America's Debate, a discussion forum asked three questions about Guantanamo Bay after the first publicly reports of harassment from ex-prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in 2004: "Do you believe the accusations of those released? And do you believe the detention of these 640 people, in the manner being used, is justified? Finally what do you think about Colin Powells comments, do Americans traditionally treat people in a acceptable manner? " MIM answered: wtopic=5700&st=30&#entry91987 March 17, 2004: mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement: If Uncle $am did not have anything to hide, those prisoners would not be down there but handled by the usual Geneva Conventions. So of course I believe the reports of torture. Some of us have an overly inflated view of Amerikans, but it's been known for sometime that Amerikans will do terrible things. Check Stanley Milgram's study that showed 65% of Amerikans would shock someone to death just when asked to, a famous psychology study: Also relevant would be Phil Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study where participants merely pretended to be prisoners and still got guards to abuse them: onexp.html All this is a way of saying Amerikans have a lot of authority/violence "issues" and their motivations are not pure as snow, quite the opposite. Their motivations have been ruined by a heirarchy of wealth and power with selective rewards like oil. [Why the above turned out true despite numerous denials: 1) Less than two months later, most famously, the world learned of U.$. torture and killing at Abu Ghraib. 2) tor.reut/ 3) Afghan torture stories also started to break in the mainstream media. Numerous people said "Americans" "would not do that," but as they were saying it, the Abu Ghraib scandal was already a few weeks underway, unknown to the Amerikan public which only learned of it months after it began, thanks to the gutlessness of the Amerikan media that sat on the story until May, 2004 as requested by the Pentagon.]