Spartacist League "The Stalin School of Falsification" Third Printing 1985 "'Now they are busy implementing economic policies which reverse the socialist economic base, which restore private ownership, private production for the market, and which reproduce on an enormous scale all the corresponding capitalist social relationships.' "This passage demonstrates the Maoists' rejection of elementary Marxism. If, as they hold, a peaceful social counterrevolution took place in Russia, then logically a peaceful socialist revolution against capitalism is also possible--a classical social-democratic position which Lenin refuted in State and Revolution." (p. 18) [Why the above quote is wrong: The Maoists were correct that the Soviet Union went down the capitalist-road. In the above quote, the Sparts quote someone they allege to be Maoist and then they say that they have to see a bloody civil war somewhere before they conclude capitalism came back. The Spartacists repeated this on a daily basis about their having to have been a "bloody civil war" to reverse socialism throughout Brezhnev rule and especially whenever they met Maoists. The Spartacist League and others heard the criticisms that it is incorrect to say the Soviet Union could have a "deformed workers state" in which the superstructure was out of line with the economic base for decades at a time, while in fact profit was legally and in practice in command of the Soviet economy, but the Spartacist League held on to its stupidity until Russia became openly capitalist. Later the Trotskyist Spartacist League admitted that it was wrong, as the advent of Gorbachev and Yeltsin made clear to even the most bone-headed. Today, the Sparts put their statement of principles this way: "“During his long struggle against the Stalinist bureaucracy Trotsky considered a number of different paths whereby capitalism might be restored in the Soviet Union.... Trotsky used the phrase ‘running backwards the film of reformism’ to polemicize against those professed leftists who maintained that the Stalin regime had already transformed the USSR into a bourgeois state through a gradual and organic process—Bernsteinism in reverse.... Trotsky’s view that a capitalist counterrevolution, as well as a proletarian political revolution, in Stalin’s Russia would entail civil war was a prognosis, not a dogma. It was predicated on resistance by the working class, not resistance by conservative elements of the bureaucratic apparatus. That is how the question is posed in The Revolution Betrayed.... The decisive element is the consciousness of the Soviet working class, which is not static but is affected by innumerable shifting factors domestically and internationally.” (See, ) (Thus what the Sparts used to call dogma they now called merely a prognosis--perfect opportunism in which they left Trotsky untouched.) Speaking of East Germany, the Sparts said, "However, capitalist reunification was marked neither by civil war nor by mass working-class resistance. As the first counterrevolution in a deformed workers state, this raised theoretical questions which the Marxist movement had not yet faced." (Spartacist 4, Winter 1992-3, English Edition, Number 47-48, p. 22) This is a lie. The Maoists faced it long ago and wrote extensively on "sugar-coated bullets." The Maoists confronted the Sparts with it, but they simply would not draw the correct conclusions regarding capitalist restoration. Trotskyists today are methodologically incapable of drawing correct conclusions from reality, because they have spent decades using idealism to criticize Stalin and blaming the humyn race for supporting Stalin as it attempted socialist transformation. Despite this admission, the Sparts continued to spout the same-old-same-old about China being headed by a "Stalinist bureaucracy." (See for example "Workers Vanguard," May 5, 2000, p. 4] The Sparts have no capacity to learn and move forward. Even as late as January 1992, the Sparts continued their fantasy-life world with respect to Russia: "The salvation of the Soviet working class now facing capitalist counterrevolution does not lie in enterprise self-management and profit-sharing schemes. It lies in defeating the forces of counterrevolution in order to presercve and revitalize the collectivized economy on the basis of proletarian political power and centralized planning." (Workers Vanguard, 24Jan92, p. 9) What was left to preserve? What was still collectivized? The above demonstrates how much the Sparts live in a purely verbal world. That's not all. In 1992, the Sparts were still saying, "Half a century ago Leon Trotsky predicted that the inevitable collapse of Stalinist bureaucratic rule will lead either to bloody counterrevolution or to the reestablishment of genuine soviet democracy such as was established by the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917." (Workers Vanguard, 24Jan92, p. 10). In the March 6th, 1992 edition of Workers Vanguard, the Sparts kept singing the same song; even though even they acknowledged that the Yeltsin seizure of power for open capitalism was August 22, 1991. That's not all, in the April, 17th 1992 Workers Vanguard, the Sparts were criticizing other Trotskyists who said there were no longer any workers' states in the Soviet bloc! It was over a year after Yeltsin came to power that the Sparts were able to say that Yeltsin unleashed his "first direct assault on the workers movement here." (Workers Vanguard, 2Oct92, p. 4) What a massive illusion about Yeltsin, that he did not attack the working-class until the air controllers strike of August 15, 1992. The Sparts do not understand that capitalism is a daily attack on the working-class, and that is what Russia had long before October, 1992. Thus the Sparts proved yet again no sense of reality and why Trotskyists have not done more than assist in one revolution in one country in the whole world since 1917.