAME sausage BITTER to his mouth. THIS is what the gang was talking about: PURELY subjective experience and the individual self KNOWING whether or not it LIKES something or not. This has NOTHING to do with Lenin's analysis! We don't know what Kant et al and others meant when THEY said "thing in itself" back then. But the tantriks who speak this jargon MEAN EXACTLY what physicists of the most modern type mean and I can VOUCH for this personally. It was a PROFESSOR OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS that questioned me at old job and realized I WAS TALKING PHYSICS and he found that out by PROBING for what I meant in minute detail. I meant it as Plato meant it: shadows. That's the samsara we speak of. Yet we may speak of this we VERY MUCH LIVE IN the world - and FULLY. We do NOT bury our sensations but are raised to be KEENLY AWARE of them and these are what WE ARE CALLING "our feelings" - we do NOT mean some western SICK TWISTED thing which, in OUR opinion, has NO meaning. We are keenly aware of normal INSTINCTS and what happens to them in THIS society. MIM seems to not have a CLUE what instinct even is or what NORMALCY is. And again no no no, they (the ones Lenin criticises) go on about the perception of seeing the colors red and green and, AT LEAST FROM THE MODERN PHYSICS UNDERSTANDING WE HAVE NOW, Lenin is not NEAR to grasping what is being said here. Not NEAR, not even CLOSE. Do the senses deceive us? YES, THEY FUCKING DO but that does NOT mean one should follow the truth of this with the bullshit that we shouldn't base something like the choice of colors for a car on this truth! We SEE red and green, ergo things are red and green TO US. WOLVES do not see as we see, nor do dogs. Nor do color blind people. But IS the thing itself red or green? IN FACT NO. FUCKING NO. Green I believe if I remember right, is really ORANGE but the reflected light appears GREEN TO OUR EYES due to how our rods/cones pick up the wave length of the light. EVEN STILL, you are STILL understanding the "thing" AS IT IS BOMBARDED BY PHOTONS (light) and NOT "in itself!" DUH! The THING ITSELF does NOT refer to how you perceive it or experience it sensually. It means the THING ITSELF. I have an inkling that these people WERE understanding something about science or else I am just NOT ABLE TO READ IT without my OWN understanding OF modern science. I read their words and immediately INTERTEXT scientific truths into it. And I do have a KNACK for physics so said a professor of nuclear physics. I UNDERSTAND it. Parmenedes defined a quantum object - but WHO KNEW WHAT THIS WAS - BEFORE - the knowledge of quantum physics? NO ONE and philosophers and theologians were NOT EQUIPPED to come close to understanding it. Here comes criticism. Check out K then by his own words. He is by no means a person grown in a NORMAL surrounding nor is he NORMAL in the animal instinct sense when it comes to sex or ANY human relationship for that matter. Yet Mim would LOVE what he has to say, on gender things? Mim likes K's line as closest to Catherine MacKinnons. But who is K to tell the animal me, or the "dumb nigger at work" about sex or fucking? He is NO ONE. Who is HE to speak on gender relations when he speaks from the HELL WORLD of THOSE HELLISH relations and I do not come from there? He is NO ONE to speak for ME or for the "dumb nigger at work" who has NO PROBLEM with this, just as he and I have NO PROBLEM BREATHING: it is as EASY as breathing for us. And now we are NOT speaking about the advent of the KIDS that result in this society: we mean FUCKING. SEX. DOING THE ACT. NO BIG DEAL for us. Like BREATHING. I don't even associate closely with anyone who finds this kind of a thing a TOPIC TO DISCUSS like Breathing is not a topic to talk about. But if you have ASTHMA then you THINK ABOUT IT all the time. Well, we don't have asthma. I don't know what MACH, KANT, et al MEANT THEMSELVES, or what they personally KNEW themselves, when they wrote this stuff Lenin criticized. But I can ONLY read it now with quantum physics knowledge that I DO HAVE a knack for. Here: electrons are in your body, in walls, electrons plus positrons and photons are what "light TRAVELLING" IS. Not what MAKES light travel. No. What "LIGHT TRAVELLING IS." But, thus far, you can not KNOW what an electron is! You can ONLY see it either attached to an atom in matter and not isolated, attached by the POSITIVE pull of the photons INSIDE that atom which you can't see either unless you SMASH the atoms open, or you can see it AS YOU SMASH IT. IS an electron a wave? Yes when YOU look at it one way. Is it a particle? YES, if YOU look at it another way! Ah, but it CAN NOT BE BOTH!!! It was EINSTEIN that said that there IS a thing in itself: "ELECTRON," and we do not know what it is. It was Heisenberg that admitted that we have to remain content to know "ONLY THE SHADOW" he used that Platonic phrase. So that doesn't stop anyone from MAKING ELECTRICITY by harnessing electrons or making anything using them, even building a wall that is held together by the electro-magnetic force (for the morons out there: the EM force is what holds MATTER ITSELF together, now I don't mean the nails or the glue). We know how to MAKE these things and we DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW what the electron IS -REALLY is. I knew it. You are NOT EVEN CLOSE in understanding the kinds of RELATIONS the gang was getting into if you think this Lenin book has a THING to say about it. Oh, FAR from it. You are not understanding US, we who DO KNOW modern physics for the most part. I have no idea HOW you are reading it. But an example: where to call something an 'eternal truth' and use Napaleon's date of death as the example. There is NOTHING eternal truth about this stupid HUMAN DATING system shit but yes, the being known as Napoleon ceased to exist as a living organism in a specific time/space location. It's a truth yes. NOTHING is eternal. Bogdanov is RIGHT (Lenin is mocking him but not even coming CLOSE to grasping what Bodanov said, in fact, Lenin didn't even READ IT!). And yet I admit, when I read what Bogdanov said (you can tell by my notes maybe) I can't read it without my immediate quantum physics knowledge coming into play - as if Bogdanov IS TALKING QUANTUM PHYSICS, or specifically about ENTROPY! And HE WAS talking about that! 2nd law of thermodynamics! NOT as defined piffily, but as elaborated on by REAL PHYSICISTS during the time of the Setian wars where it was proven beyond a doubt that these bozos don't have a CLUE what entropy even is. ENOUGH. I am reading The Great Lenin woefully MISUNDERSTANDING what someone is saying and then criticizing it. I am reading Lenin OUT OF HIS FIELD, COMPLETELY out of it dealing with stuff WAY over his own head. But then I have no way to know if those he criticized KNEW what we know today or not, regarding physics. They TALK as if they DID. What else could they have meant? They are NOT saying that green is subjectively viewed (solopcism) by each individual PERSON viewer. They are talking about the fact THAT we see it AS green: and that this IS an illusion! THEY ARE RIGHT! And if you don't know it, you are scientifically illiterate and back in the past BEFORE quantum physics. When the gang, even K with that S&M argument, talks about subjective KNOWING what pain is and NOT liking it, that is more like "who likes the sausage or not." YOU, Mim, can no better understand what it IS TO _BE_ black than I can understand the MONUMENTAL IMPORTANCE, plethora of words, confusion/obsession or whatever else K is feeling because: he found a girl! I can analytically kinda understand it but that's NOT understanding anything at all. What he is MONUMENTALLY OBSESSING OVER is one big nothing to me. Now if I won the lottery - that would be ONE BIG SOMETHING to me, but I PROBABLY WOULD NOT go on a diarhheac plethora over it to ANYONE. I have known MANY people, including myself, that experienced something for the first time and loved it a lot but I NEVER knew them or myself to go on a plethora of obsession or get so SOOOOO exstatic over it and then, almost as if to wallow in FEAR, analyse it all to death and worry it to death. It is UNFATHOMABLE to me. And THIS is Mim's expert on gender affairs? HA HA HA HA HA! No offense intended K, but you have NO IDEA what this all sounds like to me when you worry this NORMALCY to death or imagine you are hyponotizing someone or forcing women (yeah, you wish maybe?) to sleep with you when ALL you are doing is talking TEENY BOPPER romance talk to them. And then you feel "guilty" and WALLOW in it (exstatically?) because you imagine you forced a girl to sleep with you? She slept with others. And as for your virgin one? She's a LIAR. She used to be a BLOW JOB remember? Then said she hated it, remember? Get OFF it. It you can't "grow up" fast then PLEASE don't embarrass yourself to regret it later. Telling me or B is one thing, but you tell the whole gang and JESUS CHRIST man, I don't know FUNDIES as immature or lacking of this kind of experience. You don't know where this will end up, who'll read it. K, the gender expert. Who says so? Mim. And if you and Ginger ever have a fight, after all the HONESTY WITH HEART PERSONAL STUFF you told her, oh holy hell will we get to hear it then. and yeah, right, ROMANTIC SHIT fucked up the Panthers and other leftist groups and MIM got all over my face for MOCKING IT OUT as if it was one HUGE nothing. TO ME IT IS. NOTHING like that ever happened with the promiscuous Bolsheviks, Stalin et al, and the easy-going free-fucking NKVD men AND women. Right, our kind never lived in gender hell. Sex was not a CHORE OR A PROBLEM for us. There is a BIG difference. I don't even think TROTSKY was that twisted up. WHO CARES who is sleeping with who? WHO CARES? I will NEVER understand this. NEVER. Who acts different toward each other AFTER they have sex? WHO? Yes, K and MacKinnon (?) can be the experts in gender hell, but don't BALK when me OR BLANCHE BARTON tell you where to go to hell for trying to speak for US. We can walk, run, jump, skip, hop and all that: we DO NOT NEED wheelchair cripples to tell us HOW we SHOULD do it. Again, no offence intented here but I am aiming this at MIM, not at K who is only being sincere and speaking for HIMSELF. Lenin's extreme objectivity, eg, against Bogdanov is nothing but an EXTREME FORM of idealism and that's a PROVEN FACT now. You can't even know the thing-itselfness of SPACE OR TIME without being IN it in terms of VELOCITY! You can't know ANYTHING without acting upon it, without changing it, without NETWORKING with it and it with you! It's NOT POSSIBLE! It's SO BAD that if you create an experiment in which you attempt to see a particle, you'll SEE ONE - yet if you create an experiement in which you attempt to see a wave (with the SAME FUCKNG THING) you'll see a wave! Yet the thing can not be BOTH! Lenin might have been objective for his time, yet what I see of it (with modern knowledge) is that he didn't have a CLUE what this was about and he kept bringing it into the realm of the most ordinary shit - and even THERE he is wrong in a sense (as with the WELL PAID employee who has all he wants PLUS money to save who DOES NOT know he is exploited at all!) But the very idea that you can possibly know a "thing in itself" is the most EXTREME idealism yet, if you consider this is the 1990s and we know a LOT MORE on the subatomic level. It is NOT POSSIBLE to know a "thing in itself" without networking with it, hence CHANGING it. YET: when the gang was bringing up "pain, pain in itself" or "the thing itself" we meant it NOT as quantum physics, but as a "thing" (say, a car) devoid of the ego-emotional baggage and sublimated sex shit attached to the car-itself. Or pain. ANYTHING ALIVE knows what pain is UNLESS IT IS NUMB. It is known that schizophrenics (severe) have a very high pain tolerance, meaning, if you hurt them they tend to not feel it. They are disassociated from their bodies. Man, you Mim's go so far FAR overboard when it comes to even LENIN'S normal day normality - do you think HE would tolerate S&M or even HOMOSEXUALITY? FUCK NO, he'd see it as an ABNORMAL condition, something not natural at all. Do you IMAGINE in your wildest dreams that Lenin OR Stalin wanted to put their penises in a woman's MOUTH? Are you INSANE? My father didn't even believe ANY MAN WOULD let another person DO such a thing since the very thought of it made him CRINGE as if he could feel pain - one EATS with one's mouth, one DEVOURS FOOD if you eat the way we eat without polite dainty table manners. OH, Mim don't want to talk about that. Oh dear. I can't HELP but notice, a FAGGOT Roehm put Hitler into power, effete men of the boorjwa helped Hitler to power. One Ball Hitler never fucked a woman in his life and was a PURITAN. But the Bolsheviks were what K would call HIGHLY PROMISCIOUS (what I would call NORMAL and HEALTHY primate behavior), the Bolsheviks were FUCKERS and as open as us about it and with NO BIG DEAL attached to it at all. A 19 year old girl, Ginger, having fucked ONLY 27 men in her life is FAR FROM promiscuous in my own mother's viewpoint. She waited till she was THAT OLD? 19 is OLD to wait to have sex. HORNY starts around 13 or younger. Larina was TEN YEARS OLD, she gave Stalin a LOVE LETTER to give to Bukharin and Stalin thought NOTHING of it when he gave it to Bukharin. Even ANTI Stalin writers have to pause in their slander to MAKE SURE they don't convey the idea that they are calling Stalin a weirdo when they bring up his 14 year old wife Nadya, even his ENEMIES have to pause to explain that this was NORMAL there. AND DO YOU IMAGINE that they had jealousies and all that STUPID SHIT going on? NO THEY DID NOT! Back to MEC (not what caused it to be brought up: K's grotto etc): Lenin just should NOT have gotten into the realms of philosophy where they start to tilt into this kind of modern day physics. Heisenberg and Bohr were right: you HAVE to be content to know ONLY the shadow of what "electron" is because you CAN NOT know the thing itself; not with our technology. That NEVER meant that they advocated not USING the technology even with partial knowledge or NO knowledge. I WAS RIGHT! YOU, Mim, NEVER understood what the gang was saying and I can guarantee, there is NOTHING in this Lenin book that will do a THING for the conversation. You are NOT grasping what WE ARE SAYING, not even a CLUE if you think Lenin has the answer. LENIN didn't understand it and that's all TOO CLEAR. Ole, Phil especially, K, especially the physicist L, we UNDERSTAND quantum physics and NO, it's not metaphysical at all! It's just not easy for MORONS to grasp like entropy, how the Setians COULD NOT grasp it. Even when Diane (electrical engineer) spelled it out. COULD NOT grasp it. I used a 9th grade method and they NEVER grasped it and Diane checked with a physicist - I did a good 9th grade explanation. They were just TOO STUPID to grasp it. No harm done. But DONT TRY to criticise it or CLAIM you grasp it when you blatantly, obviously, DO NOT. I can't BELIEVE you'd suggest such a book when (this is a JOKE?) K is railing AGAINST S&M and some freak into it in his grotto is insisting that he TRY it. WHAT? Lenin would look at YOU for suggesting it as if you are NUTS. K is defending himself on WHY he KNOWS he wouldn't like it even if he tried it (simple: PAIN HURTS and he doesn't like HURT). The other is insisting that K has to try it. It's easy to try: come on over and let me PUNCH you or whip you ONE TIME and see if you like it. OUCH? Then you don't like it. Shit, IMAGINE the Checkists getting in on this conversation with a NEW COMPLICATION to think about: "what if the spy IS NOT telling the truth after we beat the holy crap out of him? What if he LIKES to be beaten? What if we CANT find the truth? OH OH! How can we make such a person talk? REFUSE to beat him?" Sure, they can threaten his family (they used to do that a lot) and what if the spy doesn't CARE about his family? Do you think threatening to murder or torture or imprison B's brother and sister would make HIM TALK? HA HA HA! He'd be GRATEFUL to the Checkist that did him this FAVOR! You see, LOGIC can be gleaned from this: even the SPIES in the USSR were people who DID LOVE their families! If the Checkists threatened to harm THEIR families, they DID TALK! Logic: the Checkists also ASSUMED that people in the USSR had LOVING family relationships!!!!!! LOGIC. Why would they assume this? Ego projection of course. THE CHECKA agent would break IF someone did such a thing TO HIM, ergo, he uses it to make the prisoner break. But it WOULD NOT work on B to make HIM talk at all. That would PERPLEX the Checkist or Stalin. They would not be able to grasp this NEW THING: "he doesn't care if we hurt his sister? or father??" The smarter Checkist might wonder if advanced brainwashing techniques were used on B so that he feels nothing for his sister and brother. Well, yes, the advanced brainwashing techiques are outlined in CONVALESCENCE FROM XIANITY by us! Only the CIA didn't do it and no one calculatedly figured out how to do it. Klippoths just DO IT as a matter of their OWN twisted NATURES. This would be over Dzerzhinsky's head. There are some NEW CONCEPTS in the west for people like me to grasp: PEOPLE HATE THEIR SIBLINGS! THEY HATE THEIR PARENTS! AND THEY HATE ACROSS GENDER LINES! These are NEW concepts hard for a person LIKE ME (or my father or mother) TO GRASP! Yet.....K said he can't find anyone who doesn't HATE his own father. How strange. What planet is K from? EARTH? And yet the mother-hating sons often are mama's boys! HOW STRANGE! Stalin would NEVER be able to relate to this, nor would Dzerzhinsky. NOR CAN I. Here is another NEW concept: it generates from the above: the workplace's employer or boss becomes the SURROGATE unconscious parent! VERY strange, but I see it! S/he puts in for a weekend shift and then consistently never shows up. WHY? Oh, this would make BERIA think I'm insane if I told him: why? Because all hir life, little promises like going to the park for a Saturday with mom, or going to the show with dad, little promises like this were PERPETUALLY BROKEN by the parents. And this is WHY this person does this now, 20 fucking years later, on a JOB. Yezhov wouldn't want to hear my reasons why this OBSTRUCTOR does this (which causes a real hardship on everyone since NO ONE IN PERSONNEL IS THERE to try to get a replacement on the weekend!) and he'd GIVE UP torturing the bastard for sabotaging the workplace. He'd just SHOOT hir and tell me to shut up with the psychobabble I LIKE Yezhov.... Me? I know why because I'm CURIOUS. And NO B, I don't ASSUME or guess like you do all the time: STOP DOING THAT. I walk up to the person and bluntly asked hir "did your parents used to promise you stuff (I gave little examples, quite a few of them) and then not do it?" S/he was shocked, sure. Yes, s/he elaborated and wondered how the fuck I KNEW this. HOW? I got eyes is how. Got a degree in psychology too PLUS knowledge of the PAVLOVIAN stuff from other sources. I DON'T just assume with the examples of the two blacks and their street punky attitudes in other post. I also went up to them and STATED what I thought and ASKED THEM if this was true. YES IT WAS, sure, they wondered how I knew it. First question was "WHO TOLD YOU THAT?" No one told me, but they probably REMAINED suspicious and thought someone DID tell me. And you know what? If I wanted to turn one against another, I could claim someone DID tell me and they'd BELIEVE IT - and think their friend talked about them behind their backs. SUCH is the kind of POWER (low magic, Vad, this IS low magic now as WE define it and we are the GS's around, you know....) ..such is the kind of power one has OVER people who are OBSCURED. And while we are at it....K....someone a guy or girl, could just TELL YOU A LIE and say that Ginger did this or that with someone else just KNOWING you'd claim to not be jealous but KNOWING you WOULD be. After all, she's been around with other guys, right? And if you asked Ginger (since you claim you are both open) she'd deny it because it was a LIE someone decided to tell you. And so you MIGHT think she deceived you this time. You'd never know. This is how SEEDS are planted where there is FERTILE GROUND for them to BE planted. Let someone tell me PHIL did this and I'd grin and ask the details. I DO NOT care one way or the other and that's for real. It means NOTHING to me. When Ramona was pent up and couldn't find one guy that could fuck I told her to go and ask Phil. Do you also care about who Ginger EATS DINNER with? Or TALKS to? Or shares a pencil with? You tell me that "in this society sex is the biggest blah blah blah." Yeah, and you ARE OF this society then? I'm not. Nor is Phil. Yet we grew up in Newark NJ. But understand the POWER (low magic this is) any enemy you make has over you BECAUSE: YOU CARE!!! Yet you are UNABLE to "NOT care" in the way we do it because for you, this translates to "no love." Not for us! You believe in soul mates. I do not. I have no soul mate. There is no such thing as a soul mate. I walk the wheel ALONE and am GLAD I do! Anything else for me would be HELL. I might lose my arm or leg - but my arm and leg ARE part of MY OWN BODY - not somebody else's. I can lose a Friend or a Lover. I don't just have ONE Friend and I never had just ONE lover when I was horney for that - and not all my lovers HAD BODIES OR HEADS OR MOUTHS OR MINDS: One of my lovers was RUBBER! Yes, you are right, you are into things most people 14 years old get into. Well, I had my first baby when I was 14 so I guess I can't RELATE to that EITHER (touchy feely). I was never love started and it doesn't feel like anything to BE loved. But then, I was never picked on like you were and treated like the omega wolf either. As a result of this, I never paid much attention to WHO liked me or not - hardly anyone ever messed with me that KNEW me (like in school, etc.). So I can't relate to that either. I can apply learned psychology and Pavlovian truth to it. But I can't personally relate to it at all: I never experienced it. Come to think of it, as I used to tell Mim, I never EXPERIENCED the employer EXPLOITING me either because I ALWAYS made more money than I knew what to do with: even so it was very LITTLE money when I take a closer look. The boss was OK, I got paid fine. For the first time IN MY WHOLE LIFE (yea Vad, NEW experience, FIRST TIME) I know what it feels like to EMERGENCY NEED FAST MONEY and have to COMPETE with others on a job. Well, I did NOT resort to crime as some others did, but I was VERY predatory and I discovered that I learn SUPER FAST about stuff and jobs I never did or had ANY KIND of experience doing before. I didn't KNOW that about myself BEFORE this experience. If Vad has asked me, I'd have figured I'm SLOW to learn new things because I simply DO NOT LIKE TO HAVE TO DO THIS, not even with my VCR! I told the truth: I DO NOT KNOW what I'm capable of DOing when I have never done it before. I seldom ASSUME anything, even about myself. What I know, I KNOW - it's solid. But from the past job experience of NON-exploitation with enough cash to even save up a lot of, I was able, THEREFORE, as a RESULT of NOT feeling exploited (a subjective FEELING) to see that the bosses ELSEWHERE are NOT fine and, then, without considering MY OWN exploitation at all, figure out that I am NOT being exploited BECAUSE my good wages and good luck are being taken FROM others that live elsewhere. Strange way for me to figure out there is a labor aristocracy here, but that's how I figured it: BY NOT FEELING EXPLOITED!!! I never called it a labor aristocracy because that's talking-head abstract talk. I called it FEEL talk: we are BOUGHT OFF so we DO NOT give a SHIT about the workers of the 3rd world! We are busy PARTYING. CONCRETE TALK. I don't feel exploited now by the JOB - but the WATER COMPANY has to go. Our electrical company here IS a cooperative not connected to the Florida Power company. Phil is familiar with Lenin's objectivity, the idea that sciences were objective and "matter" was a thing in itself! Lenin did not like the "idea" that matter was NOT a thing in itself, but was RELATIVE to the observer: Machism! Lenin also hated Bogdanov's idea that SCIENCE ITSELF is NOT objective and that there is PROLE science and BOORJWAH science! Lenin trashed the idea! HA!! HE TRASHED IT! Bogdanov, however, was not a Machist. Lenin may not have LIKED this idea, but sorry, it happens to be TRUE - ABSOLUTELY true! And for ANYONE in modern day to agree with Lenin now that so much more IS known, is to make them into the ULTIMATE idealists! You want to sequester reality because Lenin didn't LIKE things about this reality and our INABILITY to perceive it EXCEPT AS WE INTERACT WITH IT!!!? Sorry, you can not sequester reality and sorry, you CAN NOT know what your damned kitchen table is as a "thing in itself" unless you FIRST bombard it with PHOTONS (which subatomically CHANGES that table!) Sure, you can EAT on it: DUH! Lenin was in over his head. If you want to talk about what good this kind of TALK is (about reality) when it comes to REVOLUTION: oh, then that's ANOTHER thing. The checkist that bashes the table over the spy's head, will break the spy's head, whether he does it with the light on (photon bombardment) or not! HA! In that sense, matter is a thing in itself where, when one CHUNK of it is bigger than thy head, it can BREAK thy head. Or, not bigger: actually it has more MASS. HA!!! In which case, it doesn't have to be bigger. It can be the size of a golf ball so long as it has more MASS. HA!!!! TOO MUCH. TRY explaining to Lenin that one teaspoon of STUFF from a dead star weighs more than the planet earth. TRY. Sure, this is counter INTUITIVE. Alls you need to do is pick up three balls the same SIZE and SHAPE - one made of aluminum, one made of lead and one made of uranium and feel the weight in your hands. To figure out why, to KNOW why the weights are different, you have to know about ATOMIC weight. That's the baby stuff. But why are NEUTRONS from a dead sun, one teaspoon full, heavier than the whole planet earth? And what kind of star is this? It's like one BIG atom, a neutron star. You couldn't even theoretically get close enough to scoop up the teaspoon because the GRAVITY would CRUSH you This is NOT like the 5 elements of idiot knowledge, it's NOT like dirt or fire or whatever you can THINK UP to put into a teaspoon. It's a NEUTRON star. And ONE TEASPOON of this stuff is heavier than the earth. So the Checkist could NOT bust you over the head with it: he couldn't get even CLOSE to it without being CRUSHED by the gravity. Lenin understood this? HA HA HA. Matter is not a thing in itself, NOR IS STRANGE MATTER or strange particles which absolutely DO exist. Lenin claimed there was an objective world out there, and OK: SHOW ME the objective OBSERVER that can observe it? YOU CAN'T. Yes, you only have YOUR OWN IDEAS and can KNOW those alone, and how YOU interacted with many THINGS out there. Hence my statement "you can NOT KNOW what it IS to BE black." But to take this TRUTH and try to incorporate it into plans for a revolution or against a revolution is STUPID. The two have NOTHING to do with each other. There is NO SUCH THING as matter that you can know as a thing in itself - but this has NOTHING TO FUCKING DO with a fucking worker's weekly wage or what he has to eat or if he is underpaid and overworked (that's exploited where you FEEL exploited!) or if a person is starving or sick and can't get medical aid. SHIT! You want the gang to read something they are BEYOND, and then to read Lenin's criticism of it when the thing he is criticising has NOTHING TO DO with the truth about matter or knowing things in themselves. You want the gang to see how Lenin was in over his head? They'd read the thing WITH modern quantum knowledge in their heads like I did. Bogdanov wanted to CORRECT the vulgar materialism of the Monists by making Emperio-Monism! Lenin didn't even READ it! He'd have been in over his head, I guarantee it. Yet it was BOGDANOV's idea, especially the one of the way people SUBJECTIVELY CONCEIVE OF any scientific truths, what they DO WITH them, which ones they CHOOSE TO WORK ON, that BECAME Stalin's and Lysenko's and Prezent's CULTURAL REVOLUTION where Proletarian Science was made LAW. NOT LENIN. BOGDANOV. Yes, 2 plus 2 is four. But what are you going to DO with this truth? YES, there is a knowledge of how to BUILD a house, people have this knowledge. But what are they going to DO with it and WHO is going to be the KEEPER OF this knowledge? WHO is going to get the houses? The few? Or all the people? WHY NOT teach everyone how to build a house? It's not hard! One doesn't have to know about wattage to follow direct instructions carefully given and dumbed down, they could simply MAKE the wiring and electrify the house with this. That is where Bogdanov was TAKING vulgar Monism and putting it into dialectical perspective, yet Lenin, WITHOUT READING IT, criticized it. No matter. It prevailed. It's what became the cultural revolution. What some of Mao's doing were more like were ProlitCult stuff: putting totally unqualified people or even little kids, in charge of places where professors with a LOT OF KNOWLEDGE, practial too, used to be. That was STUPID and what we are calling infantile. You INSIST on seeing only the "good things" Mao (AND HIS SECRET POLICE BY FORCE) did "for" the Chinese. Someone needs to remind you of the NOT-good shit he did or the STUPID shit he did. Someone needs to smash into your stubborn heads the fact that, for some reason you WILL NOT LOOK AT, the Soviet people NEVER NEEDED gender relations to be fixed or changed. It is the SAME reason why I do not care one way or the other who sleeps with who, while K will refer to Ginger as the town slut or sleep around, which I find ABUSIVE and SLANDEROUS. She has a free will and a free cunt. By WHOSE standards is HE judging her to be promiscuous or fit to be called negative names? WHOSE STANDARDS? HIS OWN? MAYBE! And that's WHY the Soviets (Turanian RACE) never needed to have their gender relations fixed. K is not far behind the CHINESE attitude on women. I would EXTERMINATE men that are like that, by the way. They can't be changed. I don't mean this personally either, I mean it OBJECTIVELY (as in cold, clinical, NKVD). Otherwise IDGAF. I have no idea what GINGER feels or thinks of K's assessment of her as a slut. I find the attitude itself characteristic of the Male Disease and a spoiled NON-innocent nature. I would not imagine that Ginger would LIKE being thought of in that way. I don't know. I can be nasty too: maybe Ginger, a psych student, is analyzing K as a patient for a term paper? Here is another one: maybe she did NOT fuck 27 guys, maybe she made it up? You know how GUYS love to brag about how many girls they slept with? My experience is that girls do this TOO. It's a way for people with inferiority complexes to BRAG about how popular they are (uh huh) like the hispanic new girl at work was talking about her C bra cup when I was standing there and Carol, a supervisor bust out laughing when I said "gee, I only wear an A" (the joke is, I've got BIG tits like rockets, this girl is a C cup in her DREAMS: she's nearly flat, probably an A). Hmmmm. NKVD: if she'd lie about something so blatantly visible and obvious, would she lie on surveys or try to cheat on the job too? I suspect she WOULD. That's another thing I could never grasp, the hang up on tit size (yeah, but as flatties say, look who's wondering....). They do suffer from the WORST inferiority complexes. I suspect this kind of shit affects job performance. Why lie about something so visible? Like the OTHER Hispanic that was telling another girl how she knows it's strange that she has blonde hair when most of her people do not. I asked her "Oh, do you dye your roots black?" See, the roots were SHOWING, BIG time too. I find it amazing how other people DO NOT say anything. Do they know what liars they come off as when they do this with the VISIBLE TRUTH hanging out? I tried it once. I lied when the VISIBLE truth was hanging out and I wanted to see if the person I talked to would "CALL ME" on it. She didn't - and so I laughed and she figured I was making a JOKE all along. "No I'm not eating a sandwich (as I take the next bite)...I'm paving the concrete." "How are YOU today" asks a supervisor that I had it out with. Answer as I'm eating: "hungry." Did he want to know how I was? FUCK no. He was dancing around small talk to TRY to homey up like the newly improved NICE supervisor, no longer an asshole. Uh huh. Ants. They are ants. I have feet. By the way, on a more serious note. Let us say, K, that YOU looked like Yezhov (pant pant pant). OK, but Yezhov was YOU, your life, your experience. And I meet you and you talk "HOT TALK" to me. I'd jump in bed and let you ride me like a horse, hot to trot; I'd kiss you so hard I'd suck the breath out of you and MERGE/kiss with you. But if you then wrote me a POEM like the one you wrote Ginger? OH, I might understand it because Yezhov is you and he'd have told me the same stuff you told Ginger about your past and I ALSO know psychology. But if you wrote ME those words? I'd NEVER BE ABLE TO TRUST YOU! NEVER! I might be your FRIEND, but I'd never get CLOSE to you again like for sex or anything else close. You write as if you HATE, but also love? Strange. TOO strange. If you called me a slut, I'd call YOU one and never have sex with you again if you have a LOUSY attitude like that. But then I'm not Ginger, I don't have parents that it the roof over 19 year old grown women living in the home having sex or have a mom that would tolerate an abusive husband or any of that other SHIT. Ask her. I wonder IF she could be open about how she feels about it. You say insulting words to a person you claim to love? You call her second rate but do YOU THINK she is second rate? Or is that the judgement of others? And who are YOU to judge 'ratings' on sex partners? YOU ain't Yezhov! Why judge it at all? Why not RETAIN innocence, being to being? do you know WHAT KIND OF MEN call women sluts or whores when the women fuck freely? CHRISTIAN men, men who can't fuck freely themselves, men who have a DIRTY attitude toward something natural. ONE GOOD thing about those old 1960's CRAZY Maoist type groups in the USA: to join them you had to PROVE you weren't a fucked up attitude-ish boorjwah or a racist and you had to do that by having sex with EVERYONE IN the group! It doesn't prove anything really, especially about racism, but it tells me they KNEW what this attitude was about and at least TRIED to override it or test to make sure no one had it. It would pose a problem for gay members that did NOT want to get fucked or fuck, or to straight members who didn't feel like having someone's crotch in their face if the person was same sex, or up their ass either. Of course, Mim doesn't do that -they are against it and they say so. Still, I found it FUNNY to read: never fear, big bad bolshevik is NOT out to jump your bones..... After I xerox the WHOLE Lenin book, if anyone wants a copy, send me 15 bucks for copying/postage (hope that covers it) and I'll mail you a copy. It will come to 200 xerox pages with two pages to a sheet (it's about a 400 page book). CONTINUED sorry for the ramble but K's conversation started this Lenin MEC thing.