[Tani says:] Mim acts as if one has to spell it out, like scripture or something, or like some ritual. "ALL THINGS" spelled it out. Everything else I say, no matter what it is, hinges on "ALL THINGS" and yeah, most of the gang KNEW this and I SAID it enough times. [mim3 replies: Anyone of any honesty will see that you write about 10 or more times what I do for the gang. So who is "ALL THINGS" in practice? In fact, that is the problem with your whole bag. You speak forever in theory terms, happily contradicting yourself and with no reference to factual material. At one point or another you've said everything, so you are always right. That's why you hate MIM's approach to finding "principal contradictions" so much. Our approach is accountable and not tritely vague and all-encompassing. You won't find MIM avoiding accountable scientific positions in the name of Socrates or post-modernism. You won't usually find MIM trying to "spell out" everything there is to know about the history of imperialist conflict and how it wasn't always honky domineering.] [Tani says:] If these Comrades (Communists) don't KEEP UP with REAL biology and REAL physics and dump the old hat philosophy that is laughable these days, then they ARE A RELIGION!, WITH SCRIPTURE that is NOT changing: JUST AS there may be LOTS of xian commentaries and such, updates and modernizations and compromises with science, but The Holy Book is STILL the BOOK as far as that goes. Yeah, there is Aquinas and Augustine, but they ain't quite Matthew, Luke, Mark and John.....and maybe Paul too, maybe. And maybe Mormon. And, of course, there is NO OTHER Jesus, only that ONE guy. [Mim3 says: Hah, the pot calls the kettle black. COS SAYS it is a religion and your vague blather is designed to prove it, along with eugenics, soft-core porn and Social- Darwinism.] [Tani says:] Thinking requires too much effort for me. [MIM3 replies: Which is why religion appeals to you in place of accountable theory and facts.] [Tani says:] Like we once said to Professor Mosig, GET THE FUCK OUT of the 19th century. [MIM3 replies: Sorry Tani, the 19th is superior to the 16th or the 6th. As of yet your ideas of "science" are no different than creationism. So what if you are up-to-date and pedigreed? There are recently minted Ph.Ds in biology spouting creationism. It doesn't prove a thing to be recent or intellectual and degreed.]