COMINTERN Jane Degras, ed., The Communist International: 1919-1943 Documents London: Frank Cass & Co., Ltd, 1971, Vol. 1, p. 396. In the colonial countries with an oppressed native peasant population the national liberation movement is composed either of the entire population, as for example in Turkey, in which case the struggle of the oppressed peasantry against the landlords inevitably begins after the victory of the liberation struggle; or the feudal landlords are allied with the imperialist robbers, and in these countries, for example India, the social struggle of the oppressed peasants takes place at the same time as the struggle for national liberation. [MC5 adds: After Lenin died, simpleton Trotskyists attempted to blame Stalin and Mao for all alliances of the proletariat with the national bourgeoisie. Yet while Lenin was alive, Trotsky himself signed off on numerous statements backing alliance with the national bourgeoisie, and in this case we see the COMINTERN of Lenin support alliance even with feudal lords. Thus to say that Stalin and Mao invented the alliance with the national bourgeoisie is a jealous lie by the representatives of the labor aristocracy who seek to use the proletariat for their own purposes.]