Do you think the Soviets are going to create opposition parties inside the Soviet Union? To think that is to delude yourself. --Fidel Castro, Havana Television Service in Spanish 0134 GMT 28 Feb 1988 [Why this is wrong: Just when the Soviet Union was going to collapse and go to a multi-party system, Castro instructed people to let their guards down. He says don't worry, so don't "delude yourself." Castro was hardly done speaking when Gorbachev and the rest of the bourgeoisie in the party instituted a multi-party "democracy" in the former Soviet Union. It goes to show that Castro never had a clue about matters of capitalist restoration. The best thing he could do now is serve as a historical witness to all the struggles since the 1960s on the question and to admit that he was wrong in his attacks on Mao on this question.]