Biology, nature and dialectical materialism Nakived continues discussion of dialectical materialism with reference to contemporary biologists and historians of biology, Nov. 1998 ____________________________________________________ [ comments: In the article below Nakived discusses dialectical materialism. Nakived writes extensively on biology and Lysenko. Unlike MIM, Nakived believes the labor aristocracy of the United $tates is going downhill because of jobs being exported. Here s/he continues our pointed debate from the materialism page which really launched itself on the subject of Bogdanov and materio-criticism. S/he contrasts Lenin and Stalin on dialectical materialism that s/he refers to as "diamat." It is Nakived's agenda to trash dualism and argue that many people are biologically impaired to the point of being incapable of other than dualism. In siding with passivity and reflection, and by calling for the humyn animal to flow with Nature, Nakived may be pushing the species toward conservatism. By obeying Nature's laws, humyns can create new things in this world that have not been created before by other species. Is creating something new "flowing" or "reflecting"? Furthermore, what other parts of Nature have dialectical materialism? It seems only the humyn species does. Thus the humyn species regularly creates inventions unknown to other species and which are new. The fact that a humyn discovers something for the first time about Nature does not make that discovery any less "natural." Hokey pseudo-environmentalists regularly tell us that humyns should give up trying to "conquer" Nature. They also do not seem to realize that 99.9 percent of species went extinct long before the humyn species went on its industrial binge. That means Nature itself changes. So to say that humyns created cars and air pollution and that is "unnatural" might be wrong. It might be natural for humyns to destroy other species and itself. Nature has a long record of destroying species and creating new ones. People seeking to preserve every species there is are also idealist conservatives, whether they speak in the name of Nature or not. There is nothing about Nature that preserved species before there was a humyn species, so wiping out species cannot be blamed on the humyn species as if that species were somehow removed from Nature. So MIM is careful not to make a sacred cow out of "Nature" which can just be another god of humyn creation, and different for each humyn who created it. MIM attacks pollution in the name of the humyn species, not in the name of some religion or alleged permanent state of the planet. If it is natural for humyns to be aggressive and warlike, then MIM will seek to trick the humyn species into aggressive pursuit of peace. Our goals have to be possible within the laws of nature or we will simply be adding fruitless strife to the world.] POST TO MIM (from Nakived, November, 1998) This is heavy and it's important and relevant as it has a lot to do with the MODERN (RIGHT NOW!) Lewontin/Gould/Eldredge etc. group of evolutionary biologists in the West versus the Dawkins etc groups today, also in the West, and how they 'view' nature by using various theories. The Dawkins group ("Ultra Darwinians" eg book "The Selfish Gene") makes up theories of "how it all has to be" and then they PUT those paradigms into nature and life (read: into society); but the Lewontin group (eg: "Human Diversity" by Lewontin from Scientific American Library Series, or "Reinventing Darwin" by Niles Eldredge or anything else by Steven J. Gould) seem more to passively VIEW nature AS IT REALLY IS and THEN, only after viewing, they come up with a theory or law. One hears a lot about laws in the Stalinist USSR, but there are laws and then there are laws! Here is what I mean: It is a LAW of nature that zygotes develop unless terminated; even so, they develop UNTIL THEY ARE terminated. They WILL develop, they WILL change. That IS a _law_. Now, the political abortion issue is separate from this truth. Zygotes go thru phases and theychange. That IS a law but by "law" we obviously do not mean it's legal or illegal according to a legal system! A zygote produced by your mom and dad was YOU once upon a time! It was YOU. This is TRUE. One can invent a theory to explain the various stages zygotes go thru in developing into a living organism and people can (AND DO) carry that truth out, emphasize that truth and/or distort that truth, to bolster views against or for legalizing choice in having an abortion, but it is nonetheless a true-ism about zygotes developing. It is the major problem with me and what I KNOW TO BE "Diamat" for real, '3 plus 5 equals 8 reality'; versus the Marxian THEORY of Diamat where they, various TYPES of Marxists, argue about which "version" is right! I believe this is also a major problem in the East/West unbridgeable gulf (by East I do not mean China per se tho some of Chinese thought would fit in). By major problem I mean that Diamat is NOT just a man's way of viewing the world. I mean it's the way the world, nature, cosmos WORKS. Man knowing it enables him to make correct and PREDICTABLE theories. Here is a statement: "The official Soviet version of dialectical materialism has not been rectified" so say many Marxists and others. What does this mean? "Official version?" Is there an official version of 3 plus 5 equals 8? How can there be an official version of reality? There is only REALITY. What man thinks of it is irrelevant. Man might perceive reality, wrongly or rightly, but that doesn't change REALITY at all! Reality IS. It IS what IT IS. The statement above in quotes has to do, in part, with the Stalin/Lysenko Soviet Creative Darwinism (Agrobiology) model versus the Western model of nature, keeping in mind that the DNA was not discovered then and their old concepts for genes has been thrown out complete by the modern genetics. Marxian dialectics is VERY HEAVY; it's not trite, rah rah crap. It's also often DRY, TURGID and heavy, hence hardly anyone on the streets knows it; tho they know the Western cartoon version of what they imagine is Socialism or Marxism. Unfortunate. Someone needs to DUMB DOWN "Das Kapital" for all readers out there. Why not? The Xians did that with their bible. Time to take note and speak to the majority of The People who don't have time to read "all that" or have the ability to read thru some of Marx's more iffy and obscure passages. But here is the problem as it arose (following) and you can see, it's not "light" stuff. Already, when they even say that there IS a "version" of dialectical materialism, Soviet or not, something is strange. Do they mean that it differs from Marx? Some of US minority Reds in the 1990's see that Newton had a VERSION of mechanics. However, only when velocities are 1/10th or less of the speed of light does Newton's VERSION work. Ergo, Einstein had another VERSION of mechanics and, since then, Newton's VERSION has been assimilated; some might see that Newton's version was CHANGED; it depends on which portion of mechanics you focus on and which portions you choose to read as footnotes. Imagine that Newton wrote a chapter thinking it was a story. Einstein saw it was merely a chapter and proceeded to write the rest of the book. Yet these two men lived far apart and obviously didn't know each other. OK? The Soviet VERSION of dialectical materialism has all to do with Stalin and Lysenko and probably Prezent. I had some vitriolic arguments with Reds on this issue only to learn that they knew nothing of MODERN physics. So then, end of argument. Yeah, YOU called me an imperialist, a possible agent and/or accused me of being mystical and I called you morons, idiots, 19th century backward, null and voided pseudo-science imbeciles and oddly neither of us called each other hyenas. Names. Sticks and stones can break me bones, but names? PHOOEY. Here it is, quoted right out of both of them: Lenin's version in "On the Question of Dialectics" (1915) states that: "The *condition for the knowledge* of all processes of the world in their 'self movement', in their spontaneous development, in their real life, is the *knowledge of them* as a unity of opposites. Development is the 'struggle of opposites'. *Note he is speaking of a condition for knowledge, that IF you grasp the unity of opposites, this is a condition FOR knowing nature. It would IMPLY (not state) that nature works Dialectically, ergo to know it you must learn to think dialectically; tho Lenin does not state this in fact. Development, real life, to KNOW THEM AS a unity of opposites - this implies that they ARE a unity of opposites. "Development IS the struggle of opposites." Does he mean development for real, or just a way to understand development? Not clear, but it can be read that way by anyone reading it TODAY. On the other hand, Stalin, in "Problems of Leninism" wrote this: "The dialectical **method of apprehending** nature regards the phenomena of nature as being in constant movement and undergoing constant change, and the development of nature as the result of the interaction of opposed forces in nature." !! **He didn't say understanding nature, he said APPREHENDING; there is a difference. One does not eg understand a criminal, one apprehends him. 'Apprehending' is almost a metaphor - how can you apprehend nature unless Stalin meant to literally GRASP it. Both Lenin and Stalin were quite careful about the specific words they each used! Yet he also says that the dialectical method of apprehending nature REGARDS the phenomena of nature AS BEING IN constant etc. That is to imply that dialectical thinkers regard their thinking about nature as so. They analyze it dialectically. It can be read that way. It seems as if they are both saying the same thing. Also note, Lenin says "the KNOWLEDGE OF them AS A unity of opposites." Stalin says "the DEVELOPMENT OF nature as the RESULT OF THE interaction of opposed forces in nature." They, at first, sound APPARENTLY concordant! They both sound the same, say, to Comrade PM tho he sees that Lenin's statement is just more Kantian or philosophical. Maybe Stalin's is more Machian or Bogdanovian, or REAL, i.e. not philosophy. I.e., not just the way human consciousness organizes input about nature with the senses and then forms a conclusion, but REAL, how it REALLY IS whether your consciousness knows it or is even able to perceive it or not. But they seem the same basically. They are NOT! Or, the analysts insist they are not; as they say: Stalin makes a change in Lenin's view from Lenin's CONCEPTION OF dialectical materialism, the critical conception of the practice of its THESIS, - TO the Stalinist ONTOLOGICAL CONCEPTION OF ITS LAWS: AS LAWS. This is a HUGE change! Of course, Lenin and his contemporaries had no way of knowing HOW to check if this or that was real or not back then. I don't think Stalin did either, but he surely did state that it was real and a law. Ontological means "having to do with what EXISTS! as in Being or Non-Being!" But are the analysts right or are they quibbling with words? Since Lenin and Stalin did not talk about this between themselves, no one can KNOW for sure if this assessment is right or not. Lenin talks of a "condition for (human) knowledge of the processes of the world." Stalin talks of a "LAW OF THE WORLD ITSELF" inscribing in Being the presupposition of its knowledge. According to Lenin, Diamat (the fundamental dialectical thesis of the unity of opposites) is to enable the process of the scientific KNOWLEDGE OF nature and society to overcome the idealist mystifications that tend to fix its results in so many absolutes. According to Stalin Diamat is a law of nature itself, of nature and society, which human knowledge only has to MIRROR to be valid! This is a rather BIG difference. In Lenin, the Diamat philosophical THESIS opens up to objective knowledge the field of its own investigation according to its own modalieies (i.e., to investigate the world, nature, etc, USING Diamat as opposed to using some other philosophical method). This is changed by Stalin into an ontological interpretation of Diamat, with Diamat being a general LAW OF WHAT EXISTS which states the UNIVERSAL FORM of the laws established by the sciences of nature. I.e., Nature WORKS Diamatically, one need only understand Diamat to understand nature since nature IS Diamatic. EG, if you understand how to count and what numbers as symbols mean to society, you can understand 2 plus 2 equals 4. But if you have a philosophy that doesn't grasp the concept of "4 things" then you can't grasp 2 plus 2. Another EG: if you can grasp the concept of the infinite number "e" then you can figure out HOW plants and shells and etc grow. Nature doesn't count like we do, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Nature counts like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. Man's ideas don't shape numbers this way but NATURE ALWAYS DOES use this other number system. Man can discover it, how nature counts. This is obviously NOT a law of human consciousness at all since NO HUMAN SOCIETY has a number system like nature's. So this reality is OUTSIDE OF man's consciousness. If you dispense with this external reality, eg, how nature itself counts, then that's IDEALISM! So then, IS THERE such a thing as 2 plus 2 equal 4? Or is there only possibly a 1 plus 2 to equal a 3; and then a 2 plus 3 to equal a 5; and then a 3 plus 5 to equal an 8? This might sound too "weird" to anyone who balances a check book but you are used to a decimal system (computers use a binary system). But how less 'weird' is the idea that, IN REALITY, a circle is something with an INFINITE number of "sides" all of which are INFINITELY small? Surely you can't SEE any "sides" on a circle! So then, does half a circle have the same number of "sides" as a whole circle? YES! And sure, it's weird. But it's REAL. And again, what is a circle? Well, it's not a sphere nor can you find a natural circle anywhere around since it would be something with 2 dimensions to it. So then, man slices a sphere and calls the result a "circle?" Yes. Still, it's weird. Lewontin and those guys AGREE with this more ontological Diamat view of nature itself, an ever-ongoing dialectical movement and change, and they have a lot more modern knowledge and science and physics to base that on now. Lenin did not, he had less than Stalin had tho Stalin didn't have much fact on this either at the time as far as I know. Theory, for Lenin, was active and critical. Theory, for Stalin, became passive and reflective! Focus on REFLECTIVE. PRACTICE, PRACTICAL RESULTS, observation of REAL LIVE NATURE were real; theory could then be made based on that, not the other way around! Herein is the POINT of departure, the "Two Sciences." For Lenin (and I assume Marx), it was man's viewing of nature USING Diamat that would change his views, ideas, concepts, from the views of the old school bourgeoisie. (Also, HOW man works, the relations in labor, relations with man and the production; tho it would be man who makes the rules for the production and relations along new lines, that would also change how man VIEWS/FEELS ABOUT work.) For Stalin, the bourgeoisie had it wrong because nature itself WAS Diamatic; and as such, only those who grasped Diamat would "get it." GRASP IT. I might add that what man has done, imperialism, strife, conflict, all of it, has NOTHING TO DO with nature: it is thanatos! It will doom our species as if the human species has, for the most part, become a dead end as far as evolution goes. Lysenko said the same thing, tho he left out the warnings of doom since it wasn't so immediate during his time. Stalin is RIGHT. Nature DOES work and move that way. IT DOES. It doesn't matter if mankind grasps it or not! HA! As Margulis would say, "nature" and "life" will keep on going, don't matter a shit if MAN is around or not. Margulis is not a Marxist or a Commune- anything: she's a misanthropist and a Nobel Prize winner who made the most IMPORTANT discovery about multicellular life in this century; something that has the Darwinian school standing on its head! It's the closest thing to a paradigm shift from Darwinian-gradualism or even Gould's punctuated equilibrium (same paradigm as the former) in the 20th C. Hers is the blending, non-mating, symbiotic evolutionary model, symbiosis between organisms that are not even remotely related and yet combined in a very strange way (a proven thing, not a theory!). This is subtly SORT OF like some of the more weird stuff that Lysenko said tho he had no real knowledge of such things, couldn't have at the time, only she PROVED it. I don't know if she knows anything about Lysenko, few do because they have not read what he, himself, wrote. They read the SHIT written about him by the Left AND by the Right -- both of whom tend to get the fucking thing WRONG (except for Krementsov who had archival stuff, including Lysenko's archives, to go by). We have ALL of his writings. Suggest anyone interested read Lynn Margulis's writings. This all got tied into science, notably Lysenko et al versus the Western guys. There are strange words Lysenko used for "how heredity works" such as "assimilation" and "dissimilation." Lysenko insisted on seeing heredity as a function of the WHOLE ORGANISM, not just it's genes tho keep in mind, the concept of genes in Lysenko's day has been radically made over and redone! Today, this assimilation (mainly thru metabolism and other environmental factors) would be called "genetic assimilation." But what does this mean? Well, ostrich birds (one example out of many) have these callouses where they sit -- presumably they develop this due to sitting the way they do -presumably. Shock: in the embryo, the ostriches HAVE THESE CALLOUSES. HOW? HOW CAN THIS BE? Well: they DO. Is this Lamarckian? It sure sounds like it tho no one CALLS IT that, they call it "genetic assimilation." So did Lysenko call it that tho he was NOT a Lamarckian at all! There are human pygmies. Presumably they got like that due to environmental factors but HOLD ON. The colonial explorers of the USA were (males) about 4'10" tall! Yet thru diet, these white men can get, and got, BIG and TALL. But nothing makes the pygmies bigger or taller. Experiments WERE DONE with growth hormone on willing pygmies (Sforza and other endocrinologists did it). Pygmy tissues and muscles were resistant to this hormone, it did NOT make them grow. So they explain that the pygmies are resistant to it because the genitals and brain have reached the adult size (stage of development) which is why their muscles and tissues are resistant to it. Yet they did not try this out on YOUNGER or baby Pygmies, nor did they see, after trying it on younger pygmies, if the children OF those altered pygmies would be different, tall, non-pygmies! So they invented a "reason why" it didn't work; but they have no PROOF that that's the reason. Nor can they know, if they could change a younger pygmy, if the offspring would be changed AS WELL, which would mean that it would be fixed in that pygmy's heredity from then on. They DO NOT KNOW. They would be able to know if they could experiment on pygmy babies and then watch them grow up, breed with each other, and watch the newborns grow up but this is not allowed (or has not been done...) But that's aside from the point. How did the pygmies become pygmies? It is "fixed" into the genes, that is, "assimilated into their heredity" as Lysenko would say it. So HOW did it happen? No one knows and Margulis is the first to point out what MORONS even the Darwinians are, they "don't even know about the first 2.5 billion years of earth, 80% of the time the planet has been here." Lysenkoist theory was merely the suggestion, ala Michurin, to try to FIND OUT HOW things get "fixed" and then DO IT to change things along lines beneficial to man. That's all! Sure, if we KNEW HOW the callouses on ostritches got "fixed" in their heredity, we would know HOW TO do such things to other organisms, or undo these things. Of course, this does tie in INTIMATELY with Pavlov (which modern neurology confirms!). What's the big hoolah and resultant distortion and slander about? FEAR! Bone chilling fear that SOMEONE might figure out how to make YOUR KID get born as something OTHER than what you expected!!! How is it that ostriches in embryo have the callouses when they have never sat down anywhere to develop them? Well, the ostriches have no problem with it: MAN has a problem EXPLAINING it using his THEORIES. This all enters into the Lysenkoist modern debates over genes and environment, the SAME OLD debate. The geneticists see it in a non-Diamatical way. The naturalists (Lewontin, etc) see it in an INTERACTIVE way, diamatically. It's not just environment acting on the organisms, the organisms do things too in turn acting on the environment which again, in turn, acts on them. In case you don't recognize this, this is the tired old Americanist debate over genes versus environment, nature versus nurture which ties (as the Stalinists used to claim) directly into RACE RELATIONS U.S.A. It was Lysenkoites who shouted Shockley down so loud that no one could even hear what the man had to say, which didn't amount to anything new as Steven and Hilary Rose pointed out in "The IQ Racket." Understand that Lysenko-ism has taken on a new direction and new life of its own having NOTHING TO DO directly with agriculture or Lysenko-the-man except that he DID write essays on WHY the West wants to hang onto their theories; he mysteriously used the example of different COLORS of wheat that oddly correspond to the color-names used for human races. They are all still WHEAT! He wrote on this issue when he insisted that in NATURE there is no competition WITHIN species (intraspecific) and that there seems to be such competition in capitalist countries has nothing to do with nature; it's due to decadence and such. (Thanatos as I called it). And earlier, his statement that one has to not keep propagating pure lines as they get weak and deteriorated. These two statements drove the genetics crazy and it was GENETICISTS that dragged Stalin and the Central Committee INTO the debate with the idea of forming a monopoly of their own genetic school! That's in the archives! His statements have recently been shown to be true, not only WITHIN species, but often between separate species. The West had a fit over this because they did not WANT IT TO BE true; they did not want either the "pure lines" (read race!) part or the non intraspecific competition part to be true. I'm sure that if the white man lost it all and became the slaves of some newly formed Islamic Empire, they'd change their mind and agree with Lysenko in a minute! And that was the Soviet POINT! The West shapes their distortions about nature to JUSTIFY their behavior toward those they are on top of NOW! Lewontin and the Roses bring this up also, it is SO OBVIOUS to see this, yet the arguments continue. The arguments have nothing to do with nature or science at all. They have to do with people being able to FESS UP to what they are doing, FACE it. ADMIT it. Everyone else victimized by it or colonized by it already knows it. It's a moot point. It's like Charlie Manson claims he didn't kill anyone. OK, OK. Sure. I stray from all Reds on this issue now, in fact even Mencken would disagree with what I'm about to say: I believe that the western dualist type being is INCAPABLE of grasping the way nature really works because BECAUSE-- he does not "KNOW IT" with his OWN FLESH AND BEING. This is a thing that neither Lenin nor Stalin addressed-- HOW one knows a thing and why some are not able to know it. I believe and see that they LIE, they either don't know that they lie or are unable to realize it, or they just CAN NOT FACE it. I'd have more respect for a bonafide Nazi racist that not only faced it, but would be proud to ADMIT it. At least the Nazi KNOWS WHO HE IS! He knows openly what he WANTS. He speaks out his truth and he is VISIBLE because of that. I know where he stands and what he would do, if he could. It's in the OPEN. His economic ideas are often socialist (hence the name of his organization) and on that we don't disagree; his method is to have socialism for one race. I don't believe races in the true-biological sense, exist: the human genome project now CONFIRMS this! Many variations exist, even within one population group. But races have existence in terms of social realities and they exist based on how this or that person LOOKS on sight. Point being, I'd know that the Nazi is defining "race" as a category based on outward physical appearance and hence I can clearly UNDERSTAND what he is saying and feeling. What I DO NOT understand is why Jews who looked Nordic in all ways were NOT accepted! How could they regard Jews as a race when they come in all types, even the "Aryan" type? I don't quite get that part. But then, they mean Nordic Christians? No, not quite that either since many non-accepted Jews were Christians for 3 generations by converting their religion. Beats me. It's not the point and would not BE the point in a dialogue with an open Nazi. There really ARE two sciences, no matter what you call them. One science, the one that Lysenkoites called "bourgeois," WANTS to see it as a one way thing and WANTS to "make it so" by imposing imperialism and other things. The other science, the one that Lysenkoites called "proletarian," observes the things in nature and THEN figures out how it works and then tries to make society MIRROR it. It is the part about "making society mirror it" that has caused all the conflicts, all political and ECONOMIC in nature. I have two other words for the two sciences: 1. non-science, the distorted half-thoughts of klippoths, which means greedy, empty people, people unable to be satisfied by ANYTHING and 2. science, the KNOWING (Gnosis, Dharma) of NATURE from within first AND THEN, from without and who consist of people who are CONTENT with the simple things in life, simple pleasures and leisure. I tend to go deeper into the "how one knows" than any Marxists tho modern neurology now agrees with ME on this issue. It can be tested. And about those two sciences, if you think that "objective results are always there" but that only the AGENDAS of the ruling classes versus the proles are different then you are WRONG. WHAT GETS studied versus what gets put on the burner is affected. We have fossil fuels petroleum still because of the economic power structure of the rulers, meanwhile the BALLARD FUEL CELL is ignored yet it's FDA approved and IN USE in small places. There are TWO sciences. How much money and how much cost was lost due to the stupid genetics ideas on farms in Texas that wrecked farms for hundreds? That's because the geneticists have the upper hand. They are all SO mystical about it, like they discovered the soul only they don't know that's what they did, in essence. Lecourt pointed out the Bogdanovian influences on the Stalin/Lysenko Diamat and, of course, he is against it and prefers Lenin's view (and Krushchev's! ugh). That's the lip service of a "follower" with NO knowledge of how it really works in the REALITY called nature-Earth. (And yeah, Lecourt IS a man. I thought Dominique was a woman and also I heard Lecourt referred to as a SHE elsewhere, I think my own library! I also knew a WOMAN named Dominique. I don't tend to have good memory for personal shit, persons, WHO. I focus more on "what is being stated." The who or what is irrelevant to me). The idea that "the senses evolved in man are deceivers" is upsetting to many people. Tho this is TRUE. This is sort of basically what all the Mach, Kant and etc. dialogue was about, back then during the stupid days. Walls seem solid to us, they better seem solid lest we bump into them and get hurt. Yet walls are NOT solid in reality and physics can prove it. Does a tree that falls in the forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it? Well: define "sound." Human ears do not hear the movements of molecules. But we DO hear a sound if a tree falls. Does a tree make a sound if no one is there to hear it? If sound is defined as PHONONS then yes, it does not matter if you can hear it or not. Reduced to absurdity: when you are ON THE TRAIN and it's going where you want to go, do you know it has wheels on it even if you saw wheels on the train prior to boarding it? DUH. You INFER there are wheels. Probable inference is made: train has wheels, very probable. The one with the trees is only less probable. In order to "see" anything, man has to bombard an object with photons (turn on a light). So man CHANGES that object by doing this, the object IS CHANGED on the atomic level, on the level of the object's electrons. So can man ever "see" the object as 'what it is' 'itself?' No, not really. That does not stop man from MAKING objects, say, to pour liquid into and drink from. The senses were not evolved to "Know The Truth." They were evolved in order to enhance SURVIVAL. Since agriculture, man has not ENHANCED anything for the majority of those who get to BE lorded over by the current imperialist on the globe. This poses a problem. Are there, then, TWO TRUTHS? Mundane truth of practical survival versus REAL truth? Yeah, SORT OF. One might call that subjective versus objective. It is only by knowing THE TRUTH that I think man will not annihilate himself or doom himself to extinction. One doesn't always have to "study" or "tinker with dangerous things" to figure this out. Many animals have done it by flowing PASSIVELY and automatically REFLECTING nature around them by flowing with it. Yeah, I realize you don't have a CLUE what I'm saying on that issue. Insects and bacteria come to mind, the ultimate superior living things that have outlasted (and WILL outlast) everything else. Man has discovered some of the fundamental building blocks of matter itself, his own flesh, atomic matter. Yet the WAY IN WHICH man has discovered this and what man KNOWS ABOUT this is totally destructive and NOT constructive at all. What doesn't man know about it; what would he have known had he come about its discovery in a very different manner or come upon some OTHER discovery of an energy source? We'll never know. What little we DO know of is not profitable or not being talked about. Tinkering with a person's genes, trying to insert this or that gene or delete this or that gene is akin, in my mind, to trying to reshape a wall by messing around with specific atoms in it. That's not how to reshape a wall! Let's go further and instead of looking at the fundamental building blocks of matter, the atoms, look at the arena IN WHICH all matter/energy exists: space itself. Would one go about reshaping a wall by changing the curviture of space? Oh, that would reshape the wall, alright. HA! But you know, if you could DO this, you'd still NOT change some of the "constants" out there in physics. I.e., the LAWS. In the eastern doctrine, these types of constants are called "Fohat." It means like a metric signature, a law of what is. Earlier parts of the universe may have had different constants (different Fohat). If you think trying to do this is fantasy or sci-fi, think again and read up on what some physicists want to do - without anyone having any idea what this is or what it might really DO. We don't have the technology? You mean, NOT YET? The body (of a patient) was making a protein that was causing illness - and so the geneticists knocked out the genes that make this protein. So it should no longer be made? Wrong -- the body found a way to make it anyway, knocking out specific genes didn't help. Another goodie is one I saw in Free Inquiry zine: that "a thing that has a shape has a size" and they all would agree. Wrong. Space has a shape; it does not have a size. Got'em. They got into this subject whilst railing against post modernism, cultural relativism, and other such things where people carry the sciences into the realms of absurdity, which I DO NOT except to JOKE. But WHY does it upset some people to KNOW that the senses often deceive and show, as Lenin? or Kant would say, you can only "know" what the consciousness can make from input of those deceiving senses? Because it puts a sober man on the level of a madman? Why does it BOTHER some people? During their time that was all anyone COULD know, yet there were many thinkers (or feelers?) out there that insisted it was not the case; that there WAS a MORE REAL reality out there that was NOT KNOWN thru the senses of man. So then, how did these thinkers KNOW this? We say, from "knowing it" another way, thru their own atomic flesh, inner knowledge not exactly FROM the 5 senses, thru their own atomic flesh in which these "other laws" are embodied but not so much "in the forefront" of what people tend to actively THINK about. (Oh, by "we" I surely do not mean "we Reds." No, I refer to the shamanist or Tantrik Turanians that inhabit the Soviet lands.) In reading one of Lysenko's early texts, I found nothing odd about his physical description of the heredity coil, like a spring, that splits in half when reproduction occurs with half of the coil merging with, assimilating with, half of the mate's coil. Ooops, he wrote that before the DNA helix was discovered, OOOPS. How did he know this? Now, that's a problem: answering how he knew some of the stuff he knew. He knew that microbes were a major part of plant growth, not so much sun or water. He was mocked for that -- however, he was right. HOW DID HE KNOW THAT? Another problem: HOW did he know? He went on and on about how a small patch of soil was not identical to another small patch, even if the plants on them were clones of each other - ergo the development would be different, there would be differences, they'd not be identical. He was RIGHT. I might venture to say that he knew this because he put his HANDS into the soil. He had contact with it; he may have even EATEN some of it. If you doubt anyone can know things this way, read Jeremy Narby "Cosmic Serpent" and find out what primitive Amazonian Indians know in terms of microbiology that the west is LEARNING NEW RECIPES from. This is a science book. No one doubts these primitives KNOW this stuff: but it's HOW they claim to know it which is a major problem for the West to accept. Well, are they lying? Do they have secret advanced labs underground and are they only POSING as primitives? Takes your choice. They KNOW it -- that's not even in dispute. Lysenko is, in the opinion of Comrade PM, the closest thing in the modern world to a person who is half shaman who knew things the way a shaman knows them (but never tells anyone) and who also is a bonafide scientist with real knowledge and who was able to synthesize the two and GET RESULTS. A lot of the theory he made was helped along by Isaac Prezent who was very literate in Marxian dialectics, a Marxist scholar. Nature DOES work Diamatically - but there is one "other" thing aside from the unity of opposites and that is that dark, hidden "other" force, ENTROPY, which PUSHES or PULLS (both?) motivates and permeates ALL of the "objects that make up those opposites, all energy/matter." THIS is the "thing" that some past thinkers (pre-physics) used to call vital force or vitality, who used to see this as a kind of SEEKING or URGE, i.e., the URGE TO.... or as Lysenko called it, SEEKING (an act of VOLITION) CONDITIONS FOR life (habitat tracking as Eldredge calls that). Energy and matter are NOT opposites. Here is more of the same boloney: were there any colors before life existed on earth? Well, before animal or plant life, there were the CAUSES that would make life-forms see colors! Was there any TIME before life existed? Well, no one was around to punch the clock, right? Sure time existed because you need TIME to cause things TO arise and evolve, it needs to have SPACE in which to exist, too..... That's like saying that there are no sums of super large numbers because no man has ever done the addition! HA! Idealistic shit. "Everything is mental" shit. Idealists, dualists, and absolutists go together, it's either mind or matter or whatever SHIT they say. They never figure that there are LAYERS of reality, some subjective/survival and others are in between to various degrees and others are not. I.e., it doesn't matter at all to moving, travel to job, sleeping, eating, etc. it doesn't matter that SPACE IS CURVED. We don't think about it as we walk thru a room. Dualism: alexithymia, severing of the PERSON'S ability to merge thinking and feeling/sensing centers of the brain. Akathartic condition. Idealism: escape into mental non-reality, fantasy world. Wannabe. Ophionic condition. Absolutism: spills over to Dualism/akatharsis or Idealism/ophionic. It all depends on how FUCKED UP the person is. They, due to neurological development, have a cut-off one-way circuit whereby they try to use the conscious brain to CONTROL the body/feelings/etc. Normal beings have a two- way circuit, as neurology explains, somatic markers-instinct, INSTRUCT the reason. The west is so unlike that, that they extol the fucked up type as being more "virtuous." They are unable to understand normal people!