"What has happened has been that the socialist revolution has not diminished but rather increased the number of languages; for, by stirring up the lowest sections of humanity and pushing them on to the political arena, it awakens to new life a number of hitherto unknown or little-known nationalities. Who could have imagined that the old, tsairst Russia consisted of not less than fifty nations and national groups? The October Revolution, however, by breaking the old chains and bringing a number of forgotten peoples and nationalities on to the scene, gave them new life and a new development. Today, India is spoken of as a single whole. But there can scarecely be any doubt that, in the event of a revolutionary upheaval in India, scores of hitherto unknown nationalities, having their own separate languages and separate cultures, will appear on the scene. And as regards implanting proletarian culture among the various nationalities, there can scarcely be any doubt that this will proceed in forms corresponding to the languages and manner of life of these nationalities." J. Stalin, May 18, 1925 "The Political Tasks of the University of the Peoples of the East: Speech Delivered at a Meeting of Students of the Communist University of the Toilers of the East," Works Vol. 7, (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954), p. 141. [MC5 comments: This is very important to us in the imperialist countries today, with the problem of the labor aristocracy being even greater than in Stalin's day just as Lenin and Mao predicted if we did not have victorious socialist revolution. It means that as the exploited and oppressed awaken, we can expect to see more nations raise their heads to the sky. Not being spoken of on CNN today says nothing about what will happen for a nation as the socialist struggle progresses. Today we may not hear much about "Aztlan," but that is bound to change.]