Lately, I've been seeing more and more how a person's ideologies, politics, and intellectual knowledge are just window dressings and outer trapping for their character and feelings. (This is nothing new, straight from Mao too by the way). How a person dresses up what they know from their carnal experience and feelings doesn't really mean much; it's just an intellectual framework for explaining and rationalizing feelings and experiences. E.g., Tani said in her last post how she is rare as a Durga who is atheist and comletely materialistic. But how much does it really matter whether she logically explains her abilities with materialist explanations, or calls them something Buddhist or even explains it with Christianity? E.g., the Christos. This goes back to the old discussion of why people adopt certain ideologies. I.e., that they are expressions of their inner beings. People can also both share an intellectual framework and have very different INNER beings and understandings of that ideology. E.g., two people can call themselves Marxists with very different carnal grasps of what they are describing. This all ultimately goes back to neurology anyway. Why do some people believe Goldhagen (or their own understanding of it), and some condemn his thesis and book as rubbish? Why do some people think that the US is an imperialistic country, and some people think it is the do-gooder savior of the world? Well, of course they have lots of fancy books and facts and statistics and sources to back them up, but the fact is that there exist books and figures to justify ANYTHING. People selectively believe certain facts to believe. So in a sense MIm3 was right long ago, that people DO embody a truth, because that truth is the CHILD of their bodily experience through life. Why do some people think that Stalin was a petty power-mad dictatorial tyrant, and some people think he was a despotic (meaning no-bullshit hard-core against incompetants and other Enemies of the People) guy who served the People to make Communism? Well, personally, I think more like the latter because in books I read on him, LITTLE THINGS tip me off; I can RELATE to them, i.e., to my REAL feelings and experiences! THAT'S why. THAT'S why these Western people can ONLY understand things in the framework of their own pretaloka shithole experience. They can NOT comprehend that Stalin killed those people for anything OTHER than sheer male disease-type power-madness, because that is the only behavior they KNOW. Of course, they are not AWARE that their ideas are based on real experience (they have emphatically denied it to me), and thus think it's some "pure logic" or "universal spiritual truth." MORONS. That's why convincing them otherwise is a waste of time. The Black ex-Marxist Thomas Sowell noted how these western people either saw the USSR as Utopia or Hell. I think these Westerners are RIGHT to hate Stalinism, since they would PERISH under it. Of course, these intellectual waste-products that whine and wail about the USSR are all unaware people who cannot simply say "OUR KIND perished under Stalin", and instead preach about universal injustice, etc. STUPID shit. Look at what different people have made with Satanism. LaVey defined Satanic in a very unusual and novel way relating to his own inner experience living in America as a Gypsy etc, and wrote a book about it. Then mostly white Americans read that book, usually due to a tantrum against themselves and their own inner confusion, and made their own thing out of the COS (e.g., the Hobbesian stuff). Then Tani et al come out with their Dark Doctrine (which existed in LaVey's writings, but very subtly and quietly) and redefine Satanism as something INNERLY specific. SOME in COS circles saw this and consequently related that to themselves and their own experiences. So these things are all "Satanism", but all very different. It's wierd (and wonderful) for me to think of what I call "Satanic", and how EASTERN and DARK it is, and yet how it relates directly back to many things LaVey said all along. B